McCaul: I Will Put A Hold On Afghanistan Funds Until ‘Assurances It Is Not Going To Taliban’

OBL fled Afghanistan but we stayed.
We should have pulled out, accept for staging bases. Definitely should have pulled out of the whole country after The Seals took out the asshole hiding over the border, but that was Obama's f#ck up. I would say the industrial military complex had him in their pocket.
We should have pulled out, accept for staging bases. Definitely should have pulled out of the whole country after The Seals took out the asshole hiding over the border, but that was Obama's f#ck up. I would say the industrial military complex had him in their pocket.
When didn`t they have most of our elected officials in their pockets? After searching for WMDs in Iraq for 20 years, I`m pretty sure they aren`t there just as the U.N. weapons inspectors told us. The 4,400 dead U.S. soldiers are Gomer Bush`s f#ck up, not Obama`s or anyone else.
We should have pulled out, accept for staging bases. Definitely should have pulled out of the whole country after The Seals took out the asshole hiding over the border, but that was Obama's f#ck up. I would say the industrial military complex had him in their pocket.

All while we continued to give Pakistan millions. There certainly
Was a reason.
We should have pulled out, accept for staging bases. Definitely should have pulled out of the whole country after The Seals took out the asshole hiding over the border, but that was Obama's f#ck up. I would say the industrial military complex had him in their pocket.
OK, Ok,.. "except". You nabbed me yet again. I told you already, I did all college level writings (not in the classroom) with my word processor set to strict spelling, grammar and style and make no apologies for it, as all I wanted was my "A", and those were achieved with my thoughts, argument and research.
I would put a hold on funds to Afghanistan until hell freezes over. Why are our "representatives" sending our money to fucking Afghanistan? I think I know why - the $8B we sent over there for this "reconstruction" has made some people very wealthy. There is a lot of money in war and the aftermath - oh that's right, we never declared war over there, did we?

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, announced on this week’s “Fox News Sunday” that he will block U.S. financial aid to Afghanistan unless he receives “assurances” that it will not go to the Taliban. (What, like some "I promise not to give this money to the Taliban" email?)

Shannon Bream, a journalist and host of the Fox segment, said, “There’s a new report out from the special inspector general overseeing Afghanistan reconstruction. The Washington Free Beacon has this headline from the report.”

McCaul replied to her query, stating, “I’m prepared in my position to put a hold on this funding until we get assurances it is not going right into the hands of the Taliban.”

Since the tumultuous departure of American forces in August 2021, the U.S. has contributed more than $8 billion in aid to Afghanistan.

John Sopko, the special inspector general for Afghanistan reconstruction and head of the U.S. government watchdog for the war, said in April that the United States may have contributed billions of dollars in taxpayer funds to the Taliban and Afghan terror organizations since the withdrawal of American soldiers, but he admitted that even he does not know the entire magnitude of the situation.

Give them a break. We left the Taliban with a bunch of almost useless military equipment and they need the money to fix it up.
OK, Ok,.. "except". You nabbed me yet again. I told you already, I did all college level writings (not in the classroom) with my word processor set to strict spelling, grammar and style and make no apologies for it, as all I wanted was my "A", and those were achieved with my thoughts, argument and research.
I doubt it.
Pakistan is extremely poor and a US ally.
Pakistan is a backstabbing extremist Muslim country that hates the US. Terrible "ally" and better off stopping the pretense and stop sending them money.

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