McDonalds' Higher Wages = Higher Sales...

Better Wages = Better Workers and a Better Economy

Those once considered 'shitty jobs' like McDonalds and Walmart, have become career jobs that support folks and their families. That wasn't the case in the past, but it is now. You can thank the Globalists in both major political parties for that. They shipped so many good-paying career jobs out of the country.

The new reality is, folks are now left scratching & clawing to survive on McDonalds and Walmart jobs. So, it's great seeing McDonalds cough up some more dough for its Workers. So many lives are depending on it. I might actually start chowing down on some Big Macs again. :thup:

Why would anyone with half a brain want to make a "career" out of an entry level job at McDonalds or Walmart? Those jobs should be temporary. You have them while you acquire the skills to get a better paying job. You keep that job until you're ready to move up the ladder to another job! What part of that concept is it that so many of you on the left struggle with?

You're living in the past. The Globalists in both Parties have screwed American Workers. They sent so many good-paying career jobs out of the US. Folks now have to consider McDonalds and Walmart, career jobs that will support their families. It's what happens when you allow greedy Un-American Globalists to achieve absolute power.

The Globalists threw American Workers overboard years ago. So, the new reality is, those once-considered 'Shitty Part-time Temp Jobs', are now considered career jobs that folks need to survive on. Welcome to the wonderful 'Global Economy.' Isn't it awesome?

The only people that sent jobs out of the US were unions and American consumers. Unions demanded too much for their workers and the American consumers refused to pay for it.

Nah, Globalists in both Parties have no problem selling their fellow Americans out. And that's exactly what's happened the last several decades. Now folks are stuck trying to survive on shitty McDonalds and Walmart service jobs. That's the sad reality.

It's hardly a party thing at all. When Walmart started opening more stores in cities and towns across the area, people would take photos of cars with bumper stickers like Buy Union or Bye Bye America in Walmart parking lots.

Everybody wants the cheapest price no matter what.
i want a good home stereo. i could go PYLE and get cheap but i went marantz. i hunted like crazy to find the best deal, but i wanted quality at a good price. same for my speakers, car, tv, computer parts and the like. i don't just say "give me the cheapest" - i look for the best i can reasonably afford then try to find the best price on it.
You were there with me in my car? You heard them ask? Funny, I didn’t see you.'re not bright enough to look at your receipt, then. Noted.

I look at the total you idiot, I don’t care about the rest.

I'm with you on this one (though I'm guilty of not even looking at the totals, much to my tight-wad husbands displeasure.)

I reject receipts anytime I can, and I'll make them throw it away because I don't want the trash in my car.

That's not smart. I always take the receipt, record it in my accounting software and put it in a file. Your way in the end the business can charge whatever they want and get away with it

You need a hobby.

I'm a finance guy. It's not going to change
Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.



Good to see McDonalds is willing to take care of their illegals and degenerate, lowlife adults.
Why would anyone with half a brain want to make a "career" out of an entry level job at McDonalds or Walmart? Those jobs should be temporary. You have them while you acquire the skills to get a better paying job. You keep that job until you're ready to move up the ladder to another job! What part of that concept is it that so many of you on the left struggle with?
You're living in the past. The Globalists in both Parties have screwed American Workers. They sent so many good-paying career jobs out of the US. Folks now have to consider McDonalds and Walmart, career jobs that will support their families. It's what happens when you allow greedy Un-American Globalists to achieve absolute power.

The Globalists threw American Workers overboard years ago. So, the new reality is, those once-considered 'Shitty Part-time Temp Jobs', are now considered career jobs that folks need to survive on. Welcome to the wonderful 'Global Economy.' Isn't it awesome?

The only people that sent jobs out of the US were unions and American consumers. Unions demanded too much for their workers and the American consumers refused to pay for it.

Nah, Globalists in both Parties have no problem selling their fellow Americans out. And that's exactly what's happened the last several decades. Now folks are stuck trying to survive on shitty McDonalds and Walmart service jobs. That's the sad reality.

