McCarthy Admits Benghazi Designed to Flatten Hillary Poll Numbers

All this "kitchen sinking" won't change the fact that McCarthy went on National Television and admitted

MCCARTHY IS NOT IN CHARGE OF THE BENGHAZI INVESTIGATION! It's like if Nancy Pelosi declared it to be an attack on Hillary.... McCarthy is NOT in Charge, and the crimes revealed, along with her continuous proven LIES to the Committee, are not about bringing down her numbers!

McCarthy is number two man in the House of Representatives leadership. If he says it is a fraud it is noteworthy and newsworthy. This is not going away and is in the process of creating the biggest stink Republicans have had to face in years.
How did they get away with spending that money without us knowing? I find it to be horrible when they vote down help for others yet will spend it to get their own into the white house.

It is horrible, but more than that it is:

  • Nonfeasance is the failure to act where action is required - willfully or in neglect.
  • Misfeasance is the willful inappropriate action or intentional incorrect action or advice.
  • Malfeasance is the willful and intentional action that injures a party.

it would be great if the Left had anything to offer in terms of specifics instead of moronic memes at the bottom of their posts.
All this "kitchen sinking" won't change the fact that McCarthy went on National Television and admitted

MCCARTHY IS NOT IN CHARGE OF THE BENGHAZI INVESTIGATION! It's like if Nancy Pelosi declared it to be an attack on Hillary.... McCarthy is NOT in Charge, and the crimes revealed, along with her continuous proven LIES to the Committee, are not about bringing down her numbers!

In an interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News, Representative Kevin McCarthy, the Republican majority leader who wants to succeed Mr. Boehner, said: “Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she’s untrustable.”

Mr. McCarthy added, “But no one would have known any of that had happened had we not fought and made that happen.”
LMAO and the DNC wouldn't have done the exact same thing to affect an opponents poll numbers if they could?

You bet your ass they would. Grow up.
Like I said, you guys just want something to pound on your high chair about.

Again, WHAT WAR?

YOU just made another reference to some kind of NON-Existent 'war'....

Obama declared before the 2012 elections, right before 9/11/12: "Al Qaida is on the Run"..."The War on Terror is Over"!

According to Obama there was NO WAR going on. The only WAR that had happened was Obama taking the nation to war on his own, without Congressional approval to do so, and used our military to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 take over their own country! And even THAT war was 'over'. They were our 'buddies' - Obama and Hillary even hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to PROTECT Stevens!

As I told Bedowin62 I'm keeping it to the Op. If you want to talk about anything else create your own thread.
Like I said, you guys just want something to pound on your high chair about.

Again, WHAT WAR?

YOU just made another reference to some kind of NON-Existent 'war'....

Obama declared before the 2012 elections, right before 9/11/12: "Al Qaida is on the Run"..."The War on Terror is Over"!

According to Obama there was NO WAR going on. The only WAR that had happened was Obama taking the nation to war on his own, without Congressional approval to do so, and used our military to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 take over their own country! And even THAT war was 'over'. They were our 'buddies' - Obama and Hillary even hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to PROTECT Stevens!


thanks! left-wing losers are all over these boards with lies, distortions, flase narratives and straw man arguments.

dont let them get away from their record of failure with idiotic talking points that dont hold up to scrutiny
LMAO and the DNC wouldn't have done the exact same thing to affect an opponents poll numbers if they could?

You bet your ass they would. Grow up.

Democrats are not in power and have no investigative authority. Republicans are in power and have been caught spending public money under the guise of an official investigation. That's the definition of racketeering and misappropriation of public money.
McCarthy is number two man in the House of Representatives leadership.

..which has nothing specifically to do with the Benghazi Investigation, and he does not speak for this investigation. McCarthy's opinion on this means as little as yours does.

Aside from WHY this investigation is on going, Hillary has repeatedly lied to and deceived the investigating committee (PROVEN - Obstruction of Justice at the least). She is up to her arse in criminal activity, more than what it took to convict Patraeus, and is doing whatever she can to avoid Prison.

