Media Manipulation - Biker Attack!!!


Apr 22, 2007
First, I want to say the bikers are no angels. They were taunted and harassed a man and then the vicious beating in the end was extreme.

That said, the 'victim' in this story isn't the angel he is being made out to be. He messed with the bull and got the horn! His actions created the situations and end.

In the youtube clip you have the news story. They protray an innocent man hunted down and attacked by bikers for no reason. The constantly show the ending of where they pull the man out of the SUV.

However, if you watch the unedited clip, you see a different picture. The man in the SUV is surrounded by the bikers, but they aren't threatening him. As he moves closer to one of the bikers, the biker slows down (a harassing way to say get off my ass), the man then PURPOSEFULLY hits the biker, knocking the biker off his bike and seriously hurting him. Yep he could have been scared to get out of his car at that point, but he hit and hurt someone. (NOTE: The intentional hit was left off the news story).

So what is his next move? NOTE AGAIN: This SHOCKING move was left off the video. He speeds away driving right over 3 or 4 bikers on their bikes, seriously injuring all of them.

He speeds away and they take chase, eventually catching the guy and beating him.

Was the beating justified? Probably not. Was it understandable, I think so. I mean imagine if you watched a guy run over a few of your buddies and speed off, then you catch the guy. Are you going to be rationale at that point.

The media completely manipulates the story. They make it as an innocent man harassed by blood thirsty, violent gangsters in an unprovoked attack. They just wish the bikers were (white - when it appeared to be a mixed race group) and the victims were black!

[ame=]SHOCKING: Gang of Bikers Terrorize Family in high-speed Chase - YouTube[/ame]

This NY Post story is even worse!
Bikers terrorize family in high-speed chase | New York Post
First, I want to say the bikers are no angels. They were taunted and harassed a man and then the vicious beating in the end was extreme.

That said, the 'victim' in this story isn't the angel he is being made out to be. He messed with the bull and got the horn! His actions created the situations and end.

In the youtube clip you have the news story. They protray an innocent man hunted down and attacked by bikers for no reason. The constantly show the ending of where they pull the man out of the SUV.

However, if you watch the unedited clip, you see a different picture. The man in the SUV is surrounded by the bikers, but they aren't threatening him. As he moves closer to one of the bikers, the biker slows down (a harassing way to say get off my ass), the man then PURPOSEFULLY hits the biker, knocking the biker off his bike and seriously hurting him. Yep he could have been scared to get out of his car at that point, but he hit and hurt someone. (NOTE: The intentional hit was left off the news story).

So what is his next move? NOTE AGAIN: This SHOCKING move was left off the video. He speeds away driving right over 3 or 4 bikers on their bikes, seriously injuring all of them.

He speeds away and they take chase, eventually catching the guy and beating him.

Was the beating justified? Probably not. Was it understandable, I think so. I mean imagine if you watched a guy run over a few of your buddies and speed off, then you catch the guy. Are you going to be rationale at that point.

The media completely manipulates the story. They make it as an innocent man harassed by blood thirsty, violent gangsters in an unprovoked attack. They just wish the bikers were (white - when it appeared to be a mixed race group) and the victims were black!

SHOCKING: Gang of Bikers Terrorize Family in high-speed Chase - YouTube

This NY Post story is even worse!
Bikers terrorize family in high-speed chase | New York Post

The idiot biker pulled in front of him then slowed down. I would have run his ass over too! Then I would have taken out as many of his idiot buddies as I could with my vehicle before unholstering my .40 and cleaning house!
First, I want to say the bikers are no angels. They were taunted and harassed a man and then the vicious beating in the end was extreme.

That said, the 'victim' in this story isn't the angel he is being made out to be. He messed with the bull and got the horn! His actions created the situations and end.

In the youtube clip you have the news story. They protray an innocent man hunted down and attacked by bikers for no reason. The constantly show the ending of where they pull the man out of the SUV.

However, if you watch the unedited clip, you see a different picture. The man in the SUV is surrounded by the bikers, but they aren't threatening him. As he moves closer to one of the bikers, the biker slows down (a harassing way to say get off my ass), the man then PURPOSEFULLY hits the biker, knocking the biker off his bike and seriously hurting him. Yep he could have been scared to get out of his car at that point, but he hit and hurt someone. (NOTE: The intentional hit was left off the news story).

So what is his next move? NOTE AGAIN: This SHOCKING move was left off the video. He speeds away driving right over 3 or 4 bikers on their bikes, seriously injuring all of them.

He speeds away and they take chase, eventually catching the guy and beating him.

Was the beating justified? Probably not. Was it understandable, I think so. I mean imagine if you watched a guy run over a few of your buddies and speed off, then you catch the guy. Are you going to be rationale at that point.

