McCarthy Admits Benghazi Designed to Flatten Hillary Poll Numbers


now you know why the Left still cries every day about it; they dont give a shit about the lives lost; and will never admit Hillary and her boss obama covered the incident up BECAUSE an ELECTION WAS COMING

Good theory but they were absolved of all charges by your own committee.
bedowin is just another brain-dead idiot who can't think for himself.
Khattala, who lead the attack, admits the video played a role in it.

STOP with the B$ 'video' stuff already! That's already been exposed as a LIE.

The call for a Middle East-wide attack on US embassies came well BEFORE the mention of any video.

The call to kill Stevens in retaliation for the Benghazi-born Al Qaeida leader killed in a drone strike came BEFORE any mention of a video.

FROM the Left's Beloved 'CNN':
"Three days after CIA and State Department eyewitnesses reported on Sept. 15 that there had been no protest in Benghazi, Obama linked the Benghazi attack to a protest over a video."
Obama Linked Benghazi to Video 3 Days After CIA Eyewitnesses Confirmed No Protest There

ENOUGH of the 'video' B$!
Khattala, who lead the attack, admits the video played a role in it.

STOP with the B$ 'video' stuff already! That's already been exposed as a LIE.

The call for a Middle East-wide attack on US embassies came well BEFORE the mention of any video.

The call to kill Stevens in retaliation for the Benghazi-born Al Qaeida leader killed in a drone strike came BEFORE any mention of a video.

FROM the Left's Beloved 'CNN':
"Three days after CIA and State Department eyewitnesses reported on Sept. 15 that there had been no protest in Benghazi, Obama linked the Benghazi attack to a protest over a video."
Obama Linked Benghazi to Video 3 Days After CIA Eyewitnesses Confirmed No Protest There

ENOUGH of the 'video' B$!

The fucking LEADER of the attack said the video played a role.

It's you guys who are LYING.
Last edited:
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

And it was for POLITICAL EXPEDIENCY that a video was blamed less then 7 weeks from 2012 presidential election.
When the claim that Terrorism was dead as Osama it was to be an Obama victory. To allow the truth that 9/11/2012 was an organized terrorist attack would refute
the entire premise "Osama is Dead GM is Alive" bumper stickers!!
I know it must be hard to let go of a conspiracy theory after it has been slain by the bad guys, but let go, it is has been disproved and the opposition has moved on to other things.

Again, you ignorant Liberal spoon-fed moron, from the Left's beloved CNN:

3 days after CIA and State Department eyewitnesses reported on Sept. 15 that there had been no protest in Benghazi, Obama linked the Benghazi attack to a protest over a video."

The CIA had already reported THERE WAS NO PROTEST! And the video?

Investigations linked the origination of the film back to the CIA:
"Investigation found that the video cited as the cause for the attack in Benghazi and riots in the Middle East underwent at least four name changes, includingDesert Warrior, The innocence of bn Laden, The Real Life of Muhammad, and finally,Innocence of Muslims. Investigation also found evidence that the primary individual behind the film worked as an operational asst for the FBI in exchange for leniency due to his criminal past. Indications of a possible association by one or more of the individuals responsible for the film to U.S. intelligence agencies, including the CIA, are also suggested." Those responsible for the film, as revealed later, occasionally were hired to make propaganda films for the CIA.
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

And it was for POLITICAL EXPEDIENCY that a video was blamed less then 7 weeks from 2012 presidential election.
When the claim that Terrorism was dead as Osama it was to be an Obama victory. To allow the truth that 9/11/2012 was an organized terrorist attack would refute
the entire premise "Osama is Dead GM is Alive" bumper stickers!!

Whatever comparison you're trying to make it doesn't meet the current standards of 3 years, $20 million dollars, 13 full Congressional investigations, 50 hearings and uncountable inches of newspaper hype for a fraud.
I know it must be hard to let go of a conspiracy theory after it has been slain by the bad guys, but let go, it is has been disproved and the opposition has moved on to other things.

Again, you ignorant Liberal spoon-fed moron, from the Left's beloved CNN:

3 days after CIA and State Department eyewitnesses reported on Sept. 15 that there had been no protest in Benghazi, Obama linked the Benghazi attack to a protest over a video."

The CIA had already reported THERE WAS NO PROTEST! And the video?