McaCarthy is also an IDIOT, making such statements in the middle of an on-going investigation! If I was Gowdy, I punch him in the d@mn nose for publicly undermining my investigation! This just proves McCarthy is as much an ignorant moron as Boehner and McConnell.
Like I said, you guys just want something to pound on your high chair about.

Again, WHAT WAR?

YOU just made another reference to some kind of NON-Existent 'war'....

Obama declared before the 2012 elections, right before 9/11/12: "Al Qaida is on the Run"..."The War on Terror is Over"!

According to Obama there was NO WAR going on. The only WAR that had happened was Obama taking the nation to war on his own, without Congressional approval to do so, and used our military to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 take over their own country! And even THAT war was 'over'. They were our 'buddies' - Obama and Hillary even hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to PROTECT Stevens!


thanks! left-wing losers are all over these boards with lies, distortions, flase narratives and straw man arguments.

dont let them get away from their record of failure with idiotic talking points that dont hold up to scrutiny

Blah, Blah, Blah, I understand your angst, and I sympathize, I really do. Boo Hoo Hoo
Like I said, you guys just want something to pound on your high chair about.

Again, WHAT WAR?

YOU just made another reference to some kind of NON-Existent 'war'....

Obama declared before the 2012 elections, right before 9/11/12: "Al Qaida is on the Run"..."The War on Terror is Over"!

According to Obama there was NO WAR going on. The only WAR that had happened was Obama taking the nation to war on his own, without Congressional approval to do so, and used our military to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 take over their own country! And even THAT war was 'over'. They were our 'buddies' - Obama and Hillary even hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to PROTECT Stevens!

As I told Bedowin62 I'm keeping it to the Op. If you want to talk about anything else create your own thread.

if other left-wing idiots are posting nonsense on the thread is it not ok to rebut it???
McCarthy is number two man in the House of Representatives leadership.

..which has nothing specifically to do with the Benghazi Investigation, and he does not speak for this investigation. McCarthy's opinion on this means as little as yours does.

Aside from WHY this investigation is on going, Hillary has repeatedly lied to and deceived the investigating committee (PROVEN - Obstruction of Justice at the least). She is up to her arse in criminal activity, more than what it took to convict Patraeus, and is doing whatever she can to avoid Prison.

McaCarthy is also an IDIOT, making such statements in the middle of an on-going investigation! If I was Gowdy, I punch him in the d@mn nose for publicly undermining my investigation! This just proves McCarthy is as much an ignorant moron as Boehner and McConnell.

McCarthy is leadership, you can bet he's in the know period.
Like I said, you guys just want something to pound on your high chair about.

Again, WHAT WAR?

YOU just made another reference to some kind of NON-Existent 'war'....

Obama declared before the 2012 elections, right before 9/11/12: "Al Qaida is on the Run"..."The War on Terror is Over"!

According to Obama there was NO WAR going on. The only WAR that had happened was Obama taking the nation to war on his own, without Congressional approval to do so, and used our military to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 take over their own country! And even THAT war was 'over'. They were our 'buddies' - Obama and Hillary even hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to PROTECT Stevens!


thanks! left-wing losers are all over these boards with lies, distortions, flase narratives and straw man arguments.

dont let them get away from their record of failure with idiotic talking points that dont hold up to scrutiny

Blah, Blah, Blah, I understand your angst, and I sympathize, I really do. Boo Hoo Hoo
hillary is damaged by benghazi, among other things

honestly nutjob, false bravado aside, who has the angst??
Like I said, you guys just want something to pound on your high chair about.

Again, WHAT WAR?

YOU just made another reference to some kind of NON-Existent 'war'....

Obama declared before the 2012 elections, right before 9/11/12: "Al Qaida is on the Run"..."The War on Terror is Over"!

According to Obama there was NO WAR going on. The only WAR that had happened was Obama taking the nation to war on his own, without Congressional approval to do so, and used our military to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 take over their own country! And even THAT war was 'over'. They were our 'buddies' - Obama and Hillary even hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to PROTECT Stevens!

As I told Bedowin62 I'm keeping it to the Op. If you want to talk about anything else create your own thread.

if other left-wing idiots are posting nonsense on the thread is it not ok to rebut it???

Well that would be a first for you.
Like I said, you guys just want something to pound on your high chair about.

