McEnany: Blaming the Prez for the riots is “like the arsonist blaming the firefighter”

How many times have you heard the blob say the same shit you guys say here daily..."democrat states" or "democrat cities"

Is he wrong? Why shouldn't he point that out to the American people? Why do you have an issue with the truth? These riots are directly the result of local government allowing them to continue. Ted Wheeler was out there marching with them not that long ago. Jenny Durkan said CHAZ was a "summer of love" just before two people got shot and killed and then her city council decided to defund the police. Jacob Frey and Tim Waltz stood around for two days with their thumb up their ass while Minneapolis burned to the ground. Di Blasio did nothing as rioters rampaged through New York City and the police in that city have been attacked for months and been given direction to stand down. Hell, even Andrew Cuomo made a remark about considering having to remove him as the mayor. Lori Lightfoot also did nothing as Chicago rioters vandalized and looted downtown until they showed up in her neighborhood. Then she had the police put a stop to it.

These ARE violent leftists engaging in this unrest and they are doing it with the default approval of their local Democrat leaders. Why don't the American people deserve to know that? Where is all the red state violence at? You'll notice there isn't a whole lot out there. There is a definitive contrast between the two parties when it comes to law and order and it would appear that today's Democratic Party is now the party lawlessness.

What is missing is having an adult in the White House.

Not disagreeing with you there, but he's not wrong on this. You're in gross denial or you're blatantly lying.
How many times have you heard the blob say the same shit you guys say here daily..."democrat states" or "democrat cities"

Is he wrong? Why shouldn't he point that out to the American people? Why do you have an issue with the truth? These riots are directly the result of local government allowing them to continue. Ted Wheeler was out there marching with them not that long ago. Jenny Durkan said CHAZ was a "summer of love" just before two people got shot and killed and then her city council decided to defund the police. Jacob Frey and Tim Waltz stood around for two days with their thumb up their ass while Minneapolis burned to the ground. Di Blasio did nothing as rioters rampaged through New York City and the police in that city have been attacked for months and been given direction to stand down. Hell, even Andrew Cuomo made a remark about considering having to remove him as the mayor. Lori Lightfoot also did nothing as Chicago rioters vandalized and looted downtown until they showed up in her neighborhood. Then she had the police put a stop to it.

These ARE violent leftists engaging in this unrest and they are doing it with the default approval of their local Democrat leaders. Why don't the American people deserve to know that? Where is all the red state violence at? You'll notice there isn't a whole lot out there. There is a definitive contrast between the two parties when it comes to law and order and it would appear that today's Democratic Party is now the party lawlessness.

What is missing is having an adult in the White House.

Not disagreeing with you there, but he's not wrong on this. You're in gross denial or you're blatantly lying.

And Obama said the police "acted stupidly" when they arrested a guy for going into his own home which lead to the "beer summit".

If he had doubled down and continually said stuff like that every time the police went over the line...where would that have lead? That is what Trump is doing.

Being right is great.

But if it leads to more distrust, more violence, less understanding, and less safety...what good is it?
They're happening on his watch. He's doing nothing to quell them.

What should he be doing?

Calling for calm.
Coordinating with local officials on how to enhance their police presence instead of calling them names
Actually denouncing the armed militias showing up.
Denouncing vigilantes.

He has been calling local officials and most of the time they have been refusing help. Portland has had these riots going on for three months and they won't accept assistance. Seattle wouldn't accept assistance for CHAZ. When the president sent federal law enforcement in to protect the federal building in Portland they had a fit about it and you all called him a dictator.

He also said in an interview with Laura Ingraham two days ago that he does not want people heading into these war zones and confronting protesters.

What's missing here?

Whats missing.

After a disaster or public unrest or is what you've seen from past Presidents:

Here is Bush with the governor during the Katrina response:
View attachment 383109

Obama and Chris Christie during Sally
View attachment 383111

How many times have you heard the blob say the same shit you guys say here daily..."democrat states" or "democrat cities"

What is missing is having an adult in the White House.
Yea, because ALL Dems scream “not my President”. It’s Dems refusing Federal help to put down the riots. They have to pretend President Trump is a “fascist” for offering to uphold law and order.
They're happening on his watch. He's doing nothing to quell them.

What should he be doing?

Calling for calm.
Coordinating with local officials on how to enhance their police presence instead of calling them names
Actually denouncing the armed militias showing up.
Denouncing vigilantes.

He has been calling local officials and most of the time they have been refusing help. Portland has had these riots going on for three months and they won't accept assistance. Seattle wouldn't accept assistance for CHAZ. When the president sent federal law enforcement in to protect the federal building in Portland they had a fit about it and you all called him a dictator.

He also said in an interview with Laura Ingraham two days ago that he does not want people heading into these war zones and confronting protesters.

What's missing here?

Whats missing.

After a disaster or public unrest or is what you've seen from past Presidents:

Here is Bush with the governor during the Katrina response:
View attachment 383109

Obama and Chris Christie during Sally
View attachment 383111

How many times have you heard the blob say the same shit you guys say here daily..."democrat states" or "democrat cities"

What is missing is having an adult in the White House.
Yea, because ALL Dems scream “not my President”. It’s Dems refusing Federal help to put down the riots. They have to pretend President Trump is a “fascist” for offering to uphold law and order.

All Democrats? You're pretty stupid.
They're happening on his watch. He's doing nothing to quell them.

What should he be doing?

Calling for calm.
Coordinating with local officials on how to enhance their police presence instead of calling them names
Actually denouncing the armed militias showing up.
Denouncing vigilantes.

He has been calling local officials and most of the time they have been refusing help. Portland has had these riots going on for three months and they won't accept assistance. Seattle wouldn't accept assistance for CHAZ. When the president sent federal law enforcement in to protect the federal building in Portland they had a fit about it and you all called him a dictator.

He also said in an interview with Laura Ingraham two days ago that he does not want people heading into these war zones and confronting protesters.

What's missing here?

Whats missing.

After a disaster or public unrest or is what you've seen from past Presidents:

Here is Bush with the governor during the Katrina response:
View attachment 383109

Obama and Chris Christie during Sally
View attachment 383111

How many times have you heard the blob say the same shit you guys say here daily..."democrat states" or "democrat cities"

What is missing is having an adult in the White House.
Yea, because ALL Dems scream “not my President”. It’s Dems refusing Federal help to put down the riots. They have to pretend President Trump is a “fascist” for offering to uphold law and order.

All Democrats? You're pretty stupid.
Elected Dems, yes. Just listen to the TDS of Mayor Wheeler.

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