McCarthyism: Trump Team Hunts For Names Of Those Involved With Obama’s Climate Change Plan


This has all the makings of “an illegal modern-day political witch hunt.”

President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team has asked the Department of Energy to compile a list of all the employees and contractors who worked on a number of different initiatives related to climate change, sparking fears of witch hunts and drawing parallels to McCarthyism.

The request, a copy of which was first obtained by Bloomberg, specifically seeks the names of those who attended climate change meetings at the United Nations in the past five years and the names of Obama administration staffers who helped set a metric for calculating the social cost of carbon.

Unnamed employees at the DOE told The Washington Post that it seemed as if the Trump transition team was intentionally singling out individuals.

It’s certainly alarming that they would be targeting specific employees in this way,” Michael Halpern, deputy director of the Center for Science and Democracy at the Union of Concerned Scientists told Bloomberg. “Scientists are looking at this with some suspicion, because many of the people who have been chomping at the bit to dismantle federal climate change science programs are now deeply embedded in the transition.”

Neither the Trump team nor the DOE has commented publicly on the questionnaire. Several politicians have voiced their alarm, however.

More: Trump Team Hunts For Names Of Those Involved With Obama’s Climate Change Plan

This is only the beginning. We haven't seen anything yet.

McCarthyism - Wikipedia

He wants people in his administration who agree with him and that's McCarthyism.


The people Trump's hunting down are trying to make the US environment healthier and safer.

Trump's buddies want to remove all environmental regulations and controls.

People will die.

Are you so obsessed with your side "winning" that you'll happily die?

Why are you even on that side?

Trump doesn't give a fuck about you.
You know Trump that well? The cult of Warmers goes well beyond making air fresher, they are eco-Nazis and fat we need to trim to get back to work.
He still has a job, no one has prevented him from speaking his mind to whomever he likes, and the EPA has since posted his contrary opinion on their website

Those are a bunch of qualifiers. He didn't have to necessarily lose his job or be prevented from speaking to anyone else, but the fact he was actively discouraged from giving his opinion on the matter says to me there was an attempt to have him silenced.

I have since edited that post to add to it.

But let me address this as well - and re-frame it: This man was a single member of a large team tasked to create a report in a very short time frame, and wrote an opinion that was self-admittedly based on "rushed and at times shoddy scholarship", in a field that he had no expertise in or had ever worked in, and contrary to everyone else on the team.

Should the administrator in charge of putting the report together been obligated to include his outlying and un-informed opinion in the final report?
It depends. Did he do his homework? Was he using facts or are you just assuming he knew nothing but was highly opinionated anyway? If so he was no better than the climate Nazis.

This has all the makings of “an illegal modern-day political witch hunt.”

President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team has asked the Department of Energy to compile a list of all the employees and contractors who worked on a number of different initiatives related to climate change, sparking fears of witch hunts and drawing parallels to McCarthyism.

The request, a copy of which was first obtained by Bloomberg, specifically seeks the names of those who attended climate change meetings at the United Nations in the past five years and the names of Obama administration staffers who helped set a metric for calculating the social cost of carbon.

Unnamed employees at the DOE told The Washington Post that it seemed as if the Trump transition team was intentionally singling out individuals.

It’s certainly alarming that they would be targeting specific employees in this way,” Michael Halpern, deputy director of the Center for Science and Democracy at the Union of Concerned Scientists told Bloomberg. “Scientists are looking at this with some suspicion, because many of the people who have been chomping at the bit to dismantle federal climate change science programs are now deeply embedded in the transition.”

Neither the Trump team nor the DOE has commented publicly on the questionnaire. Several politicians have voiced their alarm, however.

More: Trump Team Hunts For Names Of Those Involved With Obama’s Climate Change Plan

This is only the beginning. We haven't seen anything yet.

McCarthyism - Wikipedia

Trump needs to fire anyone hired or promoted by Obama
Who "silenced" you?

You seem to be posting just fine.

That's not what I meant.

Surely you know what McCarthyism is, right? It's a tool frequented by people in the climate discussion to silence or discredit others.


I do know what McCarthyism is - but I'm not sure that you quite understand it.

How have "people" used "McCarthyism" to silence anyone in the climate disscussion?

Again, I see hundreds, if not thousands of posts on this board discussing climate change. Is there a Congressional subcommittee or other government agency investigating these posters that I'm not aware of?

The agwcultists are the leading practitioners of McCarthyism
Who "silenced" you?

You seem to be posting just fine.

That's not what I meant.

Surely you know what McCarthyism is, right? It's a tool frequented by people in the climate discussion to silence or discredit others.


