McDonalds' Higher Wages = Higher Sales...

You completely ignored that the $30 the customers saved in your example was greater wealth for Wal-Mart's customers. Wherever that money went created jobs.

1) WalMart resells items. They don't create any value. So when they saved $30, they still got exactly the same things. They were wealthier.

2) The work as you pointed out went somewhere else, it didn't go away

3) The automation was going to happen anyway

4) Yes, the company that went under lost. But consumers a whole benefited and the economy overall benefited. Change is constant in capitalism. You win by embracing it, not fighting it. That's what we did as a country that made us the greatest economic power on the planet. Now we've succumbed to fear and fight change and have doomed ourselves to Europe's fate of stagnant growth

Correct, and it's going to keep going down this path until there are so few blue collar jobs left that they all pay minimum wage.

Producers can't make products that people won't buy, so it's entirely in the hands of the American consumer. If all we are going to buy is cheap products, then the only way American companies can compete with overseas companies is to pay labor as little as they can or invest in automation wiping out those blue collar jobs.

The way things are going, I'm glad I'll be off this planet in 40 years or less. I would hate to be a young person today with no ability to get a skill and purely dependent on blue collar work.

This argument right here is part of why Trump's pushing tariffs. He believes that it'll entice folks to buy from American companies if the foreign companies are made to charge more. It's like... the "buy American" (or "buy <state>") campaigns on steroids.

I'm kinda whatever on it all personally. I'm more a "national" free trade person than just free trade. I think we have every right to fight for American businesses to make as much profit from foreign sales as the foreign businesses make off american sales. Especially if the goal is to bring businesses back to America. If Trump hits the margins right businesses will have to choose between national economies as to where they base; and America will win that battle - which means more business tax dollars to our gov and more jobs for our peeps. Yes, there'll be a slight adjustment on prices, but I don't think that increase outweighs the, albeit hopeful, benefits to America when all is said and done.

I agree but I don't know if forcing the American people to buy American products is all that American. I would like to see a change in the American consumer; something along the lines of education on how other countries maintain their labor force by buying their own products.

In some ways we are the most generous country in the world, in other ways we are the most selfish. It's like we are mesmerized by getting goods at the lowest price no matter who suffers for it. I would like to see all products sold in this country have a huge stamp on the package saying where it was made. Nobody even looks at that when they go shopping. All they look at is the price.

That can work only as long as the product was entirely made in one country. Look into what it takes to produce a pencil. Products from around the world are combined to make it. The stamp on the package would be as big as the pencil itself.

In today's world, there are very few products that can truly claim to be made in any one country.

Basically, you can only say that final assembly was done in a certain country, and boycotting products assembled in a certain country could end up impacting another that contributed parts.

Let's say for example that you want to boycott toys assembled in China. What about the countries that produced the plastics used, or the presses that give the toys their shape? How about the paint suppliers? If those products are produced in another country, you're impacting them as well.

That's true, but even if part or most of it was made in the USA, that's a big help. As for buying products overseas to produce, that shouldn't be a problem either. If consumers are boycotting your product for that reason, get American suppliers.

I always try to buy American when possible. I don't go to self checkouts. I'm heading for grocery shopping right now, and I won't step foot in a self checkout line. I'll wait the extra time and have a cashier check me out. It keeps them working. I'm willing to pay a little more for my doughnuts to make sure somebody else has a job.

It's nice you do that, but you aren't costing the economy a job. The way to maximize jobs is economic efficiency. I realize people like putting a face to a job. You see a cashier, and that's a person to you. Knowing that saving an economically inefficient job costs more than a job is harder to envision when you can't put faces to those jobs. But it's true, it does.

That said, I'm not saying to use the automated lines. You're a good guy, you like people. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you probably enjoy meeting the cashier and feeling you are helping them. And you are. Which means you value the extra amount you're paying. You get something for it. So for you to do that is money well spent.

Similarly, if you value the personal interaction of buying a lamp from a downtown store and want to have a downtown store over Amazon, it's right for you to do that. If enough people value downtown stores, they will stay open. You're paying for something you value and are therefore getting your money's worth, that is always the optimal way to spend money. But it still doesn't create net jobs.

All I'm saying is that you're not net saving jobs. It's just not economic reality
Customers have no interest in what burger flippers make. There is no customer satisfaction when the kitchen crew gets a raise.

McDonalds will move to automation, like everyone else. Then there will be more articles about how happy customers are.

