McConnell is screwed: Kynect saving Kentuckians 74% in premiums


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
The chickens are coming home to roost.

When you lie through your shit-eating grin about the ACA and people wake up and get a better deal under it -- Mitch done fucked himself.

Mitch McConnell, like House Republicans has an Obamacare problem. He's still insisting that Obamacare has to be repealed by "pulling it out root and branch," but Kentucky's Kynect, established under Obamacare, just keeps on racking up the successes. Most recently, analysis by alternative weekly LEO Weekly shows that Kentuckians enrolled in private insurance plans through the law "are saving more than $200 each month on their insurance premiums through federal tax subsidies made possible by the Affordable Care Act."

Kynect officials say that of the 82,795 Kentuckians who purchased a qualified health plan (QHP) through the state exchange, 74 percent of them received federal subsidies to help pay for their premiums. Of those who received such assistance, their average premium was reduced by 74 percent.

The total cost of the premiums for such individuals under Kynect was also remarkably affordable. While their average premium without factoring in federal tax credits was $335 per month, the average tax credit amounted to $257, leaving these individuals with an average premium cost of $88.40. Under the "silver" plan—the most popular among Kynect consumers—the average premium was reduced 79 percent to just over $65 per month.​
The chickens are coming home to roost.

When you lie through your shit-eating grin about the ACA and people wake up and get a better deal under it -- Mitch done fucked himself.

Mitch McConnell, like House Republicans has an Obamacare problem. He's still insisting that Obamacare has to be repealed by "pulling it out root and branch," but Kentucky's Kynect, established under Obamacare, just keeps on racking up the successes. Most recently, analysis by alternative weekly LEO Weekly shows that Kentuckians enrolled in private insurance plans through the law "are saving more than $200 each month on their insurance premiums through federal tax subsidies made possible by the Affordable Care Act."

Kynect officials say that of the 82,795 Kentuckians who purchased a qualified health plan (QHP) through the state exchange, 74 percent of them received federal subsidies to help pay for their premiums. Of those who received such assistance, their average premium was reduced by 74 percent.

The total cost of the premiums for such individuals under Kynect was also remarkably affordable. While their average premium without factoring in federal tax credits was $335 per month, the average tax credit amounted to $257, leaving these individuals with an average premium cost of $88.40. Under the "silver" plan—the most popular among Kynect consumers—the average premium was reduced 79 percent to just over $65 per month.​


YOU idiots!
YOU take money out of ONE pocket and pass it to another person's pocket!

TELL ME YOU ignorant people who obviously think that the federal TAX CREDIT is great... WHERE WILL the TAX money that the person would have paid but won't because they get a TAX credit COME FROM??? The sky? Obama's STASH? OH yea the wealthy! RIGHT TAX the wealthy!!!

YOU people are so f...king ignorant about how money works taxes works profits work insurance works! NOT sure how you idiots exist!

The TAX credit MEANS the person doesn't pay in taxes! THEY ARE PAYING LESS IN TAXES!
Where will the TAX REVENUE come from then??

YOU are the same idiots that still believe there were 46 million uninsured when even NOW Obama admits 10 million of 46 million not citizens!
And 14 million should have been registered with the inept government Medicaid program and 18 million don't want or need!
SO YOu and you totally ignorant people are destroying a health system that ONLY 4 million people should have been covered... NOT f..k,ing 46 million!!

And that could have been done simply taxing lawyers 10% of their $270 billion and the $27 billion would pay the premiums for these 4 million!
NO tricks. NO TAX CREDITS NO destruction of $100 billion a year in tax paying industry, i.e. the 1,300 health insurance companies that per Obama he wants to bankrupt!

NO you idiots have absolutely NO idea and this point of you totally ignoring there were TRULY only 4 million that want and need insurance proves it!
IGNORANT dumb dumb people!
The chickens are coming home to roost.

When you lie through your shit-eating grin about the ACA and people wake up and get a better deal under it -- Mitch done fucked himself.

You really sucked at playing Connect the Dots when you were a kid, didn't you. As you quoted, "Of those who received such assistance," assistance meaning the rest of us are footing the bill for the you dipshit. There are no savings.

