McConnell Hits Pelosi for 'Failing' To Meet Her Own Standards After Partisan Impeachment


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
McConnell Hits Pelosi for 'Failing' To Meet Her Own Standards After Partisan Impeachment​

McConnell Hits Pelosi for 'Failing' To Meet Her Own Standards After Partisan Impeachment
19 Dec 219 ~ By Julio Rosas
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) laid into Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Thursday for going through with the impeachment of President Trump despite zero House Republicans voting in favor of it because of its "sloppy" process. "Back in June, Speaker Pelosi promised the House would build an ironclad case. Never mind that she was basically promising impeachment months, months before the Ukraine events, but that’s a separate matter. She promised an ironclad case. And in March, Speaker Pelosi said this: 'Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there is something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path because it divides the country,' end quote," McConnell said in a speech on the Senate floor.

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats are hemorrhaging voters on this issue. They're even starting to lose their own base on it. If they want to keep the bleeding going into 2020, the GOP should let them.
This adds more confirmation that the 'Impeachment' is partisan and they’re pissed off Donald Trump won the election.
So what's the next step? Sen. McConnell needs to set a trial date, notify both prosecution and defense. If the prosecution doesn't show up in court, the charges are DISMISSED.
The articles of impeach within the U.S. Constitution states that the Senate will set the date for the trial and holds it. There is no provision for the House to hold it after they have voted. See: Article 1, Section 5. "Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings."
"Democrats" realize that none of the merry band of useful idiots they are running against Trump has a chance of winning. They've impeached him to placate their Marxist Socialist base -- not because they believe Trump can (or even SHOULD) be removed from office. Their base is made up of a bunch of rabid Marxist Socialist leftists who can only agree on two things -- Orange Man Bad and USA Sucks. Without this lunatic base, the Democrats disappear. So they have to appease their base by going through the motions of impeachment but even they know they look like idiots and will look even more foolish if the Senate conducts a trial.
Based upon the standards set by this Democrat majority House of Congress, Isn’t Madam Pelosi guilty of “obstructing justice” herself by refusing to hand over the "Articles of Impeachment' voted upon by the majority of the House of Representatives and isn’t she guilty of “bribery” and “a quid pro quo” by making such demands?
Pelosi is convinced that Trump will be acquitted of such flimsy accusations as indicated in the "Two Articles of Impeachment".
Sadly, the Impeachment process has been falsely used and abused by the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftist radicals seeking the demise of America and it's Constitutional Republic along with the American people that love her.
McConnell, then the chairman of the Senate Rules Committee, made it clear he thought the Constitution required the Senate to hold a full trial on the articles of impeachment Clinton was facing for perjury and obstruction of justice, culminating in a vote on whether to convict or acquit the president.

McConnell’s past position will make it difficult for him to champion any motion to dismiss a Senate trial of articles against President Trump, and McConnell last week appeared to dissuade his colleagues from entertaining a dismissal.
McConnell has complicated history on impeachment

So much worst than blowjobs from an aide in the WH, Tramp asked 3 countries to interfere in our elections.

if there are no witnesses, Pompeo, Bolton, Mulvaney, tramp will not be exonerated. He will look like he is , guilty as hell.
McConnell, then the chairman of the Senate Rules Committee, made it clear he thought the Constitution required the Senate to hold a full trial on the articles of impeachment Clinton was facing for perjury and obstruction of justice, culminating in a vote on whether to convict or acquit the president.

McConnell’s past position will make it difficult for him to champion any motion to dismiss a Senate trial of articles against President Trump, and McConnell last week appeared to dissuade his colleagues from entertaining a dismissal.
McConnell has complicated history on impeachment

So much worst than blowjobs from an aide in the WH, Tramp asked 3 countries to interfere in our elections.

if there are no witnesses, Pompeo, Bolton, Mulvaney, tramp will not be exonerated. He will look like he is , guilty as hell.

Wow! Just, wow!



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