Customers SHOULD care that burger flippers are well compensated. YOU have a financial stake in their compensation packages.

If low-wage workers make enough money that they no longer qualify for food stamps, Medicaid, or Section 8 housing vouchers, YOUR TAXES GO DOWN.

Because your tax dollars are being used to pay for that burger flipper’s food stamps, medical care and housing. McDonalds makes a huge profit, and your tax dollars pay their workers.

After the government takes a chunk out to process all the paperwork.
Customers have no interest in what burger flippers make. There is no customer satisfaction when the kitchen crew gets a raise.

McDonalds will move to automation, like everyone else. Then there will be more articles about how happy customers are.

Customers SHOULD care that burger flippers are well compensated. YOU have a financial stake in their compensation packages.

If low-wage workers make enough money that they no longer qualify for food stamps, Medicaid, or Section 8 housing vouchers, YOUR TAXES GO DOWN.

Because your tax dollars are being used to pay for that burger flipper’s food stamps, medical care and housing. McDonalds makes a huge profit, and your tax dollars pay their workers.

After the government takes a chunk out to process all the paperwork.

True, which is why you vote conservatives in; to kick more people off of welfare. Then they will look harder for a better job.
Correct, and it's going to keep going down this path until there are so few blue collar jobs left that they all pay minimum wage.

Producers can't make products that people won't buy, so it's entirely in the hands of the American consumer. If all we are going to buy is cheap products, then the only way American companies can compete with overseas companies is to pay labor as little as they can or invest in automation wiping out those blue collar jobs.

The way things are going, I'm glad I'll be off this planet in 40 years or less. I would hate to be a young person today with no ability to get a skill and purely dependent on blue collar work.

This argument right here is part of why Trump's pushing tariffs. He believes that it'll entice folks to buy from American companies if the foreign companies are made to charge more. It's like... the "buy American" (or "buy <state>") campaigns on steroids.

I'm kinda whatever on it all personally. I'm more a "national" free trade person than just free trade. I think we have every right to fight for American businesses to make as much profit from foreign sales as the foreign businesses make off american sales. Especially if the goal is to bring businesses back to America. If Trump hits the margins right businesses will have to choose between national economies as to where they base; and America will win that battle - which means more business tax dollars to our gov and more jobs for our peeps. Yes, there'll be a slight adjustment on prices, but I don't think that increase outweighs the, albeit hopeful, benefits to America when all is said and done.

I agree but I don't know if forcing the American people to buy American products is all that American. I would like to see a change in the American consumer; something along the lines of education on how other countries maintain their labor force by buying their own products.

In some ways we are the most generous country in the world, in other ways we are the most selfish. It's like we are mesmerized by getting goods at the lowest price no matter who suffers for it. I would like to see all products sold in this country have a huge stamp on the package saying where it was made. Nobody even looks at that when they go shopping. All they look at is the price.

That can work only as long as the product was entirely made in one country. Look into what it takes to produce a pencil. Products from around the world are combined to make it. The stamp on the package would be as big as the pencil itself.

In today's world, there are very few products that can truly claim to be made in any one country.

Basically, you can only say that final assembly was done in a certain country, and boycotting products assembled in a certain country could end up impacting another that contributed parts.

Let's say for example that you want to boycott toys assembled in China. What about the countries that produced the plastics used, or the presses that give the toys their shape? How about the paint suppliers? If those products are produced in another country, you're impacting them as well.

That's true, but even if part or most of it was made in the USA, that's a big help. As for buying products overseas to produce, that shouldn't be a problem either. If consumers are boycotting your product for that reason, get American suppliers.

I always try to buy American when possible. I don't go to self checkouts. I'm heading for grocery shopping right now, and I won't step foot in a self checkout line. I'll wait the extra time and have a cashier check me out. It keeps them working. I'm willing to pay a little more for my doughnuts to make sure somebody else has a job.

It's nice you do that, but you aren't costing the economy a job. The way to maximize jobs is economic efficiency. I realize people like putting a face to a job. You see a cashier, and that's a person to you. Knowing that saving an economically inefficient job costs more than a job is harder to envision when you can't put faces to those jobs. But it's true, it does.

That said, I'm not saying to use the automated lines. You're a good guy, you like people. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you probably enjoy meeting the cashier and feeling you are helping them. And you are. Which means you value the extra amount you're paying. You get something for it. So for you to do that is money well spent.

