McConnell Proves He Is A Gutless Turd Once Again

After 3 years of continuous treasonous, seditious coup attempts against the President, exposed hundreds of criminal counts perpetrated by Democrats, 3 US IG recommended Indictments of Democrats for exposed crimes, numerous US IG reports that rebuked the Obama / Comey FBI for 'incompetence', ''misleading' efforts, falsifying records, and 17 serious recent findings, D-Adam Schiff's continuous violations of Constitutional rights and sedition, Joe Biden's videotaped confession of Extorting the precious Ukraine PM, AND the D-Ca Democrat who just declared she wans to drag the country through another several YEARS of coup attempts after Trump wins in 2020, Senate Majority Leader Richie Mitch 'No Chin / Gutless' McConnell is publicly considering backing down from calling Schiff, the Bidens, Pelosi, and other Democrats as Witnesses in upcoming Senate investigation if House Democrats Impeach the President and send it to the Senate!

What a WEAK POS - no wonder the criminal Dems and puss traitors like Schiff walk all over the GOP. Republicans in the Senate need a strong leader, a fighter like the House's Jim Jordan or like President Trump, not this f*ing pansy!

Republicans consider skipping witnesses in Trump impeachment trial
Why do you think he would do this?
After 3 years of continuous treasonous, seditious coup attempts against the President, exposed hundreds of criminal counts perpetrated by Democrats, 3 US IG recommended Indictments of Democrats for exposed crimes, numerous US IG reports that rebuked the Obama / Comey FBI for 'incompetence', ''misleading' efforts, falsifying records, and 17 serious recent findings, D-Adam Schiff's continuous violations of Constitutional rights and sedition, Joe Biden's videotaped confession of Extorting the precious Ukraine PM, AND the D-Ca Democrat who just declared she wans to drag the country through another several YEARS of coup attempts after Trump wins in 2020, Senate Majority Leader Richie Mitch 'No Chin / Gutless' McConnell is publicly considering backing down from calling Schiff, the Bidens, Pelosi, and other Democrats as Witnesses in upcoming Senate investigation if House Democrats Impeach the President and send it to the Senate!

What a WEAK POS - no wonder the criminal Dems and puss traitors like Schiff walk all over the GOP. Republicans in the Senate need a strong leader, a fighter like the House's Jim Jordan or like President Trump, not this f*ing pansy!

Republicans consider skipping witnesses in Trump impeachment trial
Lindsey Graham more or less said the same thing. They want this off their table and just want to move on, when really, they need to expose The Democrats. Neither one of them has a killer instinct, and are just too "political" for their own good.

Dem's have already been exposed and damaged their own party. Right now the America people see them as petty sore losers and this issue as one sided Dem temper tantrum. I don't see how wasting weeks, months even keeping this ridiculous impeachment nonsense alive and in the news in the Senate helps Republicans or president Trump.
They haven't really been exposed. Had Clinton been elected, we would not have known about any of this.

And even now, all we saw was the tip of the Iceberg. These people need to be facing Grand Juries, and Indictments and Criminal Trials.

Leave that to Barr and Durham :muahaha:
Durham now? I thought everything was going to come out with the IG FISA'd that turn out? All those Democrat indictments and all?
Hard for you to do from Moscow, Comrade.
Aaaawwwww, how CUTE...and pathetic. The wittle snowflake keeps throwing our references to the already completely debunked 'Collusion Delusion 1.0: Russia' Obama coup cover story.

Poor wittle snowflake...... :p
Nothing like that has been debunked at all............except in the CRCs Faux echo chamber, Comrade.
After 3 years of continuous treasonous, seditious coup attempts against the President, exposed hundreds of criminal counts perpetrated by Democrats, 3 US IG recommended Indictments of Democrats for exposed crimes, numerous US IG reports that rebuked the Obama / Comey FBI for 'incompetence', ''misleading' efforts, falsifying records, and 17 serious recent findings, D-Adam Schiff's continuous violations of Constitutional rights and sedition, Joe Biden's videotaped confession of Extorting the precious Ukraine PM, AND the D-Ca Democrat who just declared she wans to drag the country through another several YEARS of coup attempts after Trump wins in 2020, Senate Majority Leader Richie Mitch 'No Chin / Gutless' McConnell is publicly considering backing down from calling Schiff, the Bidens, Pelosi, and other Democrats as Witnesses in upcoming Senate investigation if House Democrats Impeach the President and send it to the Senate!

What a WEAK POS - no wonder the criminal Dems and puss traitors like Schiff walk all over the GOP. Republicans in the Senate need a strong leader, a fighter like the House's Jim Jordan or like President Trump, not this f*ing pansy!

