McCarthy Admits Benghazi Designed to Flatten Hillary Poll Numbers

So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

You gotta give Carly Fiorina credit, the woman can lie right to your face and double down. | Page 9 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

When I was writing about the enormous amount of tax payer money Republicans have spent going after Hillary since Bill was Governor, Oldstyle said, "What? The GOP has spent tens of millions of tax payer dollars since the 80's trying to "take down" Hillary Clinton? Where do you come up with this happy horseshit, R-Derp? Seriously...where?"

So I added a link showing where they had spent over 10 million in just the last year alone:

You gotta give Carly Fiorina credit, the woman can lie right to your face and double down. | Page 9 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I think this pretty much proves Republicans think these investigations are free.

you keep regurgitating stuff that doesnt hold up to scrutiny; while Republicans use facts

that's why people laugh at you
I know it must be hard to let go of a conspiracy theory after it has been slain by the bad guys, but let go, it is has been disproved and the opposition has moved on to other things.

Again, you ignorant Liberal spoon-fed moron, from the Left's beloved CNN:

3 days after CIA and State Department eyewitnesses reported on Sept. 15 that there had been no protest in Benghazi, Obama linked the Benghazi attack to a protest over a video."

The CIA had already reported THERE WAS NO PROTEST! And the video?

Investigations linked the origination of the film back to the CIA:
"Investigation found that the video cited as the cause for the attack in Benghazi and riots in the Middle East underwent at least four name changes, includingDesert Warrior, The innocence of bn Laden, The Real Life of Muhammad, and finally,Innocence of Muslims. Investigation also found evidence that the primary individual behind the film worked as an operational asst for the FBI in exchange for leniency due to his criminal past. Indications of a possible association by one or more of the individuals responsible for the film to U.S. intelligence agencies, including the CIA, are also suggested." Those responsible for the film, as revealed later, occasionally were hired to make propaganda films for the CIA.

Four Americans died in Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi. Tragic as the loss of those four may be, they were simply a few more of the casualties of warfare. If cowboy Stephens & Co. had gone to safety as they were told because of the burgeoning hostile situation in the Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi area they likely would be alive today, but would have deprived the IDIOTS in the House from keeping this faux controversy alive for over three freakin' years.

The radical right fascists may enjoy grinding their collective heals on the heads those currently and formerly within the Executive to suit their radicalized political ends. This Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi "investigation" BS has been going on for over three years now, and probably won't go away until Hillary either drops out of the Presidential race or the end of October 2016, which ever comes first.

Hell, the Senate and Special Commission investigations over the Intel fuckups, exaggerations, mistakes and outright lies that led up to the Iraq war took 16 and 13 months, respectively, to be completed. Over 4800 have been KIA in Iraq to date. Which is the greater tragedy, the 4800+ lives lost in Iraq because of the PROVEN Intel fuckups, exaggerations, mistakes and outright lies or the 4 lives lost to some of the same type of errors regarding Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi?

Bottom line is this Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi masked political charade is nothing more that the GOP coven trying to settle old political grudges along with trying to derail Clinton's WH hopes on the taxpayer's dime while dragging it out over four(4) years. Those of you who are cheering for and supporting the ultra right wing Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi agenda are complicit in this useless and fruitless stupidity!
obama's own administration official said budget cuts were a "non-starter" as far as a cause or effect of the Benghazi attack is concerned

Yup someone from his administration, a lady, was on the news the next day saying money wasn't an issue.

Funny how douchbag missed that.
"the fucking leader of the attack said the video played a role"

that's great idiot Sallow; then you should easily be able to confirm that the video was the cause and not the deterioriating security situation overall, with the statements of all the other countries that pulled THEIR people out WELL AHEAD OF THE ATTACK, where they say it was because of an obscure Internet video .........................right???

Jason Chaffetz Admits House GOP Cut Funding For Embassy Security: 'You Have To Prioritize Things'

On Wednesday morning, CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien asked the Utah Republican if he had "voted to cut the funding for embassy security."

