McCarthy Admits Benghazi Designed to Flatten Hillary Poll Numbers

the party of death comes to Hillary's rescue again. the hell with Mr. Stevens an INNOCENT American civilian who was KILLED because of her and Obama Screw ups

Actually you're wrong about that as your very own expensive investigations have shown.

$20MM OMFG!!!

Do you know how many $20MM it takes to fund One ObamaCare Website?




That many
How many millions of people did that help and how many millions more in the future? Even then, you have to admit, Republicans have screwed over many more people than Obamacare helped.

Let's see:

Did it insure the 47MM uninsured? No

Did it let us keep our plan? NO!

Did it lead to $2,500 annual savings? NO!

Republicans suck as bad as Obama. Hopefully trump picks Carson as VP and make his first task to replace ObamaCare with a free market based system complete with Medical Savings account and interstate sale of insurance policies


The ACA IS a FREE MARKET based system.

now you know why the Left still cries every day about it; they dont give a shit about the lives lost; and will never admit Hillary and her boss obama covered the incident up BECAUSE an ELECTION WAS COMING

Good theory but they were absolved of all charges by your own committee.
Thats what investigations do,ether find guilt or not,just because no guilt was found,according to you,the whole investigation shouldn't have happened,yep that's some well thought out logic.
Answer this,why did Rice go one every Sunday morning news show and LIE about a video? Why did Obama do the same thing on late night,why would they Lie?
the party of death comes to Hillary's rescue again. the hell with Mr. Stevens an INNOCENT American civilian who was KILLED because of her and Obama Screw ups

Actually you're wrong about that as your very own expensive investigations have shown.

$20MM OMFG!!!

Do you know how many $20MM it takes to fund One ObamaCare Website?




That many
How many millions of people did that help and how many millions more in the future? Even then, you have to admit, Republicans have screwed over many more people than Obamacare helped.

Let's see:

Did it insure the 47MM uninsured? No

Did it let us keep our plan? NO!

Did it lead to $2,500 annual savings? NO!

Republicans suck as bad as Obama. Hopefully trump picks Carson as VP and make his first task to replace ObamaCare with a free market based system complete with Medical Savings account and interstate sale of insurance policies


The ACA IS a FREE MARKET based system.
Hardly,free market lets you buy what you want or DON'T want.
Four Americans died in Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi. Tragic as the loss of those four may be, they were simply a few more of the casualties of warfare.

1. Libtards declare the GOP did not care about these 4 even though they were allowed to be murdered on THEIR watch...and then we see them hypocritically declare stuff like this above: '4 Americans died, move along, nothing to see...

2. You claim they were 'victims of war'. WHAT WAR? Didn't you hear Obama weeks earlier? "Al Qaida is on the Run"..."The War on Terror is Over"! He had just taken the war on his own, without Constitutional approval to do so, to help Al Qaeida take over Libya...even THAT war was over. They were our 'buddies' - Obama and Hillary even hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to PROTECT Stevens!

All of this is just a massive demonstration of how Obama was/is either stupid or allowed this to happen because he has always been and will always be an Islamic Sympathizer!

You need to get your head around the fact that Obama is fighting a war and Republicans are holding investigations to destroy a Democratic candidate. They don't care about dead, dying, injured or damaged, they care about power alone and are crapping on the flag we hold dear.

help me get my head around things idiot. what war were we fighting when obama destroyed libya and made it a safe haven for BOTH ISIS AND AL QAEDA, as well as for the HUMAN SMUGGLERS operating from there sending refugees to Europe RIGHT NOW?????????????????????

Churchill said war is hell and you guys think it is a precise science, not because you agree, but because you need something to cry and bitch about.
The ACA IS a FREE MARKET based system.

Liberals rammed through Legislation that was opposed by a majority of the American people, and top DNC self-appointed 'rulers', who Un-Constitutionally exempted themselves from the law, declared to the American people that they had no right to know what was in this 'edict' until it had passed!

