Per CNN: "ex Meadows aide is the secret witness today, committee taking steps to protect her due to 'fears for her safety'...huh?

What I heard the bitch say was hearsay. No credibility.

Trump had a right to be pissed. The Democrats had pulled off a stolen Presidential election and the cowards in Congress did not have the courage to call for an election audit.

The very scenario our Founding Fathers thought would happen so we got the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights.
Oh and you have credibility! Breaking News - Trump Lost!
Oh and you have credibility! Breaking News - Trump Lost!
Trump didn't lose you moron.

The Democrats stole the election with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts.

It is not who vote that determines the winner. It is who counts the votes.
Trump didn't lose you moron.

The Democrats stole the election with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts.

It is not who vote that determines the winner. It is who counts the votes.
Another fool who cannot accept reality because of a leader who cannot tell the truth.
^^ Another fool who refuses to accept reality and bought the shit sandwich served up by his Dear Leaders.
Yep, all those Republican leaders testifying at the congressional hearing. They're ripping their old boss! You should listen, you may learn something.
Oh, an independent "aide" we have been told about CNN "knows everything!" CNN explains "they were concerned for her safety".

Safety from whom exactly? Has there been a string of random suicides of J6 participants I haven't read about?

Are you going to all tune in now? This is the one to motivate GOP to support a Neo Con in 2024! CNN is really excited, they can see America Last right in front of them, just push a little bit harder people we got this! Let's get ourselves a good old fashioned indictment so we can cover more Trump stuff for another two years!

(CNN)Cassidy Hutchinson, an aide to former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and a witness to many critical events and conversations, is expected to testify publicly on Tuesday before the select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, US Capitol attack, according to two sources familiar with the matter.
Her planned appearance was first reported by Punchbowl News.

Hutchinson has already been interviewed by the committee behind closed doors and video clips from her deposition have been featured by the panel during earlier hearings. But her live testimony would mark a significant moment in the committee's series of hearings as Hutchinson has long been considered one of its most consequential witnesses due to her proximity to former President Donald Trump's then-White House chief of staff.

The appearance was hastily arranged on a week where no public activity had been anticipated and a public hearing was announced by the committee just 24 hours before it was set to begin. The rush to hold the hearing -- after the panel had said it would not hold any more until July -- underscores the importance of Hutchinson's expected live testimony.
Well, we certainly know that trumpanzees have shown their thuggish side....threatening people.
Trump didn't lose you moron.

The Democrats stole the election with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts.

It is not who vote that determines the winner. It is who counts the votes.
trump lost. trump lost. trump lost.
Yep, all those Republican leaders testifying at the congressional hearing. They're ripping their old boss! You should listen, you may learn something.
And those still supporting the fat former con-man refuse to go under oath or just keep pleading the fifth. :heehee:
Only folks going after people are you ghouls. Your "leaders" even say so on TV. So again, if we let you start killing babies again will you stop lying so much?
So, are you trump thugs going after those testifying against your dear leader?
So, are you trump thugs going after those testifying against your dear leader?
The only folks going after people are you ghouls. Your "leaders" even say so on TV. So again, if we let you start killing babies again will you stop lying so much?
Yep, all those Republican leaders testifying at the congressional hearing. They're ripping their old boss! You should listen, you may learn something.
You should take your own advice. Still no proof and you swallow a bullshit hearsay story already debunked.
You should take your own advice. Still no proof and you swallow a bullshit hearsay story already debunked.
"Donald Trump is not a rational player. I mean, he just isn’t. You can’t have a conversation with him in the same way that you can have a conversation with most other people. He is somebody that lives in a different reality. He had started the lie about the election back in 2016. What I saw after the first interview with him in the White House was that he now became someone who believed in his own lie, and that is a person who is delusional. That is a person who is incredibly dangerous, because you can't debate with that person. There is no way that anybody can persuade Donald Trump that he’s wrong. And this is something that’s characteristic of him all the way through his life, and the series goes into this in the sense that he will never accept that he had done anything wrong. He will always double back. He’s always right, and it’s always somebody else’s fault. I mean, he lives in cloud cuckoo land. He’s sitting in an interview in Mar-a-Lago saying that in front of a portrait, an actual oil painting of himself painted 25 to 30 years ago in a golf outfit. I mean, I actually asked about that at the end of the interview. I was like, “You’ve got to tell me about this painting.” I mean, this is a guy who literally has paintings of himself in his house. I mean, he’s just not a normal guy. I mean, you know?"

-- Alex Holder British Documentary Filmmaker

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