It's hardly a party thing at all. When Walmart started opening more stores in cities and towns across the area, people would take photos of cars with bumper stickers like Buy Union or Bye Bye America in Walmart parking lots.

Everybody wants the cheapest price no matter what.
i want a good home stereo. i could go PYLE and get cheap but i went marantz. i hunted like crazy to find the best deal, but i wanted quality at a good price. same for my speakers, car, tv, computer parts and the like. i don't just say "give me the cheapest" - i look for the best i can reasonably afford then try to find the best price on it.

OT - mmm how you liking that Marantz? I've got an Onkyo but it's flaking out on the SR satellite so I'm looking at an upgrade. [Eyeballing the AV7703 with Atmos]
You're living in the past. The Globalists in both Parties have screwed American Workers. They sent so many good-paying career jobs out of the US. Folks now have to consider McDonalds and Walmart, career jobs that will support their families. It's what happens when you allow greedy Un-American Globalists to achieve absolute power.

The Globalists threw American Workers overboard years ago. So, the new reality is, those once-considered 'Shitty Part-time Temp Jobs', are now considered career jobs that folks need to survive on. Welcome to the wonderful 'Global Economy.' Isn't it awesome?

The only people that sent jobs out of the US were unions and American consumers. Unions demanded too much for their workers and the American consumers refused to pay for it.

Nah, Globalists in both Parties have no problem selling their fellow Americans out. And that's exactly what's happened the last several decades. Now folks are stuck trying to survive on shitty McDonalds and Walmart service jobs. That's the sad reality.

It's hardly a party thing at all. When Walmart started opening more stores in cities and towns across the area, people would take photos of cars with bumper stickers like Buy Union or Bye Bye America in Walmart parking lots.

Everybody wants the cheapest price no matter what.
i want a good home stereo. i could go PYLE and get cheap but i went marantz. i hunted like crazy to find the best deal, but i wanted quality at a good price. same for my speakers, car, tv, computer parts and the like. i don't just say "give me the cheapest" - i look for the best i can reasonably afford then try to find the best price on it.

OT - mmm how you liking that Marantz? I've got an Onkyo but it's flaking out on the SR satellite so I'm looking at an upgrade. [Eyeballing the AV7703 with Atmos]
love it. i had an older denon but it was only a couple of years old itself but i wanted the latest technology all around to match a new 65" LG OLED tv i just got. the denon was fine, just not that "dynamic" in sound.

i've had onkyo and looked hard at that brand but i kept finding people having problems with their boards internally and "flaking out", so i took them off the list. onkyo bought pioneer so they were off my list too. i've always wanted a marantz and went ahead and sprung for the 5012 that i found refurbished online for $650 shipped, same warranty as new, authorized dealer.

i couldn't say no. i can see a difference in my tv and my surround is much more noticable.

when spectrum came by to install their crap on my tv setup, the tech never heard of marantz. i shoulda booted him at the time. :)

and damn dude - you're not afraid to spend on a good tuner!
The only people that sent jobs out of the US were unions and American consumers. Unions demanded too much for their workers and the American consumers refused to pay for it.

Nah, Globalists in both Parties have no problem selling their fellow Americans out. And that's exactly what's happened the last several decades. Now folks are stuck trying to survive on shitty McDonalds and Walmart service jobs. That's the sad reality.

It's hardly a party thing at all. When Walmart started opening more stores in cities and towns across the area, people would take photos of cars with bumper stickers like Buy Union or Bye Bye America in Walmart parking lots.

Everybody wants the cheapest price no matter what.
i want a good home stereo. i could go PYLE and get cheap but i went marantz. i hunted like crazy to find the best deal, but i wanted quality at a good price. same for my speakers, car, tv, computer parts and the like. i don't just say "give me the cheapest" - i look for the best i can reasonably afford then try to find the best price on it.