Similarly, if you value the personal interaction of buying a lamp from a downtown store and want to have a downtown store over Amazon, it's right for you to do that. If enough people value downtown stores, they will stay open. You're paying for something you value and are therefore getting your money's worth, that is always the optimal way to spend money. But it still doesn't create net jobs.

All I'm saying is that you're not net saving jobs. It's just not economic reality

Sure you are. If they install five self serve machines for checkout, that's five people that have been replaced by a machine. If not for those machines, the store would need five people to service their customers.

We just don't have the "all for one and one for all" mentality anymore in this country. I remember years ago when a union store would go on strike. Just about nobody shopped there. It wasn't out of fear, it was out of solidarity with their fellow American workers. They knew pressuring the store to pay their workers more meant higher prices, but people were willing to pay those prices.

Back in the early 80's I went to do some last minute Christmas shopping. Nobody had the gift I was looking for except for this new discount store. When you went into the store, you had to look through their catalog, write down the item number and description, take that to the checkout and pay for it, then you stood in line behind the counter where employees on the other side were picking the merchandise off of the conveyer belt. It took forever.

Anyway there was this elderly gentleman looking at the chaos and shaking his head back and forth. He caught me staring and felt a need to explain. He said that in Europe, nobody cares about cheap, people care about quality. If you had a baseball, it was the best baseball money could buy. Over here he said, nobody cares about a good product. People in America want six cheap baseballs instead of just one good baseball. He said I love America. My daughter moved here and became an American. My grandchildren are American, but trust me, if your country continues in this direction, you will have serious problems later on.
Customers have no interest in what burger flippers make. There is no customer satisfaction when the kitchen crew gets a raise.

McDonalds will move to automation, like everyone else. Then there will be more articles about how happy customers are.

Customers SHOULD care that burger flippers are well compensated. YOU have a financial stake in their compensation packages.

If low-wage workers make enough money that they no longer qualify for food stamps, Medicaid, or Section 8 housing vouchers, YOUR TAXES GO DOWN.

Because your tax dollars are being used to pay for that burger flipper’s food stamps, medical care and housing. McDonalds makes a huge profit, and your tax dollars pay their workers.

After the government takes a chunk out to process all the paperwork.

It's just lala fantasy land that you believe businesses would pay people more than they are worth.

Note you aren't either. You're not paying those people, you want someone else, the business owner, to do it for you. Greed is the hallmark of the left
Bull shit. EVERY SINGLE TIME I go to McDonalds they cannot get my order right. No one ever asks me to take a survey.
Yes, they do.

You were there with me in my car? You heard them ask? Funny, I didn’t see you.'re not bright enough to look at your receipt, then. Noted.

I look at the total you idiot, I don’t care about the rest.

I can't believe he has the time to read his McDonald receipts. I'm with you on that, I'd never notice a survey on a receipt
Better Wages = Better Workers and a Better Economy

Those once considered 'shitty jobs' like McDonalds and Walmart, have become career jobs that support folks and their families. That wasn't the case in the past, but it is now. You can thank the Globalists in both major political parties for that. They shipped so many good-paying career jobs out of the country.

The new reality is, folks are now left scratching & clawing to survive on McDonalds and Walmart jobs. So, it's great seeing McDonalds cough up some more dough for its Workers. So many lives are depending on it. I might actually start chowing down on some Big Macs again. :thup:

Why would anyone with half a brain want to make a "career" out of an entry level job at McDonalds or Walmart? Those jobs should be temporary. You have them while you acquire the skills to get a better paying job. You keep that job until you're ready to move up the ladder to another job! What part of that concept is it that so many of you on the left struggle with?

You're living in the past. The Globalists in both Parties have screwed American Workers. They sent so many good-paying career jobs out of the US. Folks now have to consider McDonalds and Walmart, career jobs that will support their families. It's what happens when you allow greedy Un-American Globalists to achieve absolute power.

The Globalists threw American Workers overboard years ago. So, the new reality is, those once-considered 'Shitty Part-time Temp Jobs', are now considered career jobs that folks need to survive on. Welcome to the wonderful 'Global Economy.' Isn't it awesome?

The only people that sent jobs out of the US were unions and American consumers. Unions demanded too much for their workers and the American consumers refused to pay for it.

Nah, Globalists in both Parties have no problem selling their fellow Americans out. And that's exactly what's happened the last several decades. Now folks are stuck trying to survive on shitty McDonalds and Walmart service jobs. That's the sad reality.
This argument right here is part of why Trump's pushing tariffs. He believes that it'll entice folks to buy from American companies if the foreign companies are made to charge more. It's like... the "buy American" (or "buy <state>") campaigns on steroids.

