McCarthy Admits Benghazi Designed to Flatten Hillary Poll Numbers

So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

You gotta give Carly Fiorina credit, the woman can lie right to your face and double down. | Page 9 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

When I was writing about the enormous amount of tax payer money Republicans have spent going after Hillary since Bill was Governor, Oldstyle said, "What? The GOP has spent tens of millions of tax payer dollars since the 80's trying to "take down" Hillary Clinton? Where do you come up with this happy horseshit, R-Derp? Seriously...where?"

So I added a link showing where they had spent over 10 million in just the last year alone:

You gotta give Carly Fiorina credit, the woman can lie right to your face and double down. | Page 9 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I think this pretty much proves Republicans think these investigations are free.

you keep regurgitating stuff that doesnt hold up to scrutiny; while Republicans use facts

that's why people laugh at you

I gave links and amounts. You didn't. I think your bulb has been screwed in crooked.

Benghazi Investigation Spends Fortune to Harass Hillary Clinton

Not all the costs have been released for just Benghazi and it's in the millions.

While exact dollar amounts spent by federal agencies are unavailable, details released about other declassification processes shed light on these costs. In March 2014 the Defense Departmentinformed Democratic Rep. Adam Smith, they had spent “millions of dollars” and “thousands of man-hours to responding to numerous and often repetitive Congressional requests regarding Benghazi.” Currently the State Department has 12 full-time staff members paid between $63,700 and $150,000 reviewing Hillary Clinton’s emails “a process that could cost more than $1 million” according to theNational Journal. The total cost for these document queries could run well into the eight figures. For example, the IRS spent $14 million responding to Congressional investigations into accusations it politicized the tax-exemption application process.
The Benghazi Select Committee has little to show for the significant expenditure—aside from a trail of unfulfilled promises by its Chairman. “We will have hearings in January, February and March,” Rep. Gowdy (R-SC) announced in December.

And Remember, Republicans did this for Bill's entire 8 years in office.

When Republicans are in office, it looks like they spend most of their time going after opponents. But since the taxpayers are footing the bill, why not? Right?

once again all you have is propaganda. you're an idiot whining about dollars spend bu you support a president that has debt approaching 20 TRILLION
Their own "investigation" showed she was not at fault but RWs have lied about the Clintons from the beginning.

Investigations have also shown their other lies are untrue - ACORN, Planned Parenthood, Obama, etc but that won't stop them from repeating the lies.

And willfully ignorant RWs will continue to repeat the lies.
5 investigations previous to trey gowdy, found that she did nothing wrong, but the Republicans could not handle what 5 of their own investigations concluded so some republicans convinced Bohner to conduct another one and they began a 6th one, with Gowdy, and Gowdy still says he has found no wrong dong with Hillary and Benghazi....

These Republicans, are rotten to their very core of their souls.



Oh, but the SHOW MUST GO ON

they scream....

Of course she did nothing wrong criminally. She did nothing. They had months of warnings about an attack and her State Department did nothing.

Four good men died because her State Department did nothing. No one was held accountable for their gross negligence.

No crime was committed but four good men died because of the NOTHING the State Department did.

And this woman wants to be president of the United States. I wouldn't trust her to guard the fucking sugar bowl or be responsible for anything.
I missed the part were you talked about the 26 embassy personnel that died under Bush. Do you miss them too? Weren't they "good"?

now you know why the Left still cries every day about it; they dont give a shit about the lives lost; and will never admit Hillary and her boss obama covered the incident up BECAUSE an ELECTION WAS COMING

Good theory but they were absolved of all charges by your own committee.
Thats what investigations do,ether find guilt or not,just because no guilt was found,according to you,the whole investigation shouldn't have happened,yep that's some well thought out logic.
Answer this,why did Rice go one every Sunday morning news show and LIE about a video? Why did Obama do the same thing on late night,why would they Lie?

You seem unable to discern the difference between an investigation and a witch hunt. Investigators ask questions; interrogators on a witch hunt do what we saw yesterday by the Republican Members of the H. or Rep; in their with hunt with the President of Planned Parenthood they asked loaded/complex* questions:

*Description: A question that has a presupposition built in, which implies something but protects the one asking the question from accusations of false claims. It is a form of misleading discourse, and it is a fallacy when the audience does not detect the assumed information implicit in the question, and accepts it as a fact.
Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she’s un-trustable.”