OT - mmm how you liking that Marantz? I've got an Onkyo but it's flaking out on the SR satellite so I'm looking at an upgrade. [Eyeballing the AV7703 with Atmos]
love it. i had an older denon but it was only a couple of years old itself but i wanted the latest technology all around to match a new 65" LG OLED tv i just got. the denon was fine, just not that "dynamic" in sound.

i've had onkyo and looked hard at that brand but i kept finding people having problems with their boards internally and "flaking out", so i took them off the list. onkyo bought pioneer so they were off my list too. i've always wanted a marantz and went ahead and sprung for the 5012 that i found refurbished online for $650 shipped, same warranty as new, authorized dealer.

i couldn't say no. i can see a difference in my tv and my surround is much more noticable.

when spectrum came by to install their crap on my tv setup, the tech never heard of marantz. i shoulda booted him at the time. :)

and damn dude - you're not afraid to spend on a good tuner!

Chick, and it's for my computer. I'd have to agree with the other folks on the Onk; I've completely lost the left side speaker and I think the rear right is "intermittent" (every time I trouble shoot the damned thing it works, but I'm getting ganked far too often for it to be working correctly.)

I slummed it with [old school] Pioneer and Bose for the home theater, the bass was great for movies. We took the theater out last summer, husband wanted to watch TV in bed - now I've lost functionality of half my closet for a 70" Samsung its the stupidest looking shit ever, but we do like it.
Nah, Globalists in both Parties have no problem selling their fellow Americans out. And that's exactly what's happened the last several decades. Now folks are stuck trying to survive on shitty McDonalds and Walmart service jobs. That's the sad reality.

It's hardly a party thing at all. When Walmart started opening more stores in cities and towns across the area, people would take photos of cars with bumper stickers like Buy Union or Bye Bye America in Walmart parking lots.

Everybody wants the cheapest price no matter what.
i want a good home stereo. i could go PYLE and get cheap but i went marantz. i hunted like crazy to find the best deal, but i wanted quality at a good price. same for my speakers, car, tv, computer parts and the like. i don't just say "give me the cheapest" - i look for the best i can reasonably afford then try to find the best price on it.

OT - mmm how you liking that Marantz? I've got an Onkyo but it's flaking out on the SR satellite so I'm looking at an upgrade. [Eyeballing the AV7703 with Atmos]
love it. i had an older denon but it was only a couple of years old itself but i wanted the latest technology all around to match a new 65" LG OLED tv i just got. the denon was fine, just not that "dynamic" in sound.

i've had onkyo and looked hard at that brand but i kept finding people having problems with their boards internally and "flaking out", so i took them off the list. onkyo bought pioneer so they were off my list too. i've always wanted a marantz and went ahead and sprung for the 5012 that i found refurbished online for $650 shipped, same warranty as new, authorized dealer.

i couldn't say no. i can see a difference in my tv and my surround is much more noticable.

when spectrum came by to install their crap on my tv setup, the tech never heard of marantz. i shoulda booted him at the time. :)

and damn dude - you're not afraid to spend on a good tuner!

Chick, and it's for my computer. I'd have to agree with the other folks on the Onk; I've completely lost the left side speaker and I think the rear right is "intermittent" (every time I trouble shoot the damned thing it works, but I'm getting ganked far too often for it to be working correctly.)

I slummed it with [old school] Pioneer and Bose for the home theater, the bass was great for movies. We took the theater out last summer, husband wanted to watch TV in bed - now I've lost functionality of half my closet for a 70" Samsung its the stupidest looking shit ever, but we do like it.
chick - apologies. :) don't run into too many women spending that kinda change on a tuner. :)

denon and onkyo were fine but i just wanted the marantz.
It's hardly a party thing at all. When Walmart started opening more stores in cities and towns across the area, people would take photos of cars with bumper stickers like Buy Union or Bye Bye America in Walmart parking lots.

Everybody wants the cheapest price no matter what.
i want a good home stereo. i could go PYLE and get cheap but i went marantz. i hunted like crazy to find the best deal, but i wanted quality at a good price. same for my speakers, car, tv, computer parts and the like. i don't just say "give me the cheapest" - i look for the best i can reasonably afford then try to find the best price on it.