Again, WHAT WAR?

YOU just made another reference to some kind of NON-Existent 'war'....

Obama declared before the 2012 elections, right before 9/11/12: "Al Qaida is on the Run"..."The War on Terror is Over"!

According to Obama there was NO WAR going on. The only WAR that had happened was Obama taking the nation to war on his own, without Congressional approval to do so, and used our military to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 take over their own country! And even THAT war was 'over'. They were our 'buddies' - Obama and Hillary even hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to PROTECT Stevens!

As I told Bedowin62 I'm keeping it to the Op. If you want to talk about anything else create your own thread.

if other left-wing idiots are posting nonsense on the thread is it not ok to rebut it???

Well that would be a first for you.

well of course you say that

i understand your angst; honest i do!!

Like I said, you guys just want something to pound on your high chair about.

Again, WHAT WAR?

YOU just made another reference to some kind of NON-Existent 'war'....

Obama declared before the 2012 elections, right before 9/11/12: "Al Qaida is on the Run"..."The War on Terror is Over"!

According to Obama there was NO WAR going on. The only WAR that had happened was Obama taking the nation to war on his own, without Congressional approval to do so, and used our military to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 take over their own country! And even THAT war was 'over'. They were our 'buddies' - Obama and Hillary even hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to PROTECT Stevens!


thanks! left-wing losers are all over these boards with lies, distortions, flase narratives and straw man arguments.

dont let them get away from their record of failure with idiotic talking points that dont hold up to scrutiny

Blah, Blah, Blah, I understand your angst, and I sympathize, I really do. Boo Hoo Hoo
hillary is damaged by benghazi, among other things

honestly nutjob, false bravado aside, who has the angst??

Hillary might have been damaged by Benghazi, you guys just ruined it.
reasons for angst, (on hillary's part) lol

Hillary Clinton got now-classified Benghazi info on private ...
New York Post
May 22, 2015 - WASHINGTON -€” Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton received ... that could harm national security and damage foreign relations. ... C., said the emails were incomplete, adding that it “strains credibility” to view ...
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

You gotta give Carly Fiorina credit, the woman can lie right to your face and double down. | Page 9 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

When I was writing about the enormous amount of tax payer money Republicans have spent going after Hillary since Bill was Governor, Oldstyle said, "What? The GOP has spent tens of millions of tax payer dollars since the 80's trying to "take down" Hillary Clinton? Where do you come up with this happy horseshit, R-Derp? Seriously...where?"

So I added a link showing where they had spent over 10 million in just the last year alone:

You gotta give Carly Fiorina credit, the woman can lie right to your face and double down. | Page 9 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I think this pretty much proves Republicans think these investigations are free.

you keep regurgitating stuff that doesnt hold up to scrutiny; while Republicans use facts

that's why people laugh at you

I gave links and amounts. You didn't. I think your bulb has been screwed in crooked.

Benghazi Investigation Spends Fortune to Harass Hillary Clinton

Not all the costs have been released for just Benghazi and it's in the millions.

While exact dollar amounts spent by federal agencies are unavailable, details released about other declassification processes shed light on these costs. In March 2014 the Defense Departmentinformed Democratic Rep. Adam Smith, they had spent “millions of dollars” and “thousands of man-hours to responding to numerous and often repetitive Congressional requests regarding Benghazi.” Currently the State Department has 12 full-time staff members paid between $63,700 and $150,000 reviewing Hillary Clinton’s emails “a process that could cost more than $1 million” according to theNational Journal. The total cost for these document queries could run well into the eight figures. For example, the IRS spent $14 million responding to Congressional investigations into accusations it politicized the tax-exemption application process.
The Benghazi Select Committee has little to show for the significant expenditure—aside from a trail of unfulfilled promises by its Chairman. “We will have hearings in January, February and March,” Rep. Gowdy (R-SC) announced in December.

And Remember, Republicans did this for Bill's entire 8 years in office.

When Republicans are in office, it looks like they spend most of their time going after opponents. But since the taxpayers are footing the bill, why not? Right?
it's only "ruined" in the minds of hopeful idiots watching her campaign self-destruct

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