McCarthyism: Trump Team Hunts For Names Of Those Involved With Obama’s Climate Change Plan

Well, the Global Warming zealots kinda have it coming. They've behaved like intolerant fascists for a long time. Anyone refusing to join their Global Warming cult, is labeled a 'heretic', and is to be punished. Many good folks have been victims of their decades-long Witch Hunts. Many were forced out of their jobs. So, now the tables turn. What goes around, comes around.

It's funny how those on the left wrong never think about what will happen when the precedents that they set to attack their opposition gets turned around and used against them.

Yeah, the Global Warming zealots have adopted an intolerant fascist approach. Anyone who won't go along, must be punished. They've forced many good people out of their jobs all over the world. So they just don't have the credibility to complain about 'Witch Hunts.' They've been conducting them for decades. I think it's about time the tables get turned. I hope Trump cleans house.
It would be quite the turn around if Trump were to purge the greenies.
Trump is not fucking around,......he told us MMGW is a hoax, and he has no reason to lie.....

It's another way for the Globalist Elites to seize more power and control over the people. They've manged to politicize the weather. Next up, is politicizing food, water, and the air. They want complete control. That's the goal. All part of their NWO agenda. It's been in the works for over a hundred years.
It really is incredibly disingenuous and hypocritical for Global Warming zealots to make such accusations. They themselves have adopted an intolerant fascist approach when preaching the 'Global Warming' gospel. They've been vicious to anyone who refused to go along.

Some warming zealots have even proposed imprisoning 'Deniers.' And they've forced many good people out of their jobs for speaking up about rigged data. So i think it's a good thing that Trump is cleaning house. The zealots have to go. .
didn't mrobama get rid of good Military Generals because they disagreed with mrobamas war fighting , I think that he did RWinger !!
Well, the Global Warming zealots kinda have it coming. They've behaved like intolerant fascists for a long time. Anyone refusing to join their Global Warming cult, is labeled a 'heretic', and is to be punished. Many good folks have been victims of their decades-long Witch Hunts. Many were forced out of their jobs. So, now the tables turn. What goes around, comes around.
You mean like 93% of the scientists around the world?

No one questions Climate Change. But many are questioning the 'Global Warming' zealots' fascist Government-force reaction. The earth cools, the earth warms. Most understand that. But there's no need to panic and engage in fascistic Government force.

Personally, i value my freedom from Government oppression, more than i fear 'Global Warming'. And i think more & more people are beginning to feel that way. You Global Warming zealots haven't help your cause over the years. Your intolerant fascist approach really has alienated many. They fear you folks much more than they do climate change.
Trying to protect against further damage is.....Government oppression?

What do you call the oil lobby buying out the Republicans so they can make more profits?

Your fascistic Government-force approach, scares many people much more than 'Global Warming' does. I'll keep my freedom and liberty, and take my chances with 'Global Warming.'
You mean like 93% of the scientists around the world?

No one questions Climate Change. But many are questioning the 'Global Warming' zealots' fascist Government-force reaction. The earth cools, the earth warms. Most understand that. But there's no need to panic and engage in fascistic Government force.

Personally, i value my freedom from Government oppression, more than i fear 'Global Warming'. And i think more & more people are beginning to feel that way. You Global Warming zealots haven't help your cause over the years. Your intolerant fascist approach really has alienated many. They fear you folks much more than they do climate change.
Trying to protect against further damage is.....Government oppression?

What do you call the oil lobby buying out the Republicans so they can make more profits?
Are there any other environmental issues? Or just climate change?

AND why is the solution to climate change, redistribution of our non-existent money to underdeveloped countries so that they can create MORE carbon emissions?
The head of the EPA believes it's all myth

A view supported by only three percent of scientists
A scientist believes the guy who signs his paycheck.

Excellent observation. All anyone has to do is research and see who the biggest 'Global Warming' pushers are. They're radical Leftist Globalists like George Soros. But i think more & more people are waking up. They're deciding they'd rather take their chances with 'Global Warming', than with the fascist Globalists.
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No one questions Climate Change. But many are questioning the 'Global Warming' zealots' fascist Government-force reaction. The earth cools, the earth warms. Most understand that. But there's no need to panic and engage in fascistic Government force.

Personally, i value my freedom from Government oppression, more than i fear 'Global Warming'. And i think more & more people are beginning to feel that way. You Global Warming zealots haven't help your cause over the years. Your intolerant fascist approach really has alienated many. They fear you folks much more than they do climate change.
Trying to protect against further damage is.....Government oppression?

What do you call the oil lobby buying out the Republicans so they can make more profits?
Are there any other environmental issues? Or just climate change?

AND why is the solution to climate change, redistribution of our non-existent money to underdeveloped countries so that they can create MORE carbon emissions?
The head of the EPA believes it's all myth

A view supported by only three percent of scientists
A scientist believes the guy who signs his paycheck.

Excellent observation. All anyone has to do is research and see who the biggest 'Global Warming' pushers are. They're radical Leftist Globalists like George Soros. But i think more & more poeple are waking up. They're deciding they'd rather take their chances with 'Global Warming', than with the fascist Globalists.
I know a LOT of people in Academia and they have to keep revising their research until they come up with the results desired by those who donate to their Universities.
For the record, I don't think that this story (if true) is an example of a "McCarthyist" witch-hunt.
Will they be "black listed" if they believe in global warming?