Republicans consider skipping witnesses in Trump impeachment trial
Why do you think he would do this?
1. He has always been a gutless Washington Insider who has cut deals in the past to protect criminal Dems in the past, believing if he plays nice they will like him more and cut him a deal later, which they never do. McConnell was one of the GOP that agreed to let Brennan escape Indictment and Prison after being exposed as having illegally spied on the US Senate by agreeing to testify before Congress, admit his crimes, and apologize.

2. He is a weak POS. He sees the blowback against the Dems for their 4 years of proven crimeless, evidence-less, witness-less coup attempts and is worried if he holds his own investigation - despite exposing the Dems for their already-proven crimes, he might get the same blowback...and he has proven in the past he would f* a snake if it meant it would prevent his cushy job from being in danger.
Nothing like that has been debunked at all............except in the CRCs Faux echo chamber, Comrade.
Except the exact words in the WEISMANN Report stated no evidence of any collusion between the Russians and Trump or his team members was ever found.

4 years, still no crime, no evidence, no witnesses, malen'kaya snezhinka.

I would call Schiff, as he obviously knows a lot more about the whistleblower than he is admitting.

He'll refuse, but I'd go through the motions on that one.

The others maybe, maybe not. If there's a reason besides spitting back, then absolutely, but I do think these pukes are timid in terms of calling their own as they see how that can boomerang on them.

Thinking around the corner, if they actually move to enforce anything, this will be turned back on them, and none on either side of the aisle wants that kind of actual accountability.

They come to DC and they and their spawn end up millionaires through exactly the kind of influence peddling/cashing in we see at Burisma. None of them wants that gravy train to end, nor do they want to actually see a mechanism in place that is actually effective at holding them accountable. They'll play CYA long before they'll actually dig in a meaningful way for the truth.
What things about the whistleblower would change the facts of the case against Trump?
What is it you think the whistleblower would admit to in that regard?

I was talking about Schiff, not the whistleblower. he is a fact witness there, as are members of his staff. he has clearly fed us falsehoods on trump, first withe nonexistent 'evidence' in the Rooshins! Investigation and now in terms of his handling of the whistleblower.

that thread should be pursued imo. no reason not to.
After 3 years of continuous treasonous, seditious coup attempts against the President, exposed hundreds of criminal counts perpetrated by Democrats, 3 US IG recommended Indictments of Democrats for exposed crimes, numerous US IG reports that rebuked the Obama / Comey FBI for 'incompetence', ''misleading' efforts, falsifying records, and 17 serious recent findings, D-Adam Schiff's continuous violations of Constitutional rights and sedition, Joe Biden's videotaped confession of Extorting the precious Ukraine PM, AND the D-Ca Democrat who just declared she wans to drag the country through another several YEARS of coup attempts after Trump wins in 2020, Senate Majority Leader Richie Mitch 'No Chin / Gutless' McConnell is publicly considering backing down from calling Schiff, the Bidens, Pelosi, and other Democrats as Witnesses in upcoming Senate investigation if House Democrats Impeach the President and send it to the Senate!

What a WEAK POS - no wonder the criminal Dems and puss traitors like Schiff walk all over the GOP. Republicans in the Senate need a strong leader, a fighter like the House's Jim Jordan or like President Trump, not this f*ing pansy!

Republicans consider skipping witnesses in Trump impeachment trial

This is one of the few times McConnel is right. You are the treasonous one who wants a coup. You refuse to recognize Congress' constitutionally granted powers of the purse and oversight. There are no criminal counts despite the fact that Trump runs the Justice Department. McConnell is acting like a sane person unlike Trump supporters who want to use this to even scores. All you need is 3 Republicans to object or John Roberts to sustain any objections.

Jim Jordan is a asshole. If there were honest redistricting, Jordan would be out of a job.
The repubs are up to their asses in this mess too.

One of Romeny's buddies was on the board of Barisma too....This scam goes a lot deeper than any of us know.

Google "Joseph Cofer Black".

Trump is up to his ass in this mess as he created it.
After 3 years of continuous treasonous, seditious coup attempts against the President, exposed hundreds of criminal counts perpetrated by Democrats, 3 US IG recommended Indictments of Democrats for exposed crimes, numerous US IG reports that rebuked the Obama / Comey FBI for 'incompetence', ''misleading' efforts, falsifying records, and 17 serious recent findings, D-Adam Schiff's continuous violations of Constitutional rights and sedition, Joe Biden's videotaped confession of Extorting the precious Ukraine PM, AND the D-Ca Democrat who just declared she wans to drag the country through another several YEARS of coup attempts after Trump wins in 2020, Senate Majority Leader Richie Mitch 'No Chin / Gutless' McConnell is publicly considering backing down from calling Schiff, the Bidens, Pelosi, and other Democrats as Witnesses in upcoming Senate investigation if House Democrats Impeach the President and send it to the Senate!

