McCarthy Admits Benghazi Designed to Flatten Hillary Poll Numbers

The number two man in the House of Representatives says the whole thing was designed to ruin Hillary Clinton's run for the presidency.

The number ONE man in this whole country initially declared the whole thing to be the result of a simple protest before being forced to admit it was a terrorist attack. So what's your point?!

My point is that Republicans ignored all that and spent $20million to attack a candidate and not investigate what they surely must have known all along that there was no so called "Benghazi" incident.
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

as if that wasn't obvious

I believe the 3 special team warriors who said they were told to stand down,

There was no stand down order. That was invented by Fox News, and repeated incessantly by parrots like you FOR YEARS.

I am absolutely confident the irony of your swallowing and regurgitating of that lie is totally lost on you.
Fox News: No stand down order or military missteps in Benghazi attack, GOP-controlled intel panel finds

A two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya.

The report alleges no wrongdoing by Obama administration appointees.

The report blames the Obama administration's inaccurate portrayal of the attack as having evolved from a protest on fragmentary and contradictory intelligence from the CIA. It finds no intent to mislead the American public.
This constant whining from Hillary supporters about the "cost" of investigations is rather amusing since the reason that they have dragged on for as long as they have is that the Clinton's have a long history of stonewalling any investigation into their activities.

First they deny anything happened and blame the whole thing on "Right Wing Conspiracies"...
Then they hide evidence from investigators...
Then when enough time has passed they declare that the scandal is "old news"...and that the investigation is costing the taxpayers millions and needs to stop!

It's what Slick Willie and Hilly DO!

Funny how you can sit here and pontificate over "right wing conspiracy" while destroying the memories of the fallen who died at Benghazi to score political points. Now we know who the real scum in Washington politics are.

What difference does it make? 4 dead Americans = bumps in the road
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

Color me shocked, shocked I tells ya.

In any case this puts on display that Republicans had no interest in root cause. They just wanted to trump up a fake issue to win elections.

That really should be illegal within the realm of government business.
This constant whining from Hillary supporters about the "cost" of investigations is rather amusing since the reason that they have dragged on for as long as they have is that the Clinton's have a long history of stonewalling any investigation into their activities.

First they deny anything happened and blame the whole thing on "Right Wing Conspiracies"...
Then they hide evidence from investigators...
Then when enough time has passed they declare that the scandal is "old news"...and that the investigation is costing the taxpayers millions and needs to stop!

It's what Slick Willie and Hilly DO!

Funny how you can sit here and pontificate over "right wing conspiracy" while destroying the memories of the fallen who died at Benghazi to score political points. Now we know who the real scum in Washington politics are.

What difference does it make? 4 dead Americans = bumps in the road
Another benchmark: It's okay to take someone's statement out of context and misuse it.
Fox News: No stand down order or military missteps in Benghazi attack, GOP-controlled intel panel finds

A two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya.

The report alleges no wrongdoing by Obama administration appointees.

The report blames the Obama administration's inaccurate portrayal of the attack as having evolved from a protest on fragmentary and contradictory intelligence from the CIA. It finds no intent to mislead the American public.

They found Oswald was the lone shooter as well
This constant whining from Hillary supporters about the "cost" of investigations is rather amusing since the reason that they have dragged on for as long as they have is that the Clinton's have a long history of stonewalling any investigation into their activities.

First they deny anything happened and blame the whole thing on "Right Wing Conspiracies"...
Then they hide evidence from investigators...
Then when enough time has passed they declare that the scandal is "old news"...and that the investigation is costing the taxpayers millions and needs to stop!

It's what Slick Willie and Hilly DO!

Funny how you can sit here and pontificate over "right wing conspiracy" while destroying the memories of the fallen who died at Benghazi to score political points. Now we know who the real scum in Washington politics are.

What difference does it make? 4 dead Americans = bumps in the road

Yes, as we're learning Republicans just used them as props to destroy a Democratic candidate. Pretty despicable even by low Republican values.
This constant whining from Hillary supporters about the "cost" of investigations is rather amusing since the reason that they have dragged on for as long as they have is that the Clinton's have a long history of stonewalling any investigation into their activities.

First they deny anything happened and blame the whole thing on "Right Wing Conspiracies"...
Then they hide evidence from investigators...
Then when enough time has passed they declare that the scandal is "old news"...and that the investigation is costing the taxpayers millions and needs to stop!

It's what Slick Willie and Hilly DO!

Funny how you can sit here and pontificate over "right wing conspiracy" while destroying the memories of the fallen who died at Benghazi to score political points. Now we know who the real scum in Washington politics are.

What difference does it make? 4 dead Americans = bumps in the road
Another benchmark: It's okay to take someone's statement out of context and misuse it.

Oh? Which remark was "out of context"?
This constant whining from Hillary supporters about the "cost" of investigations is rather amusing since the reason that they have dragged on for as long as they have is that the Clinton's have a long history of stonewalling any investigation into their activities.

First they deny anything happened and blame the whole thing on "Right Wing Conspiracies"...
Then they hide evidence from investigators...
Then when enough time has passed they declare that the scandal is "old news"...and that the investigation is costing the taxpayers millions and needs to stop!

It's what Slick Willie and Hilly DO!

All of the talking points from the state department on the morning shows turned out to be absolutely correct.
Fox News: No stand down order or military missteps in Benghazi attack, GOP-controlled intel panel finds

A two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya.