OT - mmm how you liking that Marantz? I've got an Onkyo but it's flaking out on the SR satellite so I'm looking at an upgrade. [Eyeballing the AV7703 with Atmos]
love it. i had an older denon but it was only a couple of years old itself but i wanted the latest technology all around to match a new 65" LG OLED tv i just got. the denon was fine, just not that "dynamic" in sound.

i've had onkyo and looked hard at that brand but i kept finding people having problems with their boards internally and "flaking out", so i took them off the list. onkyo bought pioneer so they were off my list too. i've always wanted a marantz and went ahead and sprung for the 5012 that i found refurbished online for $650 shipped, same warranty as new, authorized dealer.

i couldn't say no. i can see a difference in my tv and my surround is much more noticable.

when spectrum came by to install their crap on my tv setup, the tech never heard of marantz. i shoulda booted him at the time. :)

and damn dude - you're not afraid to spend on a good tuner!

Chick, and it's for my computer. I'd have to agree with the other folks on the Onk; I've completely lost the left side speaker and I think the rear right is "intermittent" (every time I trouble shoot the damned thing it works, but I'm getting ganked far too often for it to be working correctly.)

I slummed it with [old school] Pioneer and Bose for the home theater, the bass was great for movies. We took the theater out last summer, husband wanted to watch TV in bed - now I've lost functionality of half my closet for a 70" Samsung its the stupidest looking shit ever, but we do like it.
chick - apologies. :) don't run into too many women spending that kinda change on a tuner. :)

denon and onkyo were fine but i just wanted the marantz.

No worries, it happens a lot as I'm an odd ball chick; gamer (pvp gamer no less,) coder, geek, nerd, and alpha personality.

That aside, I don't blame you one bit, Mara's hit a sweet spot between high end performance, reliability, and cost.
Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.


McDonalds can pay as much as they want being a private company and all. It's not and never should have been the Federal Government's job to dictate wages.
Why would anyone with half a brain want to make a "career" out of an entry level job at McDonalds or Walmart? Those jobs should be temporary. You have them while you acquire the skills to get a better paying job. You keep that job until you're ready to move up the ladder to another job! What part of that concept is it that so many of you on the left struggle with?

You're living in the past. The Globalists in both Parties have screwed American Workers. They sent so many good-paying career jobs out of the US. Folks now have to consider McDonalds and Walmart, career jobs that will support their families. It's what happens when you allow greedy Un-American Globalists to achieve absolute power.

The Globalists threw American Workers overboard years ago. So, the new reality is, those once-considered 'Shitty Part-time Temp Jobs', are now considered career jobs that folks need to survive on. Welcome to the wonderful 'Global Economy.' Isn't it awesome?

The only people that sent jobs out of the US were unions and American consumers. Unions demanded too much for their workers and the American consumers refused to pay for it.

Nah, Globalists in both Parties have no problem selling their fellow Americans out. And that's exactly what's happened the last several decades. Now folks are stuck trying to survive on shitty McDonalds and Walmart service jobs. That's the sad reality.

It's hardly a party thing at all. When Walmart started opening more stores in cities and towns across the area, people would take photos of cars with bumper stickers like Buy Union or Bye Bye America in Walmart parking lots.

Everybody wants the cheapest price no matter what.
i want a good home stereo. i could go PYLE and get cheap but i went marantz. i hunted like crazy to find the best deal, but i wanted quality at a good price. same for my speakers, car, tv, computer parts and the like. i don't just say "give me the cheapest" - i look for the best i can reasonably afford then try to find the best price on it.

And if you and I were the majority in this country, a lot of labor problems would be solved. I'm a truck driver and we lease through Penske. We get our fuel there because it's the best and the cheapest. After all, they would never buy second rate fuel and then pump it into their trucks that they have to repair.

But it's all full serve. The guy comes out and checks your oil, washes your windshield, if he has time, checks the tires, just like it used to be for cars in the 70's when I first started driving. I would be willing to pay 10 cents more per gallon of gasoline for full service, but at least in my state, there are no full service gas stations any longer. Somebody told me they still have those in Jersey, but I've never been to Jersey.
You're living in the past. The Globalists in both Parties have screwed American Workers. They sent so many good-paying career jobs out of the US. Folks now have to consider McDonalds and Walmart, career jobs that will support their families. It's what happens when you allow greedy Un-American Globalists to achieve absolute power.

