McConnell Proves He Is A Gutless Turd Once Again

Abuse of power is a impeachable offense. Impeding a Congressional investigation is Obstruction of Justice.

Evidently you were in Russia visiting the relatives during the Schiff and Nadler Impeachment / coup disastrous collapse. Let me summarize for you:

After 4 years - No crime, No evidence, no 'whistle blower', no 'witnesses', and the DEMOCRAT Constitutional Expert testified that it is the Democrats who have abused power, whose actions are 'DANGEROUS' to our republic due to rushing to push 'the fastest Impeachment in US history' with 'the weakest case in US history ... and the expose of more Democrats crimes....

ALL of which was underscored by the US IG reporting 17 'serious issues' found the FBI to have engaged in, to include falsifying documents / presenting false manufactured evidence, defrauding and abusing the FISA court and other crimes...but the good news for the criminals is Horowitz stated he found no political bias / motive for having committed the crimes they were proven to have committed.

You and Trump are the only Nazis I see.
I love it when snowflakes like yourself accuse anyone of being a 'Nazi' because it undeniably, factually proves that you are one of the DUMBEST M*erF*ers on the face of the planet, that you have no intelligent clue about ANYTHING regarding 'Nazis', 'Nazi Germany', 'Hitler', exposes your Common-Core, easily mentally manipulated, fully indoctrinated, Leftist Progressive Liberal Socialist Democrat, MSM DNC-surrogate fake news parroting lack of intelligence that is both laughable and yet sympathetically pathetic all at the same time. It proves your IQ is too low to be qualified for standing next to a red kettle this time of year and ringing a bell, which only requires he most basic of motor skills and the ability to move your wrist.

We are all DUMBER for having read that comment.

Thank you, and Merry Christmas.
After 3 years of continuous treasonous, seditious coup attempts against the President, exposed hundreds of criminal counts perpetrated by Democrats, 3 US IG recommended Indictments of Democrats for exposed crimes, numerous US IG reports that rebuked the Obama / Comey FBI for 'incompetence', ''misleading' efforts, falsifying records, and 17 serious recent findings, D-Adam Schiff's continuous violations of Constitutional rights and sedition, Joe Biden's videotaped confession of Extorting the precious Ukraine PM, AND the D-Ca Democrat who just declared she wans to drag the country through another several YEARS of coup attempts after Trump wins in 2020, Senate Majority Leader Richie Mitch 'No Chin / Gutless' McConnell is publicly considering backing down from calling Schiff, the Bidens, Pelosi, and other Democrats as Witnesses in upcoming Senate investigation if House Democrats Impeach the President and send it to the Senate!

What a WEAK POS - no wonder the criminal Dems and puss traitors like Schiff walk all over the GOP. Republicans in the Senate need a strong leader, a fighter like the House's Jim Jordan or like President Trump, not this f*ing pansy!

Republicans consider skipping witnesses in Trump impeachment trial
Lindsey Graham more or less said the same thing. They want this off their table and just want to move on, when really, they need to expose The Democrats. Neither one of them has a killer instinct, and are just too "political" for their own good.

Dem's have already been exposed and damaged their own party. Right now the America people see them as petty sore losers and this issue as one sided Dem temper tantrum. I don't see how wasting weeks, months even keeping this ridiculous impeachment nonsense alive and in the news in the Senate helps Republicans or president Trump.
You're probably right politically but if these people get away with staging a coup in plain view, without any repercussions, this country is toast for the future. Either we drain the swamp or we fail

Trump is the one who is filling the swamp. If Trump gets away with what he has pulled, the country is toast.
Please cite, what "he pulled" and use US CODE to show us what High Crime he committed.
Noah Feldman described the "high crimes".