"Absolutely," Chaffetz said. "Look we have to make priorities and choices in this country. We have…15,000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, a private army there, for President Obama, in Baghdad. And we’re talking about can we get two dozen or so people into Libya to help protect our forces. When you’re in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices. You have to prioritize things.”

Priorities, man, priorities.

Additionally, you seem to forget that it was a chaotic situation, the Stevens, himself, wasn't targeted (indeed many of the folks there rushed him to the hospital) and the special forces guys died when they initiated a firefight with the insurgents.

Oh, and they were keeping prisoners at the facility.

you're one of those pathetic losers that never admits when he or she is wrong. it doesnt matter what cuts republicans wanted or even made; none of them were in effect at the time of the attacks, as your own source above attests to

thanks for playing though ;)

Well chicka.

The republicans made the cuts.

And were like "Priorities".

This pretty much shows you guys could give 2 shits about American lives or human life in general. It's all about the MONEY.

And "winning".

As Repesentative McCarthey pointed out nicely in his on air with Hannity.

once again loser; no they didnt, not to that embaassy and nothing republicans did or didnt do had anything to do with events that day

go cry

Yeah they did.

McCarthey just cratered the "investigation".

As if it hadn't been cratered 7 times before.
Their own "investigation" showed she was not at fault but RWs have lied about the Clintons from the beginning.

Investigations have also shown their other lies are untrue - ACORN, Planned Parenthood, Obama, etc but that won't stop them from repeating the lies.

And willfully ignorant RWs will continue to repeat the lies.
5 investigations previous to trey gowdy, found that she did nothing wrong, but the Republicans could not handle what 5 of their own investigations concluded so some republicans convinced Bohner to conduct another one and they began a 6th one, with Gowdy, and Gowdy still says he has found no wrong dong with Hillary and Benghazi....

These Republicans, are rotten to their very core of their souls.



Oh, but the SHOW MUST GO ON

they scream....

you might have a point if all of the documents were turned over. but they werent; and like in the email server scandal, in FACT RELATED TO IT; what hillary says later turns out TO BE LIES

"the fucking leader of the attack said the video played a role"

that's great idiot Sallow; then you should easily be able to confirm that the video was the cause and not the deterioriating security situation overall, with the statements of all the other countries that pulled THEIR people out WELL AHEAD OF THE ATTACK, where they say it was because of an obscure Internet video .........................right???

Jason Chaffetz Admits House GOP Cut Funding For Embassy Security: 'You Have To Prioritize Things'

On Wednesday morning, CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien asked the Utah Republican if he had "voted to cut the funding for embassy security."

"Absolutely," Chaffetz said. "Look we have to make priorities and choices in this country. We have…15,000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, a private army there, for President Obama, in Baghdad. And we’re talking about can we get two dozen or so people into Libya to help protect our forces. When you’re in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices. You have to prioritize things.”

Priorities, man, priorities.

Additionally, you seem to forget that it was a chaotic situation, the Stevens, himself, wasn't targeted (indeed many of the folks there rushed him to the hospital) and the special forces guys died when they initiated a firefight with the insurgents.

Oh, and they were keeping prisoners at the facility.

you're one of those pathetic losers that never admits when he or she is wrong. it doesnt matter what cuts republicans wanted or even made; none of them were in effect at the time of the attacks, as your own source above attests to

thanks for playing though ;)

Well chicka.

The republicans made the cuts.

And were like "Priorities".

This pretty much shows you guys could give 2 shits about American lives or human life in general. It's all about the MONEY.

And "winning".

As Repesentative McCarthey pointed out nicely in his on air with Hannity.

once again loser; no they didnt, not to that embaassy and nothing republicans did or didnt do had anything to do with events that day

go cry

Yeah they did.

McCarthey just cratered the "investigation".

As if it hadn't been cratered 7 times before.