Mr. McCarthy added, “But no one would have known any of that had happened had we not fought and made that happen.”

Liberals need to learn that WORDS ACTUALLY MEAN SOMETHING!

McCarthy said Hillary's numbers are dropping and they are dropping BECAUSE of - AS A RESULT OF - the on-going investigation. NOWHERE does he say here that the Investigation's only purpose was to make her numbers go down!

Only an ubre-partisan, deceitful Liberal could twist those words to mean the only reason the Benghazi investigation exists is to take Hillary down!

One of the results of this investigation, which I agree with whole-heartedly, is that Hillary has been FURTHER exposed as a lying, self/party-serving, manipulative, deceitful, un-trustworthy treasonous bi@tch! People have now seen this, and they see Hillary running from this, her ridiculous attempts to explain it away, her dodging interviews and debates...her complete meltdown!

But again, NOWHERE does McCarthy say that the Benghazi Investigation was initiated or exists today solely to bring Hillary down. Any attempt to claim otherwise is either the results of the inability to comprehend English as a result of Common Core, intentional twisting of words, or wishful thinking!
I missed the part were you talked about the 26 embassy personnel that died under Bush. Do you miss them too? Weren't they "good"?

Bush never lied about the attacks, never jid while they occurred, never doctored CIA reports about them to remove all references to 'terrorism', never conspired to lie to the American people about them, never declared to the world after those deaths that it was all over fictional protests that occurred because 'America was bad' and that 'The world must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam'!

now you know why the Left still cries every day about it; they dont give a shit about the lives lost; and will never admit Hillary and her boss obama covered the incident up BECAUSE an ELECTION WAS COMING

Good theory but they were absolved of all charges by your own committee.
Thats what investigations do,ether find guilt or not,just because no guilt was found,according to you,the whole investigation shouldn't have happened,yep that's some well thought out logic.
Answer this,why did Rice go one every Sunday morning news show and LIE about a video? Why did Obama do the same thing on late night,why would they Lie?

You seem unable to discern the difference between an investigation and a witch hunt. Investigators ask questions; interrogators on a witch hunt do what we saw yesterday by the Republican Members of the H. or Rep; in their with hunt with the President of Planned Parenthood they asked loaded/complex* questions:

*Description: A question that has a presupposition built in, which implies something but protects the one asking the question from accusations of false claims. It is a form of misleading discourse, and it is a fallacy when the audience does not detect the assumed information implicit in the question, and accepts it as a fact.

you are calling a "witchunt" an investigation into a serial liar who clearly has considered herself above the law almost all her life. you have zero evidence of a Witchunt". the investigation long precedes anything this guy said

try again.....................
LMAO and the DNC wouldn't have done the exact same thing to affect an opponents poll numbers if they could?

You bet your ass they would. Grow up.

Democrats are not in power and have no investigative authority. Republicans are in power and have been caught spending public money under the guise of an official investigation. That's the definition of racketeering and misappropriation of public money.

Oh but if they had been they would have done the exact same thing.

Both parties want power and will do whatever it takes to get that power.

Just think how much public money the Dems spend at Watergate and all the other times they have tried to bring down a Rep.

I think you will find that it evens out quite nicely.

Both parties will do whatever it takes to make the other party look bad.

As for Benghazi?? It was a total case of a State Department that ignored warnings that they had had for months. They ignored an ambassador who wanted more security. They ignored the fact that the Brits and the Red Cross pulled out because of those very same warnings.

Absolute negligence on their part and it got four good men killed for nothing and as head of the State Department Hilbat should have been held accountable for the failure of her State Department. She wasn't and never will be.

I'm sure the survivors of the dead and those wounded appreciate that fact. NOT.
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

You gotta give Carly Fiorina credit, the woman can lie right to your face and double down. | Page 9 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

When I was writing about the enormous amount of tax payer money Republicans have spent going after Hillary since Bill was Governor, Oldstyle said, "What? The GOP has spent tens of millions of tax payer dollars since the 80's trying to "take down" Hillary Clinton? Where do you come up with this happy horseshit, R-Derp? Seriously...where?"

