McCarthy Admits Benghazi Designed to Flatten Hillary Poll Numbers

Like I said perhaps you should read the Republican House Select Committee on Intelligence report on Benghazi.

Funny how just last week it was revealed that the Obama administration has been doctoring and falsifying all their Intel regarding ISIS...since make themselves NOT look like the complete and utter FAILURES that they have been all along and still are!

('Analysts Detail Claims That Reports on ISIS Were Distorted'...'Mis-Reporting dates back to 2012...')

You remember Obama's great 2012 pre-election declaration to the nation, right, 'nuhuh'?
- "Al Qaeida is on the run and The War on Terror is over!" (Tell that to Stevens and the other 3 Americans you allowed to die, you lying treasonous b@st@rd!)

(And Liberals STILL have the hilarious nerve to shout 'Bush lied' about the Intel he supposedly had.) :lmao:
What I know this morning for sure is that Republicans have admitted on national television that the Benghazi investigation was used to flatten Hillary Clinton poll numbers. It wasn't about 4 people who died, it wasn't about terrorism or a riot, it was all about bringing down a Democratic candidate and nothing else mattered.

Was that Republican Trey Gowdy...ya know, the guy heading up the Benghazi Investigation? No? Then whatever....

my point is still valid! It has now been proven that Obama has been misleading the nation regarding Al Qaeida, ISIS, and every other threat this nation has faced, making efforts to cover-up and excuse terrorist attacks...and that sure is hail is worth investigating!

Your number one problem this morning is the fact that after $20 million spent, 50 hearings and 13 investigations the House has nothing.
Your number two problem is Trey Gowdy, who is spending taxpayer money while investigating a trumped up lie.
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

That's not what he was saying. He was saying that Hillary is not trustworthy and they set out to prove it.

But people keep protecting her. She must have something on everyone to keep them in line.
What I know this morning for sure is that Republicans have admitted on national television that the Benghazi investigation was used to flatten Hillary Clinton poll numbers. It wasn't about 4 people who died, it wasn't about terrorism or a riot, it was all about bringing down a Democratic candidate and nothing else mattered.

Was that Republican Trey Gowdy...ya know, the guy heading up the Benghazi Investigation? No? Then whatever....

my point is still valid! It has now been proven that Obama has been misleading the nation regarding Al Qaeida, ISIS, and every other threat this nation has faced, making efforts to cover-up and excuse terrorist attacks...and that sure is hail is worth investigating!

Your number one problem this morning is the fact that after $20 million spent, 50 hearings and 13 investigations the House has nothing.
Your number two problem is Trey Gowdy, who is spending taxpayer money while investigating a trumped up lie.
We also spend taxpayer money to kill babies. And liberals are proud of that.
What I know this morning for sure is that Republicans have admitted on national television that the Benghazi investigation was used to flatten Hillary Clinton poll numbers. It wasn't about 4 people who died, it wasn't about terrorism or a riot, it was all about bringing down a Democratic candidate and nothing else mattered.

Was that Republican Trey Gowdy...ya know, the guy heading up the Benghazi Investigation? No? Then whatever....

my point is still valid! It has now been proven that Obama has been misleading the nation regarding Al Qaeida, ISIS, and every other threat this nation has faced, making efforts to cover-up and excuse terrorist attacks...and that sure is hail is worth investigating!

Your number one problem this morning is the fact that after $20 million spent, 50 hearings and 13 investigations the House has nothing.
Your number two problem is Trey Gowdy, who is spending taxpayer money while investigating a trumped up lie.

What was the "trumped up lie"?
Are you saying that Hillary/Rice/Obama didn't try to deflect the Benghazi attack by terrorists by calling it "spontaneous" and all because of a video?
They all blamed the video BECAUSE to do otherwise would be to admit this bumper stickers were wrong 7 weeks before re-election.
That s a LIE you say????
Hillary's problem is not Benghazi, but rather her obsessive need for secrecy and her and her family's behavior that seems to show they don't find the same rules that apply to others (like Mitt) apply to them.
Hillary's problem is all of her lies and the growing number of laws she broke while putting our national security in jeopardy!
Ya got nothing. If all this was about supposed laws broken (there are none) or natl security at risk (the emails led to nothing) people would be laughing at the clown car posse.

Hillary's real problems came about when we learned there was no separation between her's and bill's fundraising for the foundation and her official emails. It's not so much corruption as it is she seems to operate like Darth Vader. She's not genuine, and she's not very nice. Bill at least liked people. Hillary may want to make the world a better place .... but so did Nixon.
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

That's not what he was saying. He was saying that Hillary is not trustworthy and they set out to prove it.

