McCaul: I Will Put A Hold On Afghanistan Funds Until ‘Assurances It Is Not Going To Taliban’


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 23, 2021
I would put a hold on funds to Afghanistan until hell freezes over. Why are our "representatives" sending our money to fucking Afghanistan? I think I know why - the $8B we sent over there for this "reconstruction" has made some people very wealthy. There is a lot of money in war and the aftermath - oh that's right, we never declared war over there, did we?

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, announced on this week’s “Fox News Sunday” that he will block U.S. financial aid to Afghanistan unless he receives “assurances” that it will not go to the Taliban. (What, like some "I promise not to give this money to the Taliban" email?)

Shannon Bream, a journalist and host of the Fox segment, said, “There’s a new report out from the special inspector general overseeing Afghanistan reconstruction. The Washington Free Beacon has this headline from the report.”

“They say the administration is giving $2.35 billion to Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. So what do you tell American taxpayers about their dollars flowing to that group as you said, that was critical in what happened at Abby Gate and now is clearly, you know, disrespectful is the nicest way that I can say that to women, to girls to religious minorities. Those are U.S. tax dollars.”
McCaul replied to her query, stating, “I’m prepared in my position to put a hold on this funding until we get assurances it is not going right into the hands of the Taliban.”

“They are repressing women. They can’t go out of their homes. They can’t get educated. Women can’t be hired by these NGOs, these charitable organizations in Afghanistan, and we are paying the money. The U.S. taxpayers are funding this. We need some assurance that this is going to go to the right hands and it’s going to help the women in Afghanistan. If the Taliban can’t assure us of that, I think we need to be prepared to cut that funding off as a stick rather than giving them just a carrot,” McCaul continued.
Since the tumultuous departure of American forces in August 2021, the U.S. has contributed more than $8 billion in aid to Afghanistan.

John Sopko, the special inspector general for Afghanistan reconstruction and head of the U.S. government watchdog for the war, said in April that the United States may have contributed billions of dollars in taxpayer funds to the Taliban and Afghan terror organizations since the withdrawal of American soldiers, but he admitted that even he does not know the entire magnitude of the situation.

“Unfortunately, as I sit here today, I cannot assure you we are not now funding the Taliban,” special inspector general for Afghan reconstruction, John Sopko, said at a House Oversight Committee hearing. “Nor can I assure you the Taliban are not diverting it from the intended recipients, which are the Afghan people.”

To imagine what our nation could be if most of the resources stayed within our borders. Our way of living may be a half century more advanced. The Joe's of the world impede on it.
What a fiasco.
Waste a few trillion on a war only to hand the country right back to our enemy, then still send money to the shithole we bailed on.

Our representatives are failing America and screwing us at the same time.

Note, the Taliban never did a thing to us. That noted, not a penny should go to Afghanistan lacking some sort of natural disaster.
I would put a hold on funds to Afghanistan until hell freezes over. Why are our "representatives" sending our money to fucking Afghanistan? I think I know why - the $8B we sent over there for this "reconstruction" has made some people very wealthy. There is a lot of money in war and the aftermath - oh that's right, we never declared war over there, did we?

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, announced on this week’s “Fox News Sunday” that he will block U.S. financial aid to Afghanistan unless he receives “assurances” that it will not go to the Taliban. (What, like some "I promise not to give this money to the Taliban" email?)

Shannon Bream, a journalist and host of the Fox segment, said, “There’s a new report out from the special inspector general overseeing Afghanistan reconstruction. The Washington Free Beacon has this headline from the report.”

McCaul replied to her query, stating, “I’m prepared in my position to put a hold on this funding until we get assurances it is not going right into the hands of the Taliban.”

Since the tumultuous departure of American forces in August 2021, the U.S. has contributed more than $8 billion in aid to Afghanistan.

John Sopko, the special inspector general for Afghanistan reconstruction and head of the U.S. government watchdog for the war, said in April that the United States may have contributed billions of dollars in taxpayer funds to the Taliban and Afghan terror organizations since the withdrawal of American soldiers, but he admitted that even he does not know the entire magnitude of the situation.

