media? pollsters? You're fired! Crooked Hillary? You're goin to jail!

"First you take away our slaves. Then you shut down our Ku Klux Klan. And now THIS"

"Hispanics in Florida alarmed by Trump came out in record numbers but not enough to counter the white working class, who were alarmed by four more years of the Clintons; educated, multicultural millennials in North Carolina might power the state’s growing economy but they were overwhelmed by older voters fearful of illegal immigrants; black voters in Philadelphia didn’t love Clinton more than the displaced steelworkers hated the people like her who dealt away their jobs to foreign countries. In the end, Trump gathered a coalition of the angry that added up to more votes than Clinton could pull together by demonizing him as a crazed enemy of the establishment."
GOP Senate candidates won 100% of states Trump carried in 2016. If that holds in 2018, GOP Sen. majority would grow to more than 60!
Republicans have always had the right ideas. We finally found the right champion to lead us!
ironic when wealthy black actors and athletes complain blacks can't get ahead in America!
"The ONLY bad thing about winning the Presidency is that I did not have the time to go through a long but winning trial on Trump U. Too bad!" - President Trump

actually, President Trump, the bad thing is we now have to wait 8 years to see you star, as you promised, in the reality show "Lady or A Tramp", where you pick if a girl is a lady or a tramp!
"Trump's pick for National Security Adviser's office General Michael Flynn told female employees to wear makeup"

Cong Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), the ex-DNC Vice Chair & Iraq War veteran who backed Bernie Sanders, is meeting today with Donald Trump.
In a poll, 97% of respondents said traditional media had ZERO effect on their voting choice.
When Obama says “fake news” is the reason Hillary lost, he’s right. MSM’s obvious anti-Trump agenda sent people looking elsewhere for truth.
The sore losers make fun of how Melania Trump looks & speaks. Do that to Michelle Obama? You're racist.
Where is it written that the POTUS can't punch back against his whining, liberal, sore loser critics? I love it.
Retirement benefits for government workers now eat up 20% of Los Angeles' budget.

Government we can't afford.

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