McCarthy Admits Benghazi Designed to Flatten Hillary Poll Numbers

So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

So, you are saying that hilary intentionally let our ambassador get killed by not increasing his security, even after several attempts by the ambassador to get more security…because she wanted to flatten her poll numbers….what exactly is her strategy there?
The fucking LEADER of the attack said the video played a role.

It's you guys who are LYING.

So you are going to believe an Obama administration FALL GUY, a supposed terrorist, over the CIA, who was there in Libya, who testified there was NO RIOT?

Immediately after Stevens and 4 Americans were murdered - after the CIA had already filed their report that this was a terrorist attack and that there WAS NO RIOT - who did Obama go after? Did they go after this 'terrorist leader'? NO, Obama blamed this B$ video, and the leader of the nation that defends the right of free speech demonized the supposed film director and had him arrested!

He didn't go after the terrorists! This 'fall guy' was being interviewed in the Middle East by the media poll-side at some hotel on TV while the Obama administration was claiming they could not find this guy! Obama made no serious effort and did not 'capture' this guy until about a YEAR later! Approximately 30 days after 4 Americans were murdered, Obama was not lecturing Muslim Extremists and vowing to bring the perpetrators to justice - he declared to the world before the UN 30 days later that 'The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam' while falsely still blaming this B$ video!

Go peddle that video B$ to someone else sniffing glue like you seem to be.

I believe Kevin McCarthy, the number two man in the House of Representatives and a leading candidate for Speaker.
This constant whining from Hillary supporters about the "cost" of investigations is rather amusing since the reason that they have dragged on for as long as they have is that the Clinton's have a long history of stonewalling any investigation into their activities.

First they deny anything happened and blame the whole thing on "Right Wing Conspiracies"...
Then they hide evidence from investigators...
Then when enough time has passed they declare that the scandal is "old news"...and that the investigation is costing the taxpayers millions and needs to stop!

It's what Slick Willie and Hilly DO!

Funny how you can sit here and pontificate over "right wing conspiracy" while destroying the memories of the fallen who died at Benghazi to score political points. Now we know who the real scum in Washington politics are.

Funny how you see no fault in the way the State Department handled Benghazi.

A State Department that was run by Hilbat. A Hilbat who has done her best to stonewall any investigation.

A State Department that had months of warnings about an attack.

A State Department that did absolutely nothing.

An Administration that tried to blame it on a video.

A POTUS who had no problem jetting off to his Vegas fundraiser.

Yeah. I can see how a poser like you would find nothing wrong and declare Hilbat a victim of right wing conspiracies and a right wing that is only interested in her poll numbers.

No surprise at all.

Yeah it's a shame they were absolved and no charges were proffered. What am I supposed to say? Better luck next time?

Its a shame they couldn't be charged.

Its a shame the relatives of the dead couldn't sue the shit out of Hilbat's State Department for gross negligence that led to the deaths of four good men.

Better luck next time??

Tell that to the relatives of the dead men. I'm sure they would appreciate your fake condolences.
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

So, you are saying that hilary intentionally let our ambassador get killed by not increasing his security, even after several attempts by the ambassador to get more security…because she wanted to flatten her poll numbers….what exactly is her strategy there?

I am saying that Republicans have used the death of our Ambassador to kill Hillary Clinton's poll numbers and they never cared if someone died or not.
Whatever comparison you're trying to make it doesn't meet the current standards of 3 years, $20 million dollars, 13 full Congressional investigations, 50 hearings and uncountable inches of newspaper hype for a fraud.

Yeah, you're right....the fact that this President and State Department
- Ignored threats of Middle East-wide attacks on US Embassies on 9/11/12
- Failed to prepare for or adequately protect 20 US Embassies that were simultaneously attacked on 9/11/12, 4 of which were overrun
- Ignored warnings and calls for the execution of Stevens in retaliation for the death of an Al Qaeida leader
- Hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to protect a US ambassador
- Ignored 2 previous attacks on Stevens' compounf
- REDUCED the number of American security detail members after those attacks and despite the pending assassination attempt
- Failed to protect a US Ambassador allowing the 1st one in 30+ years to be murdered then blaming it on 'not enough money' to protect him (when they could have just flown him out of there prior to 9/11/12)
- The Sect of State - Hillary - (proven) LIED to Congress about Benghazi
- Obama and his top officials LIED to the world about the events of Benghazi, despite the CIA having testified that they had informed Obama no protest occurred and this was a terrorist attack, claiming it had been a protest gone wild over a video
- Hillary and the WH modified the initial CIA Report, eliminating all references to 'terrorism'
- Conspiracy (Obama administration conspired to deceive the nation and cover up their horrific failure in order to protect his re-election chances, especially after he had LIED to Americans by claiming Al Qaeida was on the run and the War on Terror was over. (We also know now that the Obama administration has been falsifying and reporting false Intel about his progress in the fight against ISIS, traced back to THEN - 2012!)
- Hillary and Obama both DISAPPEARED for the 14 hours the Benghazi attack occurred and the 19 other Embassies were attacked, to this day no one has disclosed where they were. All we know is that 'Doogie' was in charge of the WH in the War Room where he says Obama was NOT! (He and Hillary could not wait to show pictures of them in the WH War Room when UBL was taken down, but no photos of Obama or Hillary during the Benghazi timeline was shown! Obama 'may' have been asleep in the WH living quarters, according to Doogie, but evidently 20 simultaneous terrorist attacks on US Embassies and 4 Americans being murdered - to include the 1st Ambassador in over 30 years - was not enough of a situation to locate or go upstairs and wake up the President!)
- The 'loss' / deletion of Sect of State E-mails regarding Benghazi, and the continued cover-up...

