Media/Gender: Colloquial Crosswalk


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The American actress Julie Bowen has gained recognition and respect for her performance as a wry and choreographing mother and skeptical housewife on the lifestyle sitcom Modern Family (winner of numerous Emmys).

The Christian Bible says that at the prophetic End of Days, the mysterious woman of Babylon will rise to prominence and lure men away from civic duties.

Our age is the age of media, and we might want to consider how publicized social scandals such as Fisher-Buttafuoco and Enron reveal a new age magnification of community values.

Does this make Julie Bowen a modern 'diplomat' of media-gauged focus on values-based society anthropology? After all, media and TV comprise the modern 'Town Hall.'

This is something for our First Lady Melania Trump to consider (given that she is a diplomat to her commerce, consumerism, and capitalism-trained husband President Donald Trump).

It's interesting that televangelism really took shape in the 'Big '80s,' when consumerism and media were really taking off and globalization politics was becoming much more serious.


BABYLON: Do you feel you gain sufficient prestige (as a woman) for television work?
BOWEN: Americans love television, so it's a great vehicle for public exposure.
BABYLON: How does your modern age television compare with Roman Empire pulpits?
BOWEN: There is comparable attention given to values-driven society intrigue (e.g., Caesar's assassination).
BABYLON: Yet, many women (e.g., Ellen DeGeneres) feel that politics still obscures gender...
BOWEN: Gender I think will always be an issue of terrible complexity to humanity!
BABYLON: Maybe you're right; I wonder though if public forums (e.g., TV/Internet) create enough savvy.
BOWEN: That's gauged by the censors, reviewers/critics, and the audience of course.
BABYLON: Never trust mob psychology.
BOWEN: I think modern audiences want a way to embrace democratic viewership.
BABYLON: Pubic media controversies such as the OJ Simpson trial have given people bad feelings.
BOWEN: Perhaps media outlets can change that!
BABYLON: That's the argument --- ongoing public discussion will alter social cynicism.
BOWEN: Well, that wasn't necessarily the case with socialized politics --- e.g., Nazi Germany.
BABYLON: You're right; the Nazis were pulpit-oriented but stubborn to 'nationalized values reform.'
BOWEN: Hollywood has recently made movies about Syria (Syriana) and D.C. gab (Lions for Lambs).
BABYLON: Maybe there should be more TV programs about cops --- e.g., TJ Hooker!
BOWEN: I think First Lady Melania Trump is in a position to make advantageous statements about media.
BABYLON: Mrs. Trump could potentially be a 'gender marketing diplomat.'


{Woman of Babylon
; Julie Bowen as 'Claire Dunphy' on Modern Family


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