McCain - With Honor He Fought, By Honor He Is Undone

No my sister .. Bush can't chew pretzels and watch TV at the same time .. and Bush doesn't run the government .. never did. He's just the talking head they use.

Science says there in no possible way in hell the events of 9/11 happened as told. There is no science, no precedent, and no common sense that supports such a fariry-tale. .. There is only cognitive dissonance.

I don't think anybody really knows what happened on 9/11. I honestly think we're fighting a proxy war with China. They've just hired the arabs to do their dirty work. There was a report in the late 1990s about how to begin a fight with America and wear down its defenses. There were also at least two american anti-terror handbooks in the late 1990s that had a cover of an airplane crashing into the world trade center. Lastly, isn't it impossible to get a cell phone signal 30,000 feet in the air traveling 500 mph? Would kind of be very difficult and yet all of those families got all of those phone calls from the people on the planes.

If these guys were really as powerful as the bush administration said they were, why haven't they hit us again? do you have any idea how easy it is to blow up a bus or a train in america? these guys were financed by someone to get one shot on us and one shot only. the question is, who financed these guys? america? china? russia? no way they had all this money to themselves.
CaféAuLait;878102 said:
Do you remember Kerry? Do you remember Bush (second term) Kerry was called everything from a baby killer to un-American. Bush a baby killer and a murderer-- t never stopped.. it happens every year, no different for Obama.

There's a difference between 537 groups calling people names and crowds of mccain supporters yelling KILL HIM and TERRORIST at rallies.
Immune from criticism about his tax policies and his health policies and his record? Not at all. Labeling him someone who pals around with terrorists, labeling him a socialist, a communist, talking about Ayres and Khalidi should've never been allowed. It was disgusting. Absolutely disgusting and I condemn John McCain for doing it. God damn him. This was already a sensitive race to begin with because it was the first black man to make it this far... attack Obama on his taxes, tell the people it's wrong for the world, wrong for the economy, attack his healthcare ideas, attack how he voted present almost 60% of the time in the Illinois State Senate, or how he's been campaigning longer than he's been a senator. Calling him a communist, a socialist... implying that he's a terrorist. THAT is disgusting and it has incited the far right so much - they want him dead.

God forbid somebody call Obama a socialist, despite the evidence. It doesn't matter in the least, however, because John McCain is also a socialist.
I don't think anybody really knows what happened on 9/11. I honestly think we're fighting a proxy war with China. They've just hired the arabs to do their dirty work. There was a report in the late 1990s about how to begin a fight with America and wear down its defenses. There were also at least two american anti-terror handbooks in the late 1990s that had a cover of an airplane crashing into the world trade center. Lastly, isn't it impossible to get a cell phone signal 30,000 feet in the air traveling 500 mph? Would kind of be very difficult and yet all of those families got all of those phone calls from the people on the planes.

If these guys were really as powerful as the bush administration said they were, why haven't they hit us again? do you have any idea how easy it is to blow up a bus or a train in america? these guys were financed by someone to get one shot on us and one shot only. the question is, who financed these guys? america? china? russia? no way they had all this money to themselves.

The chinese can't make impossible things happen. 9/11 was filled with absolutely impossible events that defy science and logic. These impossible events could not have happened by flying planes into buildings.

It's the giant elephant in the room that most Americans do not have the capacity to see.
CaféAuLait;878118 said:
Kill him did not happen according to the Secret Service says 'kill him' allegation at Palin rally is unfounded...

Secret Service says 'kill him' allegation at Palin rally is unfounded | Prime Buzz


Listen for yourself.

McCain: Who is the REAL Barack Obama?

I don't think too many people were calling Kerry a terrorist.

