McCarthy to greenlight Biden impeachment inquiry in closed-door GOP meeting this week

Nope. $$ going in Hunter's pocket alone could put Joey in prison.

It will be fun.

Here are the allegations. Looks like they're focusing in on the financial crimes and the bribes first. Should be easy to prove with the subpoena power a formal impeachment inquiry is given.

??? No actual influence is necessary. Simply making the demand is the crime.

(2) being a public official [Biden] or person selected to be a public official, directly or indirectly [through the crackhead], corruptly demands, seeks, [the crackhead] receives, accepts, or agrees to receive or accept anything of value personally or for any other person or entity, in return for:

(A) being influenced in the performance of any official act;

(B) being influenced to commit or aid in committing, or to collude in, or allow, any fraud, or make opportunity for the commission of any fraud, on the United States; or

(C) being induced to do or omit to do any act in violation of the official duty of such official or person;
Lib loons read this and stop asking me “questions” about what is wrong with Joe and Hunter creating a scenario where a third party believes they can do something special for that party alone
McCarthy is taking his marching orders from Trump once he pulls his head from his orange ass. McCarthy is a depraved scumbag who ressurected Trump when he went down to MAL not long after 1/6 to administer head to his Dear Leader.

Now the slimy fuck is not only owned by Trump but scum like MTG, Gaetz, Boebert & a few other shitbags in the nut caucus.
You are insane and it's funny. First Carter was the worse. Then Bill was the worst. Then you liked Bush. Then Obama was never good enough even though he was way better than Bush. Now Biden is the most corrupt?

Funny how Trump literally was a crime family and you are projecting that on to Biden. See you at the polls stupid. You're going to be soooo butt hurt.
I find it hilarious that you loons and Trump supporters are slinging almost the same accusations at each other it's like a retarded game of "I know you are but what am I ?"
The demented LEFT zombies will be confused when this impeachment will present REAL CRIMES unlike the past pretend ones!
It is. Shokin was only in office for 7 months before they realize he was not investigating Zlochevskiy

Sept. 24, 2015 – U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt excoriates officials in the Prosecutor General’s Office for stymying anti-corruption investigations, including those involving Burisma

Pyatt’s speech was part of a regular drumbeat by U.S. and other Western leaders, including Vice President Biden, and a swath of Ukrainian civil society seeking to pressure President Poroshenko to force his officials, especially in the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) to crack down more, not less, on corruption. “Corruption kills,” Pyatt said in the address to the Odesa Financial Forum for business leaders. “It kills productivity and smothers inspiration. Ideas are lost in its shadow. Innovation and entrepreneurship lag under the weight of bribery, back room dealing, and bullying.”

While giving Shokin a last chance to shape up (Pyatt says, “We want to work with Prosecutor General Shokin so the PGO is leading the fight against corruption.”), the ambassador criticizes “officials at the PGO’s office” for not providing documents that were needed for the British investigation of Burisma owner Zlochevskiy and effectively allowing Zlochevskiy to transfer $23 million of what Pyatt says were Ukrainian taxpayer assets to Cyprus.

Useful idiots and their taxpayer funded .orgs. All taxpayer money should be pulled from every single one on both sides.
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WASHINGTON ― Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) this week described impeaching President Joe Biden as less an opportunity to remove Biden from office than a performance for the American people.

Gaetz said that even if the House impeaches Biden, there’s little chance the Democratic-controlled Senate would convict and remove the president from office.

“The purpose of that impeachment, from my standpoint, is not to force a vote that loses ― it’s to put on a trial in the Senate, and by the way, not for the sake of conviction,” Gaetz said during a live audio interview on Twitter.

“The purpose of the impeachment to me is to use the Senate as the stage, but they’re not the jury. The jury is the American people,” Gaetz continued. “And if we had the Senate as the stage and the platform for James Comer to put on his evidence and advance this impeachment, it will not result in a conviction, but the true verdict can still be rendered by the American people.”

In other words, a Biden impeachment would be less about Congress fulfilling its constitutional duty than ensuring Biden loses the next election because Gaetz assumes the evidence wouldn’t convince Senate Democrats to vote to convict. (Bipartisan Senate guilty votes are not impossible to achieve; seven Senate Republicans joined Democrats in voting to convict Donald Trump for the 2021 insurrection.)

House Oversight Committee chair James Comer (R-Ky.) has overseen Republicans’ investigation into the Biden family and has sought to connect the president to his son Hunter Biden’s income from foreign nationals. So far, witness testimony and bank records haven’t established such a connection.

More at the link below...

Matt Gaetz Says Biden Impeachment A ‘Platform’ To Tarnish President Before 2024

“The purpose of that impeachment, from my standpoint, is not to force a vote that loses ― it’s to put on a trial in the Senate, and by the way, not for the sake of conviction,” the Florida Republican said.

In other words - Republicans want to unfairly taint President Biden before the 2024 election like they did to Hillary Clinton with Benghazi and emails right before the 2016 election. It will all be based on lies, rumors and conspiracy theories. What do you think?
WASHINGTON ― Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) this week described impeaching President Joe Biden as less an opportunity to remove Biden from office than a performance for the American people.

Gaetz said that even if the House impeaches Biden, there’s little chance the Democratic-controlled Senate would convict and remove the president from office.

“The purpose of that impeachment, from my standpoint, is not to force a vote that loses ― it’s to put on a trial in the Senate, and by the way, not for the sake of conviction,” Gaetz said during a live audio interview on Twitter.

“The purpose of the impeachment to me is to use the Senate as the stage, but they’re not the jury. The jury is the American people,” Gaetz continued. “And if we had the Senate as the stage and the platform for James Comer to put on his evidence and advance this impeachment, it will not result in a conviction, but the true verdict can still be rendered by the American people.”

