McDonalds' Higher Wages = Higher Sales...

The ignorance and stupidity of American right wingers knows no bounds.

The US is the only first world country in the world where the middle class subsidizes the low wages of manual labourers through social spending. It is such an economically draining and stupid system but Americans refuse to give it up. All while complaining about the the level of social spending.

We'll be happy to give up social spending. Remember it's the Democrats who rely on government dependents, and that's why they try to put or keep as many on the dole as possible. Years ago most people couldn't afford to live on welfare and food stamps. Today they can.

"When you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't."
Rush Limbaugh

Most of US social spending could be eliminated by raising the minimum wage. But that would be logical and cheaper than the current system so of course the idiot right opposes it.

We oppose government running private industry. If you want government running industry, move to Cuba or North Korea.

Minimum wage workers are less than 5% of our workforce, and most of those people eventually make more than minimum wage in less than a year if they stay at the same job. People who are on the dole want to stay there, so even if you raised minimum wage, all they would do is work less hours to keep their stipends. I've seen this at customers of ours who use temporary services. When they get busy, they ask the temps if they could work more hours. Most of them refuse. Why? Because then they would get less in their food stamp allowance.
Results are the same regardless

That is where you are wrong. When government sticks its nose into things, the results are pretty much always worse. For example....look at the transgender bathroom nonsense in NC. Could have simply left it alone and let businesses decide how to solve their own problems. But the government had to get involved, and now it's illegal for a father to take his three year old daughter into a public bathroom when she has to make potty.

No its not...stop being fucking silly. The results are the same like I said.

You can tell me WHY your reason to be against it is different but it all leads to the same conclusion.

Right wingers hate having the government tell them to do anything. It impinges on their “freedom”.

To hell with rights of workers to receive a living age for their labour.

No one has a right to a living wage. That's something entirely made up by socialist morons.

The ignorance and stupidity of American right wingers knows no bounds.

The US is the only first world country in the world where the middle class subsidizes the low wages of manual labourers through social spending. It is such an economically draining and stupid system but Americans refuse to give it up. All while complaining about the the level of social spending.

Most of US social spending could be eliminated by raising the minimum wage. But that would be logical and cheaper than the current system so of course the idiot right opposes it.

Hey dumbass, we need to stop the social spending. Like I said, socialist morons.
That is where you are wrong. When government sticks its nose into things, the results are pretty much always worse. For example....look at the transgender bathroom nonsense in NC. Could have simply left it alone and let businesses decide how to solve their own problems. But the government had to get involved, and now it's illegal for a father to take his three year old daughter into a public bathroom when she has to make potty.

No its not...stop being fucking silly. The results are the same like I said.

You can tell me WHY your reason to be against it is different but it all leads to the same conclusion.

Right wingers hate having the government tell them to do anything. It impinges on their “freedom”.

To hell with rights of workers to receive a living age for their labour.

No one has a right to a living wage. That's something entirely made up by socialist morons.

The ignorance and stupidity of American right wingers knows no bounds.

The US is the only first world country in the world where the middle class subsidizes the low wages of manual labourers through social spending. It is such an economically draining and stupid system but Americans refuse to give it up. All while complaining about the the level of social spending.

Most of US social spending could be eliminated by raising the minimum wage. But that would be logical and cheaper than the current system so of course the idiot right opposes it.

No kidding, for some reason you don't feel raising the minimum wage would raise the price of just about everything. Which in turn will raise the poverty line. And we're the ignorant ones.

Because she knows nothing at all about economics.
Once again you confuse opposition to government mandating of something with opposition to the actual item in question.

Results are the same regardless

That is where you are wrong. When government sticks its nose into things, the results are pretty much always worse. For example....look at the transgender bathroom nonsense in NC. Could have simply left it alone and let businesses decide how to solve their own problems. But the government had to get involved, and now it's illegal for a father to take his three year old daughter into a public bathroom when she has to make potty.

No its not...stop being fucking silly. The results are the same like I said.

You can tell me WHY your reason to be against it is different but it all leads to the same conclusion.

Right wingers hate having the government tell them to do anything. It impinges on their “freedom”.

To hell with rights of workers to receive a living age for their labour.