IF YOU HAD SOMETHING, ANYTHING, that specifically backed up what y ou are saying you would have offered it already

Hey Sallow, Let's play "Do you have the Common Sense That God Gave a Door Knob?'

You KNOW that attacks on US Embassies throughout the Middle East have been called for on 9/11/12...

You KNOW Al Qaeida has called for the assassination of Ambassador Stevens on 9/11/12 in retaliation for one of their leaders killed in a drone strike months earlier

You KNOW the Al Qaeida-associated militia that you hired to protect Stevens just QUIT....coincidently they never made it to the Compound when it was attacked twice before the final attack (and if you knew anything about tactics you would know these two attacks were 'probes' to feel out the compound's defenses'

(Are alarm bells going off in your head yet...if not, you're an idiot, but let's continue...)

Despite the fact that you are no longer paying Al Qaeiad to provide protection you still don't have money for additional security....IN FACT, knowing all of the above you decide to even further REDUCE the number of US personnel protecting Stevens...despite all of the above (Somehow money meant nothing when Obama passed the nearly $1 trillion dollar failed Stimulus bill, but suddenly you can't see adding a little more to the debt to protect a US Ambassador...Hmmmm)...

So, considering the extremely high threat Stevens faces and the insufficient security you have for him, are you going to

A) Roll the dice, NOT do what needs to be done to protect Stevens, and just say, 'F* it - if he dies I will just blame the GOP'


B) At the very LEAST, lean to the side of caution and fly Stevens out of Benghazi to somewhere safer until 9/11/12 passes and the threat is reduced?

According to Liberals Obama chose A, and as seen so far on this board, they agree with his choice!

If YOU chose A, Congratulations, you don't have the common sense God gave a door knob ,and quite frankly I can't believe you are not under full-time adult supervision!
Last edited:
Jason Chaffetz Admits House GOP Cut Funding For Embassy Security: 'You Have To Prioritize Things'

On Wednesday morning, CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien asked the Utah Republican if he had "voted to cut the funding for embassy security."

"Absolutely," Chaffetz said. "Look we have to make priorities and choices in this country. We have…15,000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, a private army there, for President Obama, in Baghdad. And we’re talking about can we get two dozen or so people into Libya to help protect our forces. When you’re in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices. You have to prioritize things.”

Priorities, man, priorities.

Additionally, you seem to forget that it was a chaotic situation, the Stevens, himself, wasn't targeted (indeed many of the folks there rushed him to the hospital) and the special forces guys died when they initiated a firefight with the insurgents.

Oh, and they were keeping prisoners at the facility.

you're one of those pathetic losers that never admits when he or she is wrong. it doesnt matter what cuts republicans wanted or even made; none of them were in effect at the time of the attacks, as your own source above attests to

thanks for playing though ;)

Well chicka.

The republicans made the cuts.

And were like "Priorities".

This pretty much shows you guys could give 2 shits about American lives or human life in general. It's all about the MONEY.

And "winning".

As Repesentative McCarthey pointed out nicely in his on air with Hannity.

once again loser; no they didnt, not to that embaassy and nothing republicans did or didnt do had anything to do with events that day

go cry

Yeah they did.

McCarthey just cratered the "investigation".

As if it hadn't been cratered 7 times before.

IF YOU HAD SOMETHING, ANYTHING, that specifically backed up what y ou are saying you would have offered it already


It's in the OP.
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

You gotta give Carly Fiorina credit, the woman can lie right to your face and double down. | Page 9 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

When I was writing about the enormous amount of tax payer money Republicans have spent going after Hillary since Bill was Governor, Oldstyle said, "What? The GOP has spent tens of millions of tax payer dollars since the 80's trying to "take down" Hillary Clinton? Where do you come up with this happy horseshit, R-Derp? Seriously...where?"