In other words, a Biden impeachment would be less about Congress fulfilling its constitutional duty than ensuring Biden loses the next election because Gaetz assumes the evidence wouldn’t convince Senate Democrats to vote to convict. (Bipartisan Senate guilty votes are not impossible to achieve; seven Senate Republicans joined Democrats in voting to convict Donald Trump for the 2021 insurrection.)

House Oversight Committee chair James Comer (R-Ky.) has overseen Republicans’ investigation into the Biden family and has sought to connect the president to his son Hunter Biden’s income from foreign nationals. So far, witness testimony and bank records haven’t established such a connection.

More at the link below...

Matt Gaetz Says Biden Impeachment A ‘Platform’ To Tarnish President Before 2024

“The purpose of that impeachment, from my standpoint, is not to force a vote that loses ― it’s to put on a trial in the Senate, and by the way, not for the sake of conviction,” the Florida Republican said.

In other words - Republicans want to unfairly taint President Biden before the 2024 election like they did to Hillary Clinton with Benghazi and emails right before the 2016 election. It will all be based on lies, rumors and conspiracy theories. What do you think?
He said that it would tarnish but did not describe that as the sole intent
Here are the allegations. Looks like they're focusing in on the financial crimes and the bribes first. Should be easy to prove with the subpoena power a formal impeachment inquiry is given.

Better Call Durham!

dudley do right.jpg

You people are too, too funny
No he's not. and what Senator Romney said is:

"The fact that the White House has been singularly silent and has coddled Hunter Biden suggests an inquiry is not inappropriate," Romney said. "That's very different than an impeachment, an actual impeachment would require the evidence of a high crime or misdemeanor that has not been alleged. But inquiring is something the president and the White House could have avoided."
WASHINGTON ― Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) this week described impeaching President Joe Biden as less an opportunity to remove Biden from office than a performance for the American people.

Gaetz said that even if the House impeaches Biden, there’s little chance the Democratic-controlled Senate would convict and remove the president from office.

“The purpose of that impeachment, from my standpoint, is not to force a vote that loses ― it’s to put on a trial in the Senate, and by the way, not for the sake of conviction,” Gaetz said during a live audio interview on Twitter.

“The purpose of the impeachment to me is to use the Senate as the stage, but they’re not the jury. The jury is the American people,” Gaetz continued. “And if we had the Senate as the stage and the platform for James Comer to put on his evidence and advance this impeachment, it will not result in a conviction, but the true verdict can still be rendered by the American people.”

In other words, a Biden impeachment would be less about Congress fulfilling its constitutional duty than ensuring Biden loses the next election because Gaetz assumes the evidence wouldn’t convince Senate Democrats to vote to convict. (Bipartisan Senate guilty votes are not impossible to achieve; seven Senate Republicans joined Democrats in voting to convict Donald Trump for the 2021 insurrection.)

House Oversight Committee chair James Comer (R-Ky.) has overseen Republicans’ investigation into the Biden family and has sought to connect the president to his son Hunter Biden’s income from foreign nationals. So far, witness testimony and bank records haven’t established such a connection.

More at the link below...

Matt Gaetz Says Biden Impeachment A ‘Platform’ To Tarnish President Before 2024

“The purpose of that impeachment, from my standpoint, is not to force a vote that loses ― it’s to put on a trial in the Senate, and by the way, not for the sake of conviction,” the Florida Republican said.

In other words - Republicans want to unfairly taint President Biden before the 2024 election like they did to Hillary Clinton with Benghazi and emails right before the 2016 election. It will all be based on lies, rumors and conspiracy theories. What do you think?
Few people care about impeachment anymore.

thank you Mr. Trump and his Cult-of-Personality
No, he's wants to be re-elected.
You haven't been paying attention. Mitt is like Liz Cheney, principled in this area.

Senator Romney has before put himself out to the voters who sided with Trump.

Romney declared his support for the Black Lives Matter international human rights movement by attending the rally,[527] and then joining the Faith Works[528] march, on June 7, 2020,[529] from southeast Washington,[528] past the Trump International Hotel,[527] and Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool,[527] over the murder of George Floyd.

That was Trump.

May 14 2018
A mere 72 hours after the Chinese government agreed to put a half-billion dollars into an Indonesian project that will personally enrich Donald Trump, the president ordered a bailout for a Chinese-government-owned cellphone maker.

“President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast,” Trump announced on Twitter Sunday morning. “Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!”

Trump did not mention in that tweet or its follow-ups that on Thursday, the developer of a theme park resort outside of Jakarta had signed a deal to receive as much as $500 million in Chinese government loans, as well as another $500 million from Chinese banks, according to Agence France-Presse.

Trump’s family business, the Trump Organization, has a deal to license the Trump name to the resort, which includes a golf course and hotels.

Trump drops sanctions, and gets $1,000,000,000 in Chinese checks. › 2022/04/10 › usBefore Giving Billions to Jared Kushner, Saudi Investment ...

Apr 10, 2022 · April 10, 2022 Six months after leaving the White House, Jared Kushner secured a $2 billion investment from a fund led by the Saudi crown prince, a close ally during the Trump
Please... the NY Times... believe me dummy if the dems had evidence of Kushner wrong doing with the Saudis there would be a court date by now....
There is no credible evidence that Joe did anything wrong and this fake impeachment will make Joe look better as we will all know that Joe is 100% innocent.
Meanwhile Trump is guilty of substantial crimes and the evidence against Trump is devastating.

This will benefit Joe, and hurt Trump even more.

There is no credible evidence that Joe did anything wrong

That’s the point of the impeachment inquiry, to get to the truth of the allegations.

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