Mearsheimer on US Blame for Starting the War.

You are a true blue idiot.

There is one battalion in the entire Ukrainian Army which has Nazi tendencies.

You forget Zelensky is Jewish.

It is astonishing you and Putin are using this as an excuse to invade Ukraine when Putin is a mass murdering dictator.

Are you fucking kidding me? Are you that fucking stupid and oblivious as to who the real monster is?


Now let's talk about the Wagner Group, of which you appear to be totally ignorant.

The Wagner Group is the private army Putin uses to prosecute his war crimes. They are the mercenaries who captured Crimea, and they are now fighting in eastern Ukraine.

Guess what, dipshit?

There are Nazis in the Wagner Group.

You truly are Putin's useful idiot.
Struck a nerve did I?

But you're saying you only root for the best class of Nazi - the *righteous* Nazis?

That's what a good little Soros lickspittle would do I suppose.

Take care your brain doesn't melt from the dissonance. :)

But yeah - Ukraine had best start negotiating while it still can; the Russian Winter is coming.
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They are not Russian regions. They belong to Ukraine.

You see? You rubes are parroting Putin's talking points!

I rest my case.
These regions WANT to be independent.

Like Texas.

But as with Texas, that ain't going to happen, so yeah - they'd prefer Russian citizenship to being further terrorized by Zelensky's Nazis.

Or as you see them, sexy Nazi patriots. :)
The world's appeasers stood by and let Hitler invade Sudetenland.

And we all know how history judges appeasers.

And we all know what imperialists do when they are appeased. They go for more.

Stop being appeasers to Putin. You will be judged very harshly by history.
We all know how history judges those who worship Nazis.

Take care Brownshirt Bro.
It isn't the US, but NATO.

We cannot blame the US when NATO walked all over the USA, with the approval of the left, when Trump was President.

NATO has been out of control for a decade or more and their continued expansion and power grabs will eventually plunge the entire world into a devastating war.

As bad as NATO may be, it was the US that bribed the 2014 military coup in the Ukraine, and it is the US that has been bribing and stockpiling weapons in the Ukraine since then,

Putin invaded Ukraine. Maybe you heard. And he has been committing war crimes ever since.

As for Nazis, you are such a dupe. You should look into the Wagner Group.
The Ukraine committed continual acts of war until Russia was forced to respond.
It was all the fault of the Ukraine, bribed and armed by the US.
Like stealing over $20 billion worth of oil/gas from Russian pipelines.
Murdering anyone with a Russian accent, over 30k.
Violating 1992 treaties to not enter into treaties hostile to Russia.
Trying to join NATO.
Stockpiling offensive US weapons.
Cutting off negotiations.

And clearly there is no nation more racist and Nazi then the Ukraine.
Hitler had to even hire Ukrainians to run his death camps.
I never thought I would live to see the party of Reagan become the mouthpieces for a KGB thug who is trying to reconstitute the USSR.

This is incredible.

That is foolish.
First of all, there has been no KGB since 1991.
On 3 December 1991, the KGB was officially dissolved.[3] It was later succeeded in Russia by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) and what would later become the Federal Security Service (FSB).
Second is that in no way would Putin ever want to "reconstitute the Soviet Union".
It was very costly, difficult, and troublesome.
Russia is much better off without the economic drain of the other member states.
The ONLY reason the Russians ever tried to create the USSR or Warsaw Pact, is they realized they needed size in order to counter the US and NATO threat.
And it is obvious the US and NATO really are the bad guys, and always have been.
In this article, the interviewer exposes just how idiotic and naive Mearsheimer is. He is also revealed to a stooge.

The main principles of justice are local autonomy and self rule, so then the Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansk, etc., must have their rights defended.
They are ethnic Russian and have been for over 1000 years.
It was wrong for the Ukrainian, Khrushchev to try to give them to the Ukraine in 1955, and even worse now that the Ukraine have fascist Nazis in power.
They do not belong in the Ukraine, do not even speak the same language, and the Kyiv government has been blatantly murdering them wholesale, with US weapons.
They are not Russian regions. They belong to Ukraine.

You see? You rubes are parroting Putin's talking points!

I rest my case.

Then how come they were part of Russia for over 1000 years, and almost all the people there speak Russian instead of the Polish version the Ukrainians use?
You are a true blue idiot.

There is one battalion in the entire Ukrainian Army which has Nazi tendencies.

You forget Zelensky is Jewish.

It is astonishing you and Putin are using this as an excuse to invade Ukraine when Putin is a mass murdering dictator.

Are you fucking kidding me? Are you that fucking stupid and oblivious as to who the real monster is?


Now let's talk about the Wagner Group, of which you appear to be totally ignorant.

The Wagner Group is the private army Putin uses to prosecute his war crimes. They are the mercenaries who captured Crimea, and they are now fighting in eastern Ukraine.

Guess what, dipshit?

There are Nazis in the Wagner Group.

You truly are Putin's useful idiot.

