McDonald's drive-thru: Let us play with FAMILY-GUN!? 12yr-old DEAD by own hands! Thanks, Again, NRA!

What happened to the shooter?

He killed 5 officers and injured 9 more.
That doesn’t tell anyone what happened to the shooter. You’re a rookie at this. Does this routine work for you down at the local Starbucks?

When was the last school shooting in the UK? When was the last time a cop was killed? We lost another just today. These things are rare in countries with strong gun control.
Officer killed, two deputies seriously wounded in Georgia shooting
I don’t care how other countries operate. That’s their problem. This isn’t the Soviet Union. There is no iron curtain, or Berlin Wall. You are free to leave any time you like. But you won’t. Because you’re a coward who would rather have others alter their own behavior, and surrender their rights for your own sense of security. There’s just one problem... most droplets don’t give a shot about your feelings or sense of security. That’s your responsibility.

The coward is you. While our children and police die regularly, you cling to your guns. Pathetic.
No, the cowards are you on the left who would rather bow to the will of other countries. Idiot libtard.
What will you do when a bad guy with a gun breaks into your house, suck him into submission?

I'm quite old, and that hasn't happened. Hasn't happened to anyone I know either. But I guess that is why I have a security system. Criminals don't want to get caught, he will go away. And if we had strong gun control, it would be even more unlikely to happen.
What will you do when a bad guy with a gun breaks into your house, suck him into submission?

Well he'll try, that's for sure.

These retards honestly believe their stupidity protects them from the criminals they enable.

I bet the Georgia scumbag had a rap sheet as long as my Explorer.

Criminals belong in prison. When they go in, leave them there.

But bleeding hearts think that the crimes that minorities commit are the fault of their victims. Meh. I hope that the next crime committed by an illegal or a black gang member is committed against an idiot like Brain.

Of course it won't. He wouldn't live in one of those neighborhoods, no way. He's scared of poor people.
He killed 5 officers and injured 9 more.
That doesn’t tell anyone what happened to the shooter. You’re a rookie at this. Does this routine work for you down at the local Starbucks?

When was the last school shooting in the UK? When was the last time a cop was killed? We lost another just today. These things are rare in countries with strong gun control.
Officer killed, two deputies seriously wounded in Georgia shooting
I don’t care how other countries operate. That’s their problem. This isn’t the Soviet Union. There is no iron curtain, or Berlin Wall. You are free to leave any time you like. But you won’t. Because you’re a coward who would rather have others alter their own behavior, and surrender their rights for your own sense of security. There’s just one problem... most droplets don’t give a shot about your feelings or sense of security. That’s your responsibility.

The coward is you. While our children and police die regularly, you cling to your guns. Pathetic.
No, the cowards are you on the left who would rather bow to the will of other countries. Idiot libtard.

Saving the lives of children and the police are the will of other countries? Go back to your crack pipe.
What will you do when a bad guy with a gun breaks into your house, suck him into submission?

Well he'll try, that's for sure.

These retards honestly believe their stupidity protects them from the criminals they enable.

I bet the Georgia scumbag had a rap sheet as long as my Explorer.

Criminals belong in prison. When they go in, leave them there.

But bleeding hearts think that the crimes that minorities commit are the fault of their victims. Meh.
We have the fullest jails in the world.
The users of guns can get peoples killed. And guns kill people alone when they fall.


"And guns kill people alone when they fall."

^^^^ This:


Fully true. Loaded guns falling down do go off all alone.

Even the illegally modified, ones.

Rational facts do show gun nutters are morons.

When you're hiding behind some faux wooden table while one of those gun nutters is shooting up the restaurant, you'll be wanting a gun of your own.

I've never said rational protection was wrong.
Can you conceal AR-15 type thangs in your pants?
So these are useless for public safety unless these
events happen when you are in a truck or home..

I hope these armed (these so-called unstable sort.. of, good guys with guns already)
cowards score some kills. If the bad guy is there to just kill, and most are too cowardly to kill.
When you're dead it will keep killing. Thanks for trying. I'm already running.

Most gun events are about stealing/taking stuff from others or forcing compliance.
Just give it to them. Most robbers don't fire unless fired at. Yes, PIGS are paid to charge
these guns and die, as these cowards most should. For hunting for a trophy.
Better PIGS will not be charging guns. Who are smarter safer PIGS!

Thanks to all our guns we also have way more armed criminals. When the victims are armed it is quite the incentive for criminals to be armed. Criminals in countries with strong gun control are less dependent on guns and hence the lower homicide rates.

Hmm? I rather like more gun restrictions.
That would make guns to expensive to use in crimes.
Many people who will kill people with guns own them legally.
If they have to pay insurance to own them. Less will be
involved in crimes or in wife beatings. So pigs can bust more
holders of guns for not having insurance. As most crimes and
dead/wounded are from legally owned guns.