I'm kinda whatever on it all personally. I'm more a "national" free trade person than just free trade. I think we have every right to fight for American businesses to make as much profit from foreign sales as the foreign businesses make off american sales. Especially if the goal is to bring businesses back to America. If Trump hits the margins right businesses will have to choose between national economies as to where they base; and America will win that battle - which means more business tax dollars to our gov and more jobs for our peeps. Yes, there'll be a slight adjustment on prices, but I don't think that increase outweighs the, albeit hopeful, benefits to America when all is said and done.

I agree but I don't know if forcing the American people to buy American products is all that American. I would like to see a change in the American consumer; something along the lines of education on how other countries maintain their labor force by buying their own products.

In some ways we are the most generous country in the world, in other ways we are the most selfish. It's like we are mesmerized by getting goods at the lowest price no matter who suffers for it. I would like to see all products sold in this country have a huge stamp on the package saying where it was made. Nobody even looks at that when they go shopping. All they look at is the price.

That can work only as long as the product was entirely made in one country. Look into what it takes to produce a pencil. Products from around the world are combined to make it. The stamp on the package would be as big as the pencil itself.

In today's world, there are very few products that can truly claim to be made in any one country.

Basically, you can only say that final assembly was done in a certain country, and boycotting products assembled in a certain country could end up impacting another that contributed parts.

Let's say for example that you want to boycott toys assembled in China. What about the countries that produced the plastics used, or the presses that give the toys their shape? How about the paint suppliers? If those products are produced in another country, you're impacting them as well.

That's true, but even if part or most of it was made in the USA, that's a big help. As for buying products overseas to produce, that shouldn't be a problem either. If consumers are boycotting your product for that reason, get American suppliers.

I always try to buy American when possible. I don't go to self checkouts. I'm heading for grocery shopping right now, and I won't step foot in a self checkout line. I'll wait the extra time and have a cashier check me out. It keeps them working. I'm willing to pay a little more for my doughnuts to make sure somebody else has a job.

It's nice you do that, but you aren't costing the economy a job. The way to maximize jobs is economic efficiency. I realize people like putting a face to a job. You see a cashier, and that's a person to you. Knowing that saving an economically inefficient job costs more than a job is harder to envision when you can't put faces to those jobs. But it's true, it does.

That said, I'm not saying to use the automated lines. You're a good guy, you like people. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you probably enjoy meeting the cashier and feeling you are helping them. And you are. Which means you value the extra amount you're paying. You get something for it. So for you to do that is money well spent.

Similarly, if you value the personal interaction of buying a lamp from a downtown store and want to have a downtown store over Amazon, it's right for you to do that. If enough people value downtown stores, they will stay open. You're paying for something you value and are therefore getting your money's worth, that is always the optimal way to spend money. But it still doesn't create net jobs.

All I'm saying is that you're not net saving jobs. It's just not economic reality

Sure you are. If they install five self serve machines for checkout, that's five people that have been replaced by a machine. If not for those machines, the store would need five people to service their customers.

We just don't have the "all for one and one for all" mentality anymore in this country. I remember years ago when a union store would go on strike. Just about nobody shopped there. It wasn't out of fear, it was out of solidarity with their fellow American workers. They knew pressuring the store to pay their workers more meant higher prices, but people were willing to pay those prices.

Back in the early 80's I went to do some last minute Christmas shopping. Nobody had the gift I was looking for except for this new discount store. When you went into the store, you had to look through their catalog, write down the item number and description, take that to the checkout and pay for it, then you stood in line behind the counter where employees on the other side were picking the merchandise off of the conveyer belt. It took forever.

Anyway there was this elderly gentleman looking at the chaos and shaking his head back and forth. He caught me staring and felt a need to explain. He said that in Europe, nobody cares about cheap, people care about quality. If you had a baseball, it was the best baseball money could buy. Over here he said, nobody cares about a good product. People in America want six cheap baseballs instead of just one good baseball. He said I love America. My daughter moved here and became an American. My grandchildren are American, but trust me, if your country continues in this direction, you will have serious problems later on.

People pay for what they value. If you value quality, you pay for quality. If you don't care about quality, you pay less and get cheap. I made that point strongly in my post. What you value and are willing to pay for is up to you. No one else. I said I support what you're doing because clearly it's what you value.