I do know what McCarthyism is - but I'm not sure that you quite understand it.

How have "people" used "McCarthyism" to silence anyone in the climate disscussion?

Again, I see hundreds, if not thousands of posts on this board discussing climate change. Is there a Congressional subcommittee or other government agency investigating these posters that I'm not aware of?

The agwcultists are the leading practitioners of McCarthyism
They all proudly self outed over the years so it will be easy for us to find them....
The people Trump's hunting down are trying to make the US environment healthier and safer

Bullshit. The Global Warming movement is about socialism, it has zero to do with the environment

This has all the makings of “an illegal modern-day political witch hunt.”

President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team has asked the Department of Energy to compile a list of all the employees and contractors who worked on a number of different initiatives related to climate change, sparking fears of witch hunts and drawing parallels to McCarthyism.

The request, a copy of which was first obtained by Bloomberg, specifically seeks the names of those who attended climate change meetings at the United Nations in the past five years and the names of Obama administration staffers who helped set a metric for calculating the social cost of carbon.

Unnamed employees at the DOE told The Washington Post that it seemed as if the Trump transition team was intentionally singling out individuals.

It’s certainly alarming that they would be targeting specific employees in this way,” Michael Halpern, deputy director of the Center for Science and Democracy at the Union of Concerned Scientists told Bloomberg. “Scientists are looking at this with some suspicion, because many of the people who have been chomping at the bit to dismantle federal climate change science programs are now deeply embedded in the transition.”

Neither the Trump team nor the DOE has commented publicly on the questionnaire. Several politicians have voiced their alarm, however.

More: Trump Team Hunts For Names Of Those Involved With Obama’s Climate Change Plan

This is only the beginning. We haven't seen anything yet.

McCarthyism - Wikipedia

You POS.

The Obama administration and the global warming alarmists have been pushing to knock down the opposition for a decade.

There was some witch that worked for the weather channel that said those who don't jump on board should lose their credentials.

You are a lying hack (who claims he has an open mind....ROTFLMAO)

This has all the makings of “an illegal modern-day political witch hunt.”

President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team has asked the Department of Energy to compile a list of all the employees and contractors who worked on a number of different initiatives related to climate change, sparking fears of witch hunts and drawing parallels to McCarthyism.

The request, a copy of which was first obtained by Bloomberg, specifically seeks the names of those who attended climate change meetings at the United Nations in the past five years and the names of Obama administration staffers who helped set a metric for calculating the social cost of carbon.

Unnamed employees at the DOE told The Washington Post that it seemed as if the Trump transition team was intentionally singling out individuals.

It’s certainly alarming that they would be targeting specific employees in this way,” Michael Halpern, deputy director of the Center for Science and Democracy at the Union of Concerned Scientists told Bloomberg. “Scientists are looking at this with some suspicion, because many of the people who have been chomping at the bit to dismantle federal climate change science programs are now deeply embedded in the transition.”

Neither the Trump team nor the DOE has commented publicly on the questionnaire. Several politicians have voiced their alarm, however.

More: Trump Team Hunts For Names Of Those Involved With Obama’s Climate Change Plan

This is only the beginning. We haven't seen anything yet.

McCarthyism - Wikipedia
Good because there are some really bad people involved with this hoax...

This has all the makings of “an illegal modern-day political witch hunt.”

President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team has asked the Department of Energy to compile a list of all the employees and contractors who worked on a number of different initiatives related to climate change, sparking fears of witch hunts and drawing parallels to McCarthyism.

The request, a copy of which was first obtained by Bloomberg, specifically seeks the names of those who attended climate change meetings at the United Nations in the past five years and the names of Obama administration staffers who helped set a metric for calculating the social cost of carbon.

Unnamed employees at the DOE told The Washington Post that it seemed as if the Trump transition team was intentionally singling out individuals.

It’s certainly alarming that they would be targeting specific employees in this way,” Michael Halpern, deputy director of the Center for Science and Democracy at the Union of Concerned Scientists told Bloomberg. “Scientists are looking at this with some suspicion, because many of the people who have been chomping at the bit to dismantle federal climate change science programs are now deeply embedded in the transition.”

Neither the Trump team nor the DOE has commented publicly on the questionnaire. Several politicians have voiced their alarm, however.

More: Trump Team Hunts For Names Of Those Involved With Obama’s Climate Change Plan

This is only the beginning. We haven't seen anything yet.

McCarthyism - Wikipedia
Good because there are some really bad people involved with this hoax...

Really? Such as...?

Not Christian of me to say this, but turnabout is fair play. You silence us, we silence you.

NEVER set a precedent you don't intend to follow.

