McCain: Trump scandals reaching 'Watergate size and scale'

McCain: Trump scandals reaching 'Watergate size and scale'
Source: The Hill
Arizona Sen. John McCain (R) reportedly said Tuesday that scandals within President Trump's administration are reaching a "Watergate size and scale."

McCain made the statement at a International Republican Institute dinner on Tuesday night. Multiple reporters said that during a speech at the event, McCain compared recent reports surrounding Trump's administration to Watergate.

McCain's statement came just hours after a bombshell report that Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey inFebruary to stop his investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Trump has faced a major fallout over the last week following his surprise firing of Comey and reports that he revealed highly confidential information to Russian diplomats.

Read more: McCain: Trump scandals reaching 'Watergate size and scale'

A man that I voted for and stands for country over his fucking party!

Old loser. Washed up and has way out lived his usefulness. I mean, he can only win an election in AZ.... for now. Best for the old guy to get back to blowing Lindsey.
What an idiotic response.
Amazing how many of the people who post on these forums have no clue what's really going on politically. It truly is ironic actually that they join political forums just to spew the same rhetoric they learned from liberal biased media nut jobs on the six o'clock news. It's mind boggling that they never seem to add anything original to the mix but instead like brainwashed clones, simply utter the same stupid nonsense that's been drilled into their heads for the last eight or so years of the Obama administration.

Those paying attention and able to think for themselves have since moved on after seeing how corrupt Obama, the Clinton's, George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, John Podesta, James Comey, and Loretta Lynch are. All of which should have already been investigated and indicted for high treason against the U.S.

I mean it really is disheartening to see how many seriously imbecilic people there are in America that have virtually no common sense at all. And as far as political hacks go, McCain is one of the worst. Conservative my ass. The guy is as liberal as they come and obviously ran on the wrong ticket. Arizona needs to vote his worthless ass out in 2020.

The Trump Davidians are nut jobs with a fanaticism that you see among other cults and fanatics like Hitler. You have no clue what is going on as you have a ready made excuse for anything that happens to Trump. It's someone else's fault. It is so predictable.

You want to turn political discourse into crimes. You are the one committing treason against this country. You are a good little Nazi.
McCain: Trump scandals reaching 'Watergate size and scale'
Source: The Hill
Arizona Sen. John McCain (R) reportedly said Tuesday that scandals within President Trump's administration are reaching a "Watergate size and scale."

McCain made the statement at a International Republican Institute dinner on Tuesday night. Multiple reporters said that during a speech at the event, McCain compared recent reports surrounding Trump's administration to Watergate.

McCain's statement came just hours after a bombshell report that Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey inFebruary to stop his investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Trump has faced a major fallout over the last week following his surprise firing of Comey and reports that he revealed highly confidential information to Russian diplomats.

Read more: McCain: Trump scandals reaching 'Watergate size and scale'

A man that I voted for and stands for country over his fucking party!
McCain is insane like you.
McCain: Trump scandals reaching 'Watergate size and scale'
Source: The Hill
Arizona Sen. John McCain (R) reportedly said Tuesday that scandals within President Trump's administration are reaching a "Watergate size and scale."

McCain made the statement at a International Republican Institute dinner on Tuesday night. Multiple reporters said that during a speech at the event, McCain compared recent reports surrounding Trump's administration to Watergate.

McCain's statement came just hours after a bombshell report that Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey inFebruary to stop his investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Trump has faced a major fallout over the last week following his surprise firing of Comey and reports that he revealed highly confidential information to Russian diplomats.

Read more: McCain: Trump scandals reaching 'Watergate size and scale'

A man that I voted for and stands for country over his fucking party!

Old loser. Washed up and has way out lived his usefulness. I mean, he can only win an election in AZ.... for now. Best for the old guy to get back to blowing Lindsey.
What an idiotic response.