So I added a link showing where they had spent over 10 million in just the last year alone:

You gotta give Carly Fiorina credit, the woman can lie right to your face and double down. | Page 9 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I think this pretty much proves Republicans think these investigations are free.

you keep regurgitating stuff that doesnt hold up to scrutiny; while Republicans use facts

that's why people laugh at you

Oh this too funny, you just got slapped upside the head with an ongoing fraud. It wasn't about dead people, terrorists or anything else, it was about destroying a Democratic candidate. You need to get a clue.
Their own "investigation" showed she was not at fault but RWs have lied about the Clintons from the beginning.

Investigations have also shown their other lies are untrue - ACORN, Planned Parenthood, Obama, etc but that won't stop them from repeating the lies.

And willfully ignorant RWs will continue to repeat the lies.
5 investigations previous to trey gowdy, found that she did nothing wrong, but the Republicans could not handle what 5 of their own investigations concluded so some republicans convinced Bohner to conduct another one and they began a 6th one, with Gowdy, and Gowdy still says he has found no wrong dong with Hillary and Benghazi....

These Republicans, are rotten to their very core of their souls.



Oh, but the SHOW MUST GO ON

they scream....

Of course she did nothing wrong criminally. She did nothing. They had months of warnings about an attack and her State Department did nothing.

Four good men died because her State Department did nothing. No one was held accountable for their gross negligence.

No crime was committed but four good men died because of the NOTHING the State Department did.

And this woman wants to be president of the United States. I wouldn't trust her to guard the fucking sugar bowl or be responsible for anything.
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

You gotta give Carly Fiorina credit, the woman can lie right to your face and double down. | Page 9 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

When I was writing about the enormous amount of tax payer money Republicans have spent going after Hillary since Bill was Governor, Oldstyle said, "What? The GOP has spent tens of millions of tax payer dollars since the 80's trying to "take down" Hillary Clinton? Where do you come up with this happy horseshit, R-Derp? Seriously...where?"

So I added a link showing where they had spent over 10 million in just the last year alone:

You gotta give Carly Fiorina credit, the woman can lie right to your face and double down. | Page 9 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I think this pretty much proves Republicans think these investigations are free.

you keep regurgitating stuff that doesnt hold up to scrutiny; while Republicans use facts

that's why people laugh at you

Oh this too funny, you just got slapped upside the head with an ongoing fraud. It wasn't about dead people, terrorists or anything else, it was about destroying a Democratic candidate. You need to get a clue.

if that was true hillary/obama would have provided ALL the requested documents LONG BEFORE SHE EVEN ANNOUNCED AS A CANDIDATE leftard'

ok go cry
Four Americans died in Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi. Tragic as the loss of those four may be, they were simply a few more of the casualties of warfare.

1. Libtards declare the GOP did not care about these 4 even though they were allowed to be murdered on THEIR watch...and then we see them hypocritically declare stuff like this above: '4 Americans died, move along, nothing to see...

2. You claim they were 'victims of war'. WHAT WAR? Didn't you hear Obama weeks earlier? "Al Qaida is on the Run"..."The War on Terror is Over"! He had just taken the war on his own, without Constitutional approval to do so, to help Al Qaeida take over Libya...even THAT war was over. They were our 'buddies' - Obama and Hillary even hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to PROTECT Stevens!

All of this is just a massive demonstration of how Obama was/is either stupid or allowed this to happen because he has always been and will always be an Islamic Sympathizer!
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

You gotta give Carly Fiorina credit, the woman can lie right to your face and double down. | Page 9 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

When I was writing about the enormous amount of tax payer money Republicans have spent going after Hillary since Bill was Governor, Oldstyle said, "What? The GOP has spent tens of millions of tax payer dollars since the 80's trying to "take down" Hillary Clinton? Where do you come up with this happy horseshit, R-Derp? Seriously...where?"