The Globalists threw American Workers overboard years ago. So, the new reality is, those once-considered 'Shitty Part-time Temp Jobs', are now considered career jobs that folks need to survive on. Welcome to the wonderful 'Global Economy.' Isn't it awesome?

The only people that sent jobs out of the US were unions and American consumers. Unions demanded too much for their workers and the American consumers refused to pay for it.

Nah, Globalists in both Parties have no problem selling their fellow Americans out. And that's exactly what's happened the last several decades. Now folks are stuck trying to survive on shitty McDonalds and Walmart service jobs. That's the sad reality.

It's hardly a party thing at all. When Walmart started opening more stores in cities and towns across the area, people would take photos of cars with bumper stickers like Buy Union or Bye Bye America in Walmart parking lots.

Everybody wants the cheapest price no matter what.
i want a good home stereo. i could go PYLE and get cheap but i went marantz. i hunted like crazy to find the best deal, but i wanted quality at a good price. same for my speakers, car, tv, computer parts and the like. i don't just say "give me the cheapest" - i look for the best i can reasonably afford then try to find the best price on it.

And if you and I were the majority in this country, a lot of labor problems would be solved. I'm a truck driver and we lease through Penske. We get our fuel there because it's the best and the cheapest. After all, they would never buy second rate fuel and then pump it into their trucks that they have to repair.

But it's all full serve. The guy comes out and checks your oil, washes your windshield, if he has time, checks the tires, just like it used to be for cars in the 70's when I first started driving. I would be willing to pay 10 cents more per gallon of gasoline for full service, but at least in my state, there are no full service gas stations any longer. Somebody told me they still have those in Jersey, but I've never been to Jersey.
oregon has mandatory full serve also in areas
The only people that sent jobs out of the US were unions and American consumers. Unions demanded too much for their workers and the American consumers refused to pay for it.

Nah, Globalists in both Parties have no problem selling their fellow Americans out. And that's exactly what's happened the last several decades. Now folks are stuck trying to survive on shitty McDonalds and Walmart service jobs. That's the sad reality.

It's hardly a party thing at all. When Walmart started opening more stores in cities and towns across the area, people would take photos of cars with bumper stickers like Buy Union or Bye Bye America in Walmart parking lots.

Everybody wants the cheapest price no matter what.
i want a good home stereo. i could go PYLE and get cheap but i went marantz. i hunted like crazy to find the best deal, but i wanted quality at a good price. same for my speakers, car, tv, computer parts and the like. i don't just say "give me the cheapest" - i look for the best i can reasonably afford then try to find the best price on it.

And if you and I were the majority in this country, a lot of labor problems would be solved. I'm a truck driver and we lease through Penske. We get our fuel there because it's the best and the cheapest. After all, they would never buy second rate fuel and then pump it into their trucks that they have to repair.

But it's all full serve. The guy comes out and checks your oil, washes your windshield, if he has time, checks the tires, just like it used to be for cars in the 70's when I first started driving. I would be willing to pay 10 cents more per gallon of gasoline for full service, but at least in my state, there are no full service gas stations any longer. Somebody told me they still have those in Jersey, but I've never been to Jersey.
oregon has mandatory full serve also in areas

Mandated? By who, the state government?
Nah, Globalists in both Parties have no problem selling their fellow Americans out. And that's exactly what's happened the last several decades. Now folks are stuck trying to survive on shitty McDonalds and Walmart service jobs. That's the sad reality.

It's hardly a party thing at all. When Walmart started opening more stores in cities and towns across the area, people would take photos of cars with bumper stickers like Buy Union or Bye Bye America in Walmart parking lots.