Investigations linked the origination of the film back to the CIA:
"Investigation found that the video cited as the cause for the attack in Benghazi and riots in the Middle East underwent at least four name changes, includingDesert Warrior, The innocence of bn Laden, The Real Life of Muhammad, and finally,Innocence of Muslims. Investigation also found evidence that the primary individual behind the film worked as an operational asst for the FBI in exchange for leniency due to his criminal past. Indications of a possible association by one or more of the individuals responsible for the film to U.S. intelligence agencies, including the CIA, are also suggested." Those responsible for the film, as revealed later, occasionally were hired to make propaganda films for the CIA.

I suggest you read up and get informed nearly all of your assertions have been disproved and debunked.
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

And it was for POLITICAL EXPEDIENCY that a video was blamed less then 7 weeks from 2012 presidential election.
When the claim that Terrorism was dead as Osama it was to be an Obama victory. To allow the truth that 9/11/2012 was an organized terrorist attack would refute
the entire premise "Osama is Dead GM is Alive" bumper stickers!!

Benghazi never ever should have been an campaign election "issue".

It was a disgrace that Mitt Romney, while the attack was ongoing, was using it as such.

The Republicans heightened that treachery by holding multiple investigation into an event similar to many events while Bush was President, none of which received the same sort of scrutiny.
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

WHAT'S SCUMMY IS you protecting Hillary ass after all of this screw up. but you're a good little Democrat tool, I mean soldier

just wow, now they're all up in arms over spending money. HOW ABOUT THAT ONE FOLKS?
do I get any atta boys?
The fucking LEADER of the attack said the video played a role.

It's you guys who are LYING.

So you are going to believe an Obama administration FALL GUY, a supposed terrorist, over the CIA, who was there in Libya, who testified there was NO RIOT?

Immediately after Stevens and 4 Americans were murdered - after the CIA had already filed their report that this was a terrorist attack and that there WAS NO RIOT - who did Obama go after? Did they go after this 'terrorist leader'? NO, Obama blamed this B$ video, and the leader of the nation that defends the right of free speech demonized the supposed film director and had him arrested!

He didn't go after the terrorists! This 'fall guy' was being interviewed in the Middle East by the media poll-side at some hotel on TV while the Obama administration was claiming they could not find this guy! Obama made no serious effort and did not 'capture' this guy until about a YEAR later! Approximately 30 days after 4 Americans were murdered, Obama was not lecturing Muslim Extremists and vowing to bring the perpetrators to justice - he declared to the world before the UN 30 days later that 'The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam' while falsely still blaming this B$ video!

Go peddle that video B$ to someone else sniffing glue like you seem to be.
Khattala, who lead the attack, admits the video played a role in it.

STOP with the B$ 'video' stuff already! That's already been exposed as a LIE.

The call for a Middle East-wide attack on US embassies came well BEFORE the mention of any video.

The call to kill Stevens in retaliation for the Benghazi-born Al Qaeida leader killed in a drone strike came BEFORE any mention of a video.

FROM the Left's Beloved 'CNN':
"Three days after CIA and State Department eyewitnesses reported on Sept. 15 that there had been no protest in Benghazi, Obama linked the Benghazi attack to a protest over a video."
Obama Linked Benghazi to Video 3 Days After CIA Eyewitnesses Confirmed No Protest There

ENOUGH of the 'video' B$!

Right enough of the LIE that the video was the cause for spontaneous attack.
It was a PLANNED Terrorist attack that came less then 7 weeks before Obama's re-election.
Done totally for political cover!
The fucking LEADER of the attack said the video played a role.

It's you guys who are LYING.

So you are going to believe an Obama administration FALL GUY, a supposed terrorist, over the CIA, who was there in Libya, who testified there was NO RIOT?

Immediately after Stevens and 4 Americans were murdered - after the CIA had already filed their report that this was a terrorist attack and that there WAS NO RIOT - who did Obama go after? Did they go after this 'terrorist leader'? NO, Obama blamed this B$ video, and the leader of the nation that defends the right of free speech demonized the supposed film director and had him arrested!

He didn't go after the terrorists! This 'fall guy' was being interviewed in the Middle East by the media poll-side at some hotel on TV while the Obama administration was claiming they could not find this guy! Obama made no serious effort and did not 'capture' this guy until about a YEAR later! Approximately 30 days after 4 Americans were murdered, Obama was not lecturing Muslim Extremists and vowing to bring the perpetrators to justice - he declared to the world before the UN 30 days later that 'The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam' while falsely still blaming this B$ video!