And Giuliani admitted to it.
After 3 years of continuous treasonous, seditious coup attempts against the President, exposed hundreds of criminal counts perpetrated by Democrats, 3 US IG recommended Indictments of Democrats for exposed crimes, numerous US IG reports that rebuked the Obama / Comey FBI for 'incompetence', ''misleading' efforts, falsifying records, and 17 serious recent findings, D-Adam Schiff's continuous violations of Constitutional rights and sedition, Joe Biden's videotaped confession of Extorting the precious Ukraine PM, AND the D-Ca Democrat who just declared she wans to drag the country through another several YEARS of coup attempts after Trump wins in 2020, Senate Majority Leader Richie Mitch 'No Chin / Gutless' McConnell is publicly considering backing down from calling Schiff, the Bidens, Pelosi, and other Democrats as Witnesses in upcoming Senate investigation if House Democrats Impeach the President and send it to the Senate!

What a WEAK POS - no wonder the criminal Dems and puss traitors like Schiff walk all over the GOP. Republicans in the Senate need a strong leader, a fighter like the House's Jim Jordan or like President Trump, not this f*ing pansy!

Republicans consider skipping witnesses in Trump impeachment trial

McConnell and Graham are idiots if they think they can skip along a vote for impeachment without fighting back. They didn't fight back against the Russia witch hunt or the democrats Kavanaugh hit and now they don't want to fight back against the impeachment clown show. If they don't want to drag Biden in they need to drag in his son Hunter along with the whistleblower and Schiff.

Elected republicans are fools if they don't think the democrats will come after them for quietly sweeping Pelosi's impeachment problem under the rug. If they push a vote for no impeachment without exposing the democrats corruption it will be used against them by the democrats in 2020.
McConnell and Graham are idiots if they think they can skip along a vote for impeachment without fighting back.
An Impeachment Schiff and Nadler solidly proved is based on zero crime, zero evidence, zero whistle blowers, and zero witnesses.

Declaring These two, or the President, must PROVE HIS INNOCENCE, especially after the Democrats admitted they never proved his guilt - because this is a POLITICAL not judicial process - is the same thing as treasonous Democrats declaring anyone who does not embrace their ideology and agenda is automatically 'GUILTY until PROVEN Innocent'.

Trump is up to his ass in this mess as he created it.

By 'mess', lil' snowflake, you obviously mean:

The strongest economy in DECADES

The lowest unemployment in DECADES

The lowest minority unemployment in RECORDED HISTORY

The lowest Latino unemployment in DECADES

The lowest female unemployment in DECADES

The most Americans working at one time EVER

The highest Stock Market EVER

MORE Jobs, HIGHER Pay (yay Free Market Economy not Dem Mandates / Laws)

Raises, Bonuses

Millions of Americans escaping out of Democrat 'economic slavery' - no more dependence on Dems/govt tax payer-funded 'free stuff'

Factory Jobs Obama said were gone forever, the 'new norm' BACK thanks to President Trump

View attachment 294311

No more criminal administration illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices & Presidents

No more terrorist supporters using tax dollars to help Al Qaeda, who slaughtered 3k Americans, get their own country

No more 'record-setting criminal non-compliance w/the FOIA & FRA

No more President protecting criminal candidates from Indictment / Prison and altering elections

No more Nobel Peace Prize Winners dragging the US into illegal wars

No more terrorist supporters protecting ISIS Black Market Oil Ops that funds over 1/2 of their terrorist activities

No more illegally arming Mexican Drug Cartels to create a body count high enough to go after the 2nd Amendment

No more 'Contempt of Court' crimes for ignoring Federal Judges' orders

No admitted Constitutional Violations

No Russian / foreign spy collusion to alter Hillary and Democrats

No mocking the concerns of US citizens then bringing in a terrorist who kills Americans days later (like Barry / the 7 in Ca)

No withholding Lethal arms from Ukraine to allow Vlad to annex Crimea without fear of US supplied weapons

No videotaped confession of extorting former Ukraine PMs

No crimes

No evidence of crimes

No witnesses


Thanks for the reminder...and Merry Christmas to you, too.

The unemployment rate started dropping under Obama. Neither Obama or Trump deserve any credit.

The higher pay is largely going to the upper class as they continue to do better than the average worker.

Free stuff to you is someone struggling against hunger or some other form of poverty.

Manufacturing is in a recession.

Donald Trump just helped ISIS by turning on the Kurds.

Donald Trump has constantly withheld information from Congress which they are constitutionally entitled to

No elections were altered and you have no trouble with Trump violating his oath of office

Trump decides that who gets US troops based on how much money Trump receives from them

The ATF office in Phoenix ran the same operation under Bush

Obama did the right thing with DACA.

