McCarthyism: Trump Team Hunts For Names Of Those Involved With Obama’s Climate Change Plan


This has all the makings of “an illegal modern-day political witch hunt.”

President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team has asked the Department of Energy to compile a list of all the employees and contractors who worked on a number of different initiatives related to climate change, sparking fears of witch hunts and drawing parallels to McCarthyism.

The request, a copy of which was first obtained by Bloomberg, specifically seeks the names of those who attended climate change meetings at the United Nations in the past five years and the names of Obama administration staffers who helped set a metric for calculating the social cost of carbon.

Unnamed employees at the DOE told The Washington Post that it seemed as if the Trump transition team was intentionally singling out individuals.

It’s certainly alarming that they would be targeting specific employees in this way,” Michael Halpern, deputy director of the Center for Science and Democracy at the Union of Concerned Scientists told Bloomberg. “Scientists are looking at this with some suspicion, because many of the people who have been chomping at the bit to dismantle federal climate change science programs are now deeply embedded in the transition.”

Neither the Trump team nor the DOE has commented publicly on the questionnaire. Several politicians have voiced their alarm, however.

More: Trump Team Hunts For Names Of Those Involved With Obama’s Climate Change Plan

This is only the beginning. We haven't seen anything yet.

McCarthyism - Wikipedia

GLOBULL Warming is a Luddite Fantasy.

The Paris Climate Agreement must be REPUDIATED.

The whole Global Warming fanatic movement can be summed up as 'McCarthyism.' Anyone who disagrees, is to be punished. So the Global Warming fanatics don't have a leg to stand on when accusing others of engaging in 'McCarthyism.' It's what they themselves have been all about for many years.
Well, the Global Warming zealots kinda have it coming. They've behaved like intolerant fascists for a long time. Anyone refusing to join their Global Warming cult, is labeled a 'heretic', and is to be punished. Many good folks have been victims of their decades-long Witch Hunts. Many were forced out of their jobs. So, now the tables turn. What goes around, comes around.
You mean like 93% of the scientists around the world?

No one questions Climate Change. But many are questioning the 'Global Warming' zealots' fascist Government-force reaction. The earth cools, the earth warms. Most understand that. But there's no need to panic and engage in fascistic Government force.

Personally, i value my freedom from Government oppression, more than i fear 'Global Warming'. And i think more & more people are beginning to feel that way. You Global Warming zealots haven't help your cause over the years. Your intolerant fascist approach really has alienated many. They fear you folks much more than they do climate change.
Trying to protect against further damage is.....Government oppression?

What do you call the oil lobby buying out the Republicans so they can make more profits?

Your fascistic Government-force approach, scares many people much more than 'Global Warming' does. I'll keep my freedom and liberty, and take my chances with 'Global Warming.'
--------------------------------------------------------- seems to me that ALL lefties are hugely afraid of dying so they focus on things like being anti gun and they want healthcare no matter the cost and now they want expurts to save them from global warming at any cost . Freedom and Liberty seems to have been bred out of lefties . Just a comment .
Are there any other environmental issues? Or just climate change?

AND why is the solution to climate change, redistribution of our non-existent money to underdeveloped countries so that they can create MORE carbon emissions?
The head of the EPA believes it's all myth

A view supported by only three percent of scientists
A scientist believes the guy who signs his paycheck.

Excellent observation. All anyone has to do is research and see who the biggest 'Global Warming' pushers are. They're radical Leftist Globalists like George Soros. But i think more & more poeple are waking up. They're deciding they'd rather take their chances with 'Global Warming', than with the fascist Globalists.
I know a LOT of people in Academia and they have to keep revising their research until they come up with the results desired by those who donate to their Universities.
Let me guess banks?

Do you have a few examples of donars?
Do research on every hospital and university in New York State.
Who "silenced" you?

You seem to be posting just fine.

That's not what I meant.

Surely you know what McCarthyism is, right? It's a tool frequented by people in the climate discussion to silence or discredit others.


I do know what McCarthyism is - but I'm not sure that you quite understand it.

How have "people" used "McCarthyism" to silence anyone in the climate disscussion?

Again, I see hundreds, if not thousands of posts on this board discussing climate change. Is there a Congressional subcommittee or other government agency investigating these posters that I'm not aware of?

The agwcultists are the leading practitioners of McCarthyism
They all proudly self outed over the years so it will be easy for us to find them....

And then Trump will make sure they have no input whatsoever to policy decisions. Too bad he can't fire them. Perhaps he can make a "safe space" where they can go play with puppies and coloring books.
The head of the EPA believes it's all myth

A view supported by only three percent of scientists
A scientist believes the guy who signs his paycheck.

Excellent observation. All anyone has to do is research and see who the biggest 'Global Warming' pushers are. They're radical Leftist Globalists like George Soros. But i think more & more poeple are waking up. They're deciding they'd rather take their chances with 'Global Warming', than with the fascist Globalists.
I know a LOT of people in Academia and they have to keep revising their research until they come up with the results desired by those who donate to their Universities.
Let me guess banks?