What a WEAK POS - no wonder the criminal Dems and puss traitors like Schiff walk all over the GOP. Republicans in the Senate need a strong leader, a fighter like the House's Jim Jordan or like President Trump, not this f*ing pansy!

Republicans consider skipping witnesses in Trump impeachment trial
The light you see at the end of the tunnel is a train coming at you
After 3 years of continuous treasonous, seditious coup attempts against the President, exposed hundreds of criminal counts perpetrated by Democrats, 3 US IG recommended Indictments of Democrats for exposed crimes, numerous US IG reports that rebuked the Obama / Comey FBI for 'incompetence', ''misleading' efforts, falsifying records, and 17 serious recent findings, D-Adam Schiff's continuous violations of Constitutional rights and sedition, Joe Biden's videotaped confession of Extorting the precious Ukraine PM, AND the D-Ca Democrat who just declared she wans to drag the country through another several YEARS of coup attempts after Trump wins in 2020, Senate Majority Leader Richie Mitch 'No Chin / Gutless' McConnell is publicly considering backing down from calling Schiff, the Bidens, Pelosi, and other Democrats as Witnesses in upcoming Senate investigation if House Democrats Impeach the President and send it to the Senate!

What a WEAK POS - no wonder the criminal Dems and puss traitors like Schiff walk all over the GOP. Republicans in the Senate need a strong leader, a fighter like the House's Jim Jordan or like President Trump, not this f*ing pansy!

Republicans consider skipping witnesses in Trump impeachment trial
The Senate has always been a more judicious, deliberative body than the House of Monkeys.

McConnell won't let the Republicans turn this into another circus like Jordan, Gaetz and their traveling sideshow did in the House.

He will fast track it to an acquittal.
After 3 years of continuous treasonous, seditious coup attempts against the President, exposed hundreds of criminal counts perpetrated by Democrats, 3 US IG recommended Indictments of Democrats for exposed crimes, numerous US IG reports that rebuked the Obama / Comey FBI for 'incompetence', ''misleading' efforts, falsifying records, and 17 serious recent findings, D-Adam Schiff's continuous violations of Constitutional rights and sedition, Joe Biden's videotaped confession of Extorting the precious Ukraine PM, AND the D-Ca Democrat who just declared she wans to drag the country through another several YEARS of coup attempts after Trump wins in 2020, Senate Majority Leader Richie Mitch 'No Chin / Gutless' McConnell is publicly considering backing down from calling Schiff, the Bidens, Pelosi, and other Democrats as Witnesses in upcoming Senate investigation if House Democrats Impeach the President and send it to the Senate!

What a WEAK POS - no wonder the criminal Dems and puss traitors like Schiff walk all over the GOP. Republicans in the Senate need a strong leader, a fighter like the House's Jim Jordan or like President Trump, not this f*ing pansy!

Republicans consider skipping witnesses in Trump impeachment trial
Lindsey Graham more or less said the same thing. They want this off their table and just want to move on, when really, they need to expose The Democrats. Neither one of them has a killer instinct, and are just too "political" for their own good.

Dem's have already been exposed and damaged their own party. Right now the America people see them as petty sore losers and this issue as one sided Dem temper tantrum. I don't see how wasting weeks, months even keeping this ridiculous impeachment nonsense alive and in the news in the Senate helps Republicans or president Trump.
You're probably right politically but if these people get away with staging a coup in plain view, without any repercussions, this country is toast for the future. Either we drain the swamp or we fail

Trump is the one who is filling the swamp. If Trump gets away with what he has pulled, the country is toast.
After 3 years of continuous treasonous, seditious coup attempts against the President, exposed hundreds of criminal counts perpetrated by Democrats, 3 US IG recommended Indictments of Democrats for exposed crimes, numerous US IG reports that rebuked the Obama / Comey FBI for 'incompetence', ''misleading' efforts, falsifying records, and 17 serious recent findings, D-Adam Schiff's continuous violations of Constitutional rights and sedition, Joe Biden's videotaped confession of Extorting the precious Ukraine PM, AND the D-Ca Democrat who just declared she wans to drag the country through another several YEARS of coup attempts after Trump wins in 2020, Senate Majority Leader Richie Mitch 'No Chin / Gutless' McConnell is publicly considering backing down from calling Schiff, the Bidens, Pelosi, and other Democrats as Witnesses in upcoming Senate investigation if House Democrats Impeach the President and send it to the Senate!

