McDonald's president who made $7.4 million last year says proposal to pay fast-food workers $22 an hour is 'costly and job-destroying'

People shouldn't have to work two jobs just so others can continue to have a cheap burger.
If one of your jobs is a kid's job flipping burgers or manning a cash register, you should expect to need at least two jobs if you plan on any kind of lifestyle.
If one of your jobs is a kid's job flipping burgers or manning a cash register, you should expect to need at least two jobs if you plan on any kind of lifestyle.

They used to be those kinds of jobs. Manufacturing jobs that paid well went overseas. Farm jobs get done by illegals.
Where a guaranteed minimum income will be instituted. You pay one way or the other.
Minimum income for the machine? Or you think we should pay the people replaced by the machines due to unreasonable pay requirements money to do nothing?
Minimum income for the machine? Or you think we should pay the people replaced by the machines due to unreasonable pay requirements money to do nothing?

Matter none what I think. It's going to happen. There are no other alternatives.
If one of your jobs is a kid's job flipping burgers or manning a cash register, you should expect to need at least two jobs if you plan on any kind of lifestyle.
The question is whether people should be allowed to work a job for less than what someone else thinks is "minimal". Why should that be illegal?
Just think how much more profit they could make if they just paid the workers 4 dollars an hour..and then got the rest of the fast food industry to pay similar wages.....lowering the min wage is the only way to protect our future

I don't know of any place that offers minimum wage and gets employees. Here Target announced they will pay up to $20.00 an hour and they still can't find people.
They used to be those kinds of jobs. Manufacturing jobs that paid well went overseas. Farm jobs get done by illegals.
That doesn't change anything about the McDonald's job. Another peek into the liberal mind.
I really don't get why every single job must provide a "living wage" (whatever that's supposed to mean). If I want to work for less that what someone else thinks is "minimal", why is that problem? Why is it anyone else's business?
I agree. At the same time, it's not a problem whatsoever if those jobs don't get filled.
That doesn't change anything about the McDonald's job. Another peek into the liberal mind.

Am I a liberal because I am pro-life? Because I fully support the 2nd? Because I believe we need to balance the budget? Because I support not raising the debt ceiling? Maybe it's my support of the Electoral college? Maybe it's my support of leaving Supreme Court justices at 9? I know, it's because I have never once vote for a (D) for president?

I know, it's because I believe people who work should make a wage that allows them to live off it.

If that's it, what is that saying about "Conservatives"?
Am I a liberal because I am pro-life? Because I fully support the 2nd? Because I believe we need to balance the budget? Because I support not raising the debt ceiling? Maybe it's my support of the Electoral college? Maybe it's my support of leaving Supreme Court justices at 9? I know, it's because I have never once vote for a (D) for president?

I know, it's because I believe people who work should make a wage that allows them to live off it.

If that's it, what is that saying about "Conservatives"?
Komrade, it's because of your ridiculous view of economics. Liberal is being generous, perhaps.
Forcing peoe to take these jobs is not good. These jobs don't need workers. It IS that simple.
There are no alternatives to paying people to be lazy? Who’s going to fund that exactly?

If there are no jobs, are people really being lazy for not working jobs that don't exist?

Why must people have to hold people's hands to get them through this.

The jobs are automated. The jobs are no longer there but the people still are.
If there are no jobs, are people really being lazy for not working jobs that don't exist?
Those jobs are going away because they require zero skill to perform and the workers are demanding so much in compensation that it makes automation affordable. The reason their wages are low is because anyone off the street can do their job. How long does it really take to learn to run the register at Mc Donald’s? Or to assemble a Big Mac? Why on earth anyone would think that is worth 22 an hour is nuts. The starting salary for a physical therapist is 27 an hour. You have to go to school for 8 years to get your doctorate to be a PT. They are only worth 5 more dollars an hour?

So no I don’t think we should be paying for people who are too fucking lazy to acquire a skill so that they can support themselves.

Become an electrician, carpenter, plumber, surgical technician, brick mason, learn to code, whatever. Flipping burgers isn’t a career, it’s a part time job for a high schooler. If you’re too lazy to put your big boy pants on and get a real job, that’s too bad but it’s not my problem. Go talk to mommy maybe you can live in her basement.
Why must people have to hold people's hands to get them through this.

The jobs are automated. The jobs are no longer there but the people still are.
Oh and I’ll ask again who exactly is going to fund this bullshit?
Those jobs are going away because they require zero skill to perform and the workers are demanding so much in compensation that it makes automation affordable. The reason their wages are low is because anyone off the street can do their job. How long does it really take to learn to run the register at Mc Donald’s? Or to assemble a Big Mac? Why on earth anyone would think that is worth 22 an hour is nuts. The starting salary for a physical therapist is 27 an hour. You have to go to school for 8 years to get your doctorate to be a PT. They are only worth 5 more dollars an hour?

Your post reminds me of something I experienced years ago back in the early 80's. I worked for a medical outfit that was constructing a pharmacy; not one for public use like CVS, but one for our patients that used various drugs. At the time UPS was on strike. After our weekly Monday morning meeting, we gathered around the coffee pot as we always did and somebody struck up a conversation of the UPS strike.

As we discussed it, our newest employee, a pharmacist that was overseeing the construction quietly stood there saying nothing. She left abruptly and we all looked at each other as if to say "WTF did I say wrong?" The coffee crowd went back to work and I was the last one at the coffee pot when the pharmacist returned.

In her hand was her pharmacy magazine. Highlighted was a UPS article. In the article it stated that senior UPS drivers made $58,000 a year. A starting pharmacist made $62,000. She said "Do you know what I went through to become a pharmacist? Do you know what my parents went through? And I went through all that to make a few thousand dollars more than the guy that drops off our packages??? Had I known that, I would be there (pointing to our overhead garage door) delivering our packages today!"
And yet you can't explain yourself.
OK I will give you one chance to explain your thinking. Here is the context.
If one of your jobs is a kid's job flipping burgers or manning a cash register, you should expect to need at least two jobs if you plan on any kind of lifestyle.

They used to be those kinds of jobs. Manufacturing jobs that paid well went overseas. Farm jobs get done by illegals.

Your conclusion is that since other jobs left, then McDonald's jobs should magically pay more.

Explain why.
Those jobs are going away because they require zero skill to perform and the workers are demanding so much in compensation that it makes automation affordable. The reason their wages are low is because anyone off the street can do their job. How long does it really take to learn to run the register at Mc Donald’s? Or to assemble a Big Mac? Why on earth anyone would think that is worth 22 an hour is nuts. The starting salary for a physical therapist is 27 an hour. You have to go to school for 8 years to get your doctorate to be a PT. They are only worth 5 more dollars an hour?

So no I don’t think we should be paying for people who are too fucking lazy to acquire a skill so that they can support themselves.

Become an electrician, carpenter, plumber, surgical technician, brick mason, learn to code, whatever. Flipping burgers isn’t a career, it’s a part time job for a high schooler. If you’re too lazy to put your big boy pants on and get a real job, that’s too bad but it’s not my problem. Go talk to mommy maybe you can live in her basement.

If everyone become a therapist, the job would pay minimum wage. Once again, you are living in the past. It was a part time job back when people could get factory jobs. Now those jobs are now overseas.

Oh and I’ll ask again who exactly is going to fund this bullshit?

Society will, there will be no other choice.

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