McCarthy Admits Benghazi Designed to Flatten Hillary Poll Numbers

All they would fine is that she and her State Department were negligent.

That's it. Nothing criminal about it.

Its just to bad the families of those killed and wounded couldn't sue the shit out of the Govt. for the gross negligence that caused the deaths of their loved ones.

Well that would be fine except it was the Republican Select Committee on Intelligence that found no crime or negligence.
Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she’s un-trustable.”

Mr. McCarthy added, “But no one would have known any of that had happened had we not fought and made that happen.”

Liberals need to learn that WORDS ACTUALLY MEAN SOMETHING!

McCarthy said Hillary's numbers are dropping and they are dropping BECAUSE of - AS A RESULT OF - the on-going investigation. NOWHERE does he say here that the Investigation's only purpose was to make her numbers go down!

Only an ubre-partisan, deceitful Liberal could twist those words to mean the only reason the Benghazi investigation exists is to take Hillary down!

One of the results of this investigation, which I agree with whole-heartedly, is that Hillary has been FURTHER exposed as a lying, self/party-serving, manipulative, deceitful, un-trustworthy treasonous bi@tch! People have now seen this, and they see Hillary running from this, her ridiculous attempts to explain it away, her dodging interviews and debates...her complete meltdown!

But again, NOWHERE does McCarthy say that the Benghazi Investigation was initiated or exists today solely to bring Hillary down. Any attempt to claim otherwise is either the results of the inability to comprehend English as a result of Common Core, intentional twisting of words, or wishful thinking!

What we know today is that the 7 previous Benghazi investigations weren't to discover any truth they were to foil a candidate. For my money that's a criminal enterprise and should be prosecuted.

you're using statements from a leader that wasnt a leader at the time..
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

That's not what he was saying. He was saying that Hillary is not trustworthy and they set out to prove it.

But people keep protecting her. She must have something on everyone to keep them in line.

Over twenty years, Republicans have spent over $100 million dollars in taxpayer money trying to take down the Clinton's, a sold failure on their part and a lesson unlearned. They have decimated whole forests to produce books that haven't put a dent in their reputation. What do they have to show for it? I don't see a single candidate that rises to her level and as Old School says once she starts using Kevin McCarthy in her campaign ads all that damage you tried to do is undone. Is there a better defintion of incompetent anywhere?

And democrats have wasted more doing the same thing to republicans.

Yup and that's something numbnuts and his cohorts don't seem to want to see.

Both parties will do whatever it takes to bring down someone from the other side and they won't give a shit about the wasting of tax dollars to accomplish it.

That's why I LMAO of at douchbag and his thread.

I love your fact free responses Claudette, but I'm afraid you will earn a reputation as an airhead because of it.
All they would fine is that she and her State Department were negligent.

That's it. Nothing criminal about it.

Its just to bad the families of those killed and wounded couldn't sue the shit out of the Govt. for the gross negligence that caused the deaths of their loved ones.

Well that would be fine except it was the Republican Select Committee on Intelligence that found no crime or negligence.

and that was why again idiot?
did they also announce they got all the documents they wanted?

hillary's communications DO have a way of disappearing do they not leftard???
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

That's not what he was saying. He was saying that Hillary is not trustworthy and they set out to prove it.

But people keep protecting her. She must have something on everyone to keep them in line.

Over twenty years, Republicans have spent over $100 million dollars in taxpayer money trying to take down the Clinton's, a sold failure on their part and a lesson unlearned. They have decimated whole forests to produce books that haven't put a dent in their reputation. What do they have to show for it? I don't see a single candidate that rises to her level and as Old School says once she starts using Kevin McCarthy in her campaign ads all that damage you tried to do is undone. Is there a better defintion of incompetent anywhere?

And democrats have wasted more doing the same thing to republicans.

Yup and that's something numbnuts and his cohorts don't seem to want to see.

Both parties will do whatever it takes to bring down someone from the other side and they won't give a shit about the wasting of tax dollars to accomplish it.

That's why I LMAO of at douchbag and his thread.

I love your fact free responses Claudette, but I'm afraid you will earn a reputation as an airhead because of it.

there is nothing substantive in your posts dummy. dont flatter yourself.
Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she’s un-trustable.”

Mr. McCarthy added, “But no one would have known any of that had happened had we not fought and made that happen.”

Liberals need to learn that WORDS ACTUALLY MEAN SOMETHING!

McCarthy said Hillary's numbers are dropping and they are dropping BECAUSE of - AS A RESULT OF - the on-going investigation. NOWHERE does he say here that the Investigation's only purpose was to make her numbers go down!