He declared it would not cost a dime, would pay for itself, would lower the cost of health care, that people would not lose their jobs, and would not lose their health care....ALLL which turned out to be a LIE.

They tried to create an entire new health care system and couldn't even build the WEB SITE for it, as it still doesn't work and has cost tax payers hundreds of millions of dollars.

There ain't NOTHING 'free' about this PO$!
Holder, his ex AG, perpetrated 4 Felony Counts of Perjury protecting his arse for fast and charges, no jail time, but he is now the ONLY US AG in history to be unanimously Censured by a bi-partisan Congress for his crimes. (That and $10 will get you a good cup of Joe at Starbucks).

I hate to say it but Obama's DOJ will cover her like they did for Holder. An Ex-1st Lady and Obama's Sect of State going to jail would only hurt HIS 'legacy'.... Welcome to the '2 Americas', where they skate on things we would already be in jail is gonna walk....

Yup. Nothing will come of either Benghazi or her e-mail fiasco unless the voters decide they have had enough of her and her bullshit.

She will skate and never be held accountable for anything.
All this "kitchen sinking" won't change the fact that McCarthy went on National Television and admitted that the Benghazi 'investigations' were completely politically motivated. He was bragging about "flattening" Hillary Clinton's poll numbers. That's pretty amazing. Clinton couldn't have hoped for a better confession than if Perry Mason himself pulled it out of McCarthy. This is golden.
Holder, his ex AG, perpetrated 4 Felony Counts of Perjury protecting his arse for fast and charges, no jail time, but he is now the ONLY US AG in history to be unanimously Censured by a bi-partisan Congress for his crimes. (That and $10 will get you a good cup of Joe at Starbucks).

I hate to say it but Obama's DOJ will cover her like they did for Holder. An Ex-1st Lady and Obama's Sect of State going to jail would only hurt HIS 'legacy'.... Welcome to the '2 Americas', where they skate on things we would already be in jail is gonna walk....

No different than Ford covering for Nixon, or GHW Bush covering for Casper Weinberger, or GW Bush covering for Scooter Libby.
Four Americans died in Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi. Tragic as the loss of those four may be, they were simply a few more of the casualties of warfare.

1. Libtards declare the GOP did not care about these 4 even though they were allowed to be murdered on THEIR watch...and then we see them hypocritically declare stuff like this above: '4 Americans died, move along, nothing to see...

2. You claim they were 'victims of war'. WHAT WAR? Didn't you hear Obama weeks earlier? "Al Qaida is on the Run"..."The War on Terror is Over"! He had just taken the war on his own, without Constitutional approval to do so, to help Al Qaeida take over Libya...even THAT war was over. They were our 'buddies' - Obama and Hillary even hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to PROTECT Stevens!

All of this is just a massive demonstration of how Obama was/is either stupid or allowed this to happen because he has always been and will always be an Islamic Sympathizer!

You need to get your head around the fact that Obama is fighting a war and Republicans are holding investigations to destroy a Democratic candidate. They don't care about dead, dying, injured or damaged, they care about power alone and are crapping on the flag we hold dear.

help me get my head around things idiot. what war were we fighting when obama destroyed libya and made it a safe haven for BOTH ISIS AND AL QAEDA, as well as for the HUMAN SMUGGLERS operating from there sending refugees to Europe RIGHT NOW?????????????????????

Churchill said war is hell and you guys think it is a precise science, not because you agree, but because you need something to cry and bitch about.
Yet you started the thread blubbering whining,good job!!
Holder, his ex AG, perpetrated 4 Felony Counts of Perjury protecting his arse for fast and charges, no jail time, but he is now the ONLY US AG in history to be unanimously Censured by a bi-partisan Congress for his crimes. (That and $10 will get you a good cup of Joe at Starbucks).

I hate to say it but Obama's DOJ will cover her like they did for Holder. An Ex-1st Lady and Obama's Sect of State going to jail would only hurt HIS 'legacy'.... Welcome to the '2 Americas', where they skate on things we would already be in jail is gonna walk....