What you seem to be missing, not surprisingly, is that this is a African American man running for president. Attack his record, his policies, but there is a line that you must not cross because of the deep roots of racial hatred in America. McCain crossed that line.
I don't think anybody really knows what happened on 9/11. I honestly think we're fighting a proxy war with China. They've just hired the arabs to do their dirty work. There was a report in the late 1990s about how to begin a fight with America and wear down its defenses. There were also at least two american anti-terror handbooks in the late 1990s that had a cover of an airplane crashing into the world trade center. Lastly, isn't it impossible to get a cell phone signal 30,000 feet in the air traveling 500 mph? Would kind of be very difficult and yet all of those families got all of those phone calls from the people on the planes.

If these guys were really as powerful as the bush administration said they were, why haven't they hit us again? do you have any idea how easy it is to blow up a bus or a train in america? these guys were financed by someone to get one shot on us and one shot only. the question is, who financed these guys? america? china? russia? no way they had all this money to themselves.

I know what happened. Al Qaeda hijacked four airplanes and them into buildings. Except one that was brought down in field.
Yes and I can get bitten by a shark in the desert the same day I win the lottery.

the republicans have not invented a transporter machine that would sick a shark on you in the desert. So that is less likely than McCain winning the election.
God forbid somebody call Obama a socialist, despite the evidence. It doesn't matter in the least, however, because John McCain is also a socialist.

People toss around so many mis-guided labels that they don't really have any meaning anymore.

As a socialist .. Obama is about as "socialist" as Ronald Reagan.

Listen for yourself.

McCain: Who is the REAL Barack Obama?

I don't think too many people were calling Kerry a terrorist.

What you seem to be missing, not surprisingly, is that this is a African American man running for president. Attack his record, his policies, but there is a line that you must not cross because of the deep roots of racial hatred in America. McCain crossed that line.

Saying the man deserves special treatment because he's an African-American is a form of racism, for the record.
The chinese can't make impossible things happen. 9/11 was filled with absolutely impossible events that defy science and logic. These impossible events could not have happened by flying planes into buildings.

It's the giant elephant in the room that most Americans do not have the capacity to see.

Uh, did you happen to see the planes flying into buildings? Did you happen to see the buildings explode and then collapse? That really happened. I was there a couple of days later and saw the remnants of the buildings. I remember my skyline before 9/11 and I see what it looks like after 9/11. I do not like my skyline missing the twin towers. I promise you, they're not there anymore.
People toss around so many mis-guided labels that they don't really have any meaning anymore.

As a socialist .. Obama is about as "socialist" as Ronald Reagan.

You're right, they're not full on socialists. They do have socialist tendencies, however.
The chinese can't make impossible things happen. 9/11 was filled with absolutely impossible events that defy science and logic. These impossible events could not have happened by flying planes into buildings.

It's the giant elephant in the room that most Americans do not have the capacity to see.

Since you are the enlightened one, I "defy" you show us this giant elephant that no one else but you can see.
Saying the man deserves special treatment because he's an African-American is a form of racism, for the record.


Again from the top. There is deep rooted racial hatred in America. Take a rich, white guy from Utah and plant him in downtown Chicago and see what happens. Take a guy from downtown Chicago and plant him in rural areas of Alabama and see what happens. Take an ultra-orthodox Jew and plant him in rural areas of Georgia and Mississippi and see what happens. We may try to be tolerant and accept different races and different belief systems, but we cannot be so foolish to ignore them and think they don't exist. The Republican Party, over the past 50 years, has made it a priority to get racists in its crowd. When you're running against a black man, the first black man to potentially ever be president, there is a line you do not cross. Whether you'd like to call it special treatment or racism, you can label it whatever makes you sleep better at night. The facts are that McCain and Palin have energized the far right and Obama has a gigantic target symbol on his head. Combine that with it being more difficult to get a soda than a gun in some states and you've got a disasterous recipie. There were already neo-nazi skinhead motherfuckers arrested for planning an assasination attempt on obama. how many other whackos are there out there?
Uh, did you happen to see the planes flying into buildings? Did you happen to see the buildings explode and then collapse? That really happened. I was there a couple of days later and saw the remnants of the buildings. I remember my skyline before 9/11 and I see what it looks like after 9/11. I do not like my skyline missing the twin towers. I promise you, they're not there anymore.