What a WEAK POS - no wonder the criminal Dems and puss traitors like Schiff walk all over the GOP. Republicans in the Senate need a strong leader, a fighter like the House's Jim Jordan or like President Trump, not this f*ing pansy!

Republicans consider skipping witnesses in Trump impeachment trial
Lindsey Graham more or less said the same thing. They want this off their table and just want to move on, when really, they need to expose The Democrats. Neither one of them has a killer instinct, and are just too "political" for their own good.

Dem's have already been exposed and damaged their own party. Right now the America people see them as petty sore losers and this issue as one sided Dem temper tantrum. I don't see how wasting weeks, months even keeping this ridiculous impeachment nonsense alive and in the news in the Senate helps Republicans or president Trump.
You're probably right politically but if these people get away with staging a coup in plain view, without any repercussions, this country is toast for the future. Either we drain the swamp or we fail

Trump is the one who is filling the swamp. If Trump gets away with what he has pulled, the country is toast.
Please cite, what "he pulled" and use US CODE to show us what High Crime he committed.
After 3 years of continuous treasonous, seditious coup attempts against the President, exposed hundreds of criminal counts perpetrated by Democrats, 3 US IG recommended Indictments of Democrats for exposed crimes, numerous US IG reports that rebuked the Obama / Comey FBI for 'incompetence', ''misleading' efforts, falsifying records, and 17 serious recent findings, D-Adam Schiff's continuous violations of Constitutional rights and sedition, Joe Biden's videotaped confession of Extorting the precious Ukraine PM, AND the D-Ca Democrat who just declared she wans to drag the country through another several YEARS of coup attempts after Trump wins in 2020, Senate Majority Leader Richie Mitch 'No Chin / Gutless' McConnell is publicly considering backing down from calling Schiff, the Bidens, Pelosi, and other Democrats as Witnesses in upcoming Senate investigation if House Democrats Impeach the President and send it to the Senate!

What a WEAK POS - no wonder the criminal Dems and puss traitors like Schiff walk all over the GOP. Republicans in the Senate need a strong leader, a fighter like the House's Jim Jordan or like President Trump, not this f*ing pansy!

Republicans consider skipping witnesses in Trump impeachment trial
Lindsey Graham more or less said the same thing. They want this off their table and just want to move on, when really, they need to expose The Democrats. Neither one of them has a killer instinct, and are just too "political" for their own good.
Schiff, Biden and Pelosi had nothing to do with this. This is about the President's abuse of power and his resulting obstruction of the investigation.
Abuse of Power is not even a crime, neither is Obstruction of Congress.

Adolph Schiffler, Nazi Nadler, and Propagandist Pelosi made that up because they could not charge The President with Abuse of Office, nor Obstruction of Justice.

You don't announce to the world in January 2017 that you are going to launch a COUP, and Resistance, and Lawyers will be Victorious, and "Impeach 45" when a new President is being sworn in to office that there is nothing to even impeach him on, and then turn around after putting the White House Under Siege for 3 straight years and try to claim you are a Patriot when you are a Partisan Traitor participating in a COUP.

Abuse of power is a impeachable offense. Impeding a Congressional investigation is Obstruction of Justice.

You are the Partisan Traitor who puts Trump above the country. Trump has been the author of his problems.
After 3 years of continuous treasonous, seditious coup attempts against the President, exposed hundreds of criminal counts perpetrated by Democrats, 3 US IG recommended Indictments of Democrats for exposed crimes, numerous US IG reports that rebuked the Obama / Comey FBI for 'incompetence', ''misleading' efforts, falsifying records, and 17 serious recent findings, D-Adam Schiff's continuous violations of Constitutional rights and sedition, Joe Biden's videotaped confession of Extorting the precious Ukraine PM, AND the D-Ca Democrat who just declared she wans to drag the country through another several YEARS of coup attempts after Trump wins in 2020, Senate Majority Leader Richie Mitch 'No Chin / Gutless' McConnell is publicly considering backing down from calling Schiff, the Bidens, Pelosi, and other Democrats as Witnesses in upcoming Senate investigation if House Democrats Impeach the President and send it to the Senate!

What a WEAK POS - no wonder the criminal Dems and puss traitors like Schiff walk all over the GOP. Republicans in the Senate need a strong leader, a fighter like the House's Jim Jordan or like President Trump, not this f*ing pansy!

