Media priorities: Hurricane coverage vs. North Korea vs. Taylor Swift?

What are the right priorities the Media should cover first?

  • A1 Trump should be impeached as a more dangerous mental threat to starting a war than North Korea

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C1 White Supremacists and Nationalists sympathizing with Trump are more a threat to our Nation

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D1 Joel Olsteen and whether he opened up church for evacuees is more a disaster than Harvey

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D2 No, it's whether Melania Trump wears high heels or sneakers to visit Texas that's even worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • E1 This poll is too long and boring, Emily, I'm voting for the Taylor Swift story that I didn't read

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Okay so I'm checking out online what's going on elsewhere in the world
with North Korea vs. all the post-Hurricane Coverage where even rap stars are
coming back and taking part in the healing and helping process using rap.
(Of course my bf said no thanks, that irritates him more than it helps with any FEMA
delays that up to 6 million people are facing at the same time. If that rap was played
as hold music, maybe the wealthy people being helped more with better documented claims
would drop off the line, and leave it open for the poor people with no insurance and without internet access relying on friends' phones to get any information or help at all. FEMA could use it to screen calls between the rich calling from hotels and condos vs. the people being rapped about sitting in the dark without any power or ability to buy a new laptop to process insurance and FEMA claims!)

Instead I happen to see THIS news story, which isn't news:
Taylor Swift getting Boo'ed for trying to prevent press photographers from focusing on her
and at a friend's wedding:

Taylor Swift Attends Best Friend's Wedding -- And Then The Booing Starts

I assume she was trying not to ruin her friend's wedding. Whatever!

Is this non-news because people are burned out on arguing about Trump and the wall, Trump and whether he is more dangerous and insane than both former and current North Korean leaders combined.

What are the priorities here?
Before the storm hit, I was going to post a 3 question poll on what was more critical:
(A1) Trump being more mentally unfit and dangerous than
(A2) either leader of North Korea
Who do YOU think is more a threat of starting a war?
(B1) is the taking down or preservation of Confederate statues more a threat to dividing or saving America and American history tradition and culture or
(B2) the building of the wall across the border or not building it?
(C1) the threat and/or damage done by racist/Neo Nazi's and White Supremacists/Nationalist support of Trump, including the issue of BLM, and who is causing more violence, crime, and violations of civil rights
(C2) or the threat by ISIS and Jihadist terrorists overseas in Europe?

I am trying to get back to the mindset I was in before the storm, and do what I normally would do.
which is post this question, before I got sidetracked. If you'd please answer with any information or perspective you'd like to add, that would help me remember what NORMAL felt like.

And see if I can get back to what was NORMAL for me, which was worrying about how to work two jobs to keep all my credit going I was using for microloans to several nonprofits that run communities in Houston on zero budgets and pure volunteer work.

I will try to post a poll, but may not be able to figure that out anymore.
If I successfully post a three part poll, would you please be so kind as to
answer one or all three questions with whatever you would NORMALLY say?

Thank you so much,
let's try this, okay?
Newsworthy events are usually what the media covers and that newsworthy event is subject to the scrutiny of all the sections of journalism in a media setting..
Last edited:
Newsworthy events is usually what the media covers and that newsworthy event is subject to the scrutiny of all the sections of journalism in a media setting..

Hi Moonglow thanks for replying. And as for what you think is important to the future of our nation? which do you think is critical whether the media gets it right or wrong. How would you prioritize A B C or none of the above?
Okay so I'm checking out online what's going on elsewhere in the world
with North Korea vs. all the post-Hurricane Coverage where even rap stars are
coming back and taking part in the healing and helping process using rap.
(Of course my bf said no thanks, that irritates him more than it helps with any FEMA
delays that up to 6 million people are facing at the same time. If that rap was played
as hold music, maybe the wealthy people being helped more with better documented claims
would drop off the line, and leave it open for the poor people with no insurance and without internet access relying on friends' phones to get any information or help at all. FEMA could use it to screen calls between the rich calling from hotels and condos vs. the people being rapped about sitting in the dark without any power or ability to buy a new laptop to process insurance and FEMA claims!)

Instead I happen to see THIS news story, which isn't news:
Taylor Swift getting Boo'ed for trying to prevent press photographers from focusing on her
and at a friend's wedding:

Taylor Swift Attends Best Friend's Wedding -- And Then The Booing Starts

I assume she was trying not to ruin her friend's wedding. Whatever!

