Media pummels solar industry!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
So I can hardly believe my eyes last night watching NEWS 12 last night, the local outlet serving Long Island and watched by many here!

A TV story slamming the shit out of local solar companies....interviews of local citizens found that they are getting ripped off left and right ( as I've been saying in here for years ). Bill's that go up 3% every year for 15 years ( in the contract ) and these people are already paying higher electric rates than before the installed solar! :ack-1::ack-1:. Customers complaining ( see vid in link ) about hardball sell tactics and bogus claims of lower utility bills.

Sunburned: Solar industry faces complaints over hard-sell tactics

I was sitting on my couch laughing my balls off....thinking of all the Long Islanders seeing this and being like :wtf::wtf::wtf:. Most people naive as hell about how crooked this solar industry is and viewers got to hear they subsidize this kind of fraud.

Of course, when it went to commercial break, said to the wife, "Mama....who's not winning?!!"

By the guys would spit the bit laughing if you ever watched these solar assholes come knocking at my door. Mostly young people doing the sales. My wife rips me after they leave.....she doesnt like my abusive tone. I must admit....sometimes later I feel bad but I figure it's a life lesson for a young person lacking life experience.

These mofu's prey on the in the end, fuck them!:boobies::boobies::cul2:
So I can hardly believe my eyes last night watching NEWS 12 last night, the local outlet serving Long Island and watched by many here!

A TV story slamming the shit out of local solar companies....interviews of local citizens found that they are getting ripped off left and right ( as I've been saying in here for years ). Bill's that go up 3% every year for 15 years ( in the contract ) and these people are already paying higher electric rates than before the installed solar! :ack-1::ack-1:. Customers complaining ( see vid in link ) about hardball sell tactics and bogus claims of lower utility bills.

Sunburned: Solar industry faces complaints over hard-sell tactics

I was sitting on my couch laughing my balls off....thinking of all the Long Islanders seeing this and being like :wtf::wtf::wtf:. Most people naive as hell about how crooked this solar industry is and viewers got to hear they subsidize this kind of fraud.

Of course, when it went to commercial break, said to the wife, "Mama....who's not winning?!!"

Mario Cuomo closed Shoreham, permanently driving up electric rates on Long Island, his son is closing Indian Point and will end up killing people as soon as its offline
By the guys would spit the bit laughing if you ever watched these solar assholes come knocking at my door. Mostly young people doing the sales. My wife rips me after they leave.....she doesnt like my abusive tone. I must admit....sometimes later I feel bad but I figure it's a life lesson for a young person lacking life experience.

These mofu's prey on the in the end, fuck them!:boobies::boobies::cul2:
If a company has to resort to unsolicited door to door sales their product can`t be in the kind of high demand they claim. You need to get that bird who "greeted" that fireman in London:
'Foul-mouthed' parrot swears at firefighter
Crew manager Atinc Horoz climbed up a ladder to save Jessie but was met with a volley of swear words from the parrot, which then flew off.
By the guys would spit the bit laughing if you ever watched these solar assholes come knocking at my door. Mostly young people doing the sales. My wife rips me after they leave.....she doesnt like my abusive tone. I must admit....sometimes later I feel bad but I figure it's a life lesson for a young person lacking life experience.

These mofu's prey on the in the end, fuck them!:boobies::boobies::cul2:
If a company has to resort to unsolicited door to door sales their product can`t be in the kind of high demand they claim. You need to get that bird who "greeted" that fireman in London:
'Foul-mouthed' parrot swears at firefighter
Crew manager Atinc Horoz climbed up a ladder to save Jessie but was met with a volley of swear words from the parrot, which then flew off.

But Old Rocks and the rest of the climate crusaders tell us solar is dominating the energy industry!!
By the guys would spit the bit laughing if you ever watched these solar assholes come knocking at my door. Mostly young people doing the sales. My wife rips me after they leave.....she doesnt like my abusive tone. I must admit....sometimes later I feel bad but I figure it's a life lesson for a young person lacking life experience.

These mofu's prey on the in the end, fuck them!:boobies::boobies::cul2:
If a company has to resort to unsolicited door to door sales their product can`t be in the kind of high demand they claim. You need to get that bird who "greeted" that fireman in London:
'Foul-mouthed' parrot swears at firefighter
Crew manager Atinc Horoz climbed up a ladder to save Jessie but was met with a volley of swear words from the parrot, which then flew off.

