Meadows implicated in witness tampering on insurrection hearings.

Turns out [A person] is Mark Meadows.

So we have people asking for pardons because they're innocent. We have people intimidating witnesses because they are innocent. What next? Will Donald's innocence demand that someone be murdered into silence?

Hutchinson told the committee at the time that, on the eve of her earlier March 7 deposition, an intermediary for former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows contacted her to say that her former boss valued her loyalty.

New details of Jan. 6 panel's mystery messages emerge
Waiting for the 5th Ave. Shooting.
It's like "Just say anything, make it up and don't even check to see if it is even possible. The media, and our fanboys on those political forums will just repeat it endlessly and pay no attention to any evidence to the contrary."
"Ben Williamson, a spokesperson for Meadows, provided the following statement to POLITICO: “No one from Meadows’ camp, himself or otherwise, has ever attempted to intimidate or shape Ms. Hutchinson’s testimony to the committee. Any phone call or message she is describing is at best deeply misleading.”

Thank you, poster Stormy Daniels.
When that was flashed on the screen as the hearing was coming to an end....and then Cheney's un-veiled warning....I knew this could be very bad juju for whoever sent the message. It was clear witness intimidation of Ms Hutchinson. And a shot across the bow of any others who may have sent a similar message to any other witness. Or were thinking of doing so.

The positive aspect of it though is this: The Committee knows who sent Hutchinson that message. That individual is now compromised. Vulnerable to a little Come-to-Jesus moment from either the Committee or the DOJ. Dangle an indictment in front of that intermediary and maybe a door will open to information the Committee (and the DOJ) may find has value to their investigation.

This cake is still baking.
More is to come.
I guess you J6 meat beaters don't realize how ridiculous you look posting this crap every day. Don't you have lives?
I was going to say's non-stop TDS........on and on and on.....My God!
And, yet.

Here you are.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Trumps has literally hired the mob to go after business rvials (and partners) and scare people into abandoning rent control properties. Chances are he's already had someone killed.
Trumps has literally hired the mob to go after business rvials (and partners) and scare people into abandoning rent control properties. Chances are he's already had someone killed.

omg I can't believe this! you can't be serious, right? :cuckoo: you are crazy. Are you saying Trump killed people?

You are demented.

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