Is this non-news because people are burned out on arguing about Trump and the wall, Trump and whether he is more dangerous and insane than both former and current North Korean leaders combined.

What are the priorities here?
Before the storm hit, I was going to post a 3 question poll on what was more critical:
(A1) Trump being more mentally unfit and dangerous than
(A2) either leader of North Korea
Who do YOU think is more a threat of starting a war?
(B1) is the taking down or preservation of Confederate statues more a threat to dividing or saving America and American history tradition and culture or
(B2) the building of the wall across the border or not building it?
(C1) the threat and/or damage done by racist/Neo Nazi's and White Supremacists/Nationalist support of Trump, including the issue of BLM, and who is causing more violence, crime, and violations of civil rights
(C2) or the threat by ISIS and Jihadist terrorists overseas in Europe?

I am trying to get back to the mindset I was in before the storm, and do what I normally would do.
which is post this question, before I got sidetracked. If you'd please answer with any information or perspective you'd like to add, that would help me remember what NORMAL felt like.

And see if I can get back to what was NORMAL for me, which was worrying about how to work two jobs to keep all my credit going I was using for microloans to several nonprofits that run communities in Houston on zero budgets and pure volunteer work.

I will try to post a poll, but may not be able to figure that out anymore.
If I successfully post a three part poll, would you please be so kind as to
answer one or all three questions with whatever you would NORMALLY say?

Thank you so much,
let's try this, okay?

Who watches the fake news anymore?
Newsworthy events is usually what the media covers and that newsworthy event is subject to the scrutiny of all the sections of journalism in a media setting..

Hi Moonglow thanks for replying. And as for what you think is important to the future of our nation? which do you think is critical whether the media gets it right or wrong. How would you prioritize A B C or none of the above?
It's not about importance it's about relevance and attention spans for media...The media is not in operation for the future of our nation, the media is concerned with their profits to continue into the future..
Newsworthy events is usually what the media covers and that newsworthy event is subject to the scrutiny of all the sections of journalism in a media setting..

Hi Moonglow thanks for replying. And as for what you think is important to the future of our nation? which do you think is critical whether the media gets it right or wrong. How would you prioritize A B C or none of the above?
It's not about importance it's about relevance and attention spans for media...The media is not in operation for the future of our nation, the media is concerned with their profits to continue into the future..

Not always. The media has to be mindful of not pissing off the powers that be.

Survival supersedes profit.
Newsworthy events is usually what the media covers and that newsworthy event is subject to the scrutiny of all the sections of journalism in a media setting..

Hi Moonglow thanks for replying. And as for what you think is important to the future of our nation? which do you think is critical whether the media gets it right or wrong. How would you prioritize A B C or none of the above?
It's not about importance it's about relevance and attention spans for media...The media is not in operation for the future of our nation, the media is concerned with their profits to continue into the future..

Not always. The media has to be mindful of not pissing off the powers that be.

Survival supersedes profit.
Safe to say that the media has made it's money by pissing off the powers that be..

"It's the newspaper's duty to print the news and to raise hell"~ Chicago Times-1861
Newsworthy events is usually what the media covers and that newsworthy event is subject to the scrutiny of all the sections of journalism in a media setting..

Hi Moonglow thanks for replying. And as for what you think is important to the future of our nation? which do you think is critical whether the media gets it right or wrong. How would you prioritize A B C or none of the above?
It's not about importance it's about relevance and attention spans for media...The media is not in operation for the future of our nation, the media is concerned with their profits to continue into the future..

Not always. The media has to be mindful of not pissing off the powers that be.

Survival supersedes profit.
Safe to say that the media has made it's money by pissing off the powers that be..

"It's the newspaper's duty to print the news and to raise hell"~ Chicago Times-1861

Anything impeding the globalist agenda's is supported by the press and will continue to be supported by the press. That means they will take down anyone that defies them, even those in high ranking positions.
Newsworthy events is usually what the media covers and that newsworthy event is subject to the scrutiny of all the sections of journalism in a media setting..

Hi Moonglow thanks for replying. And as for what you think is important to the future of our nation? which do you think is critical whether the media gets it right or wrong. How would you prioritize A B C or none of the above?
It's not about importance it's about relevance and attention spans for media...The media is not in operation for the future of our nation, the media is concerned with their profits to continue into the future..