But Old Rocks and the rest of the climate crusaders tell us solar is dominating the energy industry!!
They have no clue what`s going on and that includes what`s going on with Google and fake news.
Every time a climate crusader googles something Google first of all will look up what they have on him. Like previous searches and what he clicked on before they give him any search results.
They collect far more information on Old Rocks than he gets from Google while he considers himself as "informed" and anyone else (like Trump) who figured out what Google is doing as ignorant.
See for yourself how quickly Google shuts you down if you go around their blatantly biased search algorithm.
Like using inurl: and intext: putting a few bomb shell words behind each one like what Congress found out about corrupt FBI and DOJ officials. You won`t even get to read what you found because Google will blank out your screen with this message: "Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer network. This page checks to see if it's really you sending the requests, and not a robot. Why did this happen?"
...and below that text they let you know that they noted and archived your ISP address...adding to what they already have on you so far. If people like Old Rocks get all worked up over a few hot days somewhere on this planet instead of what`s really going on then it`s no wonder that Google and the fake news got all their marbles by now.
My solar is free power! Paid off installation is 3 years. Then again I am in the great state of California, all the sun and surf you can handle.
Now those who are paying and have their bills go up are most likely leasing the panels, not buying them.
My solar is free power! Paid off installation is 3 years. Then again I am in the great state of California, all the sun and surf you can handle.
Now those who are paying and have their bills go up are most likely leasing the panels, not buying them.
For most it does not work as well as it did for you in California. I got a few questions if you don`t mind.
How much did it cost and how many Kw with how many panels does it actually deliver on average?
And then there is that buying/leasing problem, which I suspect is not that much different in most parts of the US as it is where I am. Everybody is under the illusion that they bought and actually own it because they read the contract like any of the "free download" Eulas, scrolling down to the "I agree" button.
....and totally missed who really owns the equipment they are paying for:
2.6 Equipment removed from the Building will not be resold, except for scrap purposes, nor will it be transferred or installed elsewhere without prior consent from MH.
The only thing the customer owns are the liabilities:
5.0 Liability
5.1 MH will have no right, title or interest in the Equipment.
The Customer does hereby indemnify and save harmless MH, its agents and employees from all damages, expenses and costs for injury or death of any person, damage to or destruction of property, and all economic loss suffered by any person, regardless of the basis of any such claim,including anything relating to the Equipment or breach of contract or tort, and even if any of the foregoing is caused by breach of contract (including fundamental breach), or by the negligence, gross negligence, negligent misrepresentation or other fault of either party, and even if either has been advised of the possibility of these damages
Who in their right mind would agree to a contract like that?
Would you?
1.8 kw with 8 panels. I paid $15,000 and pay nothing except my $11.09 a month to be connected to the grid sO I can sell my excess generation back to them.
1.8 kw with 8 panels. I paid $15,000 and pay nothing except my $11.09 a month to be connected to the grid sO I can sell my excess generation back to them.
You haven't generated enough power to pay off your system...

Tell me, what is the price they are paying you per k/hr?

Then I will do the math and show you you're wrong.
1.8 kw with 8 panels. I paid $15,000 and pay nothing except my $11.09 a month to be connected to the grid sO I can sell my excess generation back to them.

and pay nothing except my $11.09 a month

What was your old monthly bill?
I really should have asked him for the following;

Old Monthly Bill Amount;
Current Monthly Bill:
Rate at which generated power is paid per Kilowatt Hour:
Yearly Repair/maint Costs:

With this info i can get pretty close to what he actually generates and what he is paid above his consumption. Pacific Corp pays a whopping 0.03 cents/kwh and charges line maintenance fees.
1.8 kw with 8 panels. I paid $15,000 and pay nothing except my $11.09 a month to be connected to the grid sO I can sell my excess generation back to them.
Thanks for the info, but I think you gave me the panel system rating instead of what you actually get out of it.
Even then 1.8 kw peak power is quite low, too low for most households unless nobody else runs cooks something on the stove while you have a hot shower....or if you use gas for all the other appliances that heat something.
Even a small ac sucks back 750 watts that leaves you with only ~ 1000 watts for everything else.
As soon as you use a small microwave oven you are already down to nothing. Meaning you would have to dry your laundry on a clothesline. You won`t find many average size families that would be willing to fork over $ 15 000 and downsize their power consumption to be within that low range.
1.8 kw with 8 panels. I paid $15,000 and pay nothing except my $11.09 a month to be connected to the grid sO I can sell my excess generation back to them.
Thanks for the info, but I think you gave me the panel system rating instead of what you actually get out of it.
Even then 1.8 kw peak power is quite low, too low for most households unless nobody else runs cooks something on the stove while you have a hot shower....or if you use gas for all the other appliances that heat something.
Even a small ac sucks back 750 watts that leaves you with only ~ 1000 watts for everything else.
As soon as you use a small microwave oven you are already down to nothing. Meaning you would have to dry your laundry on a clothesline. You won`t find many average size families that would be willing to fork over $ 15 000 and downsize their power consumption to be within that low range.
Kinda where I was going.... The math does not add up... Pretty much a BS story... but I was going to do it through facts he presented.
1.8 kw with 8 panels. I paid $15,000 and pay nothing except my $11.09 a month to be connected to the grid sO I can sell my excess generation back to them.
Thanks for the info, but I think you gave me the panel system rating instead of what you actually get out of it.
Even then 1.8 kw peak power is quite low, too low for most households unless nobody else runs cooks something on the stove while you have a hot shower....or if you use gas for all the other appliances that heat something.
Even a small ac sucks back 750 watts that leaves you with only ~ 1000 watts for everything else.
As soon as you use a small microwave oven you are already down to nothing. Meaning you would have to dry your laundry on a clothesline. You won`t find many average size families that would be willing to fork over $ 15 000 and downsize their power consumption to be within that low range.
Kinda where I was going.... The math does not add up... Pretty much a BS story... but I was going to do it through facts he presented.
Funnier than that is the argument that solar panels are getting cheaper all the time. As if that would matter because you are not allowed to buy them and install them yourself. The contractors which are accredited to install the system have been inflating their prices by far more than the reduction in solar panel prices.

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