No different than Ford covering for Nixon, or GHW Bush covering for Casper Weinberger, or GW Bush covering for Scooter Libby.
Third grade play ground shit there bright spark ,theyyyyy did it also,so child like.
Churchill said war is hell and you guys think it is a precise science.

Again, WHAT WAR?
Obama declared before the 2012 elections, right before 9/11/12: "Al Qaida is on the Run"..."The War on Terror is Over"!

According to Obama there was NO WAR going on. The only WAR that had happened was Obama taking the nation to war on his own, without Congressional approval to do so, and used our military to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 take over their own country! And even THAT war was 'over'. They were our 'buddies' - Obama and Hillary even hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to PROTECT Stevens!

Maybe you mean the war against ISIS, which Obama has been getting his @$$ handed to in, unless you believe the FALSIFIED INTEL his administration has been putting out since 2012 about how successful he has been.
Four Americans died in Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi. Tragic as the loss of those four may be, they were simply a few more of the casualties of warfare.

1. Libtards declare the GOP did not care about these 4 even though they were allowed to be murdered on THEIR watch...and then we see them hypocritically declare stuff like this above: '4 Americans died, move along, nothing to see...

2. You claim they were 'victims of war'. WHAT WAR? Didn't you hear Obama weeks earlier? "Al Qaida is on the Run"..."The War on Terror is Over"! He had just taken the war on his own, without Constitutional approval to do so, to help Al Qaeida take over Libya...even THAT war was over. They were our 'buddies' - Obama and Hillary even hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to PROTECT Stevens!

All of this is just a massive demonstration of how Obama was/is either stupid or allowed this to happen because he has always been and will always be an Islamic Sympathizer!

You need to get your head around the fact that Obama is fighting a war and Republicans are holding investigations to destroy a Democratic candidate. They don't care about dead, dying, injured or damaged, they care about power alone and are crapping on the flag we hold dear.

help me get my head around things idiot. what war were we fighting when obama destroyed libya and made it a safe haven for BOTH ISIS AND AL QAEDA, as well as for the HUMAN SMUGGLERS operating from there sending refugees to Europe RIGHT NOW?????????????????????

Churchill said war is hell and you guys think it is a precise science, not because you agree, but because you need something to cry and bitch about.
Yet you started the thread blubbering whining,good job!!

I'm not blubbering or whining, I just repeated the facts as stated on National Television by the man running for the Speaker of the House job.
Four Americans died in Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi. Tragic as the loss of those four may be, they were simply a few more of the casualties of warfare.

1. Libtards declare the GOP did not care about these 4 even though they were allowed to be murdered on THEIR watch...and then we see them hypocritically declare stuff like this above: '4 Americans died, move along, nothing to see...

2. You claim they were 'victims of war'. WHAT WAR? Didn't you hear Obama weeks earlier? "Al Qaida is on the Run"..."The War on Terror is Over"! He had just taken the war on his own, without Constitutional approval to do so, to help Al Qaeida take over Libya...even THAT war was over. They were our 'buddies' - Obama and Hillary even hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to PROTECT Stevens!

All of this is just a massive demonstration of how Obama was/is either stupid or allowed this to happen because he has always been and will always be an Islamic Sympathizer!

You need to get your head around the fact that Obama is fighting a war and Republicans are holding investigations to destroy a Democratic candidate. They don't care about dead, dying, injured or damaged, they care about power alone and are crapping on the flag we hold dear.

help me get my head around things idiot. what war were we fighting when obama destroyed libya and made it a safe haven for BOTH ISIS AND AL QAEDA, as well as for the HUMAN SMUGGLERS operating from there sending refugees to Europe RIGHT NOW?????????????????????

Churchill said war is hell and you guys think it is a precise science, not because you agree, but because you need something to cry and bitch about.

i asked you a question about your clinging to obama's nutsack post a few minuts ago. you want to lecture people about getting their heads around stuff and shit; but you have no reply but the stupidity about when pressed for details.
what war was obama fighting, precise or otherwise, in libya?
Churchill said war is hell and you guys think it is a precise science.