Trump has violated the Constitution constantly

Manafort gave a business associate with ties to Russian intelligence internal polling data and campaign information

He pressured Ukraine to open a phony investigation of Biden

Trump mocks and attacks anyone who tries to hold him accountable

There is no extortion video

Trump abused his authority and obstructed justice.

The Ukraine situation is the tip of the iceberg. Trump has constantly attempted to obstruct.

There are numerous witnesses.
After 3 years of continuous treasonous, seditious coup attempts against the President, exposed hundreds of criminal counts perpetrated by Democrats, 3 US IG recommended Indictments of Democrats for exposed crimes, numerous US IG reports that rebuked the Obama / Comey FBI for 'incompetence', ''misleading' efforts, falsifying records, and 17 serious recent findings, D-Adam Schiff's continuous violations of Constitutional rights and sedition, Joe Biden's videotaped confession of Extorting the precious Ukraine PM, AND the D-Ca Democrat who just declared she wans to drag the country through another several YEARS of coup attempts after Trump wins in 2020, Senate Majority Leader Richie Mitch 'No Chin / Gutless' McConnell is publicly considering backing down from calling Schiff, the Bidens, Pelosi, and other Democrats as Witnesses in upcoming Senate investigation if House Democrats Impeach the President and send it to the Senate!

What a WEAK POS - no wonder the criminal Dems and puss traitors like Schiff walk all over the GOP. Republicans in the Senate need a strong leader, a fighter like the House's Jim Jordan or like President Trump, not this f*ing pansy!

Republicans consider skipping witnesses in Trump impeachment trial

McConnell is a deep state life long politician and beltway insider and as such is not to be trusted.
After 3 years of continuous treasonous, seditious coup attempts against the President, exposed hundreds of criminal counts perpetrated by Democrats, 3 US IG recommended Indictments of Democrats for exposed crimes, numerous US IG reports that rebuked the Obama / Comey FBI for 'incompetence', ''misleading' efforts, falsifying records, and 17 serious recent findings, D-Adam Schiff's continuous violations of Constitutional rights and sedition, Joe Biden's videotaped confession of Extorting the precious Ukraine PM, AND the D-Ca Democrat who just declared she wans to drag the country through another several YEARS of coup attempts after Trump wins in 2020, Senate Majority Leader Richie Mitch 'No Chin / Gutless' McConnell is publicly considering backing down from calling Schiff, the Bidens, Pelosi, and other Democrats as Witnesses in upcoming Senate investigation if House Democrats Impeach the President and send it to the Senate!

What a WEAK POS - no wonder the criminal Dems and puss traitors like Schiff walk all over the GOP. Republicans in the Senate need a strong leader, a fighter like the House's Jim Jordan or like President Trump, not this f*ing pansy!

Republicans consider skipping witnesses in Trump impeachment trial


Once again- no surprise- anyone who doesn't do the exact bidding of your Orange Messiah is attacked by you gullible Trumpettes.

If you really think that there are 'crimes' committed by Democrats- why do you think that your Dear Leader has been covering them up for 3 years?
I would call Schiff, as he obviously knows a lot more about the whistleblower than he is admitting.

He'll refuse, but I'd go through the motions on that one.

The others maybe, maybe not. If there's a reason besides spitting back, then absolutely, but I do think these pukes are timid in terms of calling their own as they see how that can boomerang on them.

Thinking around the corner, if they actually move to enforce anything, this will be turned back on them, and none on either side of the aisle wants that kind of actual accountability.

They come to DC and they and their spawn end up millionaires through exactly the kind of influence peddling/cashing in we see at Burisma. None of them wants that gravy train to end, nor do they want to actually see a mechanism in place that is actually effective at holding them accountable. They'll play CYA long before they'll actually dig in a meaningful way for the truth.
What things about the whistleblower would change the facts of the case against Trump?
What is it you think the whistleblower would admit to in that regard?
Two Things:

The Constitution
Due Process

We don't allow Anonymous, Secret Accusations in America, and The President has The Right to face his accuser, see the evidence against him, present exculpatory evidence, call his own witnesses, and cross examine his accusers.