Only an ubre-partisan, deceitful Liberal could twist those words to mean the only reason the Benghazi investigation exists is to take Hillary down!

One of the results of this investigation, which I agree with whole-heartedly, is that Hillary has been FURTHER exposed as a lying, self/party-serving, manipulative, deceitful, un-trustworthy treasonous bi@tch! People have now seen this, and they see Hillary running from this, her ridiculous attempts to explain it away, her dodging interviews and debates...her complete meltdown!

But again, NOWHERE does McCarthy say that the Benghazi Investigation was initiated or exists today solely to bring Hillary down. Any attempt to claim otherwise is either the results of the inability to comprehend English as a result of Common Core, intentional twisting of words, or wishful thinking!

What we know today is that the 7 previous Benghazi investigations weren't to discover any truth they were to foil a candidate. For my money that's a criminal enterprise and should be prosecuted.

you're using statements from a leader that wasnt a leader at the time..


Her poll numbers are up.

Poll: Clinton picking up steam against Sanders
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

He said people should know what Hillary did. What's wrong with that exactly? You'd totally do the same in reverse. Frankly, I like exposing all the corrupt politicians in both parties, and there are a lot of them in both parties

I like Elijah Cummings response:

“This stunning concession from Rep. McCarthy reveals the truth that Republicans never dared admit in public: the core Republican goal in establishing the Benghazi Committee was always to damage Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and never to conduct an even-handed search for the facts. It is shameful that Republicans have used this tragedy and the deaths of our fellow Americans for political gain. Republicans have blatantly abused their authority in Congress by spending more than $4.5 million in taxpayer funds to pay for a political campaign against Hillary Clinton.”

Again, he said Republicans thought people should know what she did. Your claim that Democrats would not have spent money to ensure the public knows what Republicans did is frankly laughable. Don't you have any intellectual integrity at all?
Four Americans died in Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi. Tragic as the loss of those four may be, they were simply a few more of the casualties of warfare.

1. Libtards declare the GOP did not care about these 4 even though they were allowed to be murdered on THEIR watch...and then we see them hypocritically declare stuff like this above: '4 Americans died, move along, nothing to see...

2. You claim they were 'victims of war'. WHAT WAR? Didn't you hear Obama weeks earlier? "Al Qaida is on the Run"..."The War on Terror is Over"! He had just taken the war on his own, without Constitutional approval to do so, to help Al Qaeida take over Libya...even THAT war was over. They were our 'buddies' - Obama and Hillary even hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to PROTECT Stevens!

All of this is just a massive demonstration of how Obama was/is either stupid or allowed this to happen because he has always been and will always be an Islamic Sympathizer!

Are you too poor to pay attention to details? There was a de facto civil war going on in Libya between the newly formed government and warring militias both pro and con US. That was the ongoing conflict cowboy Stevens set down in the middle of and got himself and three others killed. Those 4 never should have been at the US Mission in Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.

Your mischaracterization of my post displays the depth of your repugnance to truth and your allegiance to right wing fascist propaganda! Despicable!
Of course he did.

I know it's hard for Liberals, but FOCUS.... the issue was the 26 foreign Embassy attacks that happened during Bush's time in office, nothing else, and my response is still valid...UNLIKE OBAMA...

Bush never lied about the attacks on those embassies, never hid while they occurred, never doctored CIA reports about them to remove all references to 'terrorism', never conspired to lie to the American people about them, never declared to the world after those deaths that it was all over fictional protests that occurred because 'America was bad' and that 'The world must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam'!

He didn't need too.

There weren't any serious investigations into them.

In fact there was only ONE investigation into 9/11, and much of it was held behind closed doors. The result was a partially redacted report (The redacted bits implicated Saudi Arabia) and multiple recommendations about starting brand new expensive agencies.

That event, and massive intelligence failure, cost the lives of over 3000 Americans.

look at this loser; now whining that the Democrat-majority-led 9-11 investigations werent all he wanted them to be!1

go cry
All they would fine is that she and her State Department were negligent.
Nope. They did not find that.
All they would fine is that she and her State Department were negligent.

That's it. Nothing criminal about it.

Its just to bad the families of those killed and wounded couldn't sue the shit out of the Govt. for the gross negligence that caused the deaths of their loved ones.

Well that would be fine except it was the Republican Select Committee on Intelligence that found no crime or negligence.