The media completely manipulates the story. They make it as an innocent man harassed by blood thirsty, violent gangsters in an unprovoked attack. They just wish the bikers were (white - when it appeared to be a mixed race group) and the victims were black!

SHOCKING: Gang of Bikers Terrorize Family in high-speed Chase - YouTube

This NY Post story is even worse!
Bikers terrorize family in high-speed chase | New York Post

The idiot biker pulled in front of him then slowed down. I would have run his ass over too! Then I would have taken out as many of his idiot buddies as I could with my vehicle before unholstering my .40 and cleaning house!

LOL, you just made a strong case against concealed carry! LOL.

The biker shouldn't have done that, but it's obvious the guy then hit him on purpose. You can't do what you just said your reaction would be. You would have gone to jail and your 2 year old would have not know her father (the guy had a 2 yr old in the car).

Also you forget this is NEW YORK, gun control laws took the guns from his hands, but I digress.

Was his actions worth the ends? I mean he could have said, look at these jerks, who do they think they are? And then slowed down at let them fly passed him. Then when one showed aggression, hitting the guy and getting a little street justice was not worth putting your family in danger.

Ends should justify the means. They didn't here.
First, I want to say the bikers are no angels. They were taunted and harassed a man and then the vicious beating in the end was extreme.

That said, the 'victim' in this story isn't the angel he is being made out to be. He messed with the bull and got the horn! His actions created the situations and end.

In the youtube clip you have the news story. They protray an innocent man hunted down and attacked by bikers for no reason. The constantly show the ending of where they pull the man out of the SUV.

However, if you watch the unedited clip, you see a different picture. The man in the SUV is surrounded by the bikers, but they aren't threatening him. As he moves closer to one of the bikers, the biker slows down (a harassing way to say get off my ass), the man then PURPOSEFULLY hits the biker, knocking the biker off his bike and seriously hurting him. Yep he could have been scared to get out of his car at that point, but he hit and hurt someone. (NOTE: The intentional hit was left off the news story).

So what is his next move? NOTE AGAIN: This SHOCKING move was left off the video. He speeds away driving right over 3 or 4 bikers on their bikes, seriously injuring all of them.

He speeds away and they take chase, eventually catching the guy and beating him.

Was the beating justified? Probably not. Was it understandable, I think so. I mean imagine if you watched a guy run over a few of your buddies and speed off, then you catch the guy. Are you going to be rationale at that point.

The media completely manipulates the story. They make it as an innocent man harassed by blood thirsty, violent gangsters in an unprovoked attack. They just wish the bikers were (white - when it appeared to be a mixed race group) and the victims were black!

SHOCKING: Gang of Bikers Terrorize Family in high-speed Chase - YouTube

This NY Post story is even worse!
Bikers terrorize family in high-speed chase | New York Post

The idiot biker pulled in front of him then slowed down. I would have run his ass over too! Then I would have taken out as many of his idiot buddies as I could with my vehicle before unholstering my .40 and cleaning house!

For once I agree with you.

I have to deal with schmucks like this all the time.

They ride around on their supercharged rice burners with little regard for traffic laws.

I hope each one of these punks gets their licenses revoked, their bikes taken away and the guys who assaulted the driver get a good long time to cool their heels in the pokey.
Wife of Biker Edwin Mieses: Husband Will Never Walk Again After NYC Man Ran Him Over | Fox News Insider

The man who the SUV driver ran over will never walk again. Again the bikers were not angels, but that doesn't give you the right to purposefully run them over!

The driver MUST be charged regardless of the fact that he was beaten at the end of it!

Huh? Are you suggesting that the 'victim' deserves some kind of punishment for the severe harm they caused?

Speaking from what the mainstream media has told you. Watch the video. The so-called victim first hits a biker. To me it looks intentional, but we don't know. However, you get in an accident you have to stop. No one showed aggression at that point. The guy never leaves his car and like a MAD MAN he takes off INTENTIONALLY running over a few INNOCENT bikers, seriously injuring them, including one who will never walk again.

The bikers chased him down and took the law into their own hands, but what would you do if you saw a nutjob PURPOSEFULLY run over your friends and take off!

Jesus liberals are gullible and well stupid!

What is the more interesting story. SUV runs over Bikers or Biker Gang Chases Down Innocent Family Man and Beats Him Senselessly? Obviously the later and that is why the media manipulated the story that way!
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Wife of Biker Edwin Mieses: Husband Will Never Walk Again After NYC Man Ran Him Over | Fox News Insider

The man who the SUV driver ran over will never walk again. Again the bikers were not angels, but that doesn't give you the right to purposefully run them over!

The driver MUST be charged regardless of the fact that he was beaten at the end of it!

Huh? Are you suggesting that the 'victim' deserves some kind of punishment for the severe harm they caused?