Go peddle that video B$ to someone else sniffing glue like you seem to be.

lol, you keep putting out the facts shallow is going to blow a gasket. :2up:
The fucking LEADER of the attack said the video played a role.

It's you guys who are LYING.

So you are going to believe an Obama administration FALL GUY, a supposed terrorist, over the CIA, who was there in Libya, who testified there was NO RIOT?

Immediately after Stevens and 4 Americans were murdered - after the CIA had already filed their report that this was a terrorist attack and that there WAS NO RIOT - who did Obama go after? Did they go after this 'terrorist leader'? NO, Obama blamed this B$ video, and the leader of the nation that defends the right of free speech demonized the supposed film director and had him arrested!

He didn't go after the terrorists! This 'fall guy' was being interviewed in the Middle East by the media poll-side at some hotel on TV while the Obama administration was claiming they could not find this guy! Obama made no serious effort and did not 'capture' this guy until about a YEAR later! Approximately 30 days after 4 Americans were murdered, Obama was not lecturing Muslim Extremists and vowing to bring the perpetrators to justice - he declared to the world before the UN 30 days later that 'The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam' while falsely still blaming this B$ video!

Go peddle that video B$ to someone else sniffing glue like you seem to be.

Obama's "fall guy"?


Those were CIA talking points by the way.

There were MULTIPLE events that occurred at the consulate. One was a protest. There were MANY different people filtering in and out of the area.

By the way, thanks to these investigations and Petraeus' libido, we also know that the CIA were interrogating insurgents at the site. Something, that is, by the way, ILLEGAL.

No republican has pursued that at all.
This constant whining from Hillary supporters about the "cost" of investigations is rather amusing since the reason that they have dragged on for as long as they have is that the Clinton's have a long history of stonewalling any investigation into their activities.

First they deny anything happened and blame the whole thing on "Right Wing Conspiracies"...
Then they hide evidence from investigators...
Then when enough time has passed they declare that the scandal is "old news"...and that the investigation is costing the taxpayers millions and needs to stop!

It's what Slick Willie and Hilly DO!

Funny how you can sit here and pontificate over "right wing conspiracy" while destroying the memories of the fallen who died at Benghazi to score political points. Now we know who the real scum in Washington politics are.

Funny how you see no fault in the way the State Department handled Benghazi.

A State Department that was run by Hilbat. A Hilbat who worked for and administration that has done there best to stonewall any investigation.

A State Department that had months of warnings about an attack.

A State Department that did absolutely nothing.

An Administration that tried to blame it on a video.

A POTUS who had no problem jetting off to his Vegas fundraiser.

Yeah. I can see how a poser like you would find nothing wrong and declare Hilbat a victim of right wing conspiracies and a right wing that is only interested in her poll numbers.

No surprise at all.
Last edited:
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

WHAT'S SCUMMY IS you protecting Hillary ass after all of this screw up. but you're a good little Democrat tool, I mean soldier

just wow, now they're all up in arms over spending money. HOW ABOUT THAT ONE FOLKS?
do I get any atta boys?

Steffy, slip your burkha back on and shut up. You guys have been caught, the least you should do is slip back into your pen and graze until the next legitimate scandal surfaces.
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

And it was for POLITICAL EXPEDIENCY that a video was blamed less then 7 weeks from 2012 presidential election.
When the claim that Terrorism was dead as Osama it was to be an Obama victory. To allow the truth that 9/11/2012 was an organized terrorist attack would refute
the entire premise "Osama is Dead GM is Alive" bumper stickers!!

Whatever comparison you're trying to make it doesn't meet the current standards of 3 years, $20 million dollars, 13 full Congressional investigations, 50 hearings and uncountable inches of newspaper hype for a fraud.

Add that to the political expediency ACCOUNT used to re-elect Obama who if the blame was placed on a the true source another terrorist attack, then the public
would say Obama lied... Stevens Died! 7 weeks before the election and Obama's political agenda couldn't be altered by the truth!
So yup... add $20 million to the expenses of the Obama re-election campaign. Also bring them up on charges for misuse of government funds in promoting the
video for just political expediency!
This constant whining from Hillary supporters about the "cost" of investigations is rather amusing since the reason that they have dragged on for as long as they have is that the Clinton's have a long history of stonewalling any investigation into their activities.