The report alleges no wrongdoing by Obama administration appointees.

The report blames the Obama administration's inaccurate portrayal of the attack as having evolved from a protest on fragmentary and contradictory intelligence from the CIA. It finds no intent to mislead the American public.

They found Oswald was the lone shooter as well

Classier Republicans back then, they didn't use it to destroy candidates for president.
Well the problem you have now is the fact that the whole thing was a lie. Go live with it.
Unfortunately that is YOUR opinion and is not substantiated by facts. The CIA Station Chief admitted that he told them twice to stand down...because it was such a madhouse outside, no cover - he was afraid for their lives. Unlike him, these guys had dedicated their lives to protecting Americans, not covering their own @$$e$.

Question, if you understand military tactics and protocol at all: Why would an ex-Navy SEAL sit on top of a roof for hours lasing mortar targets rather than using his weapon to kill as many bad guys as possible?

The only logical explanation is that he KNEW that AC-130 gun ships, like the one that was hours away, have the capability to use his lasing of targets to strike enemy positions. He knew there was such a gunship and fully expected them to launch and be there at some point. They were never allowed to launch, even if it was to do nothing but repel the continued attack and secure the bodies of Americans.

Obama claimed he released the Taliban 5 to recover Bergdahl because he believed in never leaving a man behind...if that was so, why not send the AC-130? he had no idea how long the battle would last, had no idea how long they could hold out? Pretty strange move for someone who never leaves a man behind.

It was also revealed that there was a Predator in the area, which according to records almost ALWAYS flew with missiles on-board - and could also use the lasing to strike targets...except that night it was sent out un-armed. WHY the breach in protocol.

We haven't even mentioned Obama/Hillary hiring an Al Qaeida-associated militia to guard a US ambassador...or the 2 previous attacks on the compound, the last leaving a 4-foot hole in the wall weeks before the final attack.

How about the State department REDUCING the number of US personnel on Stevens' security detail prior to the final attack. Obama and Hillary tried to blame the GOP for budget cuts...but this is the same administration that added almost a TRILLION in debt to fund a failed Stimulus bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of por. They couldn't find a little extra money to pay for some additional security? Stevens' life wasn't worth it? Knowing about the threats of a pending attack on 9/11/12 and knowing they did not have money for sufficient security, are you telling me Obama didn't have enough money to buy Stevens a plane ticket out of Benghazi?

Common sense, reality, etc....those are completely missing in this administration's fairy tale about Benghazi!
Fox News: No stand down order or military missteps in Benghazi attack, GOP-controlled intel panel finds

A two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya.

The report alleges no wrongdoing by Obama administration appointees.

The report blames the Obama administration's inaccurate portrayal of the attack as having evolved from a protest on fragmentary and contradictory intelligence from the CIA. It finds no intent to mislead the American public.

Khattala, who lead the attack, admits the video played a role in it.
I guess it's just me, but now that I know, I believe we have our very own ISIS in America and it's called the Republican Party.

The type of partisanship you demonstrate is an example of dangerous insanity...
Well the problem you have now is the fact that the whole thing was a lie. Go live with it.
Unfortunately that is YOUR opinion and is not substantiated by facts. The CIA Station Chief admitted that he told them twice to stand down...because it was such a madhouse outside, no cover - he was afraid for their lives. Unlike him, these guys had dedicated their lives to protecting Americans, not covering their own @$$e$.

Question, if you understand military tactics and protocol at all: Why would an ex-Navy SEAL sit on top of a roof for hours lasing mortar targets rather than using his weapon to kill as many bad guys as possible?

The only logical explanation is that he KNEW that AC-130 gun ships, like the one that was hours away, have the capability to use his lasing of targets to strike enemy positions. He knew there was such a gunship and fully expected them to launch and be there at some point. They were never allowed to launch, even if it was to do nothing but repel the continued attack and secure the bodies of Americans.

Obama claimed he released the Taliban 5 to recover Bergdahl because he believed in never leaving a man behind...if that was so, why not send the AC-130? he had no idea how long the battle would last, had no idea how long they could hold out? Pretty strange move for someone who never leaves a man behind.

It was also revealed that there was a Predator in the area, which according to records almost ALWAYS flew with missiles on-board - and could also use the lasing to strike targets...except that night it was sent out un-armed. WHY the breach in protocol.

We haven't even mentioned Obama/Hillary hiring an Al Qaeida-associated militia to guard a US ambassador...or the 2 previous attacks on the compound, the last leaving a 4-foot hole in the wall weeks before the final attack.

How about the State department REDUCING the number of US personnel on Stevens' security detail prior to the final attack. Obama and Hillary tried to blame the GOP for budget cuts...but this is the same administration that added almost a TRILLION in debt to fund a failed Stimulus bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of por. They couldn't find a little extra money to pay for some additional security? Stevens' life wasn't worth it? Knowing about the threats of a pending attack on 9/11/12 and knowing they did not have money for sufficient security, are you telling me Obama didn't have enough money to buy Stevens a plane ticket out of Benghazi?

Common sense, reality, etc....those are completely missing in this administration's fairy tale about Benghazi!

I know it must be hard to let go of a conspiracy theory after it has been slain by the bad guys, but let go, it is has been disproved and the opposition has moved on to other things.

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