Yeah, none of this was worth investigating, and Stevens and the other 3 who died, F* 'em, right? They don't deserve to have the truth told! Their lives and one of the biggest FAILURES / F* UPs in WH/Presidential history doesn't warrant investigation according to Liberals!

Benghazi is just another in the long list of Obama scandals / cover-ups that are still on-going - like Benghazi - because Obama is trying to 'run out the clock' on them!
This constant whining from Hillary supporters about the "cost" of investigations is rather amusing since the reason that they have dragged on for as long as they have is that the Clinton's have a long history of stonewalling any investigation into their activities.

First they deny anything happened and blame the whole thing on "Right Wing Conspiracies"...
Then they hide evidence from investigators...
Then when enough time has passed they declare that the scandal is "old news"...and that the investigation is costing the taxpayers millions and needs to stop!

It's what Slick Willie and Hilly DO!

Funny how you can sit here and pontificate over "right wing conspiracy" while destroying the memories of the fallen who died at Benghazi to score political points. Now we know who the real scum in Washington politics are.

Funny how you see no fault in the way the State Department handled Benghazi.

A State Department that was run by Hilbat. A Hilbat who has done her best to stonewall any investigation.

A State Department that had months of warnings about an attack.

A State Department that did absolutely nothing.

An Administration that tried to blame it on a video.

A POTUS who had no problem jetting off to his Vegas fundraiser.

Yeah. I can see how a poser like you would find nothing wrong and declare Hilbat a victim of right wing conspiracies and a right wing that is only interested in her poll numbers.

No surprise at all.

Yeah it's a shame they were absolved and no charges were proffered. What am I supposed to say? Better luck next time?

Its a shame they couldn't be charged.

Its a shame the relatives of the dead couldn't sue the shit out of Hilbat's State Department for gross negligence that led to the deaths of four good men.

Better luck next time??

Tell that to the relatives of the dead men. I'm sure they would appreciate your fake condolences.

It's a shame that Republicans admitted that it wasn't about those deaths, it was about killing Hillary Clinton's bid for the presidency. You should be calling your rep and asking if Trey Gowdy is staying on the committee to look into malfeasance or if he is a puppet trying to kill a candidate.
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

So, you are saying that hilary intentionally let our ambassador get killed by not increasing his security, even after several attempts by the ambassador to get more security…because she wanted to flatten her poll numbers….what exactly is her strategy there?


Jason Chaffetz Admits House GOP Cut Funding For Embassy Security: 'You Have To Prioritize Things'

On Wednesday morning, CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien asked the Utah Republican if he had "voted to cut the funding for embassy security."

"Absolutely," Chaffetz said. "Look we have to make priorities and choices in this country. We have…15,000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, a private army there, for President Obama, in Baghdad. And we’re talking about can we get two dozen or so people into Libya to help protect our forces. When you’re in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices. You have to prioritize things.”
Whatever comparison you're trying to make it doesn't meet the current standards of 3 years, $20 million dollars, 13 full Congressional investigations, 50 hearings and uncountable inches of newspaper hype for a fraud.

