Media Ignores Ongoing Socialist Disaster Unfolding in Venezuela

And you ignore the reality that all of western Europe uses a mixture of socialism and capitalism. They have higher standards in education, infrastructure and healthcare then the united states.

You blame a fucking dictatorship to push your pure capitalism that only benefits the riches within our society. You're without a clue.

"Without a clue"?

You must be speaking of yourself.

Western European countries once had their own currencies which gave each nation greater sovereignty over their own internal affairs, and now the Euro is only one basically controlled by the same Zionist international banker that transformed Russia into the communist Soviet Union.

You really need to elaborate on the so-called "mixture of socialism and Capitalism" you need to point out to everyone all the European countries which are not allowed to own private property as in most truly socialist countries. Maybe you have failed to recognize how socialism/communism is attempting to gain a foothold in Europe and basically attempting to claim the credit success that was achieved in Europe due to Capitalism alone.
The health care may be called socialized but this is no more than a experiment and trick to try and gain acceptance (dominance) for socialism. It's capitalism that provides the needed revenue in European health care and deserves the credit it's success, the socialism part is the very high taxation.

The high taxation comes from capitalism which make European health care successful, and this can be achieved without the "socialized medicine label". Infrastructure in Europe may be better due to financing though NATO and the IMF, however the long range cost of these improvement may cost Europe it's sovereignty.

Socialism is basically riding the coat tails of their capitalist system waiting for it's opportunity to gain a even greater foothold. Don't try to cheer leader for Socialism based on the accomplishments of western Europe.

For at this very moment Europe is being flooded with refugees from countries overthrown by communism masking itself as democracy. Aiming to bankrupt, and cause enough chaos for the destabilization and communist take over of Europe.

Even a little socialism is very dangerous.

You want to try to sweep under the rug the truth about what happens in Socialist governments by calling Venezuela leader a dictator, you can call him president, pope, or whatever else you want the fact remains that socialism has always failed, and leads to communism.

Call socialism the lip stick placed on a smelly pig.

Bernie Sanders needs to explain to all Americans why he wants to turn America into another Venezuela!



the American Civil Liberties Union and Human Rights Watch before coming to the Soros network. In talking about this transition, he wrote in his book, Taking Liberties:

I knew I could do many things that mattered to me through a foundation with such large resources. What I did not realize was that George Soros was in the process of becoming, as he has been described, the only private citizen in the United States – or, perhaps the world – with his own foreign policy and the capacity to implement it. He is unique in possessing the resources, the institutional mechanisms, the status, and the will to promote his policy on a global scale. 20

And you ignore the reality that all of western Europe uses a mixture of socialism and capitalism. They have higher standards in education, infrastructure and healthcare then the united states.

You blame a fucking dictatorship to push your pure capitalism that only benefits the riches within our society. You're without a clue.

"Without a clue"?
the American Civil Liberties Union and Human Rights Watch before coming to the Soros network. In talking about this transition, he wrote in his book, Taking Liberties:

I knew I could do many things that mattered to me through a foundation with such large resources. What I did not realize was that George Soros was in the process of becoming, as he has been described, the only private citizen in the United States – or, perhaps the world – with his own foreign policy and the capacity to implement it. He is unique in possessing the resources, the institutional mechanisms, the status, and the will to promote his policy on a global scale.
You must be speaking of yourself.

Western European countries once had their own currencies which gave each nation greater sovereignty over their own internal affairs, and now the Euro is only one basically controlled by the same Zionist international banker that transformed Russia into the communist Soviet Union.

You really need to elaborate on the so-called "mixture of socialism and Capitalism" you need to point out to everyone all the European countries which are not allowed to own private property as in most truly socialist countries. Maybe you have failed to recognize how socialism/communism is attempting to gain a foothold in Europe and basically attempting to claim the credit success that was achieved in Europe due to Capitalism alone.
The health care may be called socialized but this is no more than a experiment and trick to try and gain acceptance (dominance) for socialism. It's capitalism that provides the needed revenue in European health care and deserves the credit it's success, the socialism part is the very high taxation.

The high taxation comes from capitalism which make European health care successful, and this can be achieved without the "socialized medicine label". Infrastructure in Europe may be better due to financing though NATO and the IMF, however the long range cost of these improvement may cost Europe it's sovereignty.

Socialism is basically riding the coat tails of their capitalist system waiting for it's opportunity to gain a even greater foothold. Don't try to cheer leader for Socialism based on the accomplishments of western Europe.

For at this very moment Europe is being flooded with refugees from countries overthrown by communism masking itself as democracy. Aiming to bankrupt, and cause enough chaos for the destabilization and communist take over of Europe.

Even a little socialism is very dangerous.

You want to try to sweep under the rug the truth about what happens in Socialist governments by calling Venezuela leader a dictator, you can call him president, pope, or whatever else you want the fact remains that socialism has always failed, and leads to communism.

Call socialism the lip stick placed on a smelly pig.

Bernie Sanders needs to explain to all Americans why he wants to turn America into another Venezuela!



Somehow I messed up and posted another blank and went back and did something and it was probley stupid so if it does not workout ignore it.

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