And with regard to his Office, he has a right to Executive Privileges, has a Right to Not Be Impeded in his Duties and Powers, and has a Right to all Immunities and Protections afforded to him by our laws and Constitution.

The Democrat Ran Partisan Joke of an Impeachment Inquiry Violated ALL of that to drag that pig across The Finish Line, just like Clinton & Obama & Russia & The Ukraine, and The Obama FBI & Obama DOJ broke just about every rule they could to Drag Hillary Cankles McPutin across the Finish Line, but her ass was too fat and full of Graft, Greed and Corruption to get that done.

This Pig of an Impeachment is also too fat to get done. That is why The Democrat Party is scrambling as we speak for damage control for self inflicted wounds. The made grave miscalculations and The American Public is against them.

You are talking about criminal trials. A impeachment is not a criminal trial. The records of testimony has been made public. Republicans have called witnesses who have direct knowledge of what happened. They have not been allowed to call fake witnesses. Trump was offered the chance to participate in the inquiry but turned it down.

The Democrat inquiry has not violated anything. They were conducted according to House rules which were established when Republicans ran the House. The IG reports have found politics played no role in the FBI and DOJ.

The American Public is not against them. They agree that Trump was wrong in what he did. What they disagree with is the penalty. A majority either support impeachment and removal or are not sure. The elections last month showed Republicans have been damaged.
There are numerous witnesses.
Never have I seen 1 person spew so much unsubstantiated desperate BS.

Name 1 witness who actually WITNESSED anything....and don't give us your standard BS OPINION, provide the link / evidence.

If Schiff and Nadler had witnesses why didn't they call any during their failed Coup Committee hearings?

Once again- no surprise- anyone who doesn't do the exact bidding of your Orange Messiah is attacked by you gullible Trumpettes.
As expected, a wonderfully crafted diatribe - a dash of insult, a bit of BS, and yet zero crime, zero evidence, zero whistle blowers, zero witnesses. The Democrats have not found / presented any in 4 years, but you impress the hell out of now, lil' snowflake. We'll wait for it..... How about post Trump's videotaped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM, like the one Joe Biden made?

I would call Schiff, as he obviously knows a lot more about the whistleblower than he is admitting.

He'll refuse, but I'd go through the motions on that one.

The others maybe, maybe not. If there's a reason besides spitting back, then absolutely, but I do think these pukes are timid in terms of calling their own as they see how that can boomerang on them.

Thinking around the corner, if they actually move to enforce anything, this will be turned back on them, and none on either side of the aisle wants that kind of actual accountability.

They come to DC and they and their spawn end up millionaires through exactly the kind of influence peddling/cashing in we see at Burisma. None of them wants that gravy train to end, nor do they want to actually see a mechanism in place that is actually effective at holding them accountable. They'll play CYA long before they'll actually dig in a meaningful way for the truth.
What things about the whistleblower would change the facts of the case against Trump?
What is it you think the whistleblower would admit to in that regard?

Some do not believe there is an actual whistleblower and believe Schiff made them up...

I am not one of them before you accuse me...
It is Republicans who have damaged their party.

Right that's why Trump is kicking all the Dem 2020 candidates ass in battle ground states. Oh wait :auiqs.jpg:

The election results don't match up with the poll. That is something we did not have in 2016. Democrats took over the Virginia legislature, took 2 out of 3 governorships in red states, made further gains in t=suburban areas and Democrats won local offices in Pennsylvania in normally Republican areas.
The repubs are up to their asses in this mess too.

One of Romeny's buddies was on the board of Barisma too....This scam goes a lot deeper than any of us know.

Google "Joseph Cofer Black".