So I added a link showing where they had spent over 10 million in just the last year alone:

You gotta give Carly Fiorina credit, the woman can lie right to your face and double down. | Page 9 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I think this pretty much proves Republicans think these investigations are free.

you keep regurgitating stuff that doesnt hold up to scrutiny; while Republicans use facts

that's why people laugh at you

I gave links and amounts. You didn't. I think your bulb has been screwed in crooked.

Benghazi Investigation Spends Fortune to Harass Hillary Clinton

Not all the costs have been released for just Benghazi and it's in the millions.

While exact dollar amounts spent by federal agencies are unavailable, details released about other declassification processes shed light on these costs. In March 2014 the Defense Departmentinformed Democratic Rep. Adam Smith, they had spent “millions of dollars” and “thousands of man-hours to responding to numerous and often repetitive Congressional requests regarding Benghazi.” Currently the State Department has 12 full-time staff members paid between $63,700 and $150,000 reviewing Hillary Clinton’s emails “a process that could cost more than $1 million” according to theNational Journal. The total cost for these document queries could run well into the eight figures. For example, the IRS spent $14 million responding to Congressional investigations into accusations it politicized the tax-exemption application process.
The Benghazi Select Committee has little to show for the significant expenditure—aside from a trail of unfulfilled promises by its Chairman. “We will have hearings in January, February and March,” Rep. Gowdy (R-SC) announced in December.

And Remember, Republicans did this for Bill's entire 8 years in office.

When Republicans are in office, it looks like they spend most of their time going after opponents. But since the taxpayers are footing the bill, why not? Right?

once again all you have is propaganda. you're an idiot whining about dollars spend bu you support a president that has debt approaching 20 TRILLION

I enjoy the fact that you lump the part you're responsible for in that number without ever making an attempt to balance your own books.
I missed the part were you talked about the 26 embassy personnel that died under Bush. Do you miss them too? Weren't they "good"?

Bush never lied about the attacks, never jid while they occurred, never doctored CIA reports about them to remove all references to 'terrorism', never conspired to lie to the American people about them, never declared to the world after those deaths that it was all over fictional protests that occurred because 'America was bad' and that 'The world must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam'!

exactly!! libs are simply idiots who lie to themselves when they make these idiotic comparisons
Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she’s un-trustable.”

Mr. McCarthy added, “But no one would have known any of that had happened had we not fought and made that happen.”

Liberals need to learn that WORDS ACTUALLY MEAN SOMETHING!

McCarthy said Hillary's numbers are dropping and they are dropping BECAUSE of - AS A RESULT OF - the on-going investigation. NOWHERE does he say here that the Investigation's only purpose was to make her numbers go down!

Only an ubre-partisan, deceitful Liberal could twist those words to mean the only reason the Benghazi investigation exists is to take Hillary down!

One of the results of this investigation, which I agree with whole-heartedly, is that Hillary has been FURTHER exposed as a lying, self/party-serving, manipulative, deceitful, un-trustworthy treasonous bi@tch! People have now seen this, and they see Hillary running from this, her ridiculous attempts to explain it away, her dodging interviews and debates...her complete meltdown!

But again, NOWHERE does McCarthy say that the Benghazi Investigation was initiated or exists today solely to bring Hillary down. Any attempt to claim otherwise is either the results of the inability to comprehend English as a result of Common Core, intentional twisting of words, or wishful thinking!

Well no.

He did say that:

Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee.
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

You gotta give Carly Fiorina credit, the woman can lie right to your face and double down. | Page 9 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

When I was writing about the enormous amount of tax payer money Republicans have spent going after Hillary since Bill was Governor, Oldstyle said, "What? The GOP has spent tens of millions of tax payer dollars since the 80's trying to "take down" Hillary Clinton? Where do you come up with this happy horseshit, R-Derp? Seriously...where?"

