Meanwhile In Beijing: "For The Respect Of The Motherland, We Must Go To War With Japa


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Meanwhile In Beijing: "For The Respect Of The Motherland, We Must Go To War With Japan" ^ | 09/15/2012 | Tyler Durden
Meanwhile In Beijing: "For The Respect Of The Motherland, We Must Go To War With Japan" | ZeroHedge

Anti-US protests sweeping across the entire Muslim world (which are continuing today), besieging, attacking and burning down US embassies, are not the only thing that the central banker policy vehicle known as "the markets" have to ignore in the coming days and weeks. Cause here comes China: "Thousands besiege Japan's embassy in Beijing over Tokyo's assertion of control over disputed islands in East China Sea." ....

Paramilitary police with shields and batons barricaded the embassy, holding back and occasionally fighting with slogan-chanting, flag-waving protesters who at times appeared to be trying to storm the building.

"Return our islands! Japanese devils get out!" some shouted.

One of them held up a sign reading: "For the respect of the motherland, we must go to war with Japan."

Who ever that thinks a world war isn't possible isn't thinking. Obama is making the world come apart. A weak US is very bad.
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so now Oblama is suppose to control China and Japanese foriegn policy which dates back to Imperialists Japan?
It happens, it is about time for humans to revolt and leaders of evil to destroy. Humans repeating history
It happens, it is about time for humans to revolt and leaders of evil to destroy. Humans repeating history

I pray to god not, but it's all too likely. If we do get pulled into WWIII we're going to need a president that can do more than fight a police action like Iraq or Afghanistan. We will be fighting for our very survival if we get into a war with China. They have our industrial strength that we once had during the last world war. We can hardly maintain what we have.

I fear they could construct a navy bigger than ours to get at us.
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that would be quite a feat of magic. So since it is a new century, would it not be WWI, since they did have world wars before WWI, and the numbers or world wars started over?
that would be quite a feat of magic. So since it is a new century, would it not be WWI, since they did have world wars before WWI, and the numbers or world wars started over?

I think a world war is a group of nations fighting another group of nations.

I think it's going to be most of the middle east, Pakistan, Iran, Syria, Eygpt, China, Russia, against US, most of Europe, India, Japan, Tawain, Austrialia, Canada, Israel.

This is my best guess for who will side with who.
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so now Oblama is suppose to control China and Japanese foriegn policy which dates back to Imperialists Japan?

Nope, wrong again, though good job giving him an out.

The problem is modern, not ancient:

China struggles to curb anger as protesters denounce Japan - Yahoo! News

Anti-Japan protests widen, China struggles to rein in anger

BEIJING, China (Reuters) - Torrid protests against Japan broke out in Chinese cities for a second day on Sunday, prompting Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda to urge Beijing to protect his country's companies and diplomatic buildings from fresh assaults.

In the biggest flare-up in protests over East China Sea islands claimed by China and Japan, police fired tear gas and used water cannon to repel thousands of protesters occupying a street in the southern city of Shenzhen, near Hong Kong.

The protests erupted in Beijing and other cities on Saturday, when demonstrators besieged the Japanese embassy, hurling rocks, eggs and bottles, and testing cordons of anti-riot police.

In at least four other Chinese cities, demonstrators looted shops and attacked Japanese cars. Protesters also broke into a dozen Japanese-run factories in the eastern city of Qingdao, according to the Japanese broadcaster NHK.

"Regrettably, this is a problem concerning the safety of Japanese nationals and Japan-affiliated companies," Prime Minister Noda told a talk show on NHK. "I would like to urge the Chinese government to protect their safety."


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