WOW!. The last thang gang members do
is fire guns these days in crimes, other than Gang On Gang.
What will you do when a bad guy with a gun breaks into your house, suck him into submission?

I'm quite old, and that hasn't happened. Hasn't happened to anyone I know either. But I guess that is why I have a security system. Criminals don't want to get caught, he will go away. And if we had strong gun control, it would be even more unlikely to happen.
You have no idea what they want. Maybe they want to tie you up and have sex with you in front of the grandchildren. Maybe they want to slaughter whoever they find.

So I ask again, what will you do?
What will you do when a bad guy with a gun breaks into your house, suck him into submission?

Well he'll try, that's for sure.

These retards honestly believe their stupidity protects them from the criminals they enable.

I bet the Georgia scumbag had a rap sheet as long as my Explorer.

Criminals belong in prison. When they go in, leave them there.

But bleeding hearts think that the crimes that minorities commit are the fault of their victims. Meh.
We have the fullest jails in the world.

We need more. The great social experiment has created a huge population of criminals and half wits that need to be shut away until they die off.

You build a bunch of prisons, you fill them up and then you have *acceptable die off* and we can close them again.
What will you do when a bad guy with a gun breaks into your house, suck him into submission?

Well he'll try, that's for sure.

These retards honestly believe their stupidity protects them from the criminals they enable.

I bet the Georgia scumbag had a rap sheet as long as my Explorer.

Criminals belong in prison. When they go in, leave them there.

But bleeding hearts think that the crimes that minorities commit are the fault of their victims. Meh.
We have the fullest jails in the world.
Because of bed wetters like you who don’t have the stomach for killing, those that need killing...
What will you do when a bad guy with a gun breaks into your house, suck him into submission?

I'm quite old, and that hasn't happened. Hasn't happened to anyone I know either. But I guess that is why I have a security system. Criminals don't want to get caught, he will go away. And if we had strong gun control, it would be even more unlikely to happen.
You have no idea what they want. Maybe they want to tie you up and have sex with you in front of the grandchildren. Maybe they want to slaughter whoever they find.

So I ask again, what will you do?

And again I have an alarm system. Criminals don't want to get caught. He will go away. Interesting fantasies you make up though. Is this why you are so scared?
What will you do when a bad guy with a gun breaks into your house, suck him into submission?

Well he'll try, that's for sure.

These retards honestly believe their stupidity protects them from the criminals they enable.

I bet the Georgia scumbag had a rap sheet as long as my Explorer.

Criminals belong in prison. When they go in, leave them there.

But bleeding hearts think that the crimes that minorities commit are the fault of their victims. Meh.
We have the fullest jails in the world.
Because of bed wetters like you who don’t have the stomach for killing, those that need killing...

I have no problem with the death penalty.
What will you do when a bad guy with a gun breaks into your house, suck him into submission?

I'm quite old, and that hasn't happened. Hasn't happened to anyone I know either. But I guess that is why I have a security system. Criminals don't want to get caught, he will go away. And if we had strong gun control, it would be even more unlikely to happen.
You have no idea what they want. Maybe they want to tie you up and have sex with you in front of the grandchildren. Maybe they want to slaughter whoever they find.

So I ask again, what will you do?

And again I have an alarm system. Criminals don't want to get caught. He will go away. Interesting fantasies you make up though. Is this why you are so scared?
I used to be scared until I bought a gun (well, two). Now I can protect myself and my family while yours depends on your sucking abilities.
What will you do when a bad guy with a gun breaks into your house, suck him into submission?

Well he'll try, that's for sure.

These retards honestly believe their stupidity protects them from the criminals they enable.

I bet the Georgia scumbag had a rap sheet as long as my Explorer.

Criminals belong in prison. When they go in, leave them there.

But bleeding hearts think that the crimes that minorities commit are the fault of their victims. Meh.
We have the fullest jails in the world.

We need more. The great social experiment has created a huge population of criminals and half wits that need to be shut away until they die off.

You build a bunch of prisons, you fill them up and then you have *acceptable die off* and we can close them again.

Now that is quite dumb. So other countries have lower crime rates and fewer people in jail. And the best answer you have is we pay to house even more criminals...
What will you do when a bad guy with a gun breaks into your house, suck him into submission?

I'm quite old, and that hasn't happened. Hasn't happened to anyone I know either. But I guess that is why I have a security system. Criminals don't want to get caught, he will go away. And if we had strong gun control, it would be even more unlikely to happen.
You have no idea what they want. Maybe they want to tie you up and have sex with you in front of the grandchildren. Maybe they want to slaughter whoever they find.

So I ask again, what will you do?

And again I have an alarm system. Criminals don't want to get caught. He will go away. Interesting fantasies you make up though. Is this why you are so scared?
I used to be scared until I bought a gun (well, two). Now I can protect myself and my family while yours depends on your sucking abilities.