So I added a link showing where they had spent over 10 million in just the last year alone:

You gotta give Carly Fiorina credit, the woman can lie right to your face and double down. | Page 9 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I think this pretty much proves Republicans think these investigations are free.

you keep regurgitating stuff that doesnt hold up to scrutiny; while Republicans use facts

that's why people laugh at you

I gave links and amounts. You didn't. I think your bulb has been screwed in crooked.

Benghazi Investigation Spends Fortune to Harass Hillary Clinton

Not all the costs have been released for just Benghazi and it's in the millions.

While exact dollar amounts spent by federal agencies are unavailable, details released about other declassification processes shed light on these costs. In March 2014 the Defense Departmentinformed Democratic Rep. Adam Smith, they had spent “millions of dollars” and “thousands of man-hours to responding to numerous and often repetitive Congressional requests regarding Benghazi.” Currently the State Department has 12 full-time staff members paid between $63,700 and $150,000 reviewing Hillary Clinton’s emails “a process that could cost more than $1 million” according to theNational Journal. The total cost for these document queries could run well into the eight figures. For example, the IRS spent $14 million responding to Congressional investigations into accusations it politicized the tax-exemption application process.
The Benghazi Select Committee has little to show for the significant expenditure—aside from a trail of unfulfilled promises by its Chairman. “We will have hearings in January, February and March,” Rep. Gowdy (R-SC) announced in December.

And Remember, Republicans did this for Bill's entire 8 years in office.

When Republicans are in office, it looks like they spend most of their time going after opponents. But since the taxpayers are footing the bill, why not? Right?

once again all you have is propaganda. you're an idiot whining about dollars spend bu you support a president that has debt approaching 20 TRILLION

I enjoy the fact that you lump the part you're responsible for in that number without ever making an attempt to balance your own books.

i never said obama spent $20 trillion. Like i said go cry
Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she’s un-trustable.”

Mr. McCarthy added, “But no one would have known any of that had happened had we not fought and made that happen.”

Liberals need to learn that WORDS ACTUALLY MEAN SOMETHING!

McCarthy said Hillary's numbers are dropping and they are dropping BECAUSE of - AS A RESULT OF - the on-going investigation. NOWHERE does he say here that the Investigation's only purpose was to make her numbers go down!

Only an ubre-partisan, deceitful Liberal could twist those words to mean the only reason the Benghazi investigation exists is to take Hillary down!

One of the results of this investigation, which I agree with whole-heartedly, is that Hillary has been FURTHER exposed as a lying, self/party-serving, manipulative, deceitful, un-trustworthy treasonous bi@tch! People have now seen this, and they see Hillary running from this, her ridiculous attempts to explain it away, her dodging interviews and debates...her complete meltdown!

But again, NOWHERE does McCarthy say that the Benghazi Investigation was initiated or exists today solely to bring Hillary down. Any attempt to claim otherwise is either the results of the inability to comprehend English as a result of Common Core, intentional twisting of words, or wishful thinking!

It is time for an independent counsel to subpoena the email records of Gowdy, Issa and Jason Chaffetz.
Their own "investigation" showed she was not at fault but RWs have lied about the Clintons from the beginning.

Investigations have also shown their other lies are untrue - ACORN, Planned Parenthood, Obama, etc but that won't stop them from repeating the lies.

And willfully ignorant RWs will continue to repeat the lies.
5 investigations previous to trey gowdy, found that she did nothing wrong, but the Republicans could not handle what 5 of their own investigations concluded so some republicans convinced Bohner to conduct another one and they began a 6th one, with Gowdy, and Gowdy still says he has found no wrong dong with Hillary and Benghazi....

These Republicans, are rotten to their very core of their souls.



Oh, but the SHOW MUST GO ON

they scream....

Of course she did nothing wrong criminally. She did nothing. They had months of warnings about an attack and her State Department did nothing.

Four good men died because her State Department did nothing. No one was held accountable for their gross negligence.

No crime was committed but four good men died because of the NOTHING the State Department did.

And this woman wants to be president of the United States. I wouldn't trust her to guard the fucking sugar bowl or be responsible for anything.
I missed the part were you talked about the 26 embassy personnel that died under Bush. Do you miss them too? Weren't they "good"?

Were we talking about Bush??

