McDonald's president who made $7.4 million last year says proposal to pay fast-food workers $22 an hour is 'costly and job-destroying'

Pure stupidity. Democrats fail to understand that it's the consumer that ends up paying. This is one of the reasons cost of living is so high in commie states compared to American states.

If $22.00 an hour is good, then $30.00 an hour is better. If $30.00 and hour is better, then $40.00 an hour is great.

Maybe when robots are making my Big Mac combo, it will end up looking like the sandwich they run on commercials instead of the slopped up burger I usually get from these flunkies.

People shouldn't have to work two jobs just so others can continue to have a cheap burger.
And he's 100% correct! $22.00 an hour for entry level burger flippers is ridiculous!

'Business Insider' is a leftwing site, and they're doing their best to guilt-trip anyone who opposes paying these kind of entry level wages.

7 that's it?
That low for a guy in his position...I'm sure thiers Ton's of perks
He's gotta have stocks and other assets I'm sure
Thought I was the only one that didn't like the over abundance of blacks in advertising. I don't give companies money that use them too much.

It's odd, I actually will notice if a commercial has all white people in it now a days.
Kind of hard to get black folks to participate in Klan or white supremacist oriented commercials.
Pure stupidity. Democrats fail to understand that it's the consumer that ends up paying. This is one of the reasons cost of living is so high in commie states compared to American states.

If $22.00 an hour is good, then $30.00 an hour is better. If $30.00 and hour is better, then $40.00 an hour is great.

Maybe when robots are making my Big Mac combo, it will end up looking like the sandwich they run on commercials instead of the slopped up burger I usually get from these flunkies.

Twenty five years ago I was earning $50 an hour plus incentive bonuses.
Thought I was the only one that didn't like the over abundance of blacks in advertising. I don't give companies money that use them too much.

It's odd, I actually will notice if a commercial has all white people in it now a days.
It is like those idiots don't want to market to White people.

If they only want the Negroes to buy their products then fine. If a Negro is pushing a product then it is obviously not for me.
Well then don't hire. And why are they offering that? Is so.eo e forcing them to offer that?

You obviously didn't read the article. If this bill becomes law, the state of California will be "forcing" them to pay it.
And he's 100% correct! $22.00 an hour for entry level burger flippers is ridiculous!

'Business Insider' is a leftwing site, and they're doing their best to guilt-trip anyone who opposes paying these kind of entry level wages.

The thing is the real impact is to the people who own the franchises, most of whom aren't as well off as the CEO of McDonald's corporate.
If the people of a state vote for something and I do not live in that state I'm not sure why it's any of my business or why I should care.
Californians voted against gay marriage not so very long ago [late 90's?] [ I think it was prop 8] did you care about that? I did, [the courts over turned/nullified it ruling it unconstitutional], but the entire country was taking sides, in fact you are the first and only person so far whom I've heard of that doesn't/didn't care about it.

In any case this California minimum wage doesn't require participation in order for comment or opinions on it and the pros and cons of if should be debated not ignored.
People shouldn't have to work two jobs just so others can continue to have a cheap burger.

What does working two jobs have to do with it? I never mentioned two jobs.

You people think that lower paying jobs is something we invented about ten years ago. I'm 62 now and there were low paying jobs all of my life. I know because I worked several of them. You can't support yourself on minimum wage today and you couldn't in the 80's either. Nothing has changed.
And he's 100% correct! $22.00 an hour for entry level burger flippers is ridiculous!

'Business Insider' is a leftwing site, and they're doing their best to guilt-trip anyone who opposes paying these kind of entry level wages.

I have a theory

When the economy is strong and unemployment low, service and food quality at fast food restaurants goes in the toilet as the Mc's of the world hire the absolute bottom of the barrel for their jobs.

Raise the pay and get better employees. Imagine as a business
Lowering theft
Lowering loss costs
Having people show up sober and on time
Increasing quality of the product

Maybe Mr McDonald should be forced to eat at his restaurants for 6 months or so.
I have a theory

When the economy is strong and unemployment low, service and food quality at fast food restaurants goes in the toilet as the Mc's of the world hire the absolute bottom of the barrel for their jobs.

Raise the pay and get better employees. Imagine as a business
Lowering theft
Lowering loss costs
Having people show up sober and on time
Increasing quality of the product

Maybe Mr McDonald should be forced to eat at his restaurants for 6 months or so.

Restaurants are in competition with each other so they all try to pay as low as possible to keep their prices down. If all FF workers were paid $22.00 an hour, imagine what your Big Mac combo would cost or a Whopper meal. It costs quite a bit now since covid and it will only get worse as time goes on.
Holy hell, $22 an hour?? I'm making that right now slaving away at 12 hour factory shifts loading trucks... What's to stop me from moving to a burger flipper job and leaving the manufacturing scene then?
For the extra money the restaurant would rightly expect a better performing employee.
If you meet that requirement, great.
If the manufacturing job wants you then they would have to offer incentives, higher wages.

I don't see your issue with this.
They pay as little as possible to maximize profits.
Your understanding of economics is flawed.

Not at all. Of course they want to make profit. That's the idea of having a business in the first place. But there is only so much profit one can make while staying nose to nose with competitors.

Labor and benefits is the largest expenditure for most any business. You try to get the labor done paying the least just like you or I do when we hire a mechanic, a plumber, a lawn care company. Businesses don't do anything different than what we do.

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