Again, WHAT WAR?
Obama declared before the 2012 elections, right before 9/11/12: "Al Qaida is on the Run"..."The War on Terror is Over"!

According to Obama there was NO WAR going on. The only WAR that had happened was Obama taking the nation to war on his own, without Congressional approval to do so, and used our military to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 take over their own country! And even THAT war was 'over'. They were our 'buddies' - Obama and Hillary even hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to PROTECT Stevens!

Maybe you mean the war against ISIS, which Obama has been getting his @$$ handed to in, unless you believe the FALSIFIED INTEL his administration has been putting out since 2012 about how successful he has been.

Like I said, you guys just want something to pound on your high chair about.
All this "kitchen sinking" won't change the fact that McCarthy went on National Television and admitted

MCCARTHY IS NOT IN CHARGE OF THE BENGHAZI INVESTIGATION! It's like if Nancy Pelosi declared it to be an attack on Hillary.... McCarthy is NOT in Charge, and the crimes revealed, along with her continuous proven LIES to the Committee, are not about bringing down her numbers!
God douchbag is a moron.

The GOP was more than happy to push Hilbats failure at Benghazi in the hopes it would affect her poll numbers.

The DNC would have done the same.

And of course douchbag is insulted that the GOP did exactly what the DNC would have done.

A moron he truly is. LOL
Four Americans died in Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi. Tragic as the loss of those four may be, they were simply a few more of the casualties of warfare.

1. Libtards declare the GOP did not care about these 4 even though they were allowed to be murdered on THEIR watch...and then we see them hypocritically declare stuff like this above: '4 Americans died, move along, nothing to see...

2. You claim they were 'victims of war'. WHAT WAR? Didn't you hear Obama weeks earlier? "Al Qaida is on the Run"..."The War on Terror is Over"! He had just taken the war on his own, without Constitutional approval to do so, to help Al Qaeida take over Libya...even THAT war was over. They were our 'buddies' - Obama and Hillary even hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to PROTECT Stevens!

All of this is just a massive demonstration of how Obama was/is either stupid or allowed this to happen because he has always been and will always be an Islamic Sympathizer!

You need to get your head around the fact that Obama is fighting a war and Republicans are holding investigations to destroy a Democratic candidate. They don't care about dead, dying, injured or damaged, they care about power alone and are crapping on the flag we hold dear.

help me get my head around things idiot. what war were we fighting when obama destroyed libya and made it a safe haven for BOTH ISIS AND AL QAEDA, as well as for the HUMAN SMUGGLERS operating from there sending refugees to Europe RIGHT NOW?????????????????????

Churchill said war is hell and you guys think it is a precise science, not because you agree, but because you need something to cry and bitch about.

i asked you a question about your clinging to obama's nutsack post a few minuts ago. you want to lecture people about getting their heads around stuff and shit; but you have no reply but the stupidity about when pressed for details.
what war was obama fighting, precise or otherwise, in libya?

I'm not going to go off on some weird tangential discussion with you. Keep it to the Op.
How did they get away with spending that money without us knowing? I find it to be horrible when they vote down help for others yet will spend it to get their own into the white house.

It is horrible, but more than that it is:

  • Nonfeasance is the failure to act where action is required - willfully or in neglect.
  • Misfeasance is the willful inappropriate action or intentional incorrect action or advice.
  • Malfeasance is the willful and intentional action that injures a party.
Like I said, you guys just want something to pound on your high chair about.

Again, WHAT WAR?

YOU just made another reference to some kind of NON-Existent 'war'....

Obama declared before the 2012 elections, right before 9/11/12: "Al Qaida is on the Run"..."The War on Terror is Over"!

According to Obama there was NO WAR going on. The only WAR that had happened was Obama taking the nation to war on his own, without Congressional approval to do so, and used our military to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 take over their own country! And even THAT war was 'over'. They were our 'buddies' - Obama and Hillary even hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to PROTECT Stevens!

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