Republicans consider skipping witnesses in Trump impeachment trial
Lindsey Graham more or less said the same thing. They want this off their table and just want to move on, when really, they need to expose The Democrats. Neither one of them has a killer instinct, and are just too "political" for their own good.

Dem's have already been exposed and damaged their own party. Right now the America people see them as petty sore losers and this issue as one sided Dem temper tantrum. I don't see how wasting weeks, months even keeping this ridiculous impeachment nonsense alive and in the news in the Senate helps Republicans or president Trump.

It is Republicans who have damaged their party. We saw evidence of that in last month's elections.
1. Democrats won 2 of the 3 Governor's races in red states.
2. Democrats took over the Virginia legislature.
3. Democrats won local offices in Pennsylvania and in many instances for the first time
4. Continued erosion of Republican support in the suburbs
Trump is up to his ass in this mess as he created it.

By 'mess', lil' snowflake, you obviously mean:

The strongest economy in DECADES

The lowest unemployment in DECADES

The lowest minority unemployment in RECORDED HISTORY

The lowest Latino unemployment in DECADES

The lowest female unemployment in DECADES

The most Americans working at one time EVER

The highest Stock Market EVER

MORE Jobs, HIGHER Pay (yay Free Market Economy not Dem Mandates / Laws)

Raises, Bonuses

Millions of Americans escaping out of Democrat 'economic slavery' - no more dependence on Dems/govt tax payer-funded 'free stuff'

Factory Jobs Obama said were gone forever, the 'new norm' BACK thanks to President Trump


No more criminal administration illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices & Presidents

No more terrorist supporters using tax dollars to help Al Qaeda, who slaughtered 3k Americans, get their own country

No more 'record-setting criminal non-compliance w/the FOIA & FRA

No more President protecting criminal candidates from Indictment / Prison and altering elections

No more Nobel Peace Prize Winners dragging the US into illegal wars

No more terrorist supporters protecting ISIS Black Market Oil Ops that funds over 1/2 of their terrorist activities

No more illegally arming Mexican Drug Cartels to create a body count high enough to go after the 2nd Amendment

No more 'Contempt of Court' crimes for ignoring Federal Judges' orders

No admitted Constitutional Violations

No Russian / foreign spy collusion to alter Hillary and Democrats

No mocking the concerns of US citizens then bringing in a terrorist who kills Americans days later (like Barry / the 7 in Ca)

No withholding Lethal arms from Ukraine to allow Vlad to annex Crimea without fear of US supplied weapons

No videotaped confession of extorting former Ukraine PMs

No crimes

No evidence of crimes

No witnesses


Thanks for the reminder...and Merry Christmas to you, too.

After 3 years of continuous treasonous, seditious coup attempts against the President, exposed hundreds of criminal counts perpetrated by Democrats, 3 US IG recommended Indictments of Democrats for exposed crimes, numerous US IG reports that rebuked the Obama / Comey FBI for 'incompetence', ''misleading' efforts, falsifying records, and 17 serious recent findings, D-Adam Schiff's continuous violations of Constitutional rights and sedition, Joe Biden's videotaped confession of Extorting the precious Ukraine PM, AND the D-Ca Democrat who just declared she wans to drag the country through another several YEARS of coup attempts after Trump wins in 2020, Senate Majority Leader Richie Mitch 'No Chin / Gutless' McConnell is publicly considering backing down from calling Schiff, the Bidens, Pelosi, and other Democrats as Witnesses in upcoming Senate investigation if House Democrats Impeach the President and send it to the Senate!

What a WEAK POS - no wonder the criminal Dems and puss traitors like Schiff walk all over the GOP. Republicans in the Senate need a strong leader, a fighter like the House's Jim Jordan or like President Trump, not this f*ing pansy!

Republicans consider skipping witnesses in Trump impeachment trial

Didn’t the nutless piece of shit say he’d “throw it out of the senate” if it ever reached his desk?
This is why I HATE the Republican Party...they are the biggest fucking cowards in government. They talk lots of shit and never DO shit. The Left has pummeled the sackless wonders for years....they’ve sat on their hands and took their ass beating like the pussies they are. The pieces of shit couldn’t keep God, heterosexuals and white people cool in a nation founded, built, funded and run by white Christian heterosexuals.
They handed the Left the wheel when they ALLOWED them to write the PC manual.

Senate rules do not allow him to do it. The rules require a trial and McConnell does not have a two thirds majority. to overturn it. You are so much bullshit.

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