Who conducted a comparable systematic purge in the past?

What purge has taken place today ?

Trump isn't even in office and you dingbats are already putting yourselves in jail.

Fair play might be telling these pricks that they are on notice.

This has all the makings of “an illegal modern-day political witch hunt.”

President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team has asked the Department of Energy to compile a list of all the employees and contractors who worked on a number of different initiatives related to climate change, sparking fears of witch hunts and drawing parallels to McCarthyism.

The request, a copy of which was first obtained by Bloomberg, specifically seeks the names of those who attended climate change meetings at the United Nations in the past five years and the names of Obama administration staffers who helped set a metric for calculating the social cost of carbon.

Unnamed employees at the DOE told The Washington Post that it seemed as if the Trump transition team was intentionally singling out individuals.

It’s certainly alarming that they would be targeting specific employees in this way,” Michael Halpern, deputy director of the Center for Science and Democracy at the Union of Concerned Scientists told Bloomberg. “Scientists are looking at this with some suspicion, because many of the people who have been chomping at the bit to dismantle federal climate change science programs are now deeply embedded in the transition.”

Neither the Trump team nor the DOE has commented publicly on the questionnaire. Several politicians have voiced their alarm, however.

More: Trump Team Hunts For Names Of Those Involved With Obama’s Climate Change Plan

This is only the beginning. We haven't seen anything yet.

McCarthyism - Wikipedia
Good because there are some really bad people involved with this hoax...

Really? Such as...?

Did you read it? Do you believe that this man was "hunted down" and "silenced"?

I do. The moment the he spoke up with his opinion, yes. Regardless of his expertise in the subject, he shouldn't have been discouraged from speaking out by his superiors
Did you read it? Do you believe that this man was "hunted down" and "silenced"?

I do. The moment the he spoke up with his opinion, yes. Regardless of his expertise in the subject, he shouldn't have been discouraged from speaking out by his superiors

He wasn't "discouraged from speaking out". His outlying opinion was not included in the final report. That's all.

As the article makes clear, he is, and always has been, free to speak his mind to whomever he wants.
Did you read it? Do you believe that this man was "hunted down" and "silenced"?

I do. The moment the he spoke up with his opinion, yes. Regardless of his expertise in the subject, he shouldn't have been discouraged from speaking out by his superiors

He wasn't "discouraged from speaking out". His outlying opinion was not included in the final report. That's all.

As the article makes clear, he is, and always has been, free to speak his mind to whomever he wants.

Well, I know when I've been bested. So to avoid making a complete idiot of myself, I am going to admit defeat! Well played. I know better than to start stuff at 2 in the morning.

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McCarthy was a great American who saw the communist infiltrating our nation and tried to stpp them. But he was not able to fight all the money changing hands from the communist backers and polirical traitors.

Now we have exactly the nation he warend us about and tried to stop. No nation at all. Just a political playground for the rich and illfamous.

I hope Trump keeps at least half of his promises and very glad he won [ welcome relief from seeing that laughing hyenna hag and hater Obombs ] but he will never be the man McCarthy was.

This has all the makings of “an illegal modern-day political witch hunt.”

President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team has asked the Department of Energy to compile a list of all the employees and contractors who worked on a number of different initiatives related to climate change, sparking fears of witch hunts and drawing parallels to McCarthyism.

The request, a copy of which was first obtained by Bloomberg, specifically seeks the names of those who attended climate change meetings at the United Nations in the past five years and the names of Obama administration staffers who helped set a metric for calculating the social cost of carbon.

Unnamed employees at the DOE told The Washington Post that it seemed as if the Trump transition team was intentionally singling out individuals.

It’s certainly alarming that they would be targeting specific employees in this way,” Michael Halpern, deputy director of the Center for Science and Democracy at the Union of Concerned Scientists told Bloomberg. “Scientists are looking at this with some suspicion, because many of the people who have been chomping at the bit to dismantle federal climate change science programs are now deeply embedded in the transition.”

Neither the Trump team nor the DOE has commented publicly on the questionnaire. Several politicians have voiced their alarm, however.

More: Trump Team Hunts For Names Of Those Involved With Obama’s Climate Change Plan

This is only the beginning. We haven't seen anything yet.

McCarthyism - Wikipedia

Good it's time to have the climate fucks get a taste of their own guys are far worse on this shit, but you hate retribution.......

Climate change NAZIs who try to discredit anyone who has a different opinion
nuclear option for filibuster
SJWs and speech codes
were all exposed and dry fucked by trump

buh bye Lakhota, your leftwing tools of terror didn't work and we might use them against you......SUCKS to be a leftwinger!

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