Trump is up to his ass in this mess as he created it.
cool story.png
After 3 years of continuous treasonous, seditious coup attempts against the President, exposed hundreds of criminal counts perpetrated by Democrats, 3 US IG recommended Indictments of Democrats for exposed crimes, numerous US IG reports that rebuked the Obama / Comey FBI for 'incompetence', ''misleading' efforts, falsifying records, and 17 serious recent findings, D-Adam Schiff's continuous violations of Constitutional rights and sedition, Joe Biden's videotaped confession of Extorting the precious Ukraine PM, AND the D-Ca Democrat who just declared she wans to drag the country through another several YEARS of coup attempts after Trump wins in 2020, Senate Majority Leader Richie Mitch 'No Chin / Gutless' McConnell is publicly considering backing down from calling Schiff, the Bidens, Pelosi, and other Democrats as Witnesses in upcoming Senate investigation if House Democrats Impeach the President and send it to the Senate!

What a WEAK POS - no wonder the criminal Dems and puss traitors like Schiff walk all over the GOP. Republicans in the Senate need a strong leader, a fighter like the House's Jim Jordan or like President Trump, not this f*ing pansy!

Republicans consider skipping witnesses in Trump impeachment trial
Lindsey Graham more or less said the same thing. They want this off their table and just want to move on, when really, they need to expose The Democrats. Neither one of them has a killer instinct, and are just too "political" for their own good.

Dem's have already been exposed and damaged their own party. Right now the America people see them as petty sore losers and this issue as one sided Dem temper tantrum. I don't see how wasting weeks, months even keeping this ridiculous impeachment nonsense alive and in the news in the Senate helps Republicans or president Trump.
You're probably right politically but if these people get away with staging a coup in plain view, without any repercussions, this country is toast for the future. Either we drain the swamp or we fail
Coup, eh? I've been reading that with a grin for a while now. It's a great example of agitprop--anyway...if 17 Republican Senators voted along with the Democrats--it would be bipartisan..can you have a bipartisan that puts the same party in charge? I think not. A coup is a changing of govt. by illegal means..even if everything you loons believed about the Impeachment were true--the process is still legal and the Govt. is NOT changing....Just the Presidency...I wonder if Pence thinks he has the winning lotto ticket?
After 3 years of continuous treasonous, seditious coup attempts against the President, exposed hundreds of criminal counts perpetrated by Democrats, 3 US IG recommended Indictments of Democrats for exposed crimes, numerous US IG reports that rebuked the Obama / Comey FBI for 'incompetence', ''misleading' efforts, falsifying records, and 17 serious recent findings, D-Adam Schiff's continuous violations of Constitutional rights and sedition, Joe Biden's videotaped confession of Extorting the precious Ukraine PM, AND the D-Ca Democrat who just declared she wans to drag the country through another several YEARS of coup attempts after Trump wins in 2020, Senate Majority Leader Richie Mitch 'No Chin / Gutless' McConnell is publicly considering backing down from calling Schiff, the Bidens, Pelosi, and other Democrats as Witnesses in upcoming Senate investigation if House Democrats Impeach the President and send it to the Senate!

What a WEAK POS - no wonder the criminal Dems and puss traitors like Schiff walk all over the GOP. Republicans in the Senate need a strong leader, a fighter like the House's Jim Jordan or like President Trump, not this f*ing pansy!

Republicans consider skipping witnesses in Trump impeachment trial

This is one of the few times McConnel is right. You are the treasonous one who wants a coup. You refuse to recognize Congress' constitutionally granted powers of the purse and oversight. There are no criminal counts despite the fact that Trump runs the Justice Department. McConnell is acting like a sane person unlike Trump supporters who want to use this to even scores. All you need is 3 Republicans to object or John Roberts to sustain any objections.

Jim Jordan is a asshole. If there were honest redistricting, Jordan would be out of a job.
..can you have a bipartisan coup...

No, but as the Democrats themselves ...and Horowitz just proved , it can be attempted....for 4 years.

'Horowitz's 476-page report faulted the FBI for numerous errors in the FISA application process, identifying at least 17 “significant inaccuracies and omissions” in the application and renewals for Page’s FISA warrant. The report said that Page’s FISA application omitted information that the FBI had obtained from another U.S. government agency detailing its prior relationship with Page, including that he had been “approved as an ‘operational contact’ for the other agency from 2008 to 2013.”

The Crossfire Hurricane team also left out Page’s “consensually monitored statements to an FBI” confidential human source saying that he “literally never met” Manafort, as well as Papadopoulos’ monitored statement to the FBI “denying that anyone associated with the Trump campaign was collaborating with Russia or with outside groups like WikiLeaks in the release of emails.”