As for claiming that you're saving net jobs, again, I said you should pay for what you value. I said I supported everything you said other than your belief you're saving net jobs. On that, I'm not interested in arguing with you any more than a Democrat when you say the field of economics is wrong. What you keep ignoring in that equation is that when you pay less but get the exact same thing, you still have the money you didn't spend in your pocket. That is where the jobs come from.

Again, keep doing what you're doing. You want to do it. But that you're saving net jobs is economically wrong. It just is. It's not a question
Better Wages = Better Workers and a Better Economy

Those once considered 'shitty jobs' like McDonalds and Walmart, have become career jobs that support folks and their families. That wasn't the case in the past, but it is now. You can thank the Globalists in both major political parties for that. They shipped so many good-paying career jobs out of the country.

The new reality is, folks are now left scratching & clawing to survive on McDonalds and Walmart jobs. So, it's great seeing McDonalds cough up some more dough for its Workers. So many lives are depending on it. I might actually start chowing down on some Big Macs again. :thup:

Why would anyone with half a brain want to make a "career" out of an entry level job at McDonalds or Walmart? Those jobs should be temporary. You have them while you acquire the skills to get a better paying job. You keep that job until you're ready to move up the ladder to another job! What part of that concept is it that so many of you on the left struggle with?

You're living in the past. The Globalists in both Parties have screwed American Workers. They sent so many good-paying career jobs out of the US. Folks now have to consider McDonalds and Walmart, career jobs that will support their families. It's what happens when you allow greedy Un-American Globalists to achieve absolute power.

The Globalists threw American Workers overboard years ago. So, the new reality is, those once-considered 'Shitty Part-time Temp Jobs', are now considered career jobs that folks need to survive on. Welcome to the wonderful 'Global Economy.' Isn't it awesome?

The only people that sent jobs out of the US were unions and American consumers. Unions demanded too much for their workers and the American consumers refused to pay for it.

Nah, Globalists in both Parties have no problem selling their fellow Americans out. And that's exactly what's happened the last several decades. Now folks are stuck trying to survive on shitty McDonalds and Walmart service jobs. That's the sad reality.

It's hardly a party thing at all. When Walmart started opening more stores in cities and towns across the area, people would take photos of cars with bumper stickers like Buy Union or Bye Bye America in Walmart parking lots.

Everybody wants the cheapest price no matter what.
Better Wages = Better Workers and a Better Economy

Those once considered 'shitty jobs' like McDonalds and Walmart, have become career jobs that support folks and their families. That wasn't the case in the past, but it is now. You can thank the Globalists in both major political parties for that. They shipped so many good-paying career jobs out of the country.

The new reality is, folks are now left scratching & clawing to survive on McDonalds and Walmart jobs. So, it's great seeing McDonalds cough up some more dough for its Workers. So many lives are depending on it. I might actually start chowing down on some Big Macs again. :thup:

Why would anyone with half a brain want to make a "career" out of an entry level job at McDonalds or Walmart? Those jobs should be temporary. You have them while you acquire the skills to get a better paying job. You keep that job until you're ready to move up the ladder to another job! What part of that concept is it that so many of you on the left struggle with?

You're living in the past. The Globalists in both Parties have screwed American Workers. They sent so many good-paying career jobs out of the US. Folks now have to consider McDonalds and Walmart, career jobs that will support their families. It's what happens when you allow greedy Un-American Globalists to achieve absolute power.

The Globalists threw American Workers overboard years ago. So, the new reality is, those once-considered 'Shitty Part-time Temp Jobs', are now considered career jobs that folks need to survive on. Welcome to the wonderful 'Global Economy.' Isn't it awesome?

The only people that sent jobs out of the US were unions and American consumers. Unions demanded too much for their workers and the American consumers refused to pay for it.

Nah, Globalists in both Parties have no problem selling their fellow Americans out. And that's exactly what's happened the last several decades. Now folks are stuck trying to survive on shitty McDonalds and Walmart service jobs. That's the sad reality.

It's hardly a party thing at all. When Walmart started opening more stores in cities and towns across the area, people would take photos of cars with bumper stickers like Buy Union or Bye Bye America in Walmart parking lots.

Everybody wants the cheapest price no matter what.

Yup, Americans sold their souls to the Devil (Globalists). And now, this is what they have to live with. There's a very high price for low costs. And sadly, many American Workers know that all-too well.
Bull shit. EVERY SINGLE TIME I go to McDonalds they cannot get my order right. No one ever asks me to take a survey.
Yes, they do.