Not always. The media has to be mindful of not pissing off the powers that be.

Survival supersedes profit.
Safe to say that the media has made it's money by pissing off the powers that be..

"It's the newspaper's duty to print the news and to raise hell"~ Chicago Times-1861

Anything impeding the globalist agenda's is supported by the press and will continue to be supported by the press. That means they will take down anyone that defies them, even those in high ranking positions.
Maybe sectors but not all of the press..
you forgot to mention freedom of expression being threatened by communists
You mean like when football plays want to express their freedoms by not doing the national anthem and them having communist douchebags condemn them and keep them from playing?
you forgot to mention freedom of expression being threatened by communists
You mean like when football plays want to express their freedoms by not doing the national anthem and them having communist douchebags condemn them and keep them from playing? I don't watch sports so i don't really care much although I do think sports stars should be held to a higher standard. Everyone knows all they do is run around setting a bad example, hanging out with strippers and flaunting their cash.
you forgot to mention freedom of expression being threatened by communists
You mean like when football plays want to express their freedoms by not doing the national anthem and them having communist douchebags condemn them and keep them from playing? I don't watch sports so i don't really care much although I do think sports stars should be held to a higher standard. Everyone knows all they do is run around setting a bad example, hanging out with strippers and flaunting their cash.
Ain't life a bitch?
you forgot to mention freedom of expression being threatened by communists
You mean like when football plays want to express their freedoms by not doing the national anthem and them having communist douchebags condemn them and keep them from playing? I don't watch sports so i don't really care much although I do think sports stars should be held to a higher standard. Everyone knows all they do is run around setting a bad example, hanging out with strippers and flaunting their cash.
Ain't life a bitch?

Hell is other people. I kinda wish sometimes for total genocide.
you forgot to mention freedom of expression being threatened by communists

Dear impuretrash: this is a tricky issue. on one hand, no we don't have any direct control over OTHER people and especially what CORPORATE media is going to do.

Even with grassroots democratic media outlets like Pacifica, Politics Happens!
So if the board or either a small or a large group hijacks the process and decides on their own agenda,
the others left out of the loop can't depend on that for their communication and representation.

Both our legal system and govt system are out of control
due to monied and political party interests running things by their priorities.

So we the people are left with our own mouths, minds, and hands typing by social media or online forums. Or making our own videos and youtube channels, to BE OUR OWN MEDIA.

You can call it free speech that we totally control by what WE say or do with our words and actions to communicate values and information to others.

Or you can say that the bigger corporate media is out of our hands.

I think it's both. It's what you make of it.

If we stay informed, check with multiple sources to VERIFY what is true and accurate before spreading it,
and don't let "corporatized media" dictate our reality and perception,
then YES we do have freedom of speech and press.

This is America. We establish rights and freedoms by exercising them.
And that goes for free speech and press, the right to petition,
and due process to redress grievances.

we have these rights as human beings under Natural Laws
and as Americans under the Constitution

Just like the Bible, if we receive Christ and commit to embody the laws, then we HAVE those
governing our relations. We the people BECOME the church body empowered by enforcing those laws.

Similar with the Constitution, if we AGREE to live by these laws,
similar to military and police sworn to uphold the Constitution
and Democratic Principles thereunder, then we SHARE That Authority!

I encourage you to take on this challenge:
if we want free speech we respect free speech and practice it and protect it equally for all people.
Even people we disagree with if we want them to respect us and our rights to free speech as well.

It's the Golden Rule of Reciprocity:
If you want the laws enforced for you, then you enforce the same laws.
And that is what establishes respect for the laws,
when the PEOPLE enforce, embody, and exercise those principles.
you forgot to mention freedom of expression being threatened by communists

Dear impuretrash: this is a tricky issue. on one hand, no we don't have any direct control over OTHER people and especially what CORPORATE media is going to do.

Even with grassroots democratic media outlets like Pacifica, Politics Happens!
So if the board or either a small or a large group hijacks the process and decides on their own agenda,
the others left out of the loop can't depend on that for their communication and representation.

Both our legal system and govt system are out of control
due to monied and political party interests running things by their priorities.

So we the people are left with our own mouths, minds, and hands typing by social media or online forums. Or making our own videos and youtube channels, to BE OUR OWN MEDIA.