Speaking from what the mainstream media has told you. Watch the video. The so-called victim first hits a biker. To me it looks intentional, but we don't know. However, you get in an accident you have to stop. No one showed aggression at that point. The guy never leaves his car and like a MAD MAN he takes off INTENTIONALLY running over a few INNOCENT bikers, seriously injuring them, including one who will never walk again.

The bikers chased him down and took the law into their own hands, but what would you do if you saw a nutjob PURPOSEFULLY run over your friends and take off!

Jesus liberals are gullible and well stupid!

Meh I was just throwing out a Trayvon reference
the idiot on the bike pulled in front of him and immediately slowed down hitting him does not seem to be intentional ..its his own fault the was run over and they are lucky when they cornered him he did not run the rest of the motherfuckers over
Dude the driver is surrounded by a gang of bikers with his wife and kid and some dumbass brake checks him and it's the drivers fault? I wouldn't have even went for the brake.

These punks got what they deserved and they are lucky the driver was a nice guy. I've been involved in gang violence before and I will tell you right now; there would have been 20-30 dead and/or maimed bikers if I was behind the wheel that day.
[ame=]FILE0011 - YouTube[/ame]

Heres another video of the victims of media manipulation that day.

They ripped the video down but you can see some more of the media manipulation below *ck rolls eyes* Video showed them swinging at a driver of a Prius that day
all these cyber tough guys...who is impressed?

perhaps this is just more playing to the racism in society....
First, I want to say the bikers are no angels. They were taunted and harassed a man and then the vicious beating in the end was extreme.

That said, the 'victim' in this story isn't the angel he is being made out to be. He messed with the bull and got the horn! His actions created the situations and end.

In the youtube clip you have the news story. They protray an innocent man hunted down and attacked by bikers for no reason. The constantly show the ending of where they pull the man out of the SUV.

However, if you watch the unedited clip, you see a different picture. The man in the SUV is surrounded by the bikers, but they aren't threatening him. As he moves closer to one of the bikers, the biker slows down (a harassing way to say get off my ass), the man then PURPOSEFULLY hits the biker, knocking the biker off his bike and seriously hurting him. Yep he could have been scared to get out of his car at that point, but he hit and hurt someone. (NOTE: The intentional hit was left off the news story).

So what is his next move? NOTE AGAIN: This SHOCKING move was left off the video. He speeds away driving right over 3 or 4 bikers on their bikes, seriously injuring all of them.

He speeds away and they take chase, eventually catching the guy and beating him.

Was the beating justified? Probably not. Was it understandable, I think so. I mean imagine if you watched a guy run over a few of your buddies and speed off, then you catch the guy. Are you going to be rationale at that point.

The media completely manipulates the story. They make it as an innocent man harassed by blood thirsty, violent gangsters in an unprovoked attack. They just wish the bikers were (white - when it appeared to be a mixed race group) and the victims were black!

SHOCKING: Gang of Bikers Terrorize Family in high-speed Chase - YouTube

This NY Post story is even worse!
Bikers terrorize family in high-speed chase | New York Post

The idiot biker pulled in front of him then slowed down. I would have run his ass over too! Then I would have taken out as many of his idiot buddies as I could with my vehicle before unholstering my .40 and cleaning house!

Yeah kill em' all. And anyone else if they look at ya wrong!

The SUV guys big mistake was not sideswiping evey bike chasing him into the gaurd rail. He should have never got off the freeway until every motorcycle in his rear view mirror was smashed and laying on it's side with the bloody corpse of it's rider next to it.

Here is a case where if it happened in a state where guns are legal he could have done an "Easy Rider" on em.

Those Bikers were clearly at fault. They brought on ALL of the violence. They deserved ALL of what they got and should have recieved a lot more. Lucky for those assholes HUGGY was not behind the wheel. They would have been picking up bodies all along that freeway.
the idiot on the bike pulled in front of him and immediately slowed down hitting him does not seem to be intentional ..its his own fault the was run over and they are lucky when they cornered him he did not run the rest of the motherfuckers over

Must be a conspiracy then, because he ran right over a few guys on bikes!
Dude the driver is surrounded by a gang of bikers with his wife and kid and some dumbass brake checks him and it's the drivers fault? I wouldn't have even went for the brake.

These punks got what they deserved and they are lucky the driver was a nice guy. I've been involved in gang violence before and I will tell you right now; there would have been 20-30 dead and/or maimed bikers if I was behind the wheel that day.

The guy slowed down he didn't slam on the breaks. No matter what, it doesn't give you the right to run a guy over and then flee the scene.

These weren't gangerster, they were guys that drive bikes! This isn't SAMCRO!

Killing 20-30 guys, OK tough guy!

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