Ah yes, gun courage. See the problem with that is criminals have gun courage too. Lots of defenders lose those gun fights. I don't need gun courage and I'm not scared.
He killed 5 officers and injured 9 more.
That doesn’t tell anyone what happened to the shooter. You’re a rookie at this. Does this routine work for you down at the local Starbucks?

When was the last school shooting in the UK? When was the last time a cop was killed? We lost another just today. These things are rare in countries with strong gun control.
Officer killed, two deputies seriously wounded in Georgia shooting
I don’t care how other countries operate. That’s their problem. This isn’t the Soviet Union. There is no iron curtain, or Berlin Wall. You are free to leave any time you like. But you won’t. Because you’re a coward who would rather have others alter their own behavior, and surrender their rights for your own sense of security. There’s just one problem... most droplets don’t give a shot about your feelings or sense of security. That’s your responsibility.

The coward is you. While our children and police die regularly, you cling to your guns. Pathetic.

They aren't my children.
Their the children of black people and illegals...and they're being killed by other black people and illegals. You should talk to them and try to figure out what they're doing that's wrong.

FULLY.. :cuckoo:

btw: Do you believe there is/are gods?
I can fully understand why you said that,
if not.
What will you do when a bad guy with a gun breaks into your house, suck him into submission?

I'm quite old, and that hasn't happened. Hasn't happened to anyone I know either. But I guess that is why I have a security system. Criminals don't want to get caught, he will go away. And if we had strong gun control, it would be even more unlikely to happen.
You have no idea what they want. Maybe they want to tie you up and have sex with you in front of the grandchildren. Maybe they want to slaughter whoever they find.

So I ask again, what will you do?

And again I have an alarm system. Criminals don't want to get caught. He will go away. Interesting fantasies you make up though. Is this why you are so scared?
I used to be scared until I bought a gun (well, two). Now I can protect myself and my family while yours depends on your sucking abilities.

Ah yes, gun courage. See the problem with that is criminals have gun courage too. Lots of defenders lose those gun fights. I don't need gun courage and I'm not scared.
I've been telling you, that's the reason to have a gun. So you can shoot back instead of having your grandkids cheer you on while you suck for their lives.
Only in the USA.
Only in the USA.

only in your imagination

What other country has this problem?

French teenager accidentally shoots father dead and turns gun on himself
France is in shock after a 14-year-old boy mistakenly shot his father dead while out hunting then turned the gun on himself in despair and committed suicide.

French teenager accidentally shoots father dead and turns gun on himself
I'm quite old, and that hasn't happened. Hasn't happened to anyone I know either. But I guess that is why I have a security system. Criminals don't want to get caught, he will go away. And if we had strong gun control, it would be even more unlikely to happen.
You have no idea what they want. Maybe they want to tie you up and have sex with you in front of the grandchildren. Maybe they want to slaughter whoever they find.

So I ask again, what will you do?

And again I have an alarm system. Criminals don't want to get caught. He will go away. Interesting fantasies you make up though. Is this why you are so scared?
I used to be scared until I bought a gun (well, two). Now I can protect myself and my family while yours depends on your sucking abilities.

Ah yes, gun courage. See the problem with that is criminals have gun courage too. Lots of defenders lose those gun fights. I don't need gun courage and I'm not scared.
I've been telling you, that's the reason to have a gun. So you can shoot back instead of having your grandkids cheer you on while you suck for your life.

Your fear has given you some sick fantasies. You really don't need to be so scared. If we had strong gun control you could be even less scared. All these guns and we have a much higher homicide rate.
Only in the USA.
Only in the USA.

only in your imagination

What other country has this problem?

French teenager accidentally shoots father dead and turns gun on himself
France is in shock after a 14-year-old boy mistakenly shot his father dead while out hunting then turned the gun on himself in despair and committed suicide.

French teenager accidentally shoots father dead and turns gun on himself

So there is one from 2013. How many you think we had just today?
You have no idea what they want. Maybe they want to tie you up and have sex with you in front of the grandchildren. Maybe they want to slaughter whoever they find.

So I ask again, what will you do?

And again I have an alarm system. Criminals don't want to get caught. He will go away. Interesting fantasies you make up though. Is this why you are so scared?
I used to be scared until I bought a gun (well, two). Now I can protect myself and my family while yours depends on your sucking abilities.

Ah yes, gun courage. See the problem with that is criminals have gun courage too. Lots of defenders lose those gun fights. I don't need gun courage and I'm not scared.
I've been telling you, that's the reason to have a gun. So you can shoot back instead of having your grandkids cheer you on while you suck for your life.

Your fear has given you some sick fantasies. You really don't need to be so scared. If we had strong gun control you could be even less scared. All these guns and we have a much higher homicide rate.
I'm not scared since I can defend myself. You, pucker up.

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