media? pollsters? You're fired! Crooked Hillary? You're goin to jail!

Medusa is dead!!!!

Alex Jones says Trump called him personally to thank him for his election support!
Wanda Sykes gave a Boston crowd the middle finger after they booed her for criticizing Trump!
Liberal Idiot Rahm Emanuel Declares Chicago Will Remain a "Sanctuary City
‘Depressed’ Robert De Niro: Trump Election Makes Me ‘Feel Like I Did After 9/11'
"If the election were based on total popular vote I would have campaigned in N.Y. Florida and California and won even bigger and more easily" - Trump
I'm tired of CNN & rest of the Left calling the Right racist, & then the Right tries to defend. New strategy: Lets call the Left racist.

To be in jail, she would have to have committed a crime. That hasn't happened. She hasn't done anything illegal anywhere, and only liars claim otherwise.

So, you seem to be going full metal Stalinist, and demanding Trumped-up crimes be invented to pin on your political opponents. That's the problem. Many Trump-fans are Stalinist to the very core of their being.

Remember, many of us swore an oath to defend the constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic. You Stalinists are those domestic enemies that we have to defend the nation from.
only total idiots or lying traitors don't see the truth when it comes to her crimes against this country.
I doubt she is going to be investigated again, but if she were and she was not protected by the administration like she has been, she would be going to jail where she belongs for the rest of her miserable shitting in a bag life.
If she were a dog we would just put her down.
"Suck it up buttercup" bill introduced in Iowa.

Directed at all the anti Trump protestors. Love it.
here's all the folks from different parts of the world who Trump has spoken to since his victory so far:


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