So I added a link showing where they had spent over 10 million in just the last year alone:

You gotta give Carly Fiorina credit, the woman can lie right to your face and double down. | Page 9 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I think this pretty much proves Republicans think these investigations are free.

you keep regurgitating stuff that doesnt hold up to scrutiny; while Republicans use facts

that's why people laugh at you

Oh this too funny, you just got slapped upside the head with an ongoing fraud. It wasn't about dead people, terrorists or anything else, it was about destroying a Democratic candidate. You need to get a clue.

if that was true hillary/obama would have provided ALL the requested documents LONG BEFORE SHE EVEN ANNOUNCED AS A CANDIDATE leftard'

ok go cry

LOL, if she had known in the beginning it was a fraud she would have played differently. Now she can play differently and I bet you don't like the outcome.
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

You gotta give Carly Fiorina credit, the woman can lie right to your face and double down. | Page 9 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

When I was writing about the enormous amount of tax payer money Republicans have spent going after Hillary since Bill was Governor, Oldstyle said, "What? The GOP has spent tens of millions of tax payer dollars since the 80's trying to "take down" Hillary Clinton? Where do you come up with this happy horseshit, R-Derp? Seriously...where?"

So I added a link showing where they had spent over 10 million in just the last year alone:

You gotta give Carly Fiorina credit, the woman can lie right to your face and double down. | Page 9 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I think this pretty much proves Republicans think these investigations are free.

you keep regurgitating stuff that doesnt hold up to scrutiny; while Republicans use facts

that's why people laugh at you

Oh this too funny, you just got slapped upside the head with an ongoing fraud. It wasn't about dead people, terrorists or anything else, it was about destroying a Democratic candidate. You need to get a clue.

if that was true hillary/obama would have provided ALL the requested documents LONG BEFORE SHE EVEN ANNOUNCED AS A CANDIDATE leftard'

ok go cry

LOL, if she had known in the beginning it was a fraud she would have played differently. Now she can play differently and I bet you don't like the outcome.

she's being thrown under the bus by her own former boss. i wonder why?? i bet YOU wont like the outcome
Four Americans died in Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi. Tragic as the loss of those four may be, they were simply a few more of the casualties of warfare.

1. Libtards declare the GOP did not care about these 4 even though they were allowed to be murdered on THEIR watch...and then we see them hypocritically declare stuff like this above: '4 Americans died, move along, nothing to see...

2. You claim they were 'victims of war'. WHAT WAR? Didn't you hear Obama weeks earlier? "Al Qaida is on the Run"..."The War on Terror is Over"! He had just taken the war on his own, without Constitutional approval to do so, to help Al Qaeida take over Libya...even THAT war was over. They were our 'buddies' - Obama and Hillary even hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to PROTECT Stevens!

All of this is just a massive demonstration of how Obama was/is either stupid or allowed this to happen because he has always been and will always be an Islamic Sympathizer!

You need to get your head around the fact that Obama is fighting a war and Republicans are holding investigations to destroy a Democratic candidate. They don't care about dead, dying, injured or damaged, they care about power alone and are crapping on the flag we hold dear.
Four Americans died in Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi. Tragic as the loss of those four may be, they were simply a few more of the casualties of warfare.

1. Libtards declare the GOP did not care about these 4 even though they were allowed to be murdered on THEIR watch...and then we see them hypocritically declare stuff like this above: '4 Americans died, move along, nothing to see...

2. You claim they were 'victims of war'. WHAT WAR? Didn't you hear Obama weeks earlier? "Al Qaida is on the Run"..."The War on Terror is Over"! He had just taken the war on his own, without Constitutional approval to do so, to help Al Qaeida take over Libya...even THAT war was over. They were our 'buddies' - Obama and Hillary even hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to PROTECT Stevens!

All of this is just a massive demonstration of how Obama was/is either stupid or allowed this to happen because he has always been and will always be an Islamic Sympathizer!

It's really amazing how delusional you guys are..

You've even got your guys trying to change history.