You were there with me in my car? You heard them ask? Funny, I didn’t see you.'re not bright enough to look at your receipt, then. Noted.

I look at the total you idiot, I don’t care about the rest.

I'm with you on this one (though I'm guilty of not even looking at the totals, much to my tight-wad husbands displeasure.)

I reject receipts anytime I can, and I'll make them throw it away because I don't want the trash in my car.
I don't mind if folks want cheap. I think it's a good thing to bring down costs and make stuff more affordable for the masses as it increases the quality of life globally. There's more than a few ways to do that though; one is to outsource to foreign nations for cheaper materials/products/etc, another is for new businesses to open up in American and sell/make x widgets. I suspect Trump, and certainly I myself, am hoping for the latter method for a while, vs for the past like 20ish years we've been operating under the former. Also, ya'll seem to forget that Trump's done more than just throw down tariff threats here, he's also thrown the doors to businesses wide open and now he's tightening down the thumbscrews on foreign nations who have for years out maneuvered America for jobs and money. I believe that he's done exactly what was needed to start another American "golden age." Once our economy ticks over a certain point, the other nations would be idiots not to get their fingers in the pie. It's time for America to stop redistributing our wealth to support the socialism of foreign nations.
Bull shit. EVERY SINGLE TIME I go to McDonalds they cannot get my order right. No one ever asks me to take a survey.
Yes, they do.

You were there with me in my car? You heard them ask? Funny, I didn’t see you.'re not bright enough to look at your receipt, then. Noted.

I look at the total you idiot, I don’t care about the rest.

I'm with you on this one (though I'm guilty of not even looking at the totals, much to my tight-wad husbands displeasure.)

I reject receipts anytime I can, and I'll make them throw it away because I don't want the trash in my car.

That's not smart. I always take the receipt, record it in my accounting software and put it in a file. Your way in the end the business can charge whatever they want and get away with it
Yes, they do.

You were there with me in my car? You heard them ask? Funny, I didn’t see you.'re not bright enough to look at your receipt, then. Noted.

I look at the total you idiot, I don’t care about the rest.

I'm with you on this one (though I'm guilty of not even looking at the totals, much to my tight-wad husbands displeasure.)

I reject receipts anytime I can, and I'll make them throw it away because I don't want the trash in my car.

That's not smart. I always take the receipt, record it in my accounting software and put it in a file. Your way in the end the business can charge whatever they want and get away with it

I'm not worried about McDonalds charging me an extra buck or five, as long as the right shit is in the bag and its hot, they can have it :p
You were there with me in my car? You heard them ask? Funny, I didn’t see you.'re not bright enough to look at your receipt, then. Noted.

I look at the total you idiot, I don’t care about the rest.

I'm with you on this one (though I'm guilty of not even looking at the totals, much to my tight-wad husbands displeasure.)

I reject receipts anytime I can, and I'll make them throw it away because I don't want the trash in my car.

That's not smart. I always take the receipt, record it in my accounting software and put it in a file. Your way in the end the business can charge whatever they want and get away with it

I'm not worried about McDonalds charging me an extra buck or five, as long as the right shit is in the bag and its hot, they can have it :p

Sort of like your view with politicians. They can take whatever they want as long as the check is in the mail, huh?'re not bright enough to look at your receipt, then. Noted.

I look at the total you idiot, I don’t care about the rest.

I'm with you on this one (though I'm guilty of not even looking at the totals, much to my tight-wad husbands displeasure.)

I reject receipts anytime I can, and I'll make them throw it away because I don't want the trash in my car.

That's not smart. I always take the receipt, record it in my accounting software and put it in a file. Your way in the end the business can charge whatever they want and get away with it

I'm not worried about McDonalds charging me an extra buck or five, as long as the right shit is in the bag and its hot, they can have it :p

Sort of like your view with politicians. They can take whatever they want as long as the check is in the mail, huh?

Not sure where you're getting that idea. I hate politicians.
Yes, they do.

You were there with me in my car? You heard them ask? Funny, I didn’t see you.'re not bright enough to look at your receipt, then. Noted.

I look at the total you idiot, I don’t care about the rest.

I'm with you on this one (though I'm guilty of not even looking at the totals, much to my tight-wad husbands displeasure.)

I reject receipts anytime I can, and I'll make them throw it away because I don't want the trash in my car.

That's not smart. I always take the receipt, record it in my accounting software and put it in a file. Your way in the end the business can charge whatever they want and get away with it

You need a hobby.

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