You can call it free speech that we totally control by what WE say or do with our words and actions to communicate values and information to others.

Or you can say that the bigger corporate media is out of our hands.

I think it's both. It's what you make of it.

If we stay informed, check with multiple sources to VERIFY what is true and accurate before spreading it,
and don't let "corporatized media" dictate our reality and perception,
then YES we do have freedom of speech and press.

This is America. We establish rights and freedoms by exercising them.
And that goes for free speech and press, the right to petition,
and due process to redress grievances.

we have these rights as human beings under Natural Laws
and as Americans under the Constitution

Just like the Bible, if we receive Christ and commit to embody the laws, then we HAVE those
governing our relations. We the people BECOME the church body empowered by enforcing those laws.

Similar with the Constitution, if we AGREE to live by these laws,
similar to military and police sworn to uphold the Constitution
and Democratic Principles thereunder, then we SHARE That Authority!

I encourage you to take on this challenge:
if we want free speech we respect free speech and practice it and protect it equally for all people.
Even people we disagree with if we want them to respect us and our rights to free speech as well.

It's the Golden Rule of Reciprocity:
If you want the laws enforced for you, then you enforce the same laws.
And that is what establishes respect for the laws,
when the PEOPLE enforce, embody, and exercise those principles.

The federal government needs to step in and break up google, protect our rights.
Okay so I'm checking out online what's going on elsewhere in the world
with North Korea vs. all the post-Hurricane Coverage where even rap stars are
coming back and taking part in the healing and helping process using rap.
(Of course my bf said no thanks, that irritates him more than it helps with any FEMA
delays that up to 6 million people are facing at the same time. If that rap was played
as hold music, maybe the wealthy people being helped more with better documented claims
would drop off the line, and leave it open for the poor people with no insurance and without internet access relying on friends' phones to get any information or help at all. FEMA could use it to screen calls between the rich calling from hotels and condos vs. the people being rapped about sitting in the dark without any power or ability to buy a new laptop to process insurance and FEMA claims!)

Instead I happen to see THIS news story, which isn't news:
Taylor Swift getting Boo'ed for trying to prevent press photographers from focusing on her
and at a friend's wedding:

Taylor Swift Attends Best Friend's Wedding -- And Then The Booing Starts

I assume she was trying not to ruin her friend's wedding. Whatever!

Is this non-news because people are burned out on arguing about Trump and the wall, Trump and whether he is more dangerous and insane than both former and current North Korean leaders combined.

What are the priorities here?
Before the storm hit, I was going to post a 3 question poll on what was more critical:
(A1) Trump being more mentally unfit and dangerous than
(A2) either leader of North Korea
Who do YOU think is more a threat of starting a war?
(B1) is the taking down or preservation of Confederate statues more a threat to dividing or saving America and American history tradition and culture or
(B2) the building of the wall across the border or not building it?
(C1) the threat and/or damage done by racist/Neo Nazi's and White Supremacists/Nationalist support of Trump, including the issue of BLM, and who is causing more violence, crime, and violations of civil rights
(C2) or the threat by ISIS and Jihadist terrorists overseas in Europe?

I am trying to get back to the mindset I was in before the storm, and do what I normally would do.
which is post this question, before I got sidetracked. If you'd please answer with any information or perspective you'd like to add, that would help me remember what NORMAL felt like.

And see if I can get back to what was NORMAL for me, which was worrying about how to work two jobs to keep all my credit going I was using for microloans to several nonprofits that run communities in Houston on zero budgets and pure volunteer work.

I will try to post a poll, but may not be able to figure that out anymore.
If I successfully post a three part poll, would you please be so kind as to
answer one or all three questions with whatever you would NORMALLY say?

Thank you so much,
let's try this, okay?

IMO, OP failure for lack of actual hurricane options.

you forgot to mention freedom of expression being threatened by communists

Dear impuretrash: this is a tricky issue. on one hand, no we don't have any direct control over OTHER people and especially what CORPORATE media is going to do.

Even with grassroots democratic media outlets like Pacifica, Politics Happens!
So if the board or either a small or a large group hijacks the process and decides on their own agenda,
the others left out of the loop can't depend on that for their communication and representation.

Both our legal system and govt system are out of control
due to monied and political party interests running things by their priorities.