Have you ever heard of any steel frame buildings in the history of Man, fire, or buildings that have collapsed from fire .. and in the case of WTC7, small fires?

Let me save time and answer that for you .. NO, you have never read, or have been told of such an event because it's never happened .. even in buildings struck by planes .. yet, it happened 3 times on the same day on 9/11 with the buildings falling at free fall speed. Given that such an event has never, ever happened before EVER and you can't post an example .. just quote the science or physics that demonstrates such an event is even possible .. and to save you some time .. the Law of Falling Objects ain't it .. and the events of 9/11 cannot even be recreated in a lab .. because there's no science ort logic to it.

Perhaps we shouldn't hijack this thread .. so I'll stop.
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Again from the top. There is deep rooted racial hatred in America. Take a rich, white guy from Utah and plant him in downtown Chicago and see what happens. Take a guy from downtown Chicago and plant him in rural areas of Alabama and see what happens. Take an ultra-orthodox Jew and plant him in rural areas of Georgia and Mississippi and see what happens. We may try to be tolerant and accept different races and different belief systems, but we cannot be so foolish to ignore them and think they don't exist. The Republican Party, over the past 50 years, has made it a priority to get racists in its crowd. When you're running against a black man, the first black man to potentially ever be president, there is a line you do not cross. Whether you'd like to call it special treatment or racism, you can label it whatever makes you sleep better at night. The facts are that McCain and Palin have energized the far right and Obama has a gigantic target symbol on his head. Combine that with it being more difficult to get a soda than a gun in some states and you've got a disasterous recipie. There were already neo-nazi skinhead motherfuckers arrested for planning an assasination attempt on obama. how many other whackos are there out there?

Have you ever heard of any steel frame buildings in the history of Man, fire, or buildings that have collapsed from fire .. and in the case of WTC7, small fires?

Let me save time and answer that for you .. NO, you have never read, or have been told of such an event because it's never happened .. even in buildings struck by planes .. yet, it happened 3 times on the same day on 9/11 with the buildings falling at free fall speed. Given that such an event has never, ever happened before EVER and you can't post an example .. just quote the science or physics that demonstrates such an event is even possible .. and to save you some time .. the Law of Falling Objects ain't it .. and the events of 9/11 cannot even be recreated in a lab .. because there's no science of logic to it.

Perhaps we shouldn't hijack this thread .. so I'll stop.

Small fires? Do you know how hot jet fuel gets when it expoldes in such massive amounts? That metal gets stressed and gives. It really isn't all that difficult to grasp. It was airplanes crashing into buildings. Take your medication and sit down.
When you're running against a black man, the first black man to potentially ever be president, there is a line you do not cross. Whether you'd like to call it special treatment or racism, you can label it whatever makes you sleep better at night.

Like I said, saying he deserves special treatment because he's black is a form of racism. He doesn't deserve any special treatment because he's black. I agree he doesn't deserve half the nonsense spouted about him, but that's anybody. Presidential elections are always extremely negative, and that's a shame. But it's a reality, and it's not surprising in the least.
As signs of his impending defeat rise, criticism of Senator McCain and his campaign has mounted.

Having assailed the Senator and his staff for failing to learn from history and to fundamentally understand the priorities and mood of the electorate myself several times over the course of the campaign, I speak from experience.

Rest assured, despite many pointing to September 15th and the devastating landfall of the financial hurricane on the American economy as the tipping point of the campaign, this defeat has been eight months in the making.

Even so, a growing cacophony of condemnation rises from across the political spectrum.

Increasingly Conservatives - who grumbled at his nomination and rallied to him only after his selection of their newfound icon, Sarah Palin as his running mate – are reverting to their default contemptuous view of the Senator. They deride him for failing to live up to his image as a battle-scarred warrior and worthy champion of the party of Reagan.

