McCain: Mueller must be allowed to finish investigation 'unimpeded'


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
Add John McCain to the list of leftist shills, eh? :rolleyes:

McCain: Mueller must be allowed to finish investigation 'unimpeded'

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) on Sunday praised special counsel Robert Mueller amid speculation that President Trump may be preparing to fire Mueller.

“Special Counsel Mueller has served our country with honesty and integrity. It’s critical he be allowed to complete a thorough investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election — unimpeded,” McCain tweeted.
Add John McCain to the list of leftist shills, eh? :rolleyes:

McCain: Mueller must be allowed to finish investigation 'unimpeded'

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) on Sunday praised special counsel Robert Mueller amid speculation that President Trump may be preparing to fire Mueller.

“Special Counsel Mueller has served our country with honesty and integrity. It’s critical he be allowed to complete a thorough investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election — unimpeded,” McCain tweeted.

Gee, you've picked Graham and McCain, two of the biggest left-leaning, anti-trump shit-stain RINOs in the GOP! When's that tumor going to kick in finally? Shouldn't he have to take a test to prove his mental fitness? Just why does an old coot like that with a brain tumor not retire anyway------ still needs the money? Shows you how hard a job being a senator is that you can have a brain-tumor and still keep working. Or maybe he's just not finished yet doing harm to the nation?
Add John McCain to the list of leftist shills, eh? :rolleyes:

McCain: Mueller must be allowed to finish investigation 'unimpeded'

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) on Sunday praised special counsel Robert Mueller amid speculation that President Trump may be preparing to fire Mueller.

“Special Counsel Mueller has served our country with honesty and integrity. It’s critical he be allowed to complete a thorough investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election — unimpeded,” McCain tweeted.

McCain and his very own foundation has a lot riding on this bulshit. His foundation's head was the sob that McCain sent over to grab a copy of the dossier.To give to the FBI.
Problem here is the timeline as I have been pointing out. Fusion thought theyd ge cover but alas it didn't work out that way because the FISA warrants were granted before John's mule ever went running over to Britain willy nilly to get a copy of the dossier AND John fuck face asshole McCain could claim he saved America from Trump.

Hurry cancer.
Hurry cancer.

yet another piece of low-life, right wing trash, chimes in

Do I wish McCain dead? You bet I do mother fucker. He has killed by his actions millions of innocents because of his war mongering ways. Rand Paul was right when he said asshole John looks at the whole planet as a battlefield.

Thank heavens that evil mother fucker never became President.
Such is the cowardice of the reprehensible right: to attack one of their own because he supports an investigation to find the truth – a truth they fear would harm a Republican president.
Add John McCain to the list of leftist shills, eh? :rolleyes:

McCain: Mueller must be allowed to finish investigation 'unimpeded'

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) on Sunday praised special counsel Robert Mueller amid speculation that President Trump may be preparing to fire Mueller.

“Special Counsel Mueller has served our country with honesty and integrity. It’s critical he be allowed to complete a thorough investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election — unimpeded,” McCain tweeted.
If anyone but Liberals cared what McCain thought he would have been President. Just sayin.
The fact that leftwingnuts did not know that McCain is partly responsible for Mueller's witch hunt that is attacking our democracy shows that fake news viewers are very low information people.
I can’t wait for Mueller to Investigate John McCain for his Collusion with Fusion GPS and The Russians for acting as a Courier to deliver Russian Propaganda to Government Officials.
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America needs saved from people like McCain, Schiff, Pelosi, and Schumer.

They are wolves is sheep’s clothing.

Add John McCain to the list of leftist shills, eh? :rolleyes:
McCain: Mueller must be allowed to finish investigation 'unimpeded'

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) on Sunday praised special counsel Robert Mueller amid speculation that President Trump may be preparing to fire Mueller.

“Special Counsel Mueller has served our country with honesty and integrity. It’s critical he be allowed to complete a thorough investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election — unimpeded,” McCain tweeted.

McCain and his very own foundation has a lot riding on this bulshit. His foundation's head was the sob that McCain sent over to grab a copy of the dossier.To give to the FBI.
Problem here is the timeline as I have been pointing out. Fusion thought theyd ge cover but alas it didn't work out that way because the FISA warrants were granted before John's mule ever went running over to Britain willy nilly to get a copy of the dossier AND John fuck face asshole McCain could claim he saved America from Trump.

Hurry cancer.
Add John McCain to the list of leftist shills, eh? :rolleyes:

McCain: Mueller must be allowed to finish investigation 'unimpeded'

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) on Sunday praised special counsel Robert Mueller amid speculation that President Trump may be preparing to fire Mueller.

“Special Counsel Mueller has served our country with honesty and integrity. It’s critical he be allowed to complete a thorough investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election — unimpeded,” McCain tweeted.
If anyone but Liberals cared what McCain thought he would have been President. Just sayin.
And I'll bet every one of you right-wing scumbags voted for him when he ran against Obama.

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