McCarthy to remove Omar from Foreign Relations Committee.

Yes it was. She is a congresswoman from Minnefuckingsota, one of 435, yet she thinks she is a vital cog in our democracy in the U.S.
"my leadership will be celebrated around the world as it has been.”
She is a nut case - that is reason enough to remove her from any even remotely important committee.
Is she a bigger nutcase than Greene or Bobert.
No dumbass, I promote ability of each party to make assignments. But now that Republicans have taken up removing opposition committee members as a matter of political acts, all that is out the window.

You are the one promoting that, by agreeing with what they did.
Seems the dems had already blazed that trail.
Congrats, that was a good link. But, alas, there was no photo of MTG holding a gun to Omar's head.
If you want to see crazy members of congress, you need to look no further than democrat Hank Johnson:

Over the course of those years, Johnson has made some questionable statements from claiming Guam will "capsize" due to too many people to comparing Jewish Israeli settlers to "termites."
Although I am definitely against Israeli settlers, they are not termites.
No dumbass, I promote ability of each party to make assignments. But now that Republicans have taken up removing opposition committee members as a matter of political acts, all that is out the window.

You are the one promoting that, by agreeing with what they did.
I didnt promote anything,,
No dumbass, I promote ability of each party to make assignments. But now that Republicans have taken up removing opposition committee members as a matter of political acts, all that is out the window.

You are the one promoting that, by agreeing with what they did.
LOL I notice you ignore the fact that 4 republicans were removed from committees by Pelosi without cause just glass over that right?
So you can only find ONE, BI-PARTISAN standing committee assignment removal.

Still can't tell the difference?
Gosar was censured for promoting violence against fellow lawmakers. 2 Republicans voted in favor with all Democrats.

You think thats the same thing as Republicans currently removing opposition committee members their wingnuts don't happen to like?
That's right, so don't you shortsighted fools forget that when Dems will get majority back and kick everyone they don't happen to like off of their committees.
You fail to understand the Dems did it first and taught the Repubs a new trick. These parties are opposite sides of the same coin and you advocating what you think is revenge shows you don't have a clue.

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