This is the reason my cousin just posted on Facebook a few hours ago that her and her husband's monthly insurance premiums are rising to $700 a month.
McConnell will return to Washington D.C. Why? He is from opposite party of Obama. Don't get all happy socialist. The GOP will take the Senate. Near sweep for GOP in 2014.
The chickens are coming home to roost.

When you lie through your shit-eating grin about the ACA and people wake up and get a better deal under it -- Mitch done fucked himself.

Mitch McConnell, like House Republicans has an Obamacare problem. He's still insisting that Obamacare has to be repealed by "pulling it out root and branch," but Kentucky's Kynect, established under Obamacare, just keeps on racking up the successes. Most recently, analysis by alternative weekly LEO Weekly shows that Kentuckians enrolled in private insurance plans through the law "are saving more than $200 each month on their insurance premiums through federal tax subsidies made possible by the Affordable Care Act."

Kynect officials say that of the 82,795 Kentuckians who purchased a qualified health plan (QHP) through the state exchange, 74 percent of them received federal subsidies to help pay for their premiums. Of those who received such assistance, their average premium was reduced by 74 percent.

The total cost of the premiums for such individuals under Kynect was also remarkably affordable. While their average premium without factoring in federal tax credits was $335 per month, the average tax credit amounted to $257, leaving these individuals with an average premium cost of $88.40. Under the "silver" plan—the most popular among Kynect consumers—the average premium was reduced 79 percent to just over $65 per month.​


YOU idiots!
YOU take money out of ONE pocket and pass it to another person's pocket!

TELL ME YOU ignorant people who obviously think that the federal TAX CREDIT is great... WHERE WILL the TAX money that the person would have paid but won't because they get a TAX credit COME FROM??? The sky? Obama's STASH? OH yea the wealthy! RIGHT TAX the wealthy!!!

YOU people are so f...king ignorant about how money works taxes works profits work insurance works! NOT sure how you idiots exist!

The TAX credit MEANS the person doesn't pay in taxes! THEY ARE PAYING LESS IN TAXES!
Where will the TAX REVENUE come from then??

YOU are the same idiots that still believe there were 46 million uninsured when even NOW Obama admits 10 million of 46 million not citizens!
And 14 million should have been registered with the inept government Medicaid program and 18 million don't want or need!
SO YOu and you totally ignorant people are destroying a health system that ONLY 4 million people should have been covered... NOT f..k,ing 46 million!!

And that could have been done simply taxing lawyers 10% of their $270 billion and the $27 billion would pay the premiums for these 4 million!
NO tricks. NO TAX CREDITS NO destruction of $100 billion a year in tax paying industry, i.e. the 1,300 health insurance companies that per Obama he wants to bankrupt!

NO you idiots have absolutely NO idea and this point of you totally ignoring there were TRULY only 4 million that want and need insurance proves it!
IGNORANT dumb dumb people!
You're such a
The chickens are coming home to roost.

When you lie through your shit-eating grin about the ACA and people wake up and get a better deal under it -- Mitch done fucked himself.

You really sucked at playing Connect the Dots when you were a kid, didn't you. As you quoted, "Of those who received such assistance," assistance meaning the rest of us are footing the bill for the you dipshit. There are no savings.

This is the reason my cousin just posted on Facebook a few hours ago that her and her husband's monthly insurance premiums are rising to $700 a month.

A- He can afford it, or
B. He doesn't know about his subsidy. And
C.- His old policy wasn't up to snuff.

Will get better all the time with transparent competition. Amazing how this works when Pubs actually cooperate.
The chickens are coming home to roost.

When you lie through your shit-eating grin about the ACA and people wake up and get a better deal under it -- Mitch done fucked himself.

You really sucked at playing Connect the Dots when you were a kid, didn't you. As you quoted, "Of those who received such assistance," assistance meaning the rest of us are footing the bill for the you dipshit. There are no savings.

This is the reason my cousin just posted on Facebook a few hours ago that her and her husband's monthly insurance premiums are rising to $700 a month.

Do you have a better idea for these people to get affordable healthcare coverage,

or is your better idea that they should simply be fated to be priced out of the market?

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