Horowitz noted that under FBI policy, every FISA application must contain a "full and accurate" presentation of the facts and that agents must ensure that all factual statements in FISA applications are "scrupulously accurate."

"These are the standards for all FISA applications, regardless of the investigation's sensitivity, and it is incumbent upon the FBI to meet them in every application," Horowitz said Wednesday. "Nevertheless, we found that members of the Crossfire Hurricane team failed to meet the basic obligation to ensure that the Carter Page FISA applications were scrupulously accurate."

The very LAST word above highlighted 'FAILED', I believe, is an INTENTIONAL FALSE STATEMENT by Horowitz.

is to 'TRY and not succeed'.

What Horowitz stated earlier, above, were NOT 'attempts to succeed but not doing so'. The acts he described the FBI engaged in were DELIBERATE, EFFORT MADE, CONSCIOUS ACTION TAKEN....NOT to 'SUCCEED IN PROVING SOMETHING' but instead 'ACTION TAKEN TO HIDE SOMETHING, TO DECEIVE THE FISA COURT:

Intentional Omission of information, physically altering a report - these are not 'accidental blunders'. They were CRIMES committed.
After 3 years of continuous treasonous, seditious coup attempts against the President, exposed hundreds of criminal counts perpetrated by Democrats, 3 US IG recommended Indictments of Democrats for exposed crimes, numerous US IG reports that rebuked the Obama / Comey FBI for 'incompetence', ''misleading' efforts, falsifying records, and 17 serious recent findings, D-Adam Schiff's continuous violations of Constitutional rights and sedition, Joe Biden's videotaped confession of Extorting the precious Ukraine PM, AND the D-Ca Democrat who just declared she wans to drag the country through another several YEARS of coup attempts after Trump wins in 2020, Senate Majority Leader Richie Mitch 'No Chin / Gutless' McConnell is publicly considering backing down from calling Schiff, the Bidens, Pelosi, and other Democrats as Witnesses in upcoming Senate investigation if House Democrats Impeach the President and send it to the Senate!

What a WEAK POS - no wonder the criminal Dems and puss traitors like Schiff walk all over the GOP. Republicans in the Senate need a strong leader, a fighter like the House's Jim Jordan or like President Trump, not this f*ing pansy!

Republicans consider skipping witnesses in Trump impeachment trial
Lindsey Graham more or less said the same thing. They want this off their table and just want to move on, when really, they need to expose The Democrats. Neither one of them has a killer instinct, and are just too "political" for their own good.
Schiff, Biden and Pelosi had nothing to do with this. This is about the President's abuse of power and his resulting obstruction of the investigation.

Oh wow, you say that like you actually believe it. Is this the final verbage the focus groups approved, or will they have a new one soon?
Abuse of power is a impeachable offense. Impeding a Congressional investigation is Obstruction of Justice.
Evidently you were in Russia visiting the relatives during the Schiff and Nadler Impeachment / coup disastrous collapse. Let me summarize for you:

After 4 years - No crime, No evidence, no 'whistle blower', no 'witnesses', and the DEMOCRAT Constitutional Expert testified that it is the Democrats who have abused power, whose actions are 'DANGEROUS' to our republic due to rushing to push 'the fastest Impeachment in US history' with 'the weakest case in US history ... and the expose of more Democrats crimes....

ALL of which was underscored by the US IG reporting 17 'serious issues' found the FBI to have engaged in, to include falsifying documents / presenting false manufactured evidence, defrauding and abusing the FISA court and other crimes...but the good news for the criminals is Horowitz stated he found no political bias / motive for having committed the crimes they were proven to have committed.


There is a whistleblower and his allegations have been confirmed by numerous witnesses. Mulvaney even admitted it happened. Two out of the three witnesses disagreed with him. It is Trump who has abused power and whose actions are dangerous to the Republic. Trump's attempt to circumvent the Congress' power of the purse are the most dangerous.
If McConnell is backing away.....Its because they all know the corruption leads to Obama....and the GOP swamp is deadly afraid of being called racist....

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