McConnell: GOP Will Fight To Let ANY Employer Deny Birth Control Coverage

Not sure what your point is here at all.

I think Employer based health insurance is a bad idea, but it's the system we got. We aren't going to go to a Canada style system. Not anytime soon, anyway.

Employers will offer it because they want the best people. Which is kind of a problem, really.

Holy shit. I am saying that employers should not offer coverage....because we should have a single payer system. Geez.
Not sure what your point is here at all.

I think Employer based health insurance is a bad idea, but it's the system we got. We aren't going to go to a Canada style system. Not anytime soon, anyway.

Employers will offer it because they want the best people. Which is kind of a problem, really.

Holy shit. I am saying that employers should not offer coverage....because we should have a single payer system. Geez.

Oh. Okay.

I would personally like to see us have something like the German System. It's run by private entities, but everyone is covered, and people can pick from a menu as to what the best plan for them is.

Germany has had health insurance since 1888 because Otto von Bismarck thought it was a good idea.
By Sahil Kapur

Not satisfied with President Obama’s new religious accommodation, Republicans will move forward with legislation by Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) that permits any employer to deny birth control coverage in their health insurance plans, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said Sunday.

“If we end up having to try to overcome the President’s opposition by legislation, of course I’d be happy to support it, and intend to support it,” McConnell said. “We’ll be voting on that in the Senate and you can anticipate that that would happen as soon as possible.”

The Blunt amendment he was specifically referring to would “ensure that health care stakeholders retain the right to provide, purchase, or enroll in health coverage that is consistent with their religious beliefs and moral convictions” under the Affordable Care Act. Similar legislation was introduced by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) before the White House announced Friday that it would allow religious nonprofits such as charities, hospitals and universities to opt out of paying for contraception coverage and force the insurance company to do so instead.

More: McConnell: GOP Will Fight To Let ANY Employer Deny Birth Control Coverage | TPMDC
How awesome is that!
By Sahil Kapur

Not satisfied with President Obama’s new religious accommodation, Republicans will move forward with legislation by Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) that permits any employer to deny birth control coverage in their health insurance plans, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said Sunday.

“If we end up having to try to overcome the President’s opposition by legislation, of course I’d be happy to support it, and intend to support it,” McConnell said. “We’ll be voting on that in the Senate and you can anticipate that that would happen as soon as possible.”

The Blunt amendment he was specifically referring to would “ensure that health care stakeholders retain the right to provide, purchase, or enroll in health coverage that is consistent with their religious beliefs and moral convictions” under the Affordable Care Act. Similar legislation was introduced by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) before the White House announced Friday that it would allow religious nonprofits such as charities, hospitals and universities to opt out of paying for contraception coverage and force the insurance company to do so instead.

More: McConnell: GOP Will Fight To Let ANY Employer Deny Birth Control Coverage | TPMDC
How awesome is that!
It is indeed awesome.
The cons are helping to reelect Obama.
Unfortunately, you might be right.

I think after the debacle, the GOP would need to do some serious interspection...
So there position is, no help for women getting birth control to prevent a pregnancy and no help in raising the child should the woman choose to keep it.

What's next? No breast cancer screenings?

Oh wait ...

sorry to burst you little bubble, but NONE of those things are the jobs of OTHERS...It is the persons Responsiblity..which it seems a lot of you don't know what that means or how to do it.

I think you're missing the point here. If a woman gets pregnant unexpectedly and decides to keep and raise the child, why does the Right NOT support that? Why do they want to make that as hard as possible for the woman? That makes no sense.

Maybe the way to get fewer abortions is to hand out birth control and give assistance to single mothers. Not the other way around.
No, we on the right just know it is the woman responsibility not the gov't. place to mandate ins. to pay for it.
Well, you are crazy. Also stupid. It amazes me how social cons work against their own interests. really.

What makes you think I am a social con?

It isn't a freedom issue. Sorry, just isn't. It's a law governing contracts and business, which the Government has the constitutional duty to do.

It does? Where?

God. Am I going to defend Romney here? Romney is a very smart man. He's even a sharp businessman. But he's really an immoral person who represents the Plutocratic wing of the GOP.

Did I say Romney is stupid? I believe I flat out said he cannot defend his positions without looking like a fool. Not being a Republican, and having no intention of actually voting for one, I don't care if he represents any wing of any party.

For the most part, they do. 86% of private insurance plans offer family planning coverage, becuase - IT WORKS. But let's put it this way. What if the Insurance companies take Obama up on his fig leaf and just offer free birth control to Catholic employees, no matter what the Church says?

How many of them offer it without charge?

Did you miss the part of the First Amendment about petitioning for a redress of grievences? I mean, I know you are all for the "Freedom of Superstition" part. But that's in there, too.

Does it cover people not being upset? If not, you are making even less sense than usual.