Well I'm sure the families of those killed and wounded would disagree with that decision.
All this "kitchen sinking" won't change the fact that McCarthy went on National Television and admitted that the Benghazi 'investigations' were completely politically motivated. He was bragging about "flattening" Hillary Clinton's poll numbers. That's pretty amazing. Clinton couldn't have hoped for a better confession than if Perry Mason himself pulled it out of McCarthy. This is golden.

yeah sure he did. too bad but here's this for ya. waaa
good grief. you need chill pills
Four Americans died in Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi. Tragic as the loss of those four may be, they were simply a few more of the casualties of warfare.

1. Libtards declare the GOP did not care about these 4 even though they were allowed to be murdered on THEIR watch...and then we see them hypocritically declare stuff like this above: '4 Americans died, move along, nothing to see...

2. You claim they were 'victims of war'. WHAT WAR? Didn't you hear Obama weeks earlier? "Al Qaida is on the Run"..."The War on Terror is Over"! He had just taken the war on his own, without Constitutional approval to do so, to help Al Qaeida take over Libya...even THAT war was over. They were our 'buddies' - Obama and Hillary even hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to PROTECT Stevens!

All of this is just a massive demonstration of how Obama was/is either stupid or allowed this to happen because he has always been and will always be an Islamic Sympathizer!

Are you too poor to pay attention to details? There was a de facto civil war going on in Libya between the newly formed government and warring militias both pro and con US. That was the ongoing conflict cowboy Stevens set down in the middle of and got himself and three others killed. Those 4 never should have been at the US Mission in Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.

Your mischaracterization of my post displays the depth of your repugnance to truth and your allegiance to right wing fascist propaganda! Despicable!

who did stevens work for leftard? .....................right-wing fascists or obama??

who sent him to Benghazi?
Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she’s un-trustable.”

Mr. McCarthy added, “But no one would have known any of that had happened had we not fought and made that happen.”

Liberals need to learn that WORDS ACTUALLY MEAN SOMETHING!

McCarthy said Hillary's numbers are dropping and they are dropping BECAUSE of - AS A RESULT OF - the on-going investigation. NOWHERE does he say here that the Investigation's only purpose was to make her numbers go down!

Only an ubre-partisan, deceitful Liberal could twist those words to mean the only reason the Benghazi investigation exists is to take Hillary down!

One of the results of this investigation, which I agree with whole-heartedly, is that Hillary has been FURTHER exposed as a lying, self/party-serving, manipulative, deceitful, un-trustworthy treasonous bi@tch! People have now seen this, and they see Hillary running from this, her ridiculous attempts to explain it away, her dodging interviews and debates...her complete meltdown!

But again, NOWHERE does McCarthy say that the Benghazi Investigation was initiated or exists today solely to bring Hillary down. Any attempt to claim otherwise is either the results of the inability to comprehend English as a result of Common Core, intentional twisting of words, or wishful thinking!

What we know today is that the 7 previous Benghazi investigations weren't to discover any truth they were to foil a candidate. For my money that's a criminal enterprise and should be prosecuted.

you're using statements from a leader that wasnt a leader at the time..

Well it come at the price of Republican unethical, lying, cheating, sleazy, hypocrites. Too bad for you.
All they would fine is that she and her State Department were negligent.

That's it. Nothing criminal about it.

Its just to bad the families of those killed and wounded couldn't sue the shit out of the Govt. for the gross negligence that caused the deaths of their loved ones.

Well that would be fine except it was the Republican Select Committee on Intelligence that found no crime or negligence.

and that was why again idiot?
did they also announce they got all the documents they wanted?

hillary's communications DO have a way of disappearing do they not leftard???

Doesn't matter at all it was all a fraud.
All they would fine is that she and her State Department were negligent.

That's it. Nothing criminal about it.

Its just to bad the families of those killed and wounded couldn't sue the shit out of the Govt. for the gross negligence that caused the deaths of their loved ones.

Well that would be fine except it was the Republican Select Committee on Intelligence that found no crime or negligence.

and that was why again idiot?
did they also announce they got all the documents they wanted?

hillary's communications DO have a way of disappearing do they not leftard???

Doesn't matter at all it was all a fraud.

He didn't say that
Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she’s un-trustable.”

Mr. McCarthy added, “But no one would have known any of that had happened had we not fought and made that happen.”

Liberals need to learn that WORDS ACTUALLY MEAN SOMETHING!

McCarthy said Hillary's numbers are dropping and they are dropping BECAUSE of - AS A RESULT OF - the on-going investigation. NOWHERE does he say here that the Investigation's only purpose was to make her numbers go down!