No we weren't. We are talking about Hillary Clinton and her abject failure to protect an embassy in Libya. An embassy that had months of warning about an impending attack.

The Brits and the Red Cross both pulled out of Libya because of those warnings.

As for those dying under Bush?? Tell me. Did they have months of warnings about an attack?? I doubt it.

now you know why the Left still cries every day about it; they dont give a shit about the lives lost; and will never admit Hillary and her boss obama covered the incident up BECAUSE an ELECTION WAS COMING

Good theory but they were absolved of all charges by your own committee.
Thats what investigations do,ether find guilt or not,just because no guilt was found,according to you,the whole investigation shouldn't have happened,yep that's some well thought out logic.
Answer this,why did Rice go one every Sunday morning news show and LIE about a video? Why did Obama do the same thing on late night,why would they Lie?

You seem unable to discern the difference between an investigation and a witch hunt. Investigators ask questions; interrogators on a witch hunt do what we saw yesterday by the Republican Members of the H. or Rep; in their with hunt with the President of Planned Parenthood they asked loaded/complex* questions:

*Description: A question that has a presupposition built in, which implies something but protects the one asking the question from accusations of false claims. It is a form of misleading discourse, and it is a fallacy when the audience does not detect the assumed information implicit in the question, and accepts it as a fact.

you are calling a "witchunt" an investigation into a serial liar who clearly has considered herself above the law almost all her life. you have zero evidence of a Witchunt". the investigation long precedes anything this guy said

try again.....................

We need a special counsel to investigate Gowdy, Issa, and Chaffetz.
You seem unable to discern the difference between an investigation and a witch hunt.


Ex-AG Eric Holder was caught perpetrating 3 Felony Counts of Perjury before Congress, and Congress appropriately requested his hand-picked Obama administration DOJ appoint an independent counsel and to file criminal charges against him. They, or course, refused, and Obama refused to do anything but to protect the man who was covering his @$$.

Congress, outraged at this cover-up and refusal to enforce the law did not let the issue drop, as they should not have. Was this a 'Witch Hunt'? Not according to the UNANIMOUS BI-PARTISAN CONGRESS that stood up against the Obama administration's cover-up and voted to Censure Holder for his crimes, making him the 1 and ONLY US Atty General to be Censured (for his crimes)!
You gotta give Carly Fiorina credit, the woman can lie right to your face and double down. | Page 9 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

When I was writing about the enormous amount of tax payer money Republicans have spent going after Hillary since Bill was Governor, Oldstyle said, "What? The GOP has spent tens of millions of tax payer dollars since the 80's trying to "take down" Hillary Clinton? Where do you come up with this happy horseshit, R-Derp? Seriously...where?"

So I added a link showing where they had spent over 10 million in just the last year alone:

You gotta give Carly Fiorina credit, the woman can lie right to your face and double down. | Page 9 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I think this pretty much proves Republicans think these investigations are free.

you keep regurgitating stuff that doesnt hold up to scrutiny; while Republicans use facts

that's why people laugh at you
I gave links and amounts. You didn't. I think your bulb has been screwed in crooked.

Benghazi Investigation Spends Fortune to Harass Hillary Clinton

Not all the costs have been released for just Benghazi and it's in the millions.

While exact dollar amounts spent by federal agencies are unavailable, details released about other declassification processes shed light on these costs. In March 2014 the Defense Departmentinformed Democratic Rep. Adam Smith, they had spent “millions of dollars” and “thousands of man-hours to responding to numerous and often repetitive Congressional requests regarding Benghazi.” Currently the State Department has 12 full-time staff members paid between $63,700 and $150,000 reviewing Hillary Clinton’s emails “a process that could cost more than $1 million” according to theNational Journal. The total cost for these document queries could run well into the eight figures. For example, the IRS spent $14 million responding to Congressional investigations into accusations it politicized the tax-exemption application process.
The Benghazi Select Committee has little to show for the significant expenditure—aside from a trail of unfulfilled promises by its Chairman. “We will have hearings in January, February and March,” Rep. Gowdy (R-SC) announced in December.

And Remember, Republicans did this for Bill's entire 8 years in office.