I certainly hope so winger. You see, I know that YOU know, your 93% statement has been proven to be inaccurate for your use. You IMPLY that 93% think that global warming is man made, lol. What the 93% actually say is--------->climate change is REAL, but they differ on what is causing it, or if it is natural phenomena . But, you keep pretending, I am sure more and more people are catching on to lefty scams, proven by Trump, and Brexit-)
I know a LOT of people in Academia and they have to keep revising their research until they come up with the results desired by those who donate to their Universities.
Trump is riding a Petroleum Dragon and he better watch his ass or he will become an isolated sitting President with all his power allotted to "subordinates" who network with each other so much they largely bypass the POTUS.

The Puzder appointment is particularly troublesome.

While he is not so bad on the minimum wage preferring it to rise slowly, his blind spot on the final impacts of the Robotics Revolution is not a good thing.

Setting The Record Straight On Misleading Liberal Attacks Vs. Andy Puzder – AR Squared
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Trying to protect against further damage is.....Government oppression?

What do you call the oil lobby buying out the Republicans so they can make more profits?
Are there any other environmental issues? Or just climate change?

AND why is the solution to climate change, redistribution of our non-existent money to underdeveloped countries so that they can create MORE carbon emissions?
The head of the EPA believes it's all myth

A view supported by only three percent of scientists
A scientist believes the guy who signs his paycheck.

Excellent observation. All anyone has to do is research and see who the biggest 'Global Warming' pushers are. They're radical Leftist Globalists like George Soros. But i think more & more poeple are waking up. They're deciding they'd rather take their chances with 'Global Warming', than with the fascist Globalists.
I know a LOT of people in Academia and they have to keep revising their research until they come up with the results desired by those who donate to their Universities.

They understand if they don't toe the line, they'll lose their jobs. The warming zealots have been conducting ugly witch hunts for decades. So there are very few left in academia to oppose them. The so-called 'Deniers' have been purged. Personally, i'm very happy seeing the shoe finally on the other foot. It's time to give the warming zealots a taste of their own medicine. I support Trump's effort 100%.
I know a LOT of people in Academia and they have to keep revising their research until they come up with the results desired by those who donate to their Universities.
Trump is riding a Petroleum Dragon and he better watch his ass or he will become an isolated sitting President with all his power allotted to "subordinates" who network with each other so much they largely bypass the POTUS.

The Puzder appointment is particularly troublesome.
The core problem Trump has to deal with is that there is no successful business person out there who would have run on "Make American Great Again".
Trump has no choice but to select successful people and keep them on a short leash.
Is Trump Joe McCarthy reincarnated? Seems like...

Joseph McCarthy - Wikipedia

Lacooter, are you still whining about what Trump is going to do? For crying out loud, he may be finding them so as he can send them to the new tropic in Antartica since all the ice has melted because of MMGW. I bet he even supply's the sun screen for them, and if not, I will personally make a go fund me page and give the 1st dollar for it-) Hey, no need to thank me Lacooter, I also offered to put in 10 bucks towards all the libs who wanted to leave the country after Trump got elected; helping them with ticket prices ya know! Hey, have any of your heroes who PROMISED and THREATENED to leave if Trump was elected, left? Just wondering how big a party I should throw on January 20th. Imagine, Obama leaving the Whitehouse for good, and leftists leaving the country, now that is a great reason to have a party, don't you think!
The core problem Trump has to deal with is that there is no successful business person out there who would have run on "Make American Great Again".
Trump has no choice but to select successful people and keep them on a short leash.
A short leash and about one third hard core supporters is his bare minimum.
For the record, I don't think that this story (if true) is an example of a "McCarthyist" witch-hunt.
Will they be "black listed" if they believe in global warming?

I certainly hope so winger. You see, I know that YOU know, your 93% statement has been proven to be inaccurate for your use. You IMPLY that 93% think that global warming is man made, lol. What the 93% actually say is--------->climate change is REAL, but they differ on what is causing it, or if it is natural phenomena . But, you keep pretending, I am sure more and more people are catching on to lefty scams, proven by Trump, and Brexit-)
No....they actually believe man is causing it

Not just leftist American scientists....but scientists around the world
Trying to protect against further damage is.....Government oppression?

What do you call the oil lobby buying out the Republicans so they can make more profits?
Are there any other environmental issues? Or just climate change?

AND why is the solution to climate change, redistribution of our non-existent money to underdeveloped countries so that they can create MORE carbon emissions?
The head of the EPA believes it's all myth

A view supported by only three percent of scientists
A scientist believes the guy who signs his paycheck.

Excellent observation. All anyone has to do is research and see who the biggest 'Global Warming' pushers are. They're radical Leftist Globalists like George Soros. But i think more & more poeple are waking up. They're deciding they'd rather take their chances with 'Global Warming', than with the fascist Globalists.
I know a LOT of people in Academia and they have to keep revising their research until they come up with the results desired by those who donate to their Universities.
Let me guess banks?

Do you have a few examples of donars?

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