Meanwhile, Liberals condemn him for courting the dark side of the American political psyche, playing on fear and seeking to win through a classical divide and conquer strategy. Yet, despite the self righteous bluster of his critics on the Left, while the Arizonan may not walk away from this campaign with a victory, he will at least walk away with his honor in tact.

How can that be, you exclaim?

Let me share with you but a few reasons why.

- Despite the drag on the Republican ticket that President Bush’s popularity ratings had, McCain was the dutifully party loyalist and resisted calls to not only abandon his President, but to eviscerate him openly and repeatedly.

McCain went so far as to thank Bush in the third paragraph of his acceptance speech at the Republican national convention for “….leading us in those dark days following the worst attack on American soil in our history, and keeping us safe from another attack many thought was inevitable…”.

Not till the final presidential debate did McCain forcefully and unequivocally separate himself from the beleaguered president when he admonished Senator Obama that he was in fact not President Bush, despite his repeated efforts to morph him into McBush.

Despite his self-styled image as a rebel and maverick, in the end, McCain honored his party and its leader with his loyalty and respect.

- Though Liberals condemned him for fanning the flames of fear and prejudice, when the emotions of the campaign ominously threatened to swirl out of control, McCain stepped in to tamp them down.

Reassuring his supporters they had nothing to fear from a potential Obama presidency, McCain went further. Not only did he correct their Internet rumor mill-fed misperceptions about Obama’s faith, but he also vouched for his opponent’s character in the process.
Not exactly something one would expect from someone eagerly fanning the flames of fear in a blind quest for power and glory.

- Honoring his word - and in effect allowing Obama to set the parameters of what was acceptable and unacceptable over the course of the campaign – McCain kept his pledge not to bring up the controversial and incendiary Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

Not only did McCain resist using Wright as a foil against Obama, until just this past weekend Republican and Conservative groups followed his lead; this despite the fevered calls for McCain to use what many believed to be a potentially devastating weapon against his neophyte nemesis.

This reinforces the point that contrary to the self righteous bloviating of Liberal demagogues like Keith Olbermann, McCain has not wantonly engaged in the politics of personal destruction and character assassination, though many have passionately encouraged him to do so.

- Finally - in what may well have been the ultimate self inflicted wound of the campaign – McCain chose to honor his commitment to take public campaign financing even in the face of what many predicted would be a four-to-one advantage for Obama after he opted out of the public system.

With Obama breaking his promise to take public financing, McCain was free to take the private route himself. With a clear conscious, he could have looked Independents in the eye and said in order to maintain a level playing field I am going to have to take private donations.

He then could have challenged Republicans to give him commiserate resources of those many anticipated Obama would eventually enjoy. McCain could have put the burden on the party faithful to provide him with the funds necessary to meet his opponent mono-a-mono; in essence saying “put up or shut up.”

Here at this late date, being outspent at every turn, such a move has great appeal and has become a favorite of political Monday morning quarterbacks.

Nonetheless, ever the honor bound officer, McCain chose to keep his word, regardless of the price he might ultimately pay.

While these choices may well play an integral part in his defeat, they should come as no real surprise to anyone with even a passing familiarity with the Senator. They are, after all, the choices of the same young officer that chose to honor his commitment to his country and the code that bound him and his fellow prisoners of war together in their dark, torturous corner of Hell decades ago.

Yes, Senator McCain faced this campaign as he faced his imprisonment in Vietnam; with a steadfast commitment to honor and courage in the face of temptation to abandon both and take the easy way out.

With honor he has fought, faithful readers. By honor he is undone.

Stay tuned for further updates as events warrant and a battle-scarred warrior exits the field wounded and battered, but with head held high.

I'm sorry to say, McCain has no honor, he is no hero, just a lucky POW. Anyone who calls his wife a "****" has no honor. Anyone who runs and hides when an air craft carrier is burning, has no honor. Anyone who makes 32 propaganda videos for the enemy has no honor. Just a spoiled Navy brat, with an important father to ride on the coat-tails of. The Make-Believe-Maverick! John McCain is no hero!:eusa_whistle:
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