Yeah, you're right....the fact that this President and State Department
- Ignored threats of Middle East-wide attacks on US Embassies on 9/11/12
- Failed to prepare for or adequately protect 20 US Embassies that were simultaneously attacked on 9/11/12, 4 of which were overrun
- Ignored warnings and calls for the execution of Stevens in retaliation for the death of an Al Qaeida leader
- Hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to protect a US ambassador
- Ignored 2 previous attacks on Stevens' compounf
- REDUCED the number of American security detail members after those attacks and despite the pending assassination attempt
- Failed to protect a US Ambassador allowing the 1st one in 30+ years to be murdered then blaming it on 'not enough money' to protect him (when they could have just flown him out of there prior to 9/11/12)
- The Sect of State - Hillary - (proven) LIED to Congress about Benghazi
- Obama and his top officials LIED to the world about the events of Benghazi, despite the CIA having testified that they had informed Obama no protest occurred and this was a terrorist attack, claiming it had been a protest gone wild over a video
- Hillary and the WH modified the initial CIA Report, eliminating all references to 'terrorism'
- Conspiracy (Obama administration conspired to deceive the nation and cover up their horrific failure in order to protect his re-election chances, especially after he had LIED to Americans by claiming Al Qaeida was on the run and the War on Terror was over. (We also know now that the Obama administration has been falsifying and reporting false Intel about his progress in the fight against ISIS, traced back to THEN - 2012!)
- Hillary and Obama both DISAPPEARED for the 14 hours the Benghazi attack occurred and the 19 other Embassies were attacked, to this day no one has disclosed where they were. All we know is that 'Doogie' was in charge of the WH in the War Room where he says Obama was NOT! (He and Hillary could not wait to show pictures of them in the WH War Room when UBL was taken down, but no photos of Obama or Hillary during the Benghazi timeline was shown! Obama 'may' have been asleep in the WH living quarters, according to Doogie, but evidently 20 simultaneous terrorist attacks on US Embassies and 4 Americans being murdered - to include the 1st Ambassador in over 30 years - was not enough of a situation to locate or go upstairs and wake up the President!)
- The 'loss' / deletion of Sect of State E-mails regarding Benghazi, and the continued cover-up...

Yeah, none of this was worth investigating, and Stevens and the other 3 who died, F* 'em, right? They don't deserve to have the truth told! Their lives and one of the biggest FAILURES / F* UPs in WH/Presidential history doesn't warrant investigation according to Liberals!

Benghazi is just another in the long list of Obama scandals / cover-ups that are still on-going - like Benghazi - because Obama is trying to 'run out the clock' on them!

Like I said perhaps you should read the Republican House Select Committee on Intelligence report on Benghazi.
Fox News: No stand down order or military missteps in Benghazi attack, GOP-controlled intel panel finds

A two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya.

The report alleges no wrongdoing by Obama administration appointees.

The report blames the Obama administration's inaccurate portrayal of the attack as having evolved from a protest on fragmentary and contradictory intelligence from the CIA. It finds no intent to mislead the American public.

They found Oswald was the lone shooter as well

Classier Republicans back then, they didn't use it to destroy candidates for president.

We learned from Dems and Watergate
Khattala, who lead the attack, admits the video played a role in it.

STOP with the B$ 'video' stuff already! That's already been exposed as a LIE.

The call for a Middle East-wide attack on US embassies came well BEFORE the mention of any video.

The call to kill Stevens in retaliation for the Benghazi-born Al Qaeida leader killed in a drone strike came BEFORE any mention of a video.

FROM the Left's Beloved 'CNN':
"Three days after CIA and State Department eyewitnesses reported on Sept. 15 that there had been no protest in Benghazi, Obama linked the Benghazi attack to a protest over a video."
Obama Linked Benghazi to Video 3 Days After CIA Eyewitnesses Confirmed No Protest There

ENOUGH of the 'video' B$!

The fucking LEADER of the attack said the video played a role.

It's you guys who are LYING.

You mean the guy Obama was arming through the Consulate followed Obama's storyline
I am saying that Republicans have used the death of our Ambassador to kill Hillary Clinton's poll numbers and they never cared if someone died or not.

And you are a F*ing IDIOT!

Obama and Hillary allowed those 4 Americans to die, and when they were rolling their caskets off the plan Hillary was lying her ass off to them telling them they died during a protest that the CIA has testified to and proved NEVER happened!

Obama and Hillary, who cared so much about them, hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to guard Stevens, reduced the number of US Security detail members after 2 previous terrorist attacks on Stevens' compound and while knowing about threats of an attack on 9/11/12. Obama and Hillary blamed the GOP for budget cuts for their choice to reduce Stevens' security....hoping intelligent people would ignore the fact if they knew they could not protect him they could have put him on a commercial flight out of Benghazi after the 2nd attack on his compound and he would still be alive!

Again, you are a F*ing PARTISAN OBAMA-ASS-KISSING LIBERAL IDIOT! ...but that's just my opinion.
Like I said perhaps you should read the Republican House Select Committee on Intelligence report on Benghazi.

Funny how just last week it was revealed that the Obama administration has been doctoring and falsifying all their Intel regarding ISIS...since make themselves NOT look like the complete and utter FAILURES that they have been all along and still are!

('Analysts Detail Claims That Reports on ISIS Were Distorted'...'Mis-Reporting dates back to 2012...')

You remember Obama's great 2012 pre-election declaration to the nation, right, 'nuhuh'?
- "Al Qaeida is on the run and The War on Terror is over!" (Tell that to Stevens and the other 3 Americans you allowed to die, you lying treasonous b@st@rd!)