First they deny anything happened and blame the whole thing on "Right Wing Conspiracies"...
Then they hide evidence from investigators...
Then when enough time has passed they declare that the scandal is "old news"...and that the investigation is costing the taxpayers millions and needs to stop!

It's what Slick Willie and Hilly DO!

Funny how you can sit here and pontificate over "right wing conspiracy" while destroying the memories of the fallen who died at Benghazi to score political points. Now we know who the real scum in Washington politics are.

Funny how you see no fault in the way the State Department handled Benghazi.

A State Department that was run by Hilbat. A Hilbat who has done her best to stonewall any investigation.

A State Department that had months of warnings about an attack.

A State Department that did absolutely nothing.

An Administration that tried to blame it on a video.

A POTUS who had no problem jetting off to his Vegas fundraiser.

Yeah. I can see how a poser like you would find nothing wrong and declare Hilbat a victim of right wing conspiracies and a right wing that is only interested in her poll numbers.

No surprise at all.

Yeah it's a shame they were absolved and no charges were proffered. What am I supposed to say? Better luck next time?
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

And it was for POLITICAL EXPEDIENCY that a video was blamed less then 7 weeks from 2012 presidential election.
When the claim that Terrorism was dead as Osama it was to be an Obama victory. To allow the truth that 9/11/2012 was an organized terrorist attack would refute
the entire premise "Osama is Dead GM is Alive" bumper stickers!!

Whatever comparison you're trying to make it doesn't meet the current standards of 3 years, $20 million dollars, 13 full Congressional investigations, 50 hearings and uncountable inches of newspaper hype for a fraud.

Add that to the political expediency ACCOUNT used to re-elect Obama who if the blame was placed on a the true source another terrorist attack, then the public
would say Obama lied... Stevens Died! 7 weeks before the election and Obama's political agenda couldn't be altered by the truth!
So yup... add $20 million to the expenses of the Obama re-election campaign. Also bring them up on charges for misuse of government funds in promoting the
video for just political expediency!

I'm sorry I'm not equipped to handle bat shit crazy.
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

And it was for POLITICAL EXPEDIENCY that a video was blamed less then 7 weeks from 2012 presidential election.
When the claim that Terrorism was dead as Osama it was to be an Obama victory. To allow the truth that 9/11/2012 was an organized terrorist attack would refute
the entire premise "Osama is Dead GM is Alive" bumper stickers!!

Benghazi never ever should have been an campaign election "issue".

It was a disgrace that Mitt Romney, while the attack was ongoing, was using it as such.

The Republicans heightened that treachery by holding multiple investigation into an event similar to many events while Bush was President, none of which received the same sort of scrutiny.

So it was OK for Rice to come on 5 networks and say almost verbatim blame the video? All because it was less the 7 weeks from the re-election??
And for Hillary to tell the mother of one of the dead Americans..
The Mother of Benghazi victim said: Hillary and Susan Rice told me “nose to nose” that the Mohammed video was to blame"
Mother of Benghazi victim: Hillary and Susan Rice told me “nose to nose” that the Mohammed video was to blame « Hot Air

ABC’s “This Week”:
But our current best assessment, based on the information that we have at present, is that, in fact, what this began as, it was a spontaneous — not a premeditated — response to what had transpired in Cairo. In Cairo, as you know, a few hours earlier, there was a violent protest that was undertaken in reaction to this very offensive video that was disseminated.

The "TRUTH" as stated by Ms. Rice on CBS’s “Face the Nation”
MS. RICE: .... what our assessment is as of the present is in fact what began spontaneously in Benghazi as a reaction to what had transpired some hours earlier in Cairo where, of course, as you know, there was a violent protest outside of our embassy– –sparked by this hateful video.

BOB SCHIEFFER: But you do not agree with him that this was something that had been plotted out several months ago?
MS. RICE: We do not– we do not have information at present that leads us to conclude that this was premeditated or preplanned.

NBC’s “Meet the Press”
DAVID GREGORY: ..... that was spontaneous, was it a planned attack? Was there a terrorist element to it?

MS. RICE: ".... But putting together the best information that we have available to us today our current assessment is that what happened in Benghazi was in fact initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in Cairo, almost a copycat of– of the demonstrations against our facility in Cairo, which were prompted, of course, by the video.

I ask the honest person to tell me based on the definition of a "LIE"....
i.e. KNOWINGLY making a false statement is a "LIE".

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