So we the people are left with our own mouths, minds, and hands typing by social media or online forums. Or making our own videos and youtube channels, to BE OUR OWN MEDIA.

You can call it free speech that we totally control by what WE say or do with our words and actions to communicate values and information to others.

Or you can say that the bigger corporate media is out of our hands.

I think it's both. It's what you make of it.

If we stay informed, check with multiple sources to VERIFY what is true and accurate before spreading it,
and don't let "corporatized media" dictate our reality and perception,
then YES we do have freedom of speech and press.

This is America. We establish rights and freedoms by exercising them.
And that goes for free speech and press, the right to petition,
and due process to redress grievances.

we have these rights as human beings under Natural Laws
and as Americans under the Constitution

Just like the Bible, if we receive Christ and commit to embody the laws, then we HAVE those
governing our relations. We the people BECOME the church body empowered by enforcing those laws.

Similar with the Constitution, if we AGREE to live by these laws,
similar to military and police sworn to uphold the Constitution
and Democratic Principles thereunder, then we SHARE That Authority!

I encourage you to take on this challenge:
if we want free speech we respect free speech and practice it and protect it equally for all people.
Even people we disagree with if we want them to respect us and our rights to free speech as well.

It's the Golden Rule of Reciprocity:
If you want the laws enforced for you, then you enforce the same laws.
And that is what establishes respect for the laws,
when the PEOPLE enforce, embody, and exercise those principles.

The federal government needs to step in and break up google, protect our rights.

Well, since we're there: Google is behind designing every single non- Apple phone out there.

They've built their tracking into the very heart of Android.

It is "Google Android" after all.

They monitor every damn thing you do, in hopes of selling your info to advertisers.


Text messages.

Web browsing.

Online purchases.

All of it. They do need need broken up, how can such an invasive system even be allowed in America?
you forgot to mention freedom of expression being threatened by communists

Dear impuretrash: this is a tricky issue. on one hand, no we don't have any direct control over OTHER people and especially what CORPORATE media is going to do.

Even with grassroots democratic media outlets like Pacifica, Politics Happens!
So if the board or either a small or a large group hijacks the process and decides on their own agenda,
the others left out of the loop can't depend on that for their communication and representation.

Both our legal system and govt system are out of control
due to monied and political party interests running things by their priorities.

So we the people are left with our own mouths, minds, and hands typing by social media or online forums. Or making our own videos and youtube channels, to BE OUR OWN MEDIA.

You can call it free speech that we totally control by what WE say or do with our words and actions to communicate values and information to others.

Or you can say that the bigger corporate media is out of our hands.

I think it's both. It's what you make of it.

If we stay informed, check with multiple sources to VERIFY what is true and accurate before spreading it,
and don't let "corporatized media" dictate our reality and perception,
then YES we do have freedom of speech and press.

This is America. We establish rights and freedoms by exercising them.
And that goes for free speech and press, the right to petition,
and due process to redress grievances.

we have these rights as human beings under Natural Laws
and as Americans under the Constitution

Just like the Bible, if we receive Christ and commit to embody the laws, then we HAVE those
governing our relations. We the people BECOME the church body empowered by enforcing those laws.

Similar with the Constitution, if we AGREE to live by these laws,
similar to military and police sworn to uphold the Constitution
and Democratic Principles thereunder, then we SHARE That Authority!

I encourage you to take on this challenge:
if we want free speech we respect free speech and practice it and protect it equally for all people.
Even people we disagree with if we want them to respect us and our rights to free speech as well.

It's the Golden Rule of Reciprocity:
If you want the laws enforced for you, then you enforce the same laws.
And that is what establishes respect for the laws,
when the PEOPLE enforce, embody, and exercise those principles.

The federal government needs to step in and break up google, protect our rights.

Well, since we're there: Google is behind designing every single non- Apple phone out there.

They've built their tracking into the very heart of Android.

It is "Google Android" after all.

They monitor every damn thing you do, in hopes of selling your info to advertisers.


Text messages.

Web browsing.

Online purchases.

All of it. They do need need broken up, how can such an invasive system even be allowed in America?

Yeah all these people defending google on the basis of 'muh capitalism' needs to think about what the future will be like. A mega corporation more powerful than the governments of every country in the world, controlling the flow of information, punishing people who don't tow the line...answerable to nobody except the almighty dollar.

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