Everybody wants the cheapest price no matter what.
i want a good home stereo. i could go PYLE and get cheap but i went marantz. i hunted like crazy to find the best deal, but i wanted quality at a good price. same for my speakers, car, tv, computer parts and the like. i don't just say "give me the cheapest" - i look for the best i can reasonably afford then try to find the best price on it.

And if you and I were the majority in this country, a lot of labor problems would be solved. I'm a truck driver and we lease through Penske. We get our fuel there because it's the best and the cheapest. After all, they would never buy second rate fuel and then pump it into their trucks that they have to repair.

But it's all full serve. The guy comes out and checks your oil, washes your windshield, if he has time, checks the tires, just like it used to be for cars in the 70's when I first started driving. I would be willing to pay 10 cents more per gallon of gasoline for full service, but at least in my state, there are no full service gas stations any longer. Somebody told me they still have those in Jersey, but I've never been to Jersey.
oregon has mandatory full serve also in areas

Mandated? By who, the state government?
yep. i googled it cause i couldn't believe it was true. not all of oregon but major cities i believe.
Once again, leftist claims proven to be lies.

From OP: "McDonalds' Higher Wages = Higher Sales..."

Two years later:
McDonald's to lay off U.S. employees in turnaround plan

The Wall Street Journal obtained an email that McDonald's President Chris Kempczinski sent to employees, suppliers and franchisees Wednesday saying the restaurant will restructure.

"I recognize that change is difficult, and that eliminating layers within our organization means some employees will ultimately exit our system," Kempczinski wrote.

Kempczinski did not specify the number of employees who to be laid off, but said he would provide more details next week.

The layoffs are part of the company's plan to reduce expenses by $500 million by the end of 2019.

Reduce expenses...

Reduce expenses...

Reduce expenses...

Keep fighting for fifteen when your work isn't worth that much.
Neither s executive compensation; but, hey; they are Worth it, under Any form of Capitalism, right.

A statutory minimum wage, is what, makes it worth it, for the rest of us.
Once again, leftist claims proven to be lies.

From OP: "McDonalds' Higher Wages = Higher Sales..."

Two years later:
McDonald's to lay off U.S. employees in turnaround plan

The Wall Street Journal obtained an email that McDonald's President Chris Kempczinski sent to employees, suppliers and franchisees Wednesday saying the restaurant will restructure.

"I recognize that change is difficult, and that eliminating layers within our organization means some employees will ultimately exit our system," Kempczinski wrote.

Kempczinski did not specify the number of employees who to be laid off, but said he would provide more details next week.

The layoffs are part of the company's plan to reduce expenses by $500 million by the end of 2019.

Reduce expenses...

Reduce expenses...

Reduce expenses...

Keep fighting for fifteen when your work isn't worth that much.
Neither s executive compensation; but, hey; they are Worth it, under Any form of Capitalism, right.

A statutory minimum wage, is what, makes it worth it, for the rest of us.
One that is linked to the Cost of Living so we don't have to vote on it again after enacting it.
The only people that sent jobs out of the US were unions and American consumers. Unions demanded too much for their workers and the American consumers refused to pay for it.

Nah, Globalists in both Parties have no problem selling their fellow Americans out. And that's exactly what's happened the last several decades. Now folks are stuck trying to survive on shitty McDonalds and Walmart service jobs. That's the sad reality.

It's hardly a party thing at all. When Walmart started opening more stores in cities and towns across the area, people would take photos of cars with bumper stickers like Buy Union or Bye Bye America in Walmart parking lots.

Everybody wants the cheapest price no matter what.
i want a good home stereo. i could go PYLE and get cheap but i went marantz. i hunted like crazy to find the best deal, but i wanted quality at a good price. same for my speakers, car, tv, computer parts and the like. i don't just say "give me the cheapest" - i look for the best i can reasonably afford then try to find the best price on it.

And if you and I were the majority in this country, a lot of labor problems would be solved. I'm a truck driver and we lease through Penske. We get our fuel there because it's the best and the cheapest. After all, they would never buy second rate fuel and then pump it into their trucks that they have to repair.

