McCarthy compares Biden to Nixon, says congressional probe will rise to 'impeachment inquiry'


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
You canā€™t compare the two. Nixon tried to cover up a campaign wiretapping of his opponent thinking it was a petty issue. Cover up as in fire those who kept digging.

Joe on the other hand used mafia style threats to make him and his family rich. He then weaponized the entire Federal Government to be his henchmen and take part in his criminal bribery schemes.

Joe makes Nixon look like a saint.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy compared President Joe Biden's alleged weaponization of government to that of President Richard Nixon, and the California Republican said he believes the Congressional investigation will rise to an impeachment inquiry.
McCarthy said Monday on Fox News' "Hannity" that Biden falsely claimed he never received money from China, when in reality numerous payments were made by foreign nationals to his family and shell companies while he was vice president. Simultaneously, multiple credible whistleblowers have said the Biden family has been treated differently by federal investigatory agencies, he also said.

"We would know none of this if Republicans hadn't taken the majority," McCarthy said.

You canā€™t compare the two. Nixon tried to cover up a campaign wiretapping of his opponent thinking it was a petty issue. Cover up as in fire those who kept digging.

Joe on the other hand used mafia style threats to make him and his family rich. He then weaponized the entire Federal Government to be his henchmen and take part in his criminal bribery schemes.

Joe makes Nixon look like a saint.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy compared President Joe Biden's alleged weaponization of government to that of President Richard Nixon, and the California Republican said he believes the Congressional investigation will rise to an impeachment inquiry.
McCarthy said Monday on Fox News' "Hannity" that Biden falsely claimed he never received money from China, when in reality numerous payments were made by foreign nationals to his family and shell companies while he was vice president. Simultaneously, multiple credible whistleblowers have said the Biden family has been treated differently by federal investigatory agencies, he also said.

"We would know none of this if Republicans hadn't taken the majority," McCarthy said.

It remains unclear exactly what basis Republicans would claim as meeting the U.S. Constitutionā€™s ā€œtreason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanorsā€ criteria for impeachment.

But McCarthy, as with many other Republicans, he did not mention a specific criminal charge, such as bribery, extortion or prosecutorial misconduct, that those allegations would provide evidence for.

Since winning control of the House in last yearā€™s elections, Republicans have talked eagerly of impeaching someone in the Biden administration, though the leading candidate has varied over time.
As of Tuesday, Biden was tied with his Homeland Security secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, for the lead in terms of impeachment resolutions or bills related to impeachment, with five bills having been filed against each of them.

Garland, Vice President Kamala Harris, FBI Director Christopher Wray and Matthew Graves, the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, were all well behind with only one impeachment-related bill apiece.
On Tuesday, a pair of hardline House Republicans told reporters they remain interested in impeaching someone, even if they werenā€™t sure yet who.

You guys sure do want to impeach someone. Anyone! That's okay. Keeping the Biden administration honest.

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