(And Liberals STILL have the hilarious nerve to shout 'Bush lied' about the Intel he supposedly had.) :lmao:
Last edited:
Hillary's problem is not Benghazi, but rather her obsessive need for secrecy and her and her family's behavior that seems to show they don't find the same rules that apply to others (like Mitt) apply to them.
Khattala, who lead the attack, admits the video played a role in it.

STOP with the B$ 'video' stuff already! That's already been exposed as a LIE.

The call for a Middle East-wide attack on US embassies came well BEFORE the mention of any video.

The call to kill Stevens in retaliation for the Benghazi-born Al Qaeida leader killed in a drone strike came BEFORE any mention of a video.

FROM the Left's Beloved 'CNN':
"Three days after CIA and State Department eyewitnesses reported on Sept. 15 that there had been no protest in Benghazi, Obama linked the Benghazi attack to a protest over a video."
Obama Linked Benghazi to Video 3 Days After CIA Eyewitnesses Confirmed No Protest There

ENOUGH of the 'video' B$!

The fucking LEADER of the attack said the video played a role.

It's you guys who are LYING.

You mean the guy Obama was arming through the Consulate followed Obama's storyline

Yes. He's just hoping for the chicken and rice meals at Guantanamo along with those refreshing waterboarding sessions.

Like I said perhaps you should read the Republican House Select Committee on Intelligence report on Benghazi.

Funny how just last week it was revealed that the Obama administration has been doctoring and falsifying all their Intel regarding ISIS...since make themselves NOT look like the complete and utter FAILURES that they have been all along and still are!

You remember Obama's great 2012 pre-election declaration to the nation, right, 'nuhuh'?
- "Al Qaeida is on the run and The War on Terror is over!" (Tell that to Stevens and the other 3 Americans you allowed to die, you lying treasonous b@st@rd!)

(And Liberals STILL have the hilarious nerve to shout 'Bush lied' about the Intel he supposedly had. :lmao:

What I know this morning for sure is that Republicans have admitted on national television that the Benghazi investigation was used to flatten Hillary Clinton poll numbers. It wasn't about 4 people who died, it wasn't about terrorism or a riot, it was all about bringing down a Democratic candidate and nothing else mattered.
So now we know why Republicans spent $20 Million dollars, to affect the poll numbers of a Democratic front runner for the party's nomination.

Current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Fox News host Sean Hannity during an interview on Monday night that the Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) that Clinton’s dropping poll numbers are evidence of the effectiveness of the committee.

McCarthy, who is reportedly running to take over for recently deposed House Speaker John Boehner, told Hannity:

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee — a Select Committee — what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.

There you go, now Republicans can start by paying back that $20 million in wasted public money. What scum.

Wow. I can't believe they actually admitted it. Hillary should run endless commercials using that quote.
Hillary's problem is not Benghazi, but rather her obsessive need for secrecy and her and her family's behavior that seems to show they don't find the same rules that apply to others (like Mitt) apply to them.
Hillary's problem is all of her lies and the growing number of laws she broke while putting our national security in jeopardy!
I am saying that Republicans have used the death of our Ambassador to kill Hillary Clinton's poll numbers and they never cared if someone died or not.

And you are a F*ing IDIOT!

Obama and Hillary allowed those 4 Americans to die, and when they were rolling their caskets off the plan Hillary was lying her ass off to them telling them they died during a protest that the CIA has testified to and proved NEVER happened!

Obama and Hillary, who cared so much about them, hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to guard Stevens, reduced the number of US Security detail members after 2 previous terrorist attacks on Stevens' compound and while knowing about threats of an attack on 9/11/12. Obama and Hillary blamed the GOP for budget cuts for their choice to reduce Stevens' security....hoping intelligent people would ignore the fact if they knew they could not protect him they could have put him on a commercial flight out of Benghazi after the 2nd attack on his compound and he would still be alive!

Again, you are a F*ing PARTISAN OBAMA-ASS-KISSING LIBERAL IDIOT! ...but that's just my opinion.

I'll tell you who is partisan, it's you.

What I know this morning for sure is that Republicans have admitted on national television that the Benghazi investigation was used to flatten Hillary Clinton poll numbers. It wasn't about 4 people who died, it wasn't about terrorism or a riot, it was all about bringing down a Democratic candidate and nothing else mattered.

Was that Republican Trey Gowdy...ya know, the guy heading up the Benghazi Investigation? No? Then whatever....

my point is still valid! It has now been proven that Obama has been misleading the nation regarding Al Qaeida, ISIS, and every other threat this nation has faced, making efforts to cover-up and excuse terrorist attacks...and that sure is hail is worth investigating!
I've suspected since the beginning of the e-mail "scandal," that the only reason republicans began to push that is because they realized they had nothing with Benghazi. They can't win on the issues so they have to drum up faux conspiracies as they did with birthers, ebola, the Muslim Brotherhood in the White House, etc.

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