If a living wage is a right, then that right has to be written somewhere. Have a link to that?
Pay amount always equates to greater effort. If one pays minimum wage one doesn't expect good productive effort. It is that simple.
Results are the same regardless

That is where you are wrong. When government sticks its nose into things, the results are pretty much always worse. For example....look at the transgender bathroom nonsense in NC. Could have simply left it alone and let businesses decide how to solve their own problems. But the government had to get involved, and now it's illegal for a father to take his three year old daughter into a public bathroom when she has to make potty.

No its not...stop being fucking silly. The results are the same like I said.

You can tell me WHY your reason to be against it is different but it all leads to the same conclusion.

Right wingers hate having the government tell them to do anything. It impinges on their “freedom”.

To hell with rights of workers to receive a living age for their labour.

No one has a right to a living wage. That's something entirely made up by socialist morons.

The ignorance and stupidity of American right wingers knows no bounds.

The US is the only first world country in the world where the middle class subsidizes the low wages of manual labourers through social spending. It is such an economically draining and stupid system but Americans refuse to give it up. All while complaining about the the level of social spending.

Most of US social spending could be eliminated by raising the minimum wage. But that would be logical and cheaper than the current system so of course the idiot right opposes it.

Really? How much do the workers KFC in Canada make? Don't lie. I worked in Canada for over a year.
It is not possible to live in minimum wage. That being said places that pay it DO NOT WANT good hard working people to apply. So if you don't want a poverty wage don't apply.
Pay amount always equates to greater effort. If one pays minimum wage one doesn't expect good productive effort. It is that simple.
You've got the cause and effect backwards. Employers pay more for employees who produce more, not the other way around.
It is not possible to live in minimum wage. That being said places that pay it DO NOT WANT good hard working people to apply. So if you don't want a poverty wage don't apply.

I've had tenants who made minimum wage. Granted one person could never afford an apartment, but two or three people can. They just have to work more hours than people who make a higher wage.
Pay amount always equates to greater effort. If one pays minimum wage one doesn't expect good productive effort. It is that simple.

No it does not. There have been studies on it where pay increases didn't equal greater work output. However one study did show that if an employer gives a gift, let's say a bonus of some sort, that did produce higher work output for a short period of time, maybe a week or two.
You are correct. My point is that if an employee pays 7.25 per hour expects little to no effort.
Any decent worker slows productivity for a lower wage and increased productivity for a higher wage. Unless they are really really dumb. Employers today aren't interested in retaining good workers because the re are so many hard workers to replace them. This is a great time for businesses because it's so easy to find really hard working young people.
Right wingers hate having the government tell them to do anything. It impinges on their “freedom”.

To hell with rights of workers to receive a living age for their labour.

No one has a right to a living wage. That's something entirely made up by socialist morons.

The ignorance and stupidity of American right wingers knows no bounds.

The US is the only first world country in the world where the middle class subsidizes the low wages of manual labourers through social spending. It is such an economically draining and stupid system but Americans refuse to give it up. All while complaining about the the level of social spending.

Most of US social spending could be eliminated by raising the minimum wage. But that would be logical and cheaper than the current system so of course the idiot right opposes it.

No kidding, for some reason you don't feel raising the minimum wage would raise the price of just about everything. Which in turn will raise the poverty line. And we're the ignorant ones.

History tells us your theory is a lie. Bill Clinton raised the minimum wage and unemployment fell. So did social spending.

In the 1950’s, minimum wage provided a modest roof over your head, and three squares a day. A basic living. Now you need a second job, food stamps and Section 8 to get the same basic living. Think of the costs of processing all the paperwork and payments involved. It would be much cheaper all the way around if companies simply paid their employees the double the current minimum wage without all of the intervening paperwork and the associated costs.

If minimum wage back then could have provided all you said, why did we need Section 8 at the first place?

I have no idea. American public assistance programs are heavy on oversight and administration because Ametucans are terrified that someone may cheat the system. So they spend twice as much as necessary on administration to make sure that doesn’t happen.
Any decent worker slows productivity for a lower wage and increased productivity for a higher wage. Unless they are really really dumb. Employers today aren't interested in retaining good workers because the re are so many hard workers to replace them. This is a great time for businesses because it's so easy to find really hard working young people.