I would not be sending money. We rarely get it right, when we do in these countries with internal conflicts and it is just an extension of the mission creep after we went there, to begin with.

People forget. We went there, not to nation build, but to chase and seek Bin Laden. It was a worthy mission. Everything else has been mission creep, justifying reasons to stay and reasons to pay and all equally invalid. After years, we got Bin Laden, and not even in their country. Large sums were spent and palms greased, while there, but enough is enough. We are out. We owe them nothing more for the use of their land, for our quest to seek retribution on those that attacked us on 9/11. Everything, and I do mean everything else has been bullsh#t wasted of our time, money and lives. We cannot chart the course for that country and the people that live there, and making some rich there will not determine the outcome.
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I would not be sending money. We rarely get it right, when we do in these countries with internal conflicts and it is just an extension of the mission creep after we went there, to begin with.

People forget. We went there, not to nation build, but to chase and see Bin Laden. It was a worthy mission. Everything else has been mission creep, justifying reasons to stay and reasons to pay and all equally invalid. After years, we got Bin Laden, and not even in their country. Large sums were spent and palms greased, while there, but enough is enough. We are out. We own them nothing more for the use of their land, for our quest to seek retribution on those that attacked us on 9/11. Everything, and I do mean everything else has been bullsh#t wasted of our time, money and lives. We cannot chart the course for that country and the people that live there, and making some rich there will not determine the outcome.

We invaded Afghanistan because of ENRON. We invaded immediately after negotiations with the Taliban over a gas pipeline broke down.
I would not be sending money. We rarely get it right, when we do in these countries with internal conflicts and it is just an extension of the mission creep after we went there, to begin with.

People forget. We went there, not to nation build, but to chase and see Bin Laden. It was a worthy mission. Everything else has been mission creep, justifying reasons to stay and reasons to pay and all equally invalid. After years, we got Bin Laden, and not even in their country. Large sums were spent and palms greased, while there, but enough is enough. We are out. We own them nothing more for the use of their land, for our quest to seek retribution on those that attacked us on 9/11. Everything, and I do mean everything else has been bullsh#t wasted of our time, money and lives. We cannot chart the course for that country and the people that live there, and making some rich there will not determine the outcome.
It's just figuring out how 9/11 happened. It's a head scratcher I tell you. the same people who could not figure that out has made parents who question people who are parents in public schools phukn their children up the ass as terrorists.
We invaded Afghanistan because of ENRON. We invaded immediately after negotiations with the Taliban over a gas pipeline broke down.
It was sold (correctly) to the American people as the hunt for Osama Bin Laden, whether big money and that dumb SonofaBush had another agenda or not, Bin Laden was the stated goal, and I could give a sh#t less about ENRON, big oil, or control of the opium trade.
It was sold (correctly) to the American people as the hunt for Osama Bin Laden, whether big money and that dumb SonofaBush had another agenda or not, Bin Laden was the stated goal, and I could give a sh#t less about ENRON, big oil, or control of the opium trade.

It had nothing to do with big oil.
I'm not all that opposed to aiding the talibs.

If they can control the place, keep it from being a jihadi school of warfare and build up the infrastructure then it would be better to try and stabilize them, as we failed to do after the Russian bed wetters ran away.
To imagine what our nation could be if most of the resources stayed within our borders. Our way of living may be a half century more advanced. The Joe's of the world impede on it.
If we leave it up to you folks -- not much will be changed.....since you folks ALREADY vote against any spending or any other thing that benefits people who are not wealthy...

If all foreign spending ended today, does that mean you will now stop voting against universal healthcare? Rural infrastructure investment?? all of these things you will continue to vote against because those "darkies" may benefit from it..ewww...can't have that....
If we leave it up to you folks -- not much will be changed.....since you folks ALREADY vote against any spending or any other thing that benefits people who are not wealthy...

If all foreign spending ended today, does that mean you will now stop voting against universal healthcare? Rural infrastructure investment?? all of these things you will continue to vote against because those "darkies" may benefit from it..ewww...can't have that....

Just think of how many reparations could be paid from all the money Whitey sending to Afghanistan...

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