McCarthy to remove Omar from Foreign Relations Committee.

Gosar was censured for promoting violence against fellow lawmakers. 2 Republicans voted in favor with all Democrats.

You think thats the same thing as Republicans currently removing opposition committee members their wingnuts don't happen to like?
Sowell was sleeping with a Chinese spy....come on, dude.
Schitt was was knowingly lying is ass off., come on, dude.
You're all for the woke crap.....Omar is guilty of it.
Jordan and Gaetz and Gosar are gone????? When did that happen.

As for the move today, stupid Republicans continue to prove to Americans why they are not fit to govern.

When are they going to do something for the American people, instead of playing revenge politics. Gas prices have done nothing but go up since they took office. When are they going to DO something other than blame Biden for everything they don't like?
Pitiful. Your propaganda is slipping. You're losing your edge. Better hire an advisor and repackage that shit.
He should have, she was his aide.

She was not his aid in congress, she did fundraising for him in 2014 and abruptly left US in 2015.

No evidence Sowell did anything improper, it's nothing but a political excuse.
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Jordan and Gaetz and Gosar are gone????? When did that happen.

As for the move today, stupid Republicans continue to prove to Americans why they are not fit to govern.

When are they going to do something for the American people, instead of playing revenge politics. Gas prices have done nothing but go up since they took office. When are they going to DO something other than blame Biden for everything they don't like?

Are you another Canadian who thinks they know so much about US politics? What is going on with you people? The US has an exponentially larger GDP than Canada by sheer numbers and per capita. Canada is but a blip on the world stage. Their claim to fame is they share a border with the greatest nation on the planet. If Canada was smart, they would recognize that we will save their butts from the world if need be but we won't be able to if we espouse the same childish and irresponsible politics as them or some of their European buddies who seem to be more concerned with parks, recreation and gender identity than protecting their country from adversaries. Forgive us if we don't listen to citizens from second tier countries.

She was not his aid in congress, she did fundraising for him in 2014 and abruptly left US in 2015.

No evidence Sowell did anything improper, it's nothing but a political excuse.
Sure it is, Loretta, sure it is.
Your ilk started it, deal with that.
Jordan and Gaetz and Gosar are gone????? When did that happen.

As for the move today, stupid Republicans continue to prove to Americans why they are not fit to govern.

When are they going to do something for the American people, instead of playing revenge politics. Gas prices have done nothing but go up since they took office. When are they going to DO something other than blame Biden for everything they don't like?
Did you just try to blame Republicans for Veggie Joe’s gas prices?

You set a new bar for stupid on a daily basis.
The clown car just arrived in the House. I'm watching Jim Jordan and Marjory Taylor Greene.

Elect clowns, you get a circus.
Go clean up your shithole country that locks people up and seizes their property for simply disagreeing with your Cuck PM.
I'm literally half Jewish, just not technically a jew.

But I've probably read more Leon Uris than you.

You’re the type who would collaborate in your own demise...
You lie with Nazis, you may not wake up at all.....if history is any guide.
How can you be half a religion?
Are you another Canadian who thinks they know so much about US politics? What is going on with you people? The US has an exponentially larger GDP than Canada by sheer numbers and per capita. Canada is but a blip on the world stage. Their claim to fame is they share a border with the greatest nation on the planet. If Canada was smart, they would recognize that we will save their butts from the world if need be but we won't be able to if we espouse the same childish and irresponsible politics as them or some of their European buddies who seem to be more concerned with parks, recreation and gender identity than protecting their country from adversaries. Forgive us if we don't listen to citizens from second tier countries.
KKKanada is nothing more than a popcorn fart.

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