Not really. Only makes news when the old washed up POS talks about bombing someone or giving guns to Haji's. I wouldn't mind so much if his fat ass spawn was over in the sand box bleeding, sweating and doing work instead of growing her wide ass on the foux and friends couch. Na, the two time presidential loser wooing only be remembered for losing to "that one".
Amazing how many of the people who post on these forums have no clue what's really going on politically. It truly is ironic actually that they join political forums just to spew the same rhetoric they learned from liberal biased media nut jobs on the six o'clock news. It's mind boggling that they never seem to add anything original to the mix but instead like brainwashed clones, simply utter the same stupid nonsense that's been drilled into their heads for the last eight or so years of the Obama administration.

Those paying attention and able to think for themselves have since moved on after seeing how corrupt Obama, the Clinton's, George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, John Podesta, James Comey, and Loretta Lynch are. All of which should have already been investigated and indicted for high treason against the U.S.

I mean it really is disheartening to see how many seriously imbecilic people there are in America that have virtually no common sense at all. And as far as political hacks go, McCain is one of the worst. Conservative my ass. The guy is as liberal as they come and obviously ran on the wrong ticket. Arizona needs to vote his worthless ass out in 2020.

The Trump Davidians are nut jobs with a fanaticism that you see among other cults and fanatics like Hitler. You have no clue what is going on as you have a ready made excuse for anything that happens to Trump. It's someone else's fault. It is so predictable.

You want to turn political discourse into crimes. You are the one committing treason against this country. You are a good little Nazi.

Lol, so much Vedic of you snow flakes. Hell, you leftards are the Nazies. You intimidate people at their homes, cause trouble where there is none. I mean, I get that indevidually y'all are weak and incapable. This is why you cowards do what you do. Which is inspire fear and riot when you get close to your Little buddies. Democrat is the party of lesser thens and those who can't do without "help". I mean, just the democrats you see on TV make a HUGE case for abortion.
McCain: Trump scandals reaching 'Watergate size and scale'
Source: The Hill
Arizona Sen. John McCain (R) reportedly said Tuesday that scandals within President Trump's administration are reaching a "Watergate size and scale."

McCain made the statement at a International Republican Institute dinner on Tuesday night. Multiple reporters said that during a speech at the event, McCain compared recent reports surrounding Trump's administration to Watergate.

McCain's statement came just hours after a bombshell report that Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey inFebruary to stop his investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Trump has faced a major fallout over the last week following his surprise firing of Comey and reports that he revealed highly confidential information to Russian diplomats.

Read more: McCain: Trump scandals reaching 'Watergate size and scale'

A man that I voted for and stands for country over his fucking party!

How is Trump giving secrets to the Russians, then denying that he did it, then saying that he did do it, then pretending he didn't lie about it when everyone can clearly see he did, putting country over party? It's putting Trump over everything else, that's what it is.
Define secrets. What was revealed? We know the dem candidate allowed allowed top secret information info to be downloaded to Mr. Weiner. Hope none of his creepy friends had access. We know Obama shared military information with the Russians after bragging about more flexibility. He even chose to negate our efforts in the ME, and told the enemy when he was giving up, and that he was leaving much of the equipment behind.

No she didn't. There are no TOP SECRET emails. None of the emails which were classified after the fact were rated "top secret" because really sensitive material is NEVER sent by insecure transmission like email.

Banks won't even send mortgage instructions via email they have an obligation to protect customers' confidentiality.

The email bullshit was alway merely a political attack against Clinton. Trump immediately installed private servers in the White House for his staff
McCain: Trump scandals reaching 'Watergate size and scale'
Source: The Hill
Arizona Sen. John McCain (R) reportedly said Tuesday that scandals within President Trump's administration are reaching a "Watergate size and scale."

McCain made the statement at a International Republican Institute dinner on Tuesday night. Multiple reporters said that during a speech at the event, McCain compared recent reports surrounding Trump's administration to Watergate.