That's not true at all. There is a huge labor shortage in this country right now. We have more jobs than we have workers to fill them.

But keep believing there are an endless supply of hard workers out there:

The U.S. labor shortage is reaching a critical point

Thank you Donald John Trump!
Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.



Better wages, less worse workers, better experience eating crap product (possibly made from plastic).
That is where you are wrong. When government sticks its nose into things, the results are pretty much always worse. For example....look at the transgender bathroom nonsense in NC. Could have simply left it alone and let businesses decide how to solve their own problems. But the government had to get involved, and now it's illegal for a father to take his three year old daughter into a public bathroom when she has to make potty.

No its not...stop being fucking silly. The results are the same like I said.

You can tell me WHY your reason to be against it is different but it all leads to the same conclusion.

Right wingers hate having the government tell them to do anything. It impinges on their “freedom”.

To hell with rights of workers to receive a living age for their labour.

No one has a right to a living wage. That's something entirely made up by socialist morons.

The ignorance and stupidity of American right wingers knows no bounds.

The US is the only first world country in the world where the middle class subsidizes the low wages of manual labourers through social spending. It is such an economically draining and stupid system but Americans refuse to give it up. All while complaining about the the level of social spending.

Most of US social spending could be eliminated by raising the minimum wage. But that would be logical and cheaper than the current system so of course the idiot right opposes it.

No kidding, for some reason you don't feel raising the minimum wage would raise the price of just about everything. Which in turn will raise the poverty line. And we're the ignorant ones.
Tie the living wage to the cost of living.
Problem solved.
History tells us your theory is a lie. Bill Clinton raised the minimum wage and unemployment fell. So did social spending.

No, history tells us that Welfare Reform worked and that Clinton presided in the technology era which provided tons of jobs. It had nothing to do with minimum wage. Please explain the dynamics of how raising minimum wage created more jobs. Dying to hear this one.

In the 1950’s, minimum wage provided a modest roof over your head, and three squares a day. A basic living. Now you need a second job, food stamps and Section 8 to get the same basic living. Think of the costs of processing all the paperwork and payments involved. It would be much cheaper all the way around if companies simply paid their employees the double the current minimum wage without all of the intervening paperwork and the associated costs.

So why don't companies pay all their workers six figure salaries while they're at it? And when they do, are you going to buy any of their products when cheaper foreign made products are next to them for less than half the price?

You leftist don't have a clue how business works, not even an inkling.
/——/ Leftist think a Corporation is just a jobs program.
Higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

Workers idled because their labor is not worth the minimum wage pay negative taxes and create little demand. But you knew that.
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Right wingers hate having the government tell them to do anything. It impinges on their “freedom”.

To hell with rights of workers to receive a living age for their labour.

No one has a right to a living wage. That's something entirely made up by socialist morons.

The ignorance and stupidity of American right wingers knows no bounds.

The US is the only first world country in the world where the middle class subsidizes the low wages of manual labourers through social spending. It is such an economically draining and stupid system but Americans refuse to give it up. All while complaining about the the level of social spending.

Most of US social spending could be eliminated by raising the minimum wage. But that would be logical and cheaper than the current system so of course the idiot right opposes it.

No kidding, for some reason you don't feel raising the minimum wage would raise the price of just about everything. Which in turn will raise the poverty line. And we're the ignorant ones.

History tells us your theory is a lie. Bill Clinton raised the minimum wage and unemployment fell. So did social spending.

In the 1950’s, minimum wage provided a modest roof over your head, and three squares a day. A basic living. Now you need a second job, food stamps and Section 8 to get the same basic living. Think of the costs of processing all the paperwork and payments involved. It would be much cheaper all the way around if companies simply paid their employees the double the current minimum wage without all of the intervening paperwork and the associated costs.

Great, we're now resorting to subjective terms (i.e. modest roof and a basic living). With today's minimum wages you can still get a modest roof over you head and three squares a day. Although your definition of a modest roof and three squares is probably not the same as it was in the 50's.

You can’t pay rent and buy food on today’s minimum wage. Even in a small town you need a second job.

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