McCarthy to greenlight Biden impeachment inquiry in closed-door GOP meeting this week

I found it amusing listening to the progressive radio station today and hearing them all complaining about this impeachment inquiry, using almost the exact same arguments that the repubs used when the dems were impeaching trump.

It’s kinda funny how all the arguments seem to just swap sides.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) will tell Republicans in a closed-door conference meeting this week that an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden is the next necessary step to obtain materials for the party's investigations into possible corruption by the president and his son, a source familiar with the plans confirmed to the Washington Examiner.

The House GOP conference is scheduled to meet twice this week, on Wednesday and Thursday, with the latter meeting focused on the latest updates from House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) and House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) related to their investigations into the Biden family. During that second meeting, McCarthy, who has floated support for an impeachment inquiry into the president, is expected to endorse an inquiry into the matter.

The biden family is one of the most corrupt families to ever rule our government. The evidence is there. And I am betting they won't impeach him but slow-walk the inquiry till the election.....Lawfare is a double-edged sword.

McCarthy helping President Biden get re-elected.
That and it undermines impeachment as the legitimate process to hold a president to account. Makes it a joke. That's what they mean by deconstructing the administrative state

Just as Republicans weaponized Congressional hearings rendering them meaningless political theater, Republicans will now make the impeachment process just as meaningless and irrelevant.
It is. Shokin was only in office for 7 months before they realize he was not investigating Zlochevskiy

Sept. 24, 2015 – U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt excoriates officials in the Prosecutor General’s Office for stymying anti-corruption investigations, including those involving Burisma

Pyatt’s speech was part of a regular drumbeat by U.S. and other Western leaders, including Vice President Biden, and a swath of Ukrainian civil society seeking to pressure President Poroshenko to force his officials, especially in the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) to crack down more, not less, on corruption. “Corruption kills,” Pyatt said in the address to the Odesa Financial Forum for business leaders. “It kills productivity and smothers inspiration. Ideas are lost in its shadow. Innovation and entrepreneurship lag under the weight of bribery, back room dealing, and bullying.”

While giving Shokin a last chance to shape up (Pyatt says, “We want to work with Prosecutor General Shokin so the PGO is leading the fight against corruption.”), the ambassador criticizes “officials at the PGO’s office” for not providing documents that were needed for the British investigation of Burisma owner Zlochevskiy and effectively allowing Zlochevskiy to transfer $23 million of what Pyatt says were Ukrainian taxpayer assets to Cyprus.

But aren’t there reports out there that kind of refute bidens claims about shokin? Some articles actually say that shokin was given praise for his work on corruption:

Apparently Obama liked shokin enough that he signed off on the 1B before Biden held back on it:

And then there is this:

I see, it will be interesting to see what this "mountain" produces. It is clear that Republicans have long ago given up on governing and will always resort to playing games.

Hey, it was said long ago that what goes around comes around.

However, the left is confident that Biden is innocent, so, let this inquiry play out and eventually it will end and Biden will be good to go, right?
WASHINGTON ― Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) this week described impeaching President Joe Biden as less an opportunity to remove Biden from office than a performance for the American people.

Gaetz said that even if the House impeaches Biden, there’s little chance the Democratic-controlled Senate would convict and remove the president from office.

“The purpose of that impeachment, from my standpoint, is not to force a vote that loses ― it’s to put on a trial in the Senate, and by the way, not for the sake of conviction,” Gaetz said during a live audio interview on Twitter.

“The purpose of the impeachment to me is to use the Senate as the stage, but they’re not the jury. The jury is the American people,” Gaetz continued. “And if we had the Senate as the stage and the platform for James Comer to put on his evidence and advance this impeachment, it will not result in a conviction, but the true verdict can still be rendered by the American people.”

In other words, a Biden impeachment would be less about Congress fulfilling its constitutional duty than ensuring Biden loses the next election because Gaetz assumes the evidence wouldn’t convince Senate Democrats to vote to convict. (Bipartisan Senate guilty votes are not impossible to achieve; seven Senate Republicans joined Democrats in voting to convict Donald Trump for the 2021 insurrection.)

House Oversight Committee chair James Comer (R-Ky.) has overseen Republicans’ investigation into the Biden family and has sought to connect the president to his son Hunter Biden’s income from foreign nationals. So far, witness testimony and bank records haven’t established such a connection.

More at the link below...

Matt Gaetz Says Biden Impeachment A ‘Platform’ To Tarnish President Before 2024

“The purpose of that impeachment, from my standpoint, is not to force a vote that loses ― it’s to put on a trial in the Senate, and by the way, not for the sake of conviction,” the Florida Republican said.

In other words - Republicans want to unfairly taint President Biden before the 2024 election like they did to Hillary Clinton with Benghazi and emails right before the 2016 election. It will all be based on lies, rumors and conspiracy theories. What do you think?
But that’s exactly what the dems did, twice. They knew they wouldn’t get a conviction in the senate, but they proceeded anyway. It was all out on for the American public.
That and it undermines impeachment as the legitimate process to hold a president to account. Makes it a joke. That's what they mean by deconstructing the administrative state
So when the dems do it, it’s legitimate, when the repubs do it, it’s undermining the impeachment process…….
The purpose of the inquiry is to keep McCarthy in the speaker position and avoid a government shutdown
No, that is just the result of his agreement to get the speaker position, the inquiry is the investigation to discover the truth of the allegations.

If Biden is innocent, you all have nothing to worry about.
No, that is just the result of his agreement to get the speaker position, the inquiry is the investigation to discover the truth of the allegations.

If Biden is innocent, you all have nothing to worry about.
Even if Biden is guilty, there is nothing to worry about
When the filthy ass Democrats impeached Trump for nothing we warned them that they were going to start something they would regret later.

But being hateful spiteful dumbasses they didn't listen.

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