But it's all full serve. The guy comes out and checks your oil, washes your windshield, if he has time, checks the tires, just like it used to be for cars in the 70's when I first started driving. I would be willing to pay 10 cents more per gallon of gasoline for full service, but at least in my state, there are no full service gas stations any longer. Somebody told me they still have those in Jersey, but I've never been to Jersey.
oregon has mandatory full serve also in areas
Higher wages???
U.S. Inflation Accelerates to Six-Year High, Eroding Wages
U.S. inflation accelerated in May to the fastest pace in more than six years.
The $1.4 Trillion U.S. ‘Surplus’ That Trump’s Not Talking About
A other Trump victory, wages rising.

Of course the sales are increasing with a pro America president in the office. The same is happening everywhere. Higher wages and more sales!

America is greater.
Once again, leftist claims proven to be lies.

From OP: "McDonalds' Higher Wages = Higher Sales..."

Two years later:
McDonald's to lay off U.S. employees in turnaround plan

The Wall Street Journal obtained an email that McDonald's President Chris Kempczinski sent to employees, suppliers and franchisees Wednesday saying the restaurant will restructure.

"I recognize that change is difficult, and that eliminating layers within our organization means some employees will ultimately exit our system," Kempczinski wrote.

Kempczinski did not specify the number of employees who to be laid off, but said he would provide more details next week.

The layoffs are part of the company's plan to reduce expenses by $500 million by the end of 2019.

Reduce expenses...

Reduce expenses...

Reduce expenses...

Keep fighting for fifteen when your work isn't worth that much.
Neither s executive compensation; but, hey; they are Worth it, under Any form of Capitalism, right.

A statutory minimum wage, is what, makes it worth it, for the rest of us.

Why are you satisfied to get MW? It's not intended as a permanent thing. And don't even start your demanding welfare while calling it Unemployment Compensation routine.
Once again, leftist claims proven to be lies.

From OP: "McDonalds' Higher Wages = Higher Sales..."

Two years later:
McDonald's to lay off U.S. employees in turnaround plan

The Wall Street Journal obtained an email that McDonald's President Chris Kempczinski sent to employees, suppliers and franchisees Wednesday saying the restaurant will restructure.

"I recognize that change is difficult, and that eliminating layers within our organization means some employees will ultimately exit our system," Kempczinski wrote.

Kempczinski did not specify the number of employees who to be laid off, but said he would provide more details next week.

The layoffs are part of the company's plan to reduce expenses by $500 million by the end of 2019.

Reduce expenses...

Reduce expenses...

Reduce expenses...

Keep fighting for fifteen when your work isn't worth that much.
Neither s executive compensation; but, hey; they are Worth it, under Any form of Capitalism, right.

A statutory minimum wage, is what, makes it worth it, for the rest of us.

Statutory minimum wage makes those jobs disappear. What's that worth to "rest of you"?
Once again, leftist claims proven to be lies.

From OP: "McDonalds' Higher Wages = Higher Sales..."

Two years later:
McDonald's to lay off U.S. employees in turnaround plan

The Wall Street Journal obtained an email that McDonald's President Chris Kempczinski sent to employees, suppliers and franchisees Wednesday saying the restaurant will restructure.

"I recognize that change is difficult, and that eliminating layers within our organization means some employees will ultimately exit our system," Kempczinski wrote.

Kempczinski did not specify the number of employees who to be laid off, but said he would provide more details next week.

The layoffs are part of the company's plan to reduce expenses by $500 million by the end of 2019.

Reduce expenses...

Reduce expenses...

Reduce expenses...

Keep fighting for fifteen when your work isn't worth that much.
Neither s executive compensation; but, hey; they are Worth it, under Any form of Capitalism, right.

A statutory minimum wage, is what, makes it worth it, for the rest of us.

Why are you satisfied to get MW? It's not intended as a permanent thing. And don't even start your demanding welfare while calling it Unemployment Compensation routine.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage addresses the cost of living issue in most blue States, and especially California, which was rated at the bottom on a quality of life study.

Social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour by comparison. That is social service cost, by analogy.

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