Only an ubre-partisan, deceitful Liberal could twist those words to mean the only reason the Benghazi investigation exists is to take Hillary down!

One of the results of this investigation, which I agree with whole-heartedly, is that Hillary has been FURTHER exposed as a lying, self/party-serving, manipulative, deceitful, un-trustworthy treasonous bi@tch! People have now seen this, and they see Hillary running from this, her ridiculous attempts to explain it away, her dodging interviews and debates...her complete meltdown!

But again, NOWHERE does McCarthy say that the Benghazi Investigation was initiated or exists today solely to bring Hillary down. Any attempt to claim otherwise is either the results of the inability to comprehend English as a result of Common Core, intentional twisting of words, or wishful thinking!

What we know today is that the 7 previous Benghazi investigations weren't to discover any truth they were to foil a candidate. For my money that's a criminal enterprise and should be prosecuted.

you're using statements from a leader that wasnt a leader at the time..

Well it come at the price of Republican unethical, lying, cheating, sleazy, hypocrites. Too bad for you.


more emotional but empty hyperbole

What we know today is that the 7 previous Benghazi investigations weren't to discover any truth they were to foil a candidate.

Unlike the previous investigations we now have evidence that Hillary lied under oat, that she never gave over all the e-mails and information she had like she said she did. there is proof that she has deceived and misled the investigating committee. The FBI now has the server and hard drives Hillary said never existed...that they found in some 'mom and pop' company's bathroom...and the FBI said that can and will recover all the data Hillary said did not exist and tried to wipe clean.

(BTW, she is guilty of mis-management / mis-handling of classified information, improper / illegal destruction of classified information, obstruction of justice, impeding a federal investigation...she handed her classified server to a company with no security clearance....her LAWYER, who has no security clearance was holding on to a memory stick with TS/SCI data on it and HE has no clearance! GOOD GRIEF!
Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she’s un-trustable.”

Mr. McCarthy added, “But no one would have known any of that had happened had we not fought and made that happen.”

Liberals need to learn that WORDS ACTUALLY MEAN SOMETHING!

McCarthy said Hillary's numbers are dropping and they are dropping BECAUSE of - AS A RESULT OF - the on-going investigation. NOWHERE does he say here that the Investigation's only purpose was to make her numbers go down!

Only an ubre-partisan, deceitful Liberal could twist those words to mean the only reason the Benghazi investigation exists is to take Hillary down!

One of the results of this investigation, which I agree with whole-heartedly, is that Hillary has been FURTHER exposed as a lying, self/party-serving, manipulative, deceitful, un-trustworthy treasonous bi@tch! People have now seen this, and they see Hillary running from this, her ridiculous attempts to explain it away, her dodging interviews and debates...her complete meltdown!

But again, NOWHERE does McCarthy say that the Benghazi Investigation was initiated or exists today solely to bring Hillary down. Any attempt to claim otherwise is either the results of the inability to comprehend English as a result of Common Core, intentional twisting of words, or wishful thinking!

What we know today is that the 7 previous Benghazi investigations weren't to discover any truth they were to foil a candidate. For my money that's a criminal enterprise and should be prosecuted.

you're using statements from a leader that wasnt a leader at the time..

All they would fine is that she and her State Department were negligent.

That's it. Nothing criminal about it.

Its just to bad the families of those killed and wounded couldn't sue the shit out of the Govt. for the gross negligence that caused the deaths of their loved ones.

Well that would be fine except it was the Republican Select Committee on Intelligence that found no crime or negligence.

and that was why again idiot?
did they also announce they got all the documents they wanted?

hillary's communications DO have a way of disappearing do they not leftard???

Doesn't matter at all it was all a fraud.

hillary or the investigation leftard??????
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

He said people should know what Hillary did. What's wrong with that exactly? You'd totally do the same in reverse. Frankly, I like exposing all the corrupt politicians in both parties, and there are a lot of them in both parties

I like Elijah Cummings response:

“This stunning concession from Rep. McCarthy reveals the truth that Republicans never dared admit in public: the core Republican goal in establishing the Benghazi Committee was always to damage Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and never to conduct an even-handed search for the facts. It is shameful that Republicans have used this tragedy and the deaths of our fellow Americans for political gain. Republicans have blatantly abused their authority in Congress by spending more than $4.5 million in taxpayer funds to pay for a political campaign against Hillary Clinton.”

Again, he said Republicans thought people should know what she did. Your claim that Democrats would not have spent money to ensure the public knows what Republicans did is frankly laughable. Don't you have any intellectual integrity at all?

He said there should have been a fair examination of the facts...there never was.

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