McCarthy was afraid Gaetz and other trump cronies would incite more violence against other members of the GOP after Jan 6


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

I suppose he knew that trump had ignited the anger in the mob. Now, the trump cronies, Gaetz and company were still throwing gasoline on the fire. He admitted this was an attempted insurrection and that continued incitement by these trumpians could cause more violence. The DOJ has got to step up!
Of course it didn't happen so how did a year and a half old non issue become a political argument? The short answer is that it beats talking about the mess the Country is in under the "leadership" of the doddering old fool in the W.H.

I suppose he knew that trump had ignited the anger in the mob. Now, the trump cronies, Gaetz and company were still throwing gasoline on the fire. He admitted this was an attempted insurrection and that continued incitement by these trumpians could cause more violence. The DOJ has got to step up!
*Yyyyaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnn! Smoke dat cigarette peacepipe! Sad to say it, but everyone concerned on the right considers that past history, because it's past history. It's over, and it's all good from here.

I suppose he knew that trump had ignited the anger in the mob. Now, the trump cronies, Gaetz and company were still throwing gasoline on the fire. He admitted this was an attempted insurrection and that continued incitement by these trumpians could cause more violence. The DOJ has got to step up!
So they were worried it may turn into what we saw 2016 through 2020 from the left.
Of course it didn't happen so how did a year and a half old non issue become a political argument? The short answer is that it beats talking about the mess the Country is in under the "leadership" of the doddering old fool in the W.H.
You want to forget about the attack on democracy, because it makes your KING....TFG...look like a traitor. I don't blame you.
*Yyyyaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnn! Smoke dat cigarette peacepipe! Sad to say it, but everyone concerned on the right considers that past history, because it's past history. It's over, and it's all good from here.
Isn't it? Past history?
You want to forget about the attack on democracy,
How can we? You assholes attack democracy every day, you attacked democracy to the tune of two billion dollars in 2020, and now that someone is finally RESTORING democracy to Twitter so that everyone can again have a fair share in expressing their views and opinions there, all you cowards are throwing a hissy fit and threatening to leave!

Only creeps and communists run from freedom of expression and free speech.

Looks like you've been nailed dead to rights. Now go cry.

:boohoo: :CryingCow: :boo_hoo14: :crying:

I suppose he knew that trump had ignited the anger in the mob. Now, the trump cronies, Gaetz and company were still throwing gasoline on the fire. He admitted this was an attempted insurrection and that continued incitement by these trumpians could cause more violence. The DOJ has got to step up!
Oh no doubt. There is no question when it comes to that.

I suppose he knew that trump had ignited the anger in the mob. Now, the trump cronies, Gaetz and company were still throwing gasoline on the fire. He admitted this was an attempted insurrection and that continued incitement by these trumpians could cause more violence. The DOJ has got to step up!
bull shit
Of course it didn't happen so how did a year and a half old non issue become a political argument? The short answer is that it beats talking about the mess the Country is in under the "leadership" of the doddering old fool in the W.H.
The ex doddering fool in the Wh
Of course it didn't happen so how did a year and a half old non issue become a political argument? The short answer is that it beats talking about the mess the Country is in under the "leadership" of the doddering old fool in the W.H.
No the facts will bare out in this case. You already have McCarthy lying his butt off already.
Wait and watch. This isn't bengahzi.
I fail to understand why you people on the left can continue to fall for one hoax after another.
The same people that created Russian Collusion and Russian election interference also started a riot on Jan 6th.
Trump had no idea that these people would be this evil.....and the truth of the matter....if there was any truth to any of it they would have arrested Trump or some of his associates by now. As it is....nothing has been hidden from the NSA or the CIA. They know every thing that happened the day after Jan 6th.

They claimed 5 people died on Jan 6th. The truth is only 2 people died on Jan 6th....and they were both unarmed women.

The FBI has been a enemy of Trump from the beginning....from the day he took the oath of office...James Comey set him up and admitted to it.
If this was a real case it wouldn't be Congress dealing with it. It would be a matter turned over to the justice department.
As with those two ridiculous impeachments....this case is built on lies and pure politics....nothing more.
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McCarthy's days as a leader are in serious jeopardy.
Don't be too sure about that. McCarthy needs to make peace with the QNUT Psycho Batshit Crazy Caucus i.e. Margie, Boobert, Nazi Gosar, PedoMatt, Gym Shorts Jordan & a few more of Trump's asseater's & he'll get their vote.
No you might dream that they are making it up. Liz Cheney even says they got enough for criminal prosecution. Where do you get your news?
Liz Cheney is lying of course. If she had any proof she would have turned it over to the justice department and stopped commenting on it. Congressional investigations aren't criminal investigations. They have to refer the case to the justice department for it be a criminal investigation, which she hasn't because it's purely political.

Adam Schiff said for years that they had proof enough for a criminal prosecution of Trump and he never produced Jack Squat.
This is what they do. All they're doing is trying to keep Trump from running again.

Liz Cheney is a back-stabbing c**t and her political career is history in her state.

She got into office by lying to the voters of her state.....and all she wants to do now is f**k Trump, and how she got in there was because her Daddy was VP, and Bush made sure it happened. They're all Deep State assholes that have been running up the National Debt since Bush Sr was president. They've been bailing out the rich since the Savings & Loan bailout. They have created unnecessary wars to help their military weapons manufacturing friends get richer while millions have died and have been displaced from their homes. The war in Ukraine is just more of the same shit we've been dealing with since the Iranian Revolution in 1979.
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