That assumes you "conservatives" (not really) actually run your party. You don't. They will shove Romney down your throat. And you'll bend over and say, "Thank you, Sir, May I have another?"

I can guarantee I run my party, I am the only one in it.

His plan required Catholic Hospitals to give out abortion pills to rape victims. Learn to deal.

Not the same thing at all, but thanks for playing,

Guy, it isn't about "individual freedom". We aren't talking about INdividuals. We are talking about organizations that have legal standing as corporations.

We are talking about organizations that the government requires to register as corporations, not quite the same thing.

There's no "Freedom" being taken away here. If the men in dresses are still misogynistic because a sky pixie told them to be, they are perfectly free to do so.

Wow, are you always that articulate? How is it nit a violation of freedom to be forced to pay for something you don't want to pay for?

They just can't be misogynistic to people who work for them.

You have to explain how not paying for people to do something is misogynistic.
Wow, that should get the GOP a lot of votes!

An employer should not be forced to offer any coverage at all of any kind. It's called a free country. Get a clue.

Well, no, we got well past that point a long time ago.

Frankly, I think that employer based health insurance is a horrible idea. But that's the system we decided on when the rest of the world was creating single payer systems. If it hadn't been done that way, we'd have established an NHS style system in the 1950's. Except that system has holes in it, so that's why we have Medicare, Medicaid, the VA, etc.

Now, good, bad or indifferent, once you've established that's what you are going with, then you need regulations as to what constitutes a valid plan. Otherwise, they could just take the money and run away with it, couldn't they?

Bullshit. Nobody established anything. It was freely offered by the auto companies as an incentive during the Roosevelt administration because of wage freezes. You need to get a damned clue. It has never been a government mandate of any kind. Stooge.
An employer should not be forced to offer any coverage at all of any kind. It's called a free country. Get a clue.

Well, no, we got well past that point a long time ago.

Frankly, I think that employer based health insurance is a horrible idea. But that's the system we decided on when the rest of the world was creating single payer systems. If it hadn't been done that way, we'd have established an NHS style system in the 1950's. Except that system has holes in it, so that's why we have Medicare, Medicaid, the VA, etc.

Now, good, bad or indifferent, once you've established that's what you are going with, then you need regulations as to what constitutes a valid plan. Otherwise, they could just take the money and run away with it, couldn't they?

Bullshit. Nobody established anything. It was freely offered by the auto companies as an incentive during the Roosevelt administration because of wage freezes. You need to get a damned clue. It has never been a government mandate of any kind. Stooge.

Nobody ever said it WAS government mandated.
McConnell is a tight-faced ****. I hate him with the wrathe of a thousand suns: he is the face of republican obstructionism. The only redeeming factor is that people see this, and will hopefully not grant a republican the presidency.
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Bullshit. Nobody established anything. It was freely offered by the auto companies as an incentive during the Roosevelt administration because of wage freezes. You need to get a damned clue. It has never been a government mandate of any kind. Stooge.

Ummm, no guy.

It became a "established" policy the minute those companies went back to the Government and said, "We need to get a tax break for the insurance plans we are establishing for our employees".

And let's be blunt, the minute the war was over, these companies didn't end the practice. They saw what the Europeans were doing, and the tax rates that went with them.
Gotta hand it to Mitch McConnell

Employers should have input on whether their employees use birth control or not
I think employers should be able to fire any woman that gets pregnant from not using the birth control that the company will not provide. That will teach them.

What say the radical right wingers on here?

If you gonna declare war on women, go big or stay home.
I think it great that Repubs want business' to shoulder all the responsibility of providing health care for employees. It sure does make American business have a competitive advantage over those other companies around the world that don't have this expense.

Isn't that correct repubs?
I dont think it's any business of the governments to meddle in this subject, period. This is what happens when you give the government the authority to run your healthcare, it goes well beyond the governments constitutional authority. It is indeed a private employers prerogative to cover this, whether they choose to or not is none of governments business.
I dont think it's any business of the governments to meddle in this subject, period. This is what happens when you give the government the authority to run your healthcare, it goes well beyond the governments constitutional authority. It is indeed a private employers prerogative to cover this, whether they choose to or not is none of governments business.

What about vaccines? Should the guvmint require that children be vaccinated before attending school that is funded by taxpayers? For the health and benefit of kids.
I dont think it's any business of the governments to meddle in this subject, period. This is what happens when you give the government the authority to run your healthcare, it goes well beyond the governments constitutional authority. It is indeed a private employers prerogative to cover this, whether they choose to or not is none of governments business.

Except- the private insurers brought this upon themselves by their bad behavior and not living up to their contracted agreements.

And anotehr point, I want to keep emphasizing this. The Catholic Bishops were all for the Affordable Health Care Act (which, by the way, has a lot of problems) when they thought they were going to get a windfall from it.

It's when they realized that they would have to obey the law themselves that they got all upset.

Too bad, so sad.

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