Russia has always included vast numbers of different ethnic groups and have never been racist.
In contrast, the Ukraine is a remnant of the old Polish aristocracy, which has always been the most racist group on the whole planet.
That is why the Holy Roman Empire and the Russians defeated the Polish fascists around 1700 or so, and why Poland and the Ukraine should always have remained occupied.
Putin has executed journalists who speak out against him.

Putin has committed war crimes in Syria.

Putin has committed war crimes in Georgia.

Critics of Putin have been falling out of windows lately.

You guys like false flags, do ya? Putin is suspected in four bombings in 1999 which killed 300 Russians which he used as a pretext to invade Chechnya.

You guys whine about the January 6 insurrectionists being "political prisoners", do ya?

Educate your ignorant selves about Putin and then maybe you will realize just how unbelievably stupid and weakmined you dumbass useful idiots sound.

Everything you say is just a total lie.
You can't name a single journalist he has ever executed.
Russia committed zero war crimes in Syria, but the US being there in Syria, IS a WAR CRIME.
Putin was never involved in any conflict in Georgia.
The fighting was in South Ossetia, not Georgia, and Georgia was the aggressor.
As bad as NATO may be, it was the US that bribed the 2014 military coup in the Ukraine, and it is the US that has been bribing and stockpiling weapons in the Ukraine since then,
And the USG PermaState is PISSED that this didn't all happen in 2018 under Hillary as originally planned.

They correctly blame Trump, who, as a private enterprise guy, would have asked "You want to start WW3? Why? Sounds like a bigly bad idea to me."
The main principles of justice are local autonomy and self rule, so then the Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansk, etc., must have their rights defended.
They are ethnic Russian and have been for over 1000 years.
It was wrong for the Ukrainian, Khrushchev to try to give them to the Ukraine in 1955, and even worse now that the Ukraine have fascist Nazis in power.
They do not belong in the Ukraine, do not even speak the same language, and the Kyiv government has been blatantly murdering them wholesale, with US weapons.
Pretty much the thread.
Everything you say is just a total lie.
You can't name a single journalist he has ever executed.
Russia committed zero war crimes in Syria, but the US being there in Syria, IS a WAR CRIME.
Putin was never involved in any conflict in Georgia.
The fighting was in South Ossetia, not Georgia, and Georgia was the aggressor.

Putin never bombed or invaded countries thousands of miles away like Libya, Syria, Iraq. He is taking care of business on his own border, the same as we would if Russia tried to out missiles in Tijuana. We would just do and wouldn't explain chit to anyone.
As bad as NATO may be, it was the US that bribed the 2014 military coup in the Ukraine, and it is the US that has been bribing and stockpiling weapons in the Ukraine since then,
All false

No such bribe of stockpile existed
The Ukraine committed continual acts of war until Russia was forced to respond.
It was all the fault of the Ukraine, bribed and armed by the US.
Like stealing over $20 billion worth of oil/gas from Russian pipelines.
Murdering anyone with a Russian accent, over 30k.
Violating 1992 treaties to not enter into treaties hostile to Russia.
Trying to join NATO.
Stockpiling offensive US weapons.
Cutting off negotiations.

And clearly there is no nation more racist and Nazi then the Ukraine.
Hitler had to even hire Ukrainians to run his death camps.

they commite dbno act of war.

All of your specific accusatrions were long since proven lies in other threads.

No theft no state sanctioned murder happened.

They have every right to join NATO and stockpiled NO such weapons

Hitler did not have to hire them he onlt]y had a few in ONe smaller camp.

you are a liar
That is foolish.
First of all, there has been no KGB since 1991.
On 3 December 1991, the KGB was officially dissolved.[3] It was later succeeded in Russia by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) and what would later become the Federal Security Service (FSB).
Second is that in no way would Putin ever want to "reconstitute the Soviet Union".
It was very costly, difficult, and troublesome.
Russia is much better off without the economic drain of the other member states.
The ONLY reason the Russians ever tried to create the USSR or Warsaw Pact, is they realized they needed size in order to counter the US and NATO threat.
And it is obvious the US and NATO really are the bad guys, and always have been.

You are a fool and a liar.

NATO is and was always defensive

the communists were always the bad guys
The main principles of justice are local autonomy and self rule, so then the Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansk, etc., must have their rights defended.
They are ethnic Russian and have been for over 1000 years.
It was wrong for the Ukrainian, Khrushchev to try to give them to the Ukraine in 1955, and even worse now that the Ukraine have fascist Nazis in power.
They do not belong in the Ukraine, do not even speak the same language, and the Kyiv government has been blatantly murdering them wholesale, with US weapons.
You are a liar

the government did not murder anyone least of all with uS WEAPONS

Why is it so important that the truth is once again exposed now?

Because US politics on the domestic scene has provided momentum for hearing the true facts. Trump's best ace in the hole, if he even has such a thing, is in him taking an antiwar position on the war.

Will Trump be able to summon up the balls it takes to blow the whistle on his own country?

Would he receive a surge of support for doing it?

And would he survive to benefit from telling it like it was??
# countries Putin invaded while Trump was in the WH: 0
# countries Putin invaded while Biden was in the WH: 2 (so far)

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