Media Goes Bezerk About Another Un-Verified Trump Story From Another Un-Names Source


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'OVERHEARD AT TRUMP NATIONAL: Trump discussing his decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement over lunch after playing a round of golf Sunday. Trump’s post-Paris analysis: they can’t even get the weather report right, so how come they think they can get that right?'

That’s it. It’s not a direct quote, and it’s not even sourced. Did a reporter hear this or was it delivered to Politico by an unnamed source? Was Trump joking? We don’t know.

Regardless, the media had a field day. Newsweek and others in the media have passed the unsourced news bit as evidence Trump doesn’t know the difference between global warming and weather."

Scamming the liberal media, getting them running around like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off, has become a major source of entertainment.

The Fake News media no longer cares about whether a story is true, if there is any evidence or substance to support it, or where it came from. All they need is a rumor, a comment disrespecting the President, and they do not hesitate to run it as if they were there in the room when it happened.

Thanks to these propagandist 'National Inquirer wannabes', true journalism is al lbut dead in this country.

Media Runs Wild With Unsourced Claim About Trump And Weather
Wtf? I'm Trump? My and 2 friends said that yesterday over some beers.

It's just common sense, really.

Oh, to top it off, weatherman said "no rain" and it rained hard!

I say let 'um run with that story.
'OVERHEARD AT TRUMP NATIONAL: Trump discussing his decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement over lunch after playing a round of golf Sunday. Trump’s post-Paris analysis: they can’t even get the weather report right, so how come they think they can get that right?'

That’s it. It’s not a direct quote, and it’s not even sourced. Did a reporter hear this or was it delivered to Politico by an unnamed source? Was Trump joking? We don’t know.

Regardless, the media had a field day. Newsweek and others in the media have passed the unsourced news bit as evidence Trump doesn’t know the difference between global warming and weather."

Scamming the liberal media, getting them running around like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off, has become a major source of entertainment.

The Fake News media no longer cares about whether a story is true, if there is any evidence or substance to support it, or where it came from. All they need is a rumor, a comment disrespecting the President, and they do not hesitate to run it as if they were there in the room when it happened.

Thanks to these propagandist 'National Inquirer wannabes', true journalism is al lbut dead in this country.

Media Runs Wild With Unsourced Claim About Trump And Weather
The statement attributed to The Donald is very consistent with the sort of thing he routinely says, and I don't doubt for a second that he actually said it as described. It is a bit of "common wisdom" that is universally said by people of my gender, often in jest, but never as a serious scientific pronouncement. Yet another example of how Trump is taken "literally, but not seriously."

It is rather like saying "Women have two sets of lips so that they can piss and moan at the same time." Not a scientific observation, but just good common sense, based on observation.
Oh, make no mistake, he is being taken very seriously. Saying, "no" to redistributing our wealth to all of Asia, is already having an impact. Asia just put the skids to building a whole mess of dirty coal plants. The Americans get to keep their 3 trillion, and the climate thanks us for it. There ya go...
'OVERHEARD AT TRUMP NATIONAL: Trump discussing his decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement over lunch after playing a round of golf Sunday. Trump’s post-Paris analysis: they can’t even get the weather report right, so how come they think they can get that right?'

That’s it. It’s not a direct quote, and it’s not even sourced. Did a reporter hear this or was it delivered to Politico by an unnamed source? Was Trump joking? We don’t know.

Regardless, the media had a field day. Newsweek and others in the media have passed the unsourced news bit as evidence Trump doesn’t know the difference between global warming and weather."

Scamming the liberal media, getting them running around like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off, has become a major source of entertainment.

The Fake News media no longer cares about whether a story is true, if there is any evidence or substance to support it, or where it came from. All they need is a rumor, a comment disrespecting the President, and they do not hesitate to run it as if they were there in the room when it happened.

Thanks to these propagandist 'National Inquirer wannabes', true journalism is al lbut dead in this country.

Media Runs Wild With Unsourced Claim About Trump And Weather
i THINK if you check Politialo is a Soros New org as noted in several Soros donations.
Ari Rabin-Havt, Media Matters’s vice president for research and communications, told POLITICO that Media Matters has actually solicited the Soros-funded Open Society Institute for funding for the past six years without success. “We’ve asked for money,” he said. “We just haven’t gotten it.” Also the boss of Politico is also as follows:

Ari Rabin-Havt is host of The Agenda, a national morning radio program on SiriusXM Progress 127. He is also formally Executive Vice President of Media Matters for George Soros.
However, Media Matters has received funding from or formed partnerships with several groups that Soros funds or has funded. These include the Tides Foundation, Democracy Alliance, and the Center for American Progress.
'OVERHEARD AT TRUMP NATIONAL: Trump discussing his decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement over lunch after playing a round of golf Sunday. Trump’s post-Paris analysis: they can’t even get the weather report right, so how come they think they can get that right?'

That’s it. It’s not a direct quote, and it’s not even sourced. Did a reporter hear this or was it delivered to Politico by an unnamed source? Was Trump joking? We don’t know.

Regardless, the media had a field day. Newsweek and others in the media have passed the unsourced news bit as evidence Trump doesn’t know the difference between global warming and weather."

Scamming the liberal media, getting them running around like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off, has become a major source of entertainment.

The Fake News media no longer cares about whether a story is true, if there is any evidence or substance to support it, or where it came from. All they need is a rumor, a comment disrespecting the President, and they do not hesitate to run it as if they were there in the room when it happened.

Thanks to these propagandist 'National Inquirer wannabes', true journalism is al lbut dead in this country.

Media Runs Wild With Unsourced Claim About Trump And Weather
i THINK if you check Politialo is a Soros New org as noted in several Soros donations.
Ari Rabin-Havt, Media Matters’s vice president for research and communications, told POLITICO that Media Matters has actually solicited the Soros-funded Open Society Institute for funding for the past six years without success. “We’ve asked for money,” he said. “We just haven’t gotten it.” Also the boss of Politico is also as follows:

Ari Rabin-Havt is host of The Agenda, a national morning radio program on SiriusXM Progress 127. He is also formally Executive Vice President of Media Matters for George Soros.
However, Media Matters has received funding from or formed partnerships with several groups that Soros funds or has funded. These include the Tides Foundation, Democracy Alliance, and the Center for American Progress.
You mean George Soros..lead man for the Great Evil Jewish Overlords Conspiracy.

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