When Republicans are in office, it looks like they spend most of their time going after opponents. But since the taxpayers are footing the bill, why not? Right?

once again all you have is propaganda. you're an idiot whining about dollars spend bu you support a president that has debt approaching 20 TRILLION

I enjoy the fact that you lump the part you're responsible for in that number without ever making an attempt to balance your own books.

i never said obama spent $20 trillion. Like i said go cry

Here's what you said dum dum "bu you support a president that has debt approaching 20 TRILLION"
Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she’s un-trustable.”

Mr. McCarthy added, “But no one would have known any of that had happened had we not fought and made that happen.”

Liberals need to learn that WORDS ACTUALLY MEAN SOMETHING!

McCarthy said Hillary's numbers are dropping and they are dropping BECAUSE of - AS A RESULT OF - the on-going investigation. NOWHERE does he say here that the Investigation's only purpose was to make her numbers go down!

Only an ubre-partisan, deceitful Liberal could twist those words to mean the only reason the Benghazi investigation exists is to take Hillary down!

One of the results of this investigation, which I agree with whole-heartedly, is that Hillary has been FURTHER exposed as a lying, self/party-serving, manipulative, deceitful, un-trustworthy treasonous bi@tch! People have now seen this, and they see Hillary running from this, her ridiculous attempts to explain it away, her dodging interviews and debates...her complete meltdown!

But again, NOWHERE does McCarthy say that the Benghazi Investigation was initiated or exists today solely to bring Hillary down. Any attempt to claim otherwise is either the results of the inability to comprehend English as a result of Common Core, intentional twisting of words, or wishful thinking!

It is time for an independent counsel to subpoena the email records of Gowdy, Issa and Jason Chaffetz.

Oh and what would they be charged with??

Nothing criminal that I can see and the clowns waste tax money every day.

Good luck with that.
Their own "investigation" showed she was not at fault but RWs have lied about the Clintons from the beginning.

Investigations have also shown their other lies are untrue - ACORN, Planned Parenthood, Obama, etc but that won't stop them from repeating the lies.

And willfully ignorant RWs will continue to repeat the lies.
5 investigations previous to trey gowdy, found that she did nothing wrong, but the Republicans could not handle what 5 of their own investigations concluded so some republicans convinced Bohner to conduct another one and they began a 6th one, with Gowdy, and Gowdy still says he has found no wrong dong with Hillary and Benghazi....

These Republicans, are rotten to their very core of their souls.



Oh, but the SHOW MUST GO ON

they scream....

Of course she did nothing wrong criminally. She did nothing. They had months of warnings about an attack and her State Department did nothing.

Four good men died because her State Department did nothing. No one was held accountable for their gross negligence.

No crime was committed but four good men died because of the NOTHING the State Department did.

And this woman wants to be president of the United States. I wouldn't trust her to guard the fucking sugar bowl or be responsible for anything.
I missed the part were you talked about the 26 embassy personnel that died under Bush. Do you miss them too? Weren't they "good"?

Were we talking about Bush??

No we weren't. We are talking about Hillary Clinton and her abject failure to protect an embassy in Libya. An embassy that had months of warning about an impending attack.

The Brits and the Red Cross both pulled out of Libya because of those warnings.

As for those dying under Bush?? Tell me. Did they have months of warnings about an attack?? I doubt it.

The point is is Bush couldn't protect Embassy personnel why is Hillary being held accountable? And now we know it was a ruse to destroy her candidacy.
I missed the part were you talked about the 26 embassy personnel that died under Bush. Do you miss them too? Weren't they "good"?

Bush never lied about the attacks, never jid while they occurred, never doctored CIA reports about them to remove all references to 'terrorism', never conspired to lie to the American people about them, never declared to the world after those deaths that it was all over fictional protests that occurred because 'America was bad' and that 'The world must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam'!

Of course he did.

His administration told the American public that Al Qaeda had colluded with the Iraqi government to launch the 9/11 terrorist attack. He then went on to say that the Iraqis were in the process of building nuclear weapons to attack the United States, and that they were allied with Iran and North Korea in that endeavor.

They told some real whoppers.

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