You gotta give Carly Fiorina credit, the woman can lie right to your face and double down. | Page 9 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

When I was writing about the enormous amount of tax payer money Republicans have spent going after Hillary since Bill was Governor, Oldstyle said, "What? The GOP has spent tens of millions of tax payer dollars since the 80's trying to "take down" Hillary Clinton? Where do you come up with this happy horseshit, R-Derp? Seriously...where?"

So I added a link showing where they had spent over 10 million in just the last year alone:

You gotta give Carly Fiorina credit, the woman can lie right to your face and double down. | Page 9 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I think this pretty much proves Republicans think these investigations are free.

you keep regurgitating stuff that doesnt hold up to scrutiny; while Republicans use facts

that's why people laugh at you

Oh this too funny, you just got slapped upside the head with an ongoing fraud. It wasn't about dead people, terrorists or anything else, it was about destroying a Democratic candidate. You need to get a clue.

if that was true hillary/obama would have provided ALL the requested documents LONG BEFORE SHE EVEN ANNOUNCED AS A CANDIDATE leftard'

ok go cry

LOL, if she had known in the beginning it was a fraud she would have played differently. Now she can play differently and I bet you don't like the outcome.

she's being thrown under the bus by her own former boss. i wonder why?? i bet YOU wont like the outcome

Now that we know the truth, even Obama is going to have a problem because her poll numbers will sky rocket now. Nobody can stop the unstopable.
the party of death comes to Hillary's rescue again. the hell with Mr. Stevens an INNOCENT American civilian who was KILLED because of her and Obama Screw ups

Actually you're wrong about that as your very own expensive investigations have shown.

$20MM OMFG!!!

Do you know how many $20MM it takes to fund One ObamaCare Website?




That many
How many millions of people did that help and how many millions more in the future? Even then, you have to admit, Republicans have screwed over many more people than Obamacare helped.

Let's see:

Did it insure the 47MM uninsured? No

Did it let us keep our plan? NO!

Did it lead to $2,500 annual savings? NO!

Republicans suck as bad as Obama. Hopefully trump picks Carson as VP and make his first task to replace ObamaCare with a free market based system complete with Medical Savings account and interstate sale of insurance policies
Four Americans died in Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi. Tragic as the loss of those four may be, they were simply a few more of the casualties of warfare.

1. Libtards declare the GOP did not care about these 4 even though they were allowed to be murdered on THEIR watch...and then we see them hypocritically declare stuff like this above: '4 Americans died, move along, nothing to see...

2. You claim they were 'victims of war'. WHAT WAR? Didn't you hear Obama weeks earlier? "Al Qaida is on the Run"..."The War on Terror is Over"! He had just taken the war on his own, without Constitutional approval to do so, to help Al Qaeida take over Libya...even THAT war was over. They were our 'buddies' - Obama and Hillary even hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to PROTECT Stevens!

All of this is just a massive demonstration of how Obama was/is either stupid or allowed this to happen because he has always been and will always be an Islamic Sympathizer!

You need to get your head around the fact that Obama is fighting a war and Republicans are holding investigations to destroy a Democratic candidate. They don't care about dead, dying, injured or damaged, they care about power alone and are crapping on the flag we hold dear.

help me get my head around things idiot. what war were we fighting when obama destroyed libya and made it a safe haven for BOTH ISIS AND AL QAEDA, as well as for the HUMAN SMUGGLERS operating from there sending refugees to Europe RIGHT NOW?????????????????????
Holder, his ex AG, perpetrated 4 Felony Counts of Perjury protecting his arse for fast and charges, no jail time, but he is now the ONLY US AG in history to be unanimously Censured by a bi-partisan Congress for his crimes. (That and $10 will get you a good cup of Joe at Starbucks).

I hate to say it but Obama's DOJ will cover her like they did for Holder. An Ex-1st Lady and Obama's Sect of State going to jail would only hurt HIS 'legacy'.... Welcome to the '2 Americas', where they skate on things we would already be in jail is gonna walk....

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