McKaskill ignites feud with "crazy" democrat who called for Trump assassination, vulgar tweets ensue

“The way I responded this morning was wrong,” she told The Star. “I’m frustrated. Did I mean the statement? No. Am I frustrated? Absolutely. The president is causing damage. He’s causing hate.”

Chappelle-Nadal posted the comment on her personal Facebook page, which is not open to the public.

“On my personal Facebook, I put up a statement saying that I really hate Trump. He’s causing trauma and nightmares. That was my original post,” she said. “A whole bunch of people responded to that.”

Later in the thread, in response to another commenter, she wrote: “I hope Trump is assassinated!”

She later deleted the comment.

‘I hope Trump is assassinated,’ Missouri lawmaker writes — and quickly regrets

Clearly she hasn't learned.

Only Republicans can make such statements.

Remember the congressman who said Obama's wife should be a widow and his children fatherless? From the halls of congress?

Haven't people learned that ONLY Republicans can be racist and violent and have it be OK.

Only Republicans.
This is just Claire trying to appear as a moderate as her numbers are falling. It won't work.

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