McCain's statement came just hours after a bombshell report that Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey inFebruary to stop his investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Trump has faced a major fallout over the last week following his surprise firing of Comey and reports that he revealed highly confidential information to Russian diplomats.

Read more: McCain: Trump scandals reaching 'Watergate size and scale'

A man that I voted for and stands for country over his fucking party!

How is Trump giving secrets to the Russians, then denying that he did it, then saying that he did do it, then pretending he didn't lie about it when everyone can clearly see he did, putting country over party? It's putting Trump over everything else, that's what it is.
Define secrets. What was revealed? We know the dem candidate allowed allowed top secret information info to be downloaded to Mr. Weiner. Hope none of his creepy friends had access. We know Obama shared military information with the Russians after bragging about more flexibility. He even chose to negate our efforts in the ME, and told the enemy when he was giving up, and that he was leaving much of the equipment behind.

No she didn't. There are no TOP SECRET emails. None of the emails which were classified after the fact were rated "top secret" because really sensitive material is NEVER sent by insecure transmission like email.

Banks won't even send mortgage instructions via email they have an obligation to protect customers' confidentiality.

The email bullshit was alway merely a political attack against Clinton. Trump immediately installed private servers in the White House for his staff
Lol! Funny stuff. Who is paying you to spread the bullshit you posted? Remember, she deleted thousands of emails before turning everything over. She missed some.

"In total, the investigation found 110 emails in 52 email chains containing information that was classified at the time it was sent or received. Eight chains contained top secret information, the highest level of classification, 36 chains contained secret information, and the remaining eight contained confidential information."

FBI tears holes in Hillary Clinton's email defense
18486171_1543815529044829_115486620952986883_n.png the polls say Trump doesn't even have a path to the White House in the first place!
McCain: Trump scandals reaching 'Watergate size and scale'
Source: The Hill
Arizona Sen. John McCain (R) reportedly said Tuesday that scandals within President Trump's administration are reaching a "Watergate size and scale."

McCain made the statement at a International Republican Institute dinner on Tuesday night. Multiple reporters said that during a speech at the event, McCain compared recent reports surrounding Trump's administration to Watergate.

McCain's statement came just hours after a bombshell report that Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey inFebruary to stop his investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Trump has faced a major fallout over the last week following his surprise firing of Comey and reports that he revealed highly confidential information to Russian diplomats.

Read more: McCain: Trump scandals reaching 'Watergate size and scale'

A man that I voted for and stands for country over his fucking party!

How is Trump giving secrets to the Russians, then denying that he did it, then saying that he did do it, then pretending he didn't lie about it when everyone can clearly see he did, putting country over party? It's putting Trump over everything else, that's what it is.
Define secrets. What was revealed? We know the dem candidate allowed allowed top secret information info to be downloaded to Mr. Weiner. Hope none of his creepy friends had access. We know Obama shared military information with the Russians after bragging about more flexibility. He even chose to negate our efforts in the ME, and told the enemy when he was giving up, and that he was leaving much of the equipment behind.

No she didn't. There are no TOP SECRET emails. None of the emails which were classified after the fact were rated "top secret" because really sensitive material is NEVER sent by insecure transmission like email.

Banks won't even send mortgage instructions via email they have an obligation to protect customers' confidentiality.

The email bullshit was alway merely a political attack against Clinton. Trump immediately installed private servers in the White House for his staff
James Comey even admitted to her passing top secret you even bother to research what you've been brainwashed by the left to believe?

Comey Admitting Hillary Sent and Received Top Secret Emails - - Yahoo Video Search Results

How did ‘top secret’ emails end up on Hillary Clinton’s server?

Also around the time of her deleting and hiding evidence reportedly one of her minions was trying to have one of her emails declassified just so she wouldn't be charged a felony which makes one wonder how many others were simply declassified as well?

Bottom line, Hillary and pretty much all others under the Obama administration were and still are corrupt but it takes common sense to acknowledge the fact.

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