But people keep protecting her. She must have something on everyone to keep them in line.

Over twenty years, Republicans have spent over $100 million dollars in taxpayer money trying to take down the Clinton's, a sold failure on their part and a lesson unlearned. They have decimated whole forests to produce books that haven't put a dent in their reputation. What do they have to show for it? I don't see a single candidate that rises to her level and as Old School says once she starts using Kevin McCarthy in her campaign ads all that damage you tried to do is undone. Is there a better defintion of incompetent anywhere?

1 attack . 4 dead Under Obama?

You smell that? It's the smell of Liberal B$! I just love the partisan Liberal selective cherry-picking. You just proved you are as stupid or as deceitful as Obama:


- 20 Simultaneous US Embassy attacks - 4 overrun

- 4 US Americans dead in Benghazi terrorist attack, to include the death of the 1st Ambassador in over 30 years - could and should have been prevented

- Ft. Hood Terrorist attack - 13 US Military personnel murdered, more wounded - signs ignored, Obama refused to call it a terrorist attack and claimed it was a case of 'workplace violence'

- Boston Marathon Terrorist attack - 3 killed, 209 Injured; Obama was warned early enough in advance to stop it yet allowed it to happen; knew who they were yet after the bombing showed their pictures and asked for Americans to help ID them as if he had never heard of them before

- Chattanooga TN Recruiting Station Terrorist Attack - 4 American Military members killed

- Fast and Furious - Obama armed Mexican Drug Cartels with thousands of guns, death toll to date stands at over 360 civilians dead to include a US BPA and a US Military member killed in the Recritnig Station attack above (one of the guns used was linked to Fast and Furious)

ONE terrorist attack under Obama? You must be using that Obama 'Cover my Ass by Lying' Common Core math!

1 attack . 4 dead Under Obama?

You smell that? It's the smell of Liberal B$! I just love the partisan Liberal selective cherry-picking. You just proved you are as stupid or as deceitful as Obama:


- 20 Simultaneous US Embassy attacks - 4 overrun

- 4 US Americans dead in Benghazi terrorist attack, to include the death of the 1st Ambassador in over 30 years - could and should have been prevented

- Ft. Hood Terrorist attack - 13 US Military personnel murdered, more wounded - signs ignored, Obama refused to call it a terrorist attack and claimed it was a case of 'workplace violence'

- Boston Marathon Terrorist attack - 3 killed, 209 Injured; Obama was warned early enough in advance to stop it yet allowed it to happen; knew who they were yet after the bombing showed their pictures and asked for Americans to help ID them as if he had never heard of them before

- Chattanooga TN Recruiting Station Terrorist Attack - 4 American Military members killed

- Fast and Furious - Obama armed Mexican Drug Cartels with thousands of guns, death toll to date stands at over 360 civilians dead to include a US BPA and a US Military member killed in the Recritnig Station attack above (one of the guns used was linked to Fast and Furious)

ONE terrorist attack under Obama? You must be using that Obama 'Cover my Ass by Lying' Common Core math!

Miniscule compared to Bush and Reagan.
"the fucking leader of the attack said the video played a role"

that's great idiot Sallow; then you should easily be able to confirm that the video was the cause and not the deterioriating security situation overall, with the statements of all the other countries that pulled THEIR people out WELL AHEAD OF THE ATTACK, where they say it was because of an obscure Internet video .........................right???
Ya got nothing. If all this was about supposed laws broken (there are none)...

Several agencies, to include the FBI, have already pointed out the laws she HAS broken. Whether she will be charged / convicted or whether Obama will protect her as he did Holder is yet to be seen...but it has already been proven she has done far more than was got Patraeus convicted. ...but you ride that 'bomb' al the way down like Slim Pickens on that nuke in Doctor Strangelove!

Hillary may want to make the world a better place .... but so did Nixon.
Funny how you mentioned Nixon when Hillary got her 'start' in politics by being booted from the Watergate Team for unethical behavior....some people/things never change.[/QUOTE]
"the fucking leader of the attack said the video played a role"

that's great idiot Sallow;

C'mon, if ya can't trust a terrorist who can you trust? Obama and Hillary trust him...that's good enough for me!
It just occurred to me that Hillary Clinton can have a lot of fun asking her own embarrassing questions at the Benghazi hearing in October. I guess we can be assured it will be classified top secret and behind closed doors. LOL

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.
Worth every penny, and kudos to the committee!

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