Media Prediction: Stories about the Kennedy Family's ties to Organized Crime

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
My reasons: The Kennedy family is not really doing much for Democrats politically. RFK Jr. is now a hated anti-vaxxer who is really only paid attention to at all due to his family name.

But most importantly, Trump's lawyer will be using the fact that Kennedy used "fake electors" in the 1960 race against Nixon. Nothing was done about it, because they were not "fake electors" at all, they were alternative electors in case it turned out that the results of Hawaii's election changed. Same as Trump's "fake electors." Nothing fraudulent or illegal about that in any way.

But the media will polute the jury pool by associating Kennedy with crime.

Just my prediction. I had a couple of predictions fail pretty spectacularly recently, but I'm a back on the horse kinda guy.
The globalist elites never embraced the Kennedys. They tolerated JFK for a while, but they were happy to let LBJ and GHW Bush solve their problem when it came down to making war profits.
My reasons: The Kennedy family is not really doing much for Democrats politically. RFK Jr. is now a hated anti-vaxxer who is really only paid attention to at all due to his family name.

But most importantly, Trump's lawyer will be using the fact that Kennedy used "fake electors" in the 1960 race against Nixon. Nothing was done about it, because they were not "fake electors" at all, they were alternative electors in case it turned out that the results of Hawaii's election changed. Same as Trump's "fake electors." Nothing fraudulent or illegal about that in any way.

But the media will polute the jury pool by associating Kennedy with crime.

Just my prediction. I had a couple of predictions fail pretty spectacularly recently, but I'm a back on the horse kinda guy.
You made up that JFK fake elector thing.
Some people really overestimate the importance of RFK jr.

He's a kook who hangs out with kooks. Normal people don't care about him. He's not important enough to waste time on.
You made up that JFK fake elector thing.
Lah-dah-deee . . .

Nixon’s Hawaii electors met and cast their three votes in an official ceremony. But nearby, Kennedy’s three elector nominees gathered and signed their own certificates, delivering them to Washington as though Kennedy had won the state.

The Hawaii episode has become an important flashpoint as prosecutors scrutinize whether the pro-Trump electors broke any laws. Justice Department leaders say the matter is under investigation, and several Democratic secretaries of state and attorneys general have similarly raised the specter of crimes like mail or election fraud. The Jan. 6 select committee is probing the false electors for evidence of coordination with the Trump campaign or White House.
My reasons: The Kennedy family is not really doing much for Democrats politically. RFK Jr. is now a hated anti-vaxxer who is really only paid attention to at all due to his family name.

But most importantly, Trump's lawyer will be using the fact that Kennedy used "fake electors" in the 1960 race against Nixon. Nothing was done about it, because they were not "fake electors" at all, they were alternative electors in case it turned out that the results of Hawaii's election changed. Same as Trump's "fake electors." Nothing fraudulent or illegal about that in any way.

But the media will polute the jury pool by associating Kennedy with crime.

Just my prediction. I had a couple of predictions fail pretty spectacularly recently, but I'm a back on the horse kinda guy.
What twisted logic and reasoning ails you?

and facts: The Kennedy family is active in Democratic politics. RFK Jr. is not hated by most Democrats. Stop projecting what Republicans do when disagreements arise. RFK Jr. -- he's pitied and laughed at.

your unoriginal regurgitation of false facts:

"Right-wing media have resurrected a false comparison to justify Trump’s fake elector scheme that he was recently indicted for, comparing the plot to Hawaii’s legitimately disputed vote count in the 1960 presidential election."

    • When Hawaii voted in a U.S. presidential election for the first time in 1960, the initial tally put Richard Nixon just 140 votes ahead of John F. Kennedy. A recount was conducted, and was still ongoing on December 19, 1960, the day that presidential electors were required by law to cast their ballot.
    • The governor certified Nixon’s slate of electors, given his lead in the initial count. But because the race was essentially a toss-up at that point, Kennedy’s campaign submitted their own slate of electors. The recount eventually revealed that Kennedy had actually won the state by 115 votes. The circuit court then ruled that the state’s three electoral votes should go to Kennedy, and then-Vice President Nixon counted them in the certification of electoral votes before Congress on January 6, 1961.
  • Trump’s alternative electoral voters were not the result of close races or ongoing recounts​

    • Trump and his allies, by contrast, attempted to appoint electors in 7 states where he had undeniably lost. Trump lost New Mexico, one of the states involved in the scheme, by nearly 100,000 votes. In Georgia, two vote counts and an audit proved that President Joe Biden won by about 12,000 votes.
    • Trump’s team did not submit the alternate slates of electors solely because they believed a state would flip in their favor, as was the case with the alternative Kennedy electors in 1960. According to the Associated Press, pro-Trump lawyer Kenneth Chesebro wrote in a December 13, 2020 email that the plan “‘was not to use the fraudulent electors only in the circumstance that the Defendant’s litigation was successful in one of the targeted states.’ Instead, he wrote, ‘the plan was to falsely present the fraudulent slates as an alternative to the legitimate slates at Congress’s certification proceeding.’”
    • The purpose of Kennedy’s alternative voters was simply in the case of a recount coming down in their favor, as it was a legitimate possibility. The goal of appointing alternate slates of electors in the 2020 election was not just in the hopes that one of Trump’s bogus lawsuits would result in any of the states flipping, but was also part of the plan to strong-arm former Vice President Mike Pence and members of Congress to interfere with the certification of Biden’s victory.
    • Trump’s efforts were fueled by baseless conspiracy theories aimed at altering the outcome of the 2020 election. In a 300-page report on Trump’s efforts in Georgia, the Brookings Institute wrote:
Lah-dah-deee . . .

Nixon’s Hawaii electors met and cast their three votes in an official ceremony. But nearby, Kennedy’s three elector nominees gathered and signed their own certificates, delivering them to Washington as though Kennedy had won the state.

The Hawaii episode has become an important flashpoint as prosecutors scrutinize whether the pro-Trump electors broke any laws. Justice Department leaders say the matter is under investigation, and several Democratic secretaries of state and attorneys general have similarly raised the specter of crimes like mail or election fraud. The Jan. 6 select committee is probing the false electors for evidence of coordination with the Trump campaign or White House.
addressed, exposed, refuted: before you attack the messenger, try refuting one single fact in the article.

"Under the circumstances of the Hawaii case, the court-ordered recount created reasonable uncertainty surrounding the vote total, giving the Kennedy electors a justifiable basis for their production of a Kennedy certificate. The 2020 Georgia Trump electors, on the other hand, met and signed their fraudulent certificate on December 14, seven days after the results were recertified (for the second time) on December 7. The governor—a Republican—never approved."

"Furthermore, Nixon’s initial Hawaii victory (pre-recount) was by a margin of only 141 votes, well within the realm of possibility for a recount to change; Biden’s total, on the other hand, was more than 12,000 votes (and still 11,779 after the second recount) greater than Trump’s, a much larger advantage unlikely to be overturned by a recount.

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