McCain turns down FEC matching funds

Problem is, there is no concrete evidence that McCain has benefitted from them. You are jumping to a conclusion based on partisanship when it is clear for the links that whether or not McCain acutally did benefit from them is UNCLEAR.

The determination will be made the FEC if and when it decides to actually become a real entity. But we both know that won't matter. This will just go in the file with the rest of the baseless "Bush lied ..." stories we've had to suffer the past 7 years.

If McCain is indeed guilty of no wrongdoing and wins the Presidency, that will not spare us from having to listen to the accusation once a quarter along with any other unsupported allegations y'all wish to regurgitate.

The other problem is that McCain submitted a letter saying he accepted the funds. Now he wants to withdraw. Only the head of the FEC says he can't unless gets their permission. Only problem...he can't get their permission.
Really? There are 3 different links in this thread with differing accounts. You choose to accept as fact only the one that suits your political agenda.

I'd call that a problem with objectivity.

No, actually its a problem with you being unable to look at dates.

As people found out more, more information came out. Its pretty much a given that he depended on the loans, at least to an extent.
I don't think I disputed that Obama said he'd take public funds if his republican adversary did, honey.

But again, that's not illegal. Getting a loan based on the public funds and THEN changing your mind probably is.

Illegal? Maybe so, we'll see. However, McCain wouldn't have resort to this had Obama not backpeddled on "his" pledge.
Obama pledged ORALLY.

McCain took out a LOAN with the federal money as collateral.

You do, I hope, realize the difference?

Proved one shred of evidence that is true. Come on you and Jillian keep making the claim when McCain says otherwise. How hard can it be to ask the bank which is true?
Yes, actually he did. He got a loan based on the fact that if he did poorly he would accept the funds.

Ahh yes "based on if he did poorly" And did he do "poorly"?

Have you one shred of evidence he got a loan based on the promise of campaign finance money? gain it should not be to hard to ask the bank, now should it?
Illegal? Maybe so, we'll see. However, McCain wouldn't have resort to this had Obama not backpeddled on "his" pledge.

As you saw, Obama had no obligation to be bound.

And Really? You mean Mr.- I- believe -in -campaign -finance- reform-straight talker-maverick cares more about....

winning *eek*

than he does about his principles.

I'm just shocked.

Not. (That's what politicians do... and McCain is no more/less a politician than anyone else. And now he's doing something in violation of FEC regs... )
No, actually its a problem with you being unable to look at dates.

As people found out more, more information came out. Its pretty much a given that he depended on the loans, at least to an extent.

That's his problem. As far as dates go, I posted the original article to this thread the day it was on the front page at CNN. About as current as I can get, thanks.

What's more evident to me as more and more comes out is the left is so damned desperate they want to duct tape McCain's mouth. And THAT notion never crossed my mind until the frootloops crawled out of the woodwork in THIS thread.
Illegal? Maybe so, we'll see. However, McCain wouldn't have resort to this had Obama not backpeddled on "his" pledge.

Really? So you think if Obama took funds for the general (which starts...what at the end of August or something) then McCain would have taken public funds for the general?

Look at their fundraising numbers. That argument holds no water.
That's his problem. As far as dates go, I posted the original article to this thread the day it was on the front page at CNN. About as current as I can get, thanks.

February 11, 2008

Is about as current as you can get?

What's more evident to me as more and more comes out is the left is so damned desperate they want to duct tape McCain's mouth. And THAT notion never crossed my mind until the frootloops crawled out of the woodwork in THIS thread.

Of course, its all a conspiracy theory. :rolleyes:
As you saw, Obama had no obligation to be bound.

It was his pledge, if that is not obligation, then I don't know what is. McCain is simply trying to keep the playing field even. Everyone, even McCain knows that national campaigns are about money. You got to do what you got to do. He trusted Obama to stand by his pledge. Obama's word takes a hit here.
Ahh yes "based on if he did poorly" And did he do "poorly"?

No, and that is fairly irrelevant.

Have you one shred of evidence he got a loan based on the promise of campaign finance money? gain it should not be to hard to ask the bank, now should it?

Try to give me more than 30 seconds to answer a question before you ask it again, hey?
That's his problem. As far as dates go, I posted the original article to this thread the day it was on the front page at CNN. About as current as I can get, thanks.

What's more evident to me as more and more comes out is the left is so damned desperate they want to duct tape McCain's mouth. And THAT notion never crossed my mind until the frootloops crawled out of the woodwork in THIS thread.

Duct tape McCain's mouth??? How? By making him obey the law?

That's so laughable.

What's really going on is that this is the first time the dems have raised waaaaaaaaaaay more money than the repubs and you guys can't stand it.

So you whine...and you try to excuse mccain breaking laws...

and you whine some more.


And if you think for a second that if Obama tied his own hands that McCain wouldn't still have tried to wiggle out of the matching funds, I think you're sadly mistaken.
It was his pledge, if that is not obligation, then I don't know what is.

How about a promise, that if you don't keep, you can go to jail for 5 years for?

The punishments for wilfully breaking the FEC laws are quite strict.

McCain is simply trying to keep the playing field even.

Yes, he is. However by doing so he may be breaking the law. Democrats have to contend with 2 candidates this late in the season. Republicans may well have to contend with a candidate who broke federal campaign finance laws that HE championed.

Read the loan agreement which was already posted, genius.

I have no intention of reading page after page, go ahead provide the SPECIFIC part that states the loan is contingent on McCain getting matching funds. Ohh and while your at it explain why he would only get 4 million when the matching funds are nearly 6 million. Why he would need to put up any other collateral for a 4 million loan if he was securing it with a 5.8 million amount?
I have no intention of reading page after page, go ahead provide the SPECIFIC part that states the loan is contingent on

Of course you don't. :rolleyes:

McCain getting matching funds. Ohh and while your at it explain why he would only get 4 million when the matching funds are nearly 6 million. Why he would need to put up any other collateral for a 4 million loan if he was securing it with a 5.8 million amount?

What is the 5.8 million amount you are talking about?


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Hey genius, read the part I cropped. The part where publc funds are excluded as collateral.

Why don't you actually read the entire agreement, instead of just the first 2 pages as if thats all the loan is about?

Try page 22. Specifically where it says Borrower agrees to reapply for federal funds.

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