Do you have a few examples of donars?
Do research on every hospital and university in New York State.
The head of the EPA believes it's all myth

A view supported by only three percent of scientists
A scientist believes the guy who signs his paycheck.

Excellent observation. All anyone has to do is research and see who the biggest 'Global Warming' pushers are. They're radical Leftist Globalists like George Soros. But i think more & more poeple are waking up. They're deciding they'd rather take their chances with 'Global Warming', than with the fascist Globalists.
I know a LOT of people in Academia and they have to keep revising their research until they come up with the results desired by those who donate to their Universities.
Let me guess banks?

Do you have a few examples of donars?
Do research on every hospital and university in New York State.
Hospitals are Death Traps in many cases. Too often Universities are nothing more than glorified money pits.
A scientist believes the guy who signs his paycheck.

Excellent observation. All anyone has to do is research and see who the biggest 'Global Warming' pushers are. They're radical Leftist Globalists like George Soros. But i think more & more poeple are waking up. They're deciding they'd rather take their chances with 'Global Warming', than with the fascist Globalists.
I know a LOT of people in Academia and they have to keep revising their research until they come up with the results desired by those who donate to their Universities.
Let me guess banks?

Do you have a few examples of donars?
Do research on every hospital and university in New York State.
Hospitals are Death Traps in many cases. Too often Universities are nothing more than glorified money pits.
I think medicine is improving simply due to the REGS 56.
The REGS 56 enables a very careful tracking of many categories of Care Health Plans by a wide range of Health Specialists and their results.
I DO believe that we don't have the capacity to perform actual life extending surgery on Alheizmer's patients as I have too many friends whose parents have passed away within 3 months of various surgeries, especially pulmonary.
Medicare spends a fortune on people who are in the late stages of Alheizmer's.
Excellent observation. All anyone has to do is research and see who the biggest 'Global Warming' pushers are. They're radical Leftist Globalists like George Soros. But i think more & more poeple are waking up. They're deciding they'd rather take their chances with 'Global Warming', than with the fascist Globalists.
I know a LOT of people in Academia and they have to keep revising their research until they come up with the results desired by those who donate to their Universities.
Let me guess banks?

Do you have a few examples of donars?
Do research on every hospital and university in New York State.
Hospitals are Death Traps in many cases. Too often Universities are nothing more than glorified money pits.
I think medicine is improving simply due to the REGS 56.
The REGS 56 enables a very careful tracking of many categories of Care Health Plans by a wide range of Health Specialists and their results.
I DO believe that we don't have the capacity to perform actual life extending surgery on Alheizmer's patients as I have too many friends whose parents have passed away within 3 months of various surgeries, especially pulmonary.
Medicare spends a fortune on people who are in the late stages of Alheizmer's.

Just as an aside, I watched the Republican whip on TV today proclaiming that---------->in the 1st hundred days they are going to pass a law, (not EO which means the next left President can't just make it go away) that any regulation put forth by any institution in Washington that costs business more than 100 million to institute, will require congress to vote on it before implementation.

BAM, there goes the power of the EPA especially, but even other Washington institutions who actually are the ones putting this garbage in!
That's not what I meant.

Surely you know what McCarthyism is, right? It's a tool frequented by people in the climate discussion to silence or discredit others.

You know, alarmists to deniers, deniers to alarmists.

It's worse than that, libturds are willing to accuse people of crimes or even "sexual harassment" in order to destroy your career. They're sociopaths, every goddamned one of them.
Just as an aside, I watched the Republican whip on TV today proclaiming that---------->in the 1st hundred days they are going to pass a law, (not EO which means the next left President can't just make it go away) that any regulation put forth by any institution in Washington that costs business more than 100 million to institute, will require congress to vote on it before implementation.

BAM, there goes the power of the EPA especially, but even other Washington institutions who actually are the ones putting this garbage in!

That would still destroy a small business to face a 100 millon dollar mandate.

Just as an aside, I watched the Republican whip on TV today proclaiming that---------->in the 1st hundred days they are going to pass a law, (not EO which means the next left President can't just make it go away) that any regulation put forth by any institution in Washington that costs business more than 100 million to institute, will require congress to vote on it before implementation.

BAM, there goes the power of the EPA especially, but even other Washington institutions who actually are the ones putting this garbage in!

That would still destroy a small business to face a 100 millon dollar mandate.

No, you misunderstand--------------> a 100 million dollar mandate across the board, not per company.

Point is, WE control congress with our votes; nobody controls those clowns appointed by the left, or the right for that matter, so they run wild with regulation. They will now be neutered, and good for America!
That's not what I meant.

Surely you know what McCarthyism is, right? It's a tool frequented by people in the climate discussion to silence or discredit others.

You know, alarmists to deniers, deniers to alarmists.

It's worse than that, libturds are willing to accuse people of crimes or even "sexual harassment" in order to destroy your career. They're sociopaths, every goddamned one